
A conspiracy to forgive a guy to read by the window. Conspiracy on a man to call

Women who attach too much importance to relationships with men in their lives can sometimes be overly intrusive. Simply due to lack of attention from a man, they themselves show it. Men don't always like this. But how can we make sure that a man calls himself when he wants to? In this case, a spell to call your loved one can help.

The action of the conspiracy

The spell to call a loved one works in such a way that it instills in a man’s mind thoughts about a woman, longing for her; in the end, he wants to express this longing, and he calls her. This phone call spell works very well in relationships where the man has sharply shifted his interest to work or another woman. Then a pure rational conversation does not always manage to return him to the space of relationships; in this case, he may simply experience resistance. If you act magically, then everything will happen very unnoticed and environmentally friendly for the man himself.

You can also make a conspiracy to call a man if you want to attract the attention of a guy with whom you are almost unfamiliar. But, if he has open hostility towards you, then you should think carefully about whether to commit such an act. Because in this case, in the person’s mind after the conspiracy, two completely opposite opinions will fight, which will create an intrapersonal conflict for him. One will be a true opinion about the girl, and the other will be imposed through a conspiracy. This will lead to the fact that a person’s behavior will be unstable, as will his psyche.

A man can become quite hysterical; a woman is unlikely to like this behavior. The point is that she will not get exactly the man she fell in love with in the first place. In addition, after the conspiracy, part of his will is suppressed, which means that the main responsibility for the relationship will lie with the girl. And not all girls want to be the leader in a relationship. These nuances should be taken into account before casting such a conspiracy on a person who initially harbors outright hostility towards you.

In what situations should you use a bell spell?

A spell for a man to call will greatly help resolve such life situations:

  • A spell for a phone call from a loved one will greatly help you when your loved one is very far from you. So he went on a business trip and it is clear that at a distance from the woman he loves, his focus of attention may shift to other women. At home, the girl could easily charm him again, but here it would be very effective to use such a spell.
  • They read the spell to call on their own even if the girl had a date with the guy, after which he will not call her first. Moreover, she is almost sure that the sympathy is mutual. In this case, with the help of a magical spell, you can cope with the guy’s shyness, which prevents him from taking the next step.
  • An urgent and strong conspiracy for a phone call can be read if a rival appears on the horizon. In this case, it will be unprofitable to conduct open competition. Women, especially if it is the wife, must show feminine cunning here if she has a desire to save the family. Showing your cards here is not always the best option, because a man may be in the family only because everything has not yet been clarified.
  • An effective ritual can also be performed by a mistress who has the goal of taking a man away from the family. But here this will not be the only proper ritual. We will have to carry out a number of rituals that will help to competently resolve such a love triangle. If you don't do this, you may run into unpleasant consequences.
  • When a couple quarrels, the ritual will also help to ensure that the guy has the courage to call first. Women always want a man to make contact first; they see this as romantic.

Conspiracy on the subject of a date

If a girl goes on a date with a guy who she really likes, then it is advisable to make sure that the guy on the date clearly touches some of her things. What does it mean? This means that you can take a ballpoint pen on a date, for example, and then ask the young man to write something with it. Darling should hold this item in his hands. Then, if suddenly your boyfriend does not show activity and does not call first, then you will cast the following spell on him. Take the object he was holding in his hands and concentrate on it as much as possible. You can remember all the details of the date, his image in detail, and then you need to read this magic word:

“I’m reading your conspiracy for a quick call. I mentally call my beloved for a telephone love affair. If you can't live without me for a day, call me. I call you from the heart, you call me on the phone. You will be the first to appear, you will not wait, neither yourself nor me. I saw what was needed in you, I will become needed for your soul. You will be the most beloved, the most dear, call and check, you did and will do.”

You need to read it very confidently with a clear understanding that your loved one may call any minute. Previously, after such a ritual, girls had to sit by the phone for a day so as not to miss the long-awaited call. Now there are mobile phones, so you can calmly go about your business immediately after using magic. Don’t worry, the white conspiracy will definitely work.

Water and knife spell

This effective spell to receive a call from a dear person is more suitable for situations when you cannot reach your husband, who is on a business trip, maybe you had a fight, and your loved one does not want to get in touch. It's not the fastest, but it's effective. Then, in order to bring the right person into dialogue, it is necessary to perform such a magical ritual.

On Women's Day of the week, it could be Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, take a glass of water, place the glass so that the moonlight hits it. Sit in front of a glass and remember in detail the image of your loved one. If you had a fight with him, then you may also have some negative feelings for him. This moment is needed in order to pull these feelings out. You can even tell yourself what exactly you feel is bad, this is important in order to let go of the pain. If you can already ask for forgiveness at this moment for something bad, then it will be wonderful. Because this is already to establish symbolic contact with a loved one, this is how magic works. Then look at the working magic glass and you need to read the following magic words:

“The water stood still and gained strength. Darling was sighing and waiting for me.”

In this state, the water in the glass should remain until the next Women's Day, which will be this week. That is, if you did the ritual on Wednesday, then continue the ritual on Friday. On the next Women's Day, sit again in front of a glass, if new negative feelings surface, then say them again, it is important to remove the negative emotional charge. Then you need to put a knife in a glass of water and say the following words:

“The dull knife stands in the water, and my darling is sad about me all day.”

The next day, late in the evening, take out the knife and say the following plot:

“The water in the glass moves, my dear one awakens for me. People should be baptized in water, and my dear one will yearn for me. The water is spilling, but my dear one is close to me and will soon meet. If I think about him, I should call him. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

This completes the ritual. The very next day the person will think about you completely differently, he will get in touch. If a girl has a desire to get in touch herself, then she shouldn’t deny herself that either. Perhaps this was previously hindered by pride, which went away after the ritual; who knows that such consequences are also possible.

Conspiracy in a photo of a man

A strong spell to receive a call from your loved one can always be done using his photograph. It used to be difficult to get a photo of a guy you really like, but now, thanks to social networks, everything is very simple. You will need two more candles from the church. Be sure to do this powerful ritual during the waxing moon, then the moon itself will help you in order to hear the voice of your dear one over the phone.

Be alone with yourself. Lock yourself in a room. Light the candles and turn off all electrical appliances. Give yourself a few minutes just to get into the mood for the ritual. Look at the candle flame. This will help calm the thoughts in your head, so the magic will work better. Take a photo of a man, look at him carefully, you need to absorb his image into yourself. Also feel all the emotions that you feel for this person and try to strengthen them. If a response appears in the body, for example, goosebumps appear, it means that you worked well and the energy flowed. At this moment, you can read a conspiracy for your loved one:

“I don’t know a better man, I found you for my beloved. I saw what I needed and fell in love. I want the servant of God (name of the man) to see in me the one who will fulfill all his dreams. Let passion flare up between us, love grow between us like a tree, I send longing for myself to the one I need, let it manifest itself, let it be mine. I want to hear on the phone, even if you want to, I believe you will be mine, only mine. Yours. As it has been said, it will be as it should be, but it cannot be any other way.”

In this ritual it is very important to feel passion and love. The way you feel is how men will feel in relation to you. Therefore, it is important to spend enough time tuning into your condition.

Ritual for a call, a letter from a loved one The magic of life

Spell to call a loved one

For a guy to call - A STRONG CONSPIRACY

After this, you need to hide the photo in a secluded place where no one but you can find it. It is advisable for the candles that participated in the ritual to burn out to the end. You can mentally prepare yourself for the fact that very soon you will hear your favorite voice on the phone.

In the age of telephones, women think: how to get a man to call, they are looking for some kind of magical conspiracy. Ladies have been tremblingly awaiting signs of attention from their lovers. But the time of letters and telegrams has passed. Technical means have become more complex, and the rules of etiquette have become simpler.

Before you make a plot to get a guy to call, think about how much you need it

Now a girl can be the first to dial a phone number or write an SMS message to a guy or loved one she likes. And the stronger sex often shows indecisiveness. However, there are circumstances when taking the first step is completely indecent, and it is difficult to live without this communication. A strong spell for a phone call from a loved one will help.

What needs to be done for the conspiracy to work

Before you make a plot to get a guy to call, think about how much you need it. Do you need exactly that man, do you need him right now, does he love you. It often happens that a girl is simply sad in a bad mood and thoughtlessly, for fun, turns to higher powers. She doesn't even really believe that they will help. In this case, it will be very good if nothing happens, but most often such “jokes” lead to irreversible consequences. After all, any conspiracy, even such a frivolous one as a conspiracy to ring a bell, is an interference in the natural course of events and in the destinies of people.

If you use a strong spell unless absolutely necessary, it can also lead to a strong rollback. A conspiracy to make a guy call or a conspiracy to make a guy write, can only be said if you wish it with all your heart. Think about whether you really can’t live without this and are you ready to be fully responsible for the consequences.

  • If you definitely decide to use a spell on a call, cast aside all doubts about its effectiveness.
  • Imagine your loved one in every detail, as if alive, and not as an image in a photograph. Let the sweetheart in your thoughts look at you with tenderness.
  • Pronounce the words of the conspiracy clearly and rhythmically, gradually increasing their energy. There should be a climax in the middle of the text. You must throw out all the power of your desire and finish the plot more calmly.
  • After reading the plot, do not share your impressions with your friends under any circumstances: neither in case of success, nor in case the magic does not work.

Your secret knowledge is only your knowledge. Your magical experience with all its consequences is only your experience. Magic and talkativeness are two incompatible things. Otherwise, you will cause a lot of trouble for both yourself and your loved one.

Rituals for receiving an important call

If while reading the conspiracy you perform any actions, this is already a ritual; it enhances the effect of the words. When using the simplest objects for magical actions, treat them with care and caution, as if they were living beings. To carry out a simple ritual that supports a conspiracy to make a loved one call, you will need a photograph. It should depict the person you need. Also have a clean sheet of white paper and a pen ready.

For the plot, prepare a blank sheet of white paper and a pen.

Carrying out a ritual for a long-awaited call

  1. Place a piece of paper on your right and a photograph on your left.
  2. Take a pen and read the following words: “My dear, beloved, dear, I will be your guiding star. You quickly take your phone, convey it through the space of words. Know that without me there is neither night nor day. All your work is about me. Stop worrying, call me, dial my phone!”
  3. Write your phone number on a piece of paper.
  4. Place the photograph face down on a piece of paper and read the plot again.
  5. Swap the sheet and photo so that the sheet is now on top. Say the cherished words again.

Despite its simplicity, this plot is very effective. Usually, immediately after the ceremony, the call you wished for is heard.

How to get a call from a guy you don't know

It often happens that after the first acquaintance and exchange of phone numbers, a woman cannot wait for the call. She really wants communication, but her boyfriend doesn’t call anymore.

Try the following method, which is strong enough to get him to dial your number.

  1. When you are alone, dial the number you need, but do not press the call button.
  2. Put the phone to your ear, imagining that the person you are waiting for is talking. Say a few phrases in response. Such techniques are often used in the practice of neurolinguistic programming.
  3. You can enhance the impact by saying the following spell:

    “The forces of the earth, the forces of the water, the forces of the ether! Make sure my beloved (name), my dear, calls me. I hear your words, the phone will repeat them, (name) is already calling me.”

The call may ring immediately, and it will be exactly the right person. To prevent the conversation from taking you by surprise, prepare in advance and show yourself as an interesting interlocutor. What kind of man doesn’t like it when a woman can carry on a conversation with him, and doesn’t just nod in response.

Call after a strong quarrel

A call after a strong quarrel is possible if you resort to a conspiracy

Carrying out the ceremony

  1. Count the numbers on your phone and divide them by two. If this cannot be done, then let one part of the numbers have one more. For example, if the phone consists of eleven digits, one part will have five characters, the other six.
  2. Go to the house where the person you want to talk to lives, pick up small pebbles there, the size of a nut. The number must match one of the parts of your phone's total (for example, five)
  3. Collect the remaining pebbles from your yard.
  4. Without stirring the pebbles, immediately wash them under running water and dry.
  5. Arrange the stones from left to right in this order: a pebble from your yard, a pebble from the yard where your loved one lives.
  6. Place the numbers that make up your phone number on the surface of the pebbles. This needs to be done during the day.
  7. In the evening, light two red candles. Place all the stones in a bag made of black natural fabric and tie it with three knots.
  8. After tying each knot, read the following plot:

    “The numbers are on the pebbles, give my (name) a sign. Let him remember you, think about me. He'll think about me and miss me. If he misses me, let him dial numbers. Call the phone, so be it!”

It is possible that after this ritual, the person dear to your heart will call you often to the point of intrusiveness. Think carefully about whether you need such a result.

Many people believe that modern technology and magic cannot be combined. They are mistaken, since the world of technology and magic is gradually mixing with each other. Magic is the management of our life processes on a subtle level, and if life develops, then magic also develops.

If there is a vital need, perform rituals to achieve your goal. But remember that by performing this or that ritual, you can also be exposed. Treat people the way you would like them to treat you. Then the person you want to be with will never leave you.

Even the closest people sometimes offend each other. Overcoming resentment can be difficult, but life without a loved one also seems unbearable. There is a very strong ritual for getting a call from the person with whom the relationship has been destroyed. This will give you a chance to restore them.

It is not uncommon for girls, waiting in vain for a call from a guy, to turn to magic for help. After all, sometimes you simply don’t have the strength to wait for the cherished call from your loved one. The problem, when a young man suddenly stopped making himself known, also tormented our mothers. But don’t be sad ahead of time, there are special conspiracies and rituals to make a guy call and miss you very much. Don’t worry, there is nothing reprehensible in these magical rituals.

We present to your attention the most effective conspiracies that will make your sweetheart get bored and call you.

You need to understand that any conspiracy is not just words or a poem. A conspiracy is a magical door between the world of desires and possibilities. And only people who follow strict rules for performing conspiracies will be able to open this door, so:

  1. You cannot perform magical rituals unless there is a special need for it. Any magical action is performed only out of great desire and need.
  2. The power of the conspiracy lies in its secrecy. Under no circumstances should you talk about what you have planned or already accomplished, even to your closest people. Knowledgeable people claim that when disclosed, the conspiracy loses its power.
  3. Before conspiring, it is necessary to cast aside all doubts. Say to those who are unsure of the fulfillment of what they want: “Shoot!”, and only then begin the ritual.
  4. When imagining your lover, draw his image in front of you as vividly as possible. Try to remember how he blinks, squints, smiles, laughs.
  5. Any magical act has its own rhythm of execution. Love spells always begin calmly; towards the middle of the ritual, a strong surge of emotions occurs, after which peace follows.
  6. Each phrase from the prayer is pronounced confidently, in tune with the word: “I know for sure!”

The most effective conspiracies and rituals to make a young man get bored and call

Conspiracy on a piece of paper

In order for a guy to get bored with you and start calling you, you first need to arm yourself with a piece of paper. But this must certainly be a piece of paper from his personal use. For example, you can tear out a page from his notebook or notebook. Any postcard borrowed from him or given by him will also be suitable. In general, anything, as long as the thing comes into contact with his energy.

So, take the leaf with your left hand, press it to the heart area, and imagining your loved one in front of you, say the following words:

“My dear, be with me!
Sun and moon, sky and earth,
dove with dove
servant of God...(name of loved one)
calls on the third day!”

If the whole ritual is carried out correctly, the guy will call you within three days.

Spell for a glass of water

The spell for a glass of water is read exactly at midnight. Take a glass of clean water in your palm and say the following prayer:

“You are water, water, let me drink,
so that the servant of God (name of the beloved) can fall in love with me.
He can't sleep on a dark night,
He languishes in sadness and longing.
Take the phone, call me (your name)
and find love!”

After reading the prayer, you need to drink water and go to bed.

Spell on a scarf

To make a guy call a girl as soon as possible, you can use a handkerchief. The handkerchief ritual is done only for the moon in its waxing phase. Take a new handkerchief and make the young man touch it. It is not necessary to intrusively offer the guy to pick up a scarf. A light touch will be enough.

When the fabric has already come into contact with the energy of the sweetheart, you can perform the ritual. At midnight, looking at the growing month, tie two knots along the edges of the scarf, saying:

“I tied a knot in a handkerchief,
your name, my beloved, I guessed.
Your heart aspires only to me,
And may you dream of my face.
In the morning, pick up the phone and dial my number!”

The handkerchief must be carried with you, not shown to anyone until the young man calls. After the man calls, the knots can be untied.

Spell for phone beeps

To complete this plot, you need to know the guy's phone number. Dial the young man's mobile number, without the last digit. Next, before the beeps start, you need to quickly say the words:

“Call because you want to hear me,
Call - because you want to see me.
Call me because you want to love me.
Call - you can’t live without me.”

You need to call while reciting the spell for 3 days in a row.

Phone spell

In order for a guy to call a girl as soon as possible, there is another spell for the phone. To perform it, you need to sit comfortably and hold the communication device in your palm. Close your eyes and imagine the image of your loved one in bright colors, while at the same time say the following prayer:

“God's servant (name of loved one)!
You don't eat, you don't drink, -
and you will find peace,
When you don't call me
tell us about yourself."

The more vividly you imagine your lover, the faster the plot will work.

Conspiracy in the photo

Making a spell in a photo will be more convenient for girls who cannot mentally visualize a partner. To perform this magical act, you will need a photo of your lover. Sitting comfortably in a chair and looking at the guy’s photo, say the words of the prayer of the previous conspiracy.

SMS for the guy to miss you and call

In order for the object of your dreams to get bored and call you soon, you need to write an SMS to your loved one with the following content:

“(Lover’s name), please call me!”

Then mentally dial the young man’s mobile number and send an SMS. You need to send such SMS within nine days, but most likely your lover will delight you with his voice much earlier.

Spell on a phone number

Take a blank piece of paper and write the guy’s mobile number on it, write your mobile number next to it. Draw an arrow from his number to yours. Next, the paper should be placed in a secluded place, and after the beloved calls, it should be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind.

A plot to make a guy call after a quarrel

Quarrels often occur between lovers, after which there is a pause in the general situation. This period is especially painful for girls, but not every one of them can call a guy and sort things out. There is a conspiracy to ensure that the right person calls. It will be implemented in stages:

  1. You need to take and divide the number of digits of the number by 2. If the number is not divisible without a remainder, take note of the larger number.
  2. You need to go to the entrance of your loved one and collect stones the size of a coin. The number of pebbles must correspond to half the number of digits of the phone number. The other half of the pebbles should be collected from your yard.
  3. At home, the stones need to be washed, but without mixing them. The washed stones are laid out from left to right, alternating them (a girl’s stone, a guy’s stone, and so on).
  4. In order, they write their phone number on a pebble.
  5. In the meantime, you need to sew a bag with drawstrings from black fabric, and all the pebbles should fit in it.
  6. At dusk, you need to light 2 candles and read the following plot:

“Pebble on pebble. Number on a pebble.
From numbers number. From the phone number.
A voice from the phone. Pebble knock-knock.
Knock-knock buttons. The number showed up.
A voice appeared. His thoughts
About my heart, my beloved
Pick up the phone! Amen"

Say the words of the prayer so many times until you feel enough. Remember that this conspiracy is most suitable for people who are in conflict and are already in close relationships.

Powerful Ritual

This ritual is quite effective and after the first reading of the prayer the guy can call. To complete it you need to arm yourself with the following items:

  • Pen;
  • Photo card of a loved one;
  • Blank sheet of paper.

Let us remind you that you need to go to a magical ritual only with pure thoughts and only out of great need. In addition, all ritual objects must be treated as things of high art. Emphasized respect for objects used in magical performances will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the ritual. So let's get started:

  1. Place the items on the table in the following order: photograph on your left hand, paper on your right, writing instrument directly in front of you.
  2. Sit down, pick up a pen and say a prayer.
  3. Then place the paper in front of you and read the prayer.
  4. Next, write down your mobile number on a blank piece of paper and read the plot again.
  5. Take the photo card and place it so that the front side completely covers the phone number, and say the prayer again.
  6. Then turn the photo over along with the paper, the paper should be on top of the photo card.

“My dove, (the name of the person you are addressing) is mine, my desired, long-awaited one!
Remember, remember! How good it was for us.
Remember, remember! I opened my heart to you.
Soon soon! Remember my number.
Soon soon! Make an appointment.
Not this week. Not the other day. This minute!
I'll be waiting for your call!

After the ceremony, the guy must call on the third day. But this is not at all a reason to share your achievements with your friends. Remember, you have an agreement with higher powers to keep everything you have done in deep secrecy.

A ritual to make a man miss you

This ritual is performed after a major quarrel and has great power. Therefore, you should think carefully about whether you really want to be with this person? And if you have clearly decided that you need a young man, this magical ritual will help you make peace and make the guy bored.

To perform the ritual you need to take a number of steps:

  1. Add up all the numbers on your mobile phone and divide them by two.
  2. Go to the guy's yard and collect stones equal to half the number of your phone number. The stones should be no larger than a five-ruble coin.
  3. Collect the other half of the stones from your yard. It is advisable to collect pebbles as close to the entrance as possible.
  4. At home, wash the stones and let them dry thoroughly. Do not mix stones from different yards yet.
  5. Sit at the table and arrange the pebbles as follows: from his yard, from your street, etc.
  6. Next, take a marker and write down the numbers of your phone number on the pebbles in order.
  7. Then prepare a black bag (it is advisable to sew it yourself).
  8. As soon as the sun disappears behind the horizon and the moon appears in the sky, light two candles and begin putting pebbles into a bag, saying the words of the prayer.
  9. Next, tie the bag of pebbles tightly with a cord into three knots. For each of the nodes we also recite the words of the ritual prayer.

Ritual prayer:

“Nav! Reality! Correct! I hear your words.
Correct! Nav! Reality! They are running before me.
Reality! Correct! Nav!
They sound in thoughts so that they appear in reality!
Phone ring
Repeat the words!

As mentioned above, the conspiracy is very effective and after it the man will feel real dependence on the woman. Therefore, before the magical ritual, think carefully about everything.

Salt and water spell

If you want a guy to call a girl first, you can use an effective salt and water spell. To perform the ceremony you will need the following items:

  • Salt;
  • A glass of clean water;
  • handkerchief;
  • Scarlet lace
  • Candle and matches.

Stages of a magical ritual:

  1. Place the candle on an empty table and light it.
  2. Place a handkerchief between the burning torch and you.
  3. Build a circle from the red cord on the scarf. The more rings you get, the better.
  4. Place a bowl of clean water in the central part of the circle.
  5. Take a container of salt in your palms and imagine how your sweetheart dials your mobile number and gets through. When your imagination draws the desired picture, place the salt back on the table.
  6. Next, take a vessel with some water, and clasping it with your palms, imagine how the guy calls you with great impatience and trepidation. Place the water on the table.
  7. After this, take some salt from the salt shaker and immediately pour it back. Do these manipulations 2 times, and the third time, throw a pinch of salt into a container of water, saying:

“Like salt in water, Thoughts about me
Dissolves in you. High shores,
There is water among them, I am the only one
You need. The circle closes
Cute smiling Phone in hand -
Calling me! Amen"

  • After the ritual, half of the charmed water needs to be watered on the plant with a male name, and the other part on the plant with a female name.

It has long been known that women do not always find it easy to take the first steps towards their loved ones with the help of words. And not all ladies can talk openly about their feelings. So what now, sit in girls all your life because of your timidity and indecisiveness? Not at all, our great-grandmothers used the magic of white magic and did not see anything criminal in it. So why don’t we use the knowledge of our ancestors to bring the desired man a little closer?

A simple call spell

There is a fairly simple conspiracy to call, the implementation of which does not require any attributes of magic. First, just visualize the image of your loved one and cast the following spell:

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and talk to me? I’m a stately, pretty girl, good for everyone and everything, and for you - beloved. Take your phone and call me quickly. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

The girl must sincerely believe that her wish will come true and that her loved one will call.

There is another simple conspiracy to get a loved one to call. For the ceremony, they take a photo of the guy and a piece of paper on which the girl’s phone number should be written. The sheet is placed on the photograph so that the written number is at the level of the young man’s head. In this case, you need to read the following spell 3 times:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful!
Remember how good it was for us, open your heart and soul.
Quickly remember my number, make a date soon!”

The photo with the leaf is left overnight. In the morning, the paper with the phone number is burned and the ashes are scattered in the wind. Throughout the entire ritual, it is necessary to visualize the image of your loved one.

Night spell to call the right person

What to do if a woman does not have a photograph of her beloved man, but she is waiting for a call and does not dare to call first? In this case, a conspiracy that needs to be read at night is suitable. Here is the text of the spell:

“There is a city in Russian land, and in that city there is a stately house. My beloved lives in the house (name of the young man), he calls himself.
One (the name of the young man) is bored, does not know happiness and fun at all.
He will take his phone in his hand and dial my number by heart.
He will invite me on a date and find happiness with me alone.”

Simple magical rituals do not influence a person’s fate, but simply allow you to remind yourself, call and set up a date, which can be the beginning of a happy relationship.

You can take note of another simple plot. To call a bell, you need to go to the window and read the following plot 9 times through the open window:

I call (my name) you (the man’s name) right up to my porch. I place you (man’s name) angels-guides, two on the sides, one in front, the other behind, dear (man’s name) you lead to me, thoughts (man’s name) to (your name) look, legs (man’s name) to ( bring your name, bring it to my threshold. Remembering, come back to me not in a dream. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell for an urgent call from a loved one

There is another conspiracy for an urgent call from a loved one. For a magical ritual, you need to prepare a red tablecloth or sheet and a candle of the same color. You also need to take your phone. The table is covered with a tablecloth, a lit red candle is placed and the phone is placed face up. Without taking her eyes off the phone, the girl imagines in detail the future conversation with her lover, after which she reads the plot out loud:

If there is a family quarrel and the husband leaves home, you can call him using a ritual, which requires a joint photo. Above the photo you need to read the following conspiracy:

“Remember our happiness, remember our joy,
remember how good I am, how desirable I am.
I am your joy, I am your happiness, I am your love.
Dispel your sadness, dial my number, our happiness is at the gate.”

After some time, the spouse will want reconciliation and return home.

Gypsy ritual on call

A strong spell to call your loved one

In order for your loved one to remember and call immediately, you can resort to an energetically strong magical ritual that will work immediately. But we must take into account that such a ritual can have the most unpredictable consequences, since it implies interference in a person’s fate.

For a magical ritual, take a beautiful red candle, a piece of paper and a pen with black ink. They light a candle, write the lover’s name on a piece of paper, and then burn the paper with the flame of the candle. While the paper is burning, you need to read the following plot three times:

“Body and soul burn on fire until you call me!”

Under the influence of the ritual, the young man will experience great suffering until he allows the girl who has decided to undergo the magical ritual. Therefore, before using this method, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Prayer for a call from the right person

If a woman is a believing Orthodox Christian, then she can resort to prayer and ask God to receive news from the person of interest. Before reading the prayer, you need to visit an Orthodox church and light a candle near the image of the Saint. First you need to cross yourself, bow and read the following prayer mentally or out loud:

“As water moves, so does my dear awaken, so does water become baptized, so does my dear yearn for me. Like water spilling, my dear one meets me so close. As I go to the crossroads, my dear one is on his way. How can I make a wish about him, so he will run to me. Darling, go, hurry to meet me.”

When I lie down I pray, when I get up I get baptized.

Under the ground there is a worm, above the ground there is a beast.

The sun and moon are higher and I am alone.

As I think

As I think

So may the Lord God bless you,

Our Lady helps.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

In reading the prayer you need to invest maximum faith and gratitude for the desired result.


It is important to remember that the ritual of receiving a call or message from a loved one can only help if the person has sympathy for the girl. If a man is completely indifferent to a woman who dreams of calling him, then love magic is unlikely to help build a strong relationship based on mutual feelings. In addition, the ritual may be useless if the chosen man does not have the telephone number of the lady who has fallen in love with him.

Love rituals in response to a call from the person you like cannot be practiced out of pure curiosity or out of a desire to avenge a broken heart, because in this case magic can have devastating consequences.

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Many are of the absolutely unfair opinion that only the weak female sex solves its “contrived” problems through magic. How wrong they are! Men are also no strangers to “magic” remedies. For example, the plot “to make your beloved call” is absolutely popular. There are situations when you cannot take the initiative yourself. And this is not a sign of weakness at all. You just need to endure it for a while, give the girl the opportunity to “make her own decision.” But leaving the process to chance is very dangerous, even risky. In this case, it is recommended not to dismiss magical help. She will strengthen your confidence and give her the opportunity to feel tender and loved. Let's look at how this is done.

How does the conspiracy work?

In order for your loved one to call, you need to perform a number of “operations”. At the same time, an important place is given not to words, but to thoughts and feelings. That is, the ritual is more effective the more of your own energy you put into it. It’s not like a genie will jump out and do all the work for you. In fact, the process is carried out “in-house”. Only you yourself can create an energy bridge with your beloved, through which the desired message will pass. Strong conspiracies simply increase the power of a given connection and help concentrate your intentions at the right point. This can be represented as follows. You need to create a thought form and enter it into the favorite field. She will start working there and pushing the girl to the right decision. Certain words are practically pronounced, that is, conspiracies are read. The best methods are based on the ability to create a certain mood, that is, to concentrate and direct an emotional message. But let's take things in order.

Creating the right mood

Guys should understand that a girl likes to feel constant care. Not to be confused with total control! Imagine that you have wrapped her in the softest blanket and are rocking her in your arms. This must be imagined while concentrating on her pleasure. The plot “to make your beloved call” can be read only when you completely “grow together” with this feeling, that is, you begin to perceive it as real. Any help will do for this. If your imagination is bad, then look at her photo, hold in your hands the thing she touched. The rest is a matter of practice. You need to be able to dream, create thought forms, then your magic (spells) will become highly effective. Be sure to think about how you love the girl, how you want to protect, care, and patronize her. The inclusion of egoistic desires in the thought form is unacceptable. Or rather, it will completely disavow your efforts. In other words, you will be wasting your time. There will be no effect.

Prepare for the ritual (internally)

You know, there is an unwritten rule: the higher the level of your own energy, the more effective the conspiracy. In order for your beloved to call, you need to “get” her. That is, to break through the shell of its field. Energetically this is not an easy task.

It can even be easier to bewitch, since they use “contact” attributes. And the call to your loved one is made remotely. In general, it’s probably understandable. It is necessary to raise the level of your own energy. Do you know who has it high? A happy, joyful person! So you need to cast aside despondency and anxiety and fill yourself with positivity. Decide for yourself how to do this. Physical activity will help some, music will help others, a good movie or book will help others. There are two restrictions: no alcohol and aggression. The energy will go to waste. Egregors of alcohol and aggression will “drink” it without a trace.

Prepare for the ritual (externally)

Have you seen how real magicians work? At least in the movies? They create special “scenery” for their work. This makes some sense. They are helped by special things from which they draw strength. And a home magician also needs a “magical” environment.

It will not allow you to be distracted or dissipate energy. It is imperative to turn off communications and electrical appliances in general. You may not believe it, but your power may well flow through the wires if an experienced vampire is nearby, and in other cases. That is, turn off everything for the duration of the ritual, perform it alone. And you shouldn’t tell others about your practice. It could hurt. Strong conspiracies love silence and secrecy. Please note that energy (that is, your magical message) can be redirected at any time. And there are enough people around, you just don’t see or feel them. These are not only people or magicians, but also egregors, entities, and so on.

Conspiracies are fast

Stand in front of the mirror, tune in. Write your loved one's number on its surface with your finger. Say once: “The raven is looking for a dove, but does not peck it, but gives it grain. Go raven on my business, to the beloved (girl's name) to the limit. Bring sadness into your heart, and bring your phone to you. Let him dial my number, suffer from melancholy and boredom! The word is strong and molding. As soon as I turn away from the mirror, I will meet my beloved! Amen!" Now you need to cover the surface with an opaque cloth and wait for the desired call. Another quick conspiracy. It can be read at any time, but its effectiveness is not very great. Depends on concentration. Look at the star (whichever one exists at the moment) and say: “A cart rides through the sky, interferes with the stars and the sun, assigns day and night to the planet! I will stretch out my hands to her to add boredom to my beloved (girl’s name). So that she stopped eating and drinking, she only suffered for me! Let him desire my words more than others. Amen!"

Ritual to call

It is carried out with Take a sheet of paper and (preferably paint). Light a candle and write your loved one’s phone number on a piece of paper. Read seven times: “I lie down, praying, I get up, crossing myself. The earth hides worms, forests and fields hide animals! The fish love the water, and the stars have more fun in the sky. Only the beloved dove (name) does not know peace, she suffers from boredom. May the Lord bless and unite us with a word! Amen!" You can read home conspiracies at least every day if you wish. There is no harm from them. But don't forget to set yourself up correctly. It is recommended to constantly keep the image of your beloved girl in your head. She will definitely feel it. Yes, the answer will come to you too. You just need to “catch” him. Some will imagine her voice, others will smell the scent of perfume. Don't be alarmed. This is a sign that the conspiracy has begun to take effect.

Conspiracy with mirrors and photos

If you have an image of your beloved, then use it in the ritual. Place two small mirrors at an angle to each other. Position the photo so that it is reflected in both. Read aloud: “A maiden wanders from world to world. It's no good for anyone anywhere! My bird suffers and suffers. The question torments everyone: who is my destiny? Don't cry, don't suffer, dial my number. As soon as you hear my voice, your heart will understand that it has found peace! With a word I seal, I lock the worlds! Amen!". Now place the photo between the mirrors and tie it with white ribbon. They cannot be opened until the call comes.

Window spell

This ritual is performed near an open window. You need to take a sheet of paper. Write the words of the conspiracy on it: “Lord, forgive me! Mother of God, let me go free! Bless my desires. I want to hear the bell before dawn! Not from the Temple or Monastery. And so that my beloved (name) calls! Lord, forgive the sinner! Let both suffer! Amen!" Now tear the sheet into small pieces and throw it out the window with the words: “Fly to your beloved, hurry, bring news from her!” Now expect your wishes to come true. If you did everything correctly, you will soon rejoice. Just don’t get lost, take the relationship into your own hands!

Missing a loved one is very difficult. Especially if there is no news from him. I really want to see on the phone display an incoming call from a person dear to my heart, but it’s still not there. And there is a situation when a call from the guy you like is expected for so long, but is never heard on the phone. You never know, the guy met a girl, wrote down her phone number, but is in no hurry to call. As a result, over time, the acquaintance was forgotten, the number was erased from the phone book. But everything could have been much better.

Conspiracy to make your loved one call

This version of the slander is performed in order for the guy to call. The spell is suitable for those cases when the acquaintance is not very old, or better yet completely new.

You will need an object that the guy touched. The ideal option would be if there is one of his things. Well, for example, a business card, a pen, a button or something else. You need to take this thing in your right hand and looking at it you need to clearly imagine the image of a guy. If you can’t remember a guy’s face, then you shouldn’t remind him of yourself. Perhaps this is not the person you should seek a meeting with at all.

So, holding an object in your hand and imagining the image of a guy, you need to say the following words 9 times in a row:

Dear, dear (name)

Why are you silent?

To the white beauty (name)

Do not write

Don't call

Quickly pick up the phone

And dial the number (say the number)

Your soul will be filled with happiness!

It is necessary to pronounce words without distraction, with soul and hope for success.

While reading the plot to get a guy to call, you can imagine this person even more clearly and clearly. You can imagine his voice and how he speaks some words into the phone receiver.

If a husband or loved one forgot about his wife

There is one conspiracy to call the one who loves. But, this version of the spell is suitable for situations when the husband has forgotten about his wife and does not call or show up at the doorstep. Or a guy with whom he has already been in a long-term relationship suddenly stopped reminding himself of himself.

For this version of the hex, you will need a photo of your loved one. It's best to take a photo with your husband (or boyfriend). Holding the photo in front of you in your right hand, you need to say 7 times:

Remember our happiness

Remember our days

Remember me

Dispel the sadness

Meet our happiness

Dial my number.

When pronouncing the words described above, you must also clearly imagine the image of your loved one and remember his voice. But when it comes to established relationships, this point is not at all difficult to fulfill.

Prayer for your loved one to call

You can try using special prayer words to get your loved one to call. This reminder option is suitable for those girls who go to church.

The following words must be said once in the morning, a second time at lunch and a third time before going to bed.

I'll lie down and pray

I'll get up and be baptized

The sun is high

The moon is far away

And I'm still alone

How do I think

How do I decide

So may the Lord bless

And the Mother of God will help

Servant of God (name) remember about Servant of God (name)

Remind me of you with a phone call

If the image of a woman lives in a man’s heart, and his feelings for her have not faded away, he will definitely start to get bored and call.

Ritual for magic stones

For this ritual you will need to collect as many stones as there are numbers in your own phone number. It is important to choose even, beautiful stones. They don't have to be big. But, you need to take stones of a size that will accommodate the numbers. Having brought the pebbles home, they need to be thoroughly washed and dried. On each individual stone you need to write one number from your phone number. Then the pebbles need to be put into a cloth bag made of red or pink fabric. You need to sew the bag yourself.

Then you need to shake the bag and say:

Like my numbers are written on stones

So my number will be imprinted in the memory of my beloved

How pebbles knock against each other

So the heart of my beloved (name) will pound for me (name)

My beloved (husband, boyfriend, person) call

My phone number is burning in his heart!

After pronouncing the words, the bag of stones needs to be hidden. The ritual can be repeated no more than 2 more times. If a person never calls, perhaps fate did not provide for this or he lost his phone number.

Why sometimes such a desired, expected call never comes through the phone? No matter how sad it is to admit it, people do not always reciprocate and not every man they like will certainly pay attention to the woman in love. Don't be too upset if the guy doesn't call. Surely, time will pass and the opportunity will arise to exchange phone numbers with another person who will definitely call.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, there is no shame in calling first. If the guy left his phone number, you can try to dial this number yourself. But it is important to pause and give the opportunity to take the first step. If after a week there is still no call, you can call yourself and ask how things are going. What if the guy simply lost his number or was hampered by modesty and self-doubt.