
How to sew a hidden hook on a dress. How to sew and attach shoulder straps to a shirt

How to sew hooks beautifully and correctly? Where and when is it needed? Let's consider some points:
- in finished products: skirt, coat, trousers;
- in linen products -

In finished products: Wedding Dress, skirt, coat, pants.

Hooks and loops are used in products if:
- Imitation of a fastener on a dress is necessary. I explain - decorative buttons are sewn for beauty, and under them there is a hook and loop fastener
- when it is difficult to match buttons to the color of the product;
- when the fabric of the product is very thick: drape, denim;
- V men's trousers;
- when your machine does not perform the "loop" function;
- or in addition to the fastener to strengthen a certain place on the product. I explain: the woman has large breasts and wears fitted blouses. As a rule, the clasp diverges at the chest line. This is where the hook and loop is needed.

What are hooks and loops?

Various sizes and shapes; metal and plastic; covered decorative; for underwear and outerwear, also hand-made loops,

Hooks are easier, they are mostly not visible on the front side. But the loops do not always fit ready-made. Then we make it by hand. How to do it? We count the width of the loop and the number of loops, multiply this figure by 4, we get the desired length for making a cord for the loop. The length can be longer, cutting off the excess is not difficult. If only one loop is needed, take 10cm for calculation. Watch the video tutorial below.

How to sew hooks and loops in underwear?

If you sew a bra and panties for yourself, then you have come across. Often it is not possible to choose a ready-made bra fastener by color, length and number of rows of loops. It is very easy to do it yourself, get a master class for FREE on making a pattern for a clasp and the sequence of sewing a clasp
It will not be difficult for you to lengthen and calculate a pattern of any width and any number of loops. It is necessary to take into account the distance between the hooks and loops on both sides, and leave the width of the pattern from 07cm-1cm.
Speaking of underwear. Sewing underwear is not difficult. By studying my lessons you can have a wonderful collection of lingerie.

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Many cadets and conscripts are thinking about how to attach shoulder straps to a shirt. There are several options for how to do this. Someone offers not to suffer and hand over clothes to the atelier, while others are considering independent option affixing these insignia.

Simple Ways

There are several such options: on a match, on a pin, on an edge, on a paper clip.

  • Clip attachment. In order to understand how to attach shoulder straps to a shirt with this method, you must follow the following steps step by step. First of all, the insignia themselves and the shirt must be carefully ironed. This action is performed so that they lie better on the shirt. With this method, they are attached using a paper clip, which is threaded through a button, to secure it to a shirt. With this option, the paperclip holds the button well and thus it stays in one place.

  • Fastening the shoulder strap with a pin. How to fasten shoulder straps with a pin? This mounting method is not entirely reliable. Since the shoulder strap attached in this way is constantly moving. The pin has to be bent in a special way so that it holds it well. This is very inconvenient because the pin has the ability to open at the most unexpected moment.
  • Mounting on the edge. This option is suitable for fastening shoulder straps in certain military units. It is attached to a special edging, which is sewn along with it to the shirt. This option is quite reliable, but if you want to wash a shirt, you will have to rip off the shoulder straps along with the piping, which is not always convenient.
  • Match mount. How to attach shoulder straps to a summer shirt with a match? This is a folk way of fastening. This option is not spelled out in any charter, but it has been used for a long time. The match is threaded into the eye of the button so that it holds well. But the unreliability of this method is in doubt. A match can break at the most unexpected moment.

Correct Method

There is a correct method for attaching shoulder straps to a shirt. How to fasten shoulder straps correctly? For a good result, you must perform the following steps.

  1. First you need to determine the location. The shoulder strap should be placed so that the straight edge and the badges are at a distance closer to the seam on the shoulder. The insignia is attached along this seam. Its upper part should recede by 10 millimeters, otherwise there is a possibility of the shoulder strap hanging in one direction or another. The edge, which is smaller in size, should be placed parallel to the seam connecting the sleeve.
  2. In order to qualitatively attach shoulder straps to a shirt, it is necessary to determine the type of shoulder strap. If they are made of rigid material, then they should be fixed. In the case of its manufacture from soft fabric, it is sewn on. You need to be well versed in the types of shoulder straps in order to do everything right.

Preparation of insignia

On any pursuit of a certain type of troops, insignia must be present. These signs include tags, asterisks and other shape attributes. How to attach insignia to shoulder straps?

Before attaching a shoulder strap, you need to take care of its design. Stars are attached using various tools. To do this, you need to measure the desired distance prescribed in the charter and make a hole with an awl. Then, it is necessary to insert a star into the resulting hole, after bending the legs and fixing it on the surface of the shoulder strap. There are false shoulder straps on the field uniform. Stars on this type of shoulder straps are not attached, they are made and embroidered in a factory way.

How to fix straps on shoulder straps? The number of stripes on shoulder straps depends on the rank. The corporal must have one narrow tab, the junior sergeant has two and the sergeant has three narrow tabs. The senior sergeant is required to have one stripe 15 millimeters wide. All of them are fastened like stars with the help of legs and an awl. Before making holes in the chase, it is necessary to outline the future attachment point with a pencil.

Fastening on the shirt

How to fasten shoulder straps on a shirt securely and with the help of improvised means? In order to do this, you will need the following materials: two buttons on a leg, two buttons with holes, a paper clip, threads with a needle, scissors, a cutter, pliers, adhesive tape.

  • The paper clip must be unfolded and cut into two identical parts. One part of the paper clip needs to be bent so that it ends up resembling the English letter "W". The middle part needs to be bent up a little.
  • Next, you need to take a button on the leg and insert it into the shoulder strap. On any pursuit there is a hole for a button. That's where we put it. The next step is to position the paper clip inside the button. Carefully place the paper clip inside the leg. Thanks to this device, the button is fixed quite tightly on the chase.
  • With the help of a thread and a needle, it is necessary to sew a bartack on the chase. For reliability, the thread is circled around the paper clip several times and the buttons are threaded into the leg.
  • It is necessary to sew another button with two holes to it. With this method, a double button is obtained, the lower part of which can be threaded into a shirt. How to fasten shoulder straps on a shirt with this button? In a military shirt, at the place where the epaulette is attached, there must be slots for buttons. It remains only to pass the button through the slit on the shirt.

But how easy is it to put shoulder straps on a uniform shirt? To facilitate this process, you will need tape. They paste over the free end of the strap, which is threaded into the loop on the shirt. This makes it easy to draw the end into a loop. Usually the strap is made of soft and flexible fabric. In this embodiment, the fabric does not bend and easily passes into the loop.

How to sew shoulder straps to a shirt is written in the charter. It clearly states how a soldier should do this. Failure to comply with these rules may result in them being torn off their shoulders during the review by the inspectors. Shoulder straps are usually not sewn to the shirt, but fastened. This is especially true in the summer, when the tunic is not worn over the shirt.

But there is also a sewn version of shoulder straps. First you need to pin the shoulder strap to the shirt, and then sew it to it with small stitches. The color of the threads must be selected in the same shade as the piping. The seam should not be visible. To facilitate the piercing of the fabric, it is better to do this in the holes of the existing seam on the chase. The location of shoulder straps must be checked with a ruler. The charter states that the distance from the shoulder seam to the upper border of the shoulder strap should be 1 centimeter.

How shoulder straps should look

In order for the shoulder straps to remain on the shoulders and the inspectors do not pay attention to them, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

  1. Shoulder straps should sit on the shirt extremely tightly. They should not go far from the shoulder seam.
  2. The distance between the button and the side seam should be no more than 5 millimeters.
  3. Stitches that are too large look sloppy and do not hold securely. Such shoulder straps will quickly sag and lose their appearance.

Answering the question of how to securely fasten shoulder straps on a shirt, one can come to the conclusion that it is possible to do this on one's own. For this, it is not necessary to resort to the services of an atelier. You need to have time and patience. It is better to do a job well once than to redo it several times.


How to sew shoulder straps on a tunic for a military, policeman

Any form of a soldier, both everyday and dress, assumes the presence of shoulder straps. Sewing on shoulder straps is not an easy task, so such work can only be done on a tunic. Shoulder straps are usually not attached to the shirt. Wear on any shirt outerwear and the insignia must be visible.

In addition, shirts are often washed, so shoulder straps must be attached to this part of the uniform using special devices. The fastenings are threaded into the loops on the shirt for a secure fit.

General points

To solve the problem of how to sew shoulder straps on a tunic, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • sewing needle;
  • threads;
  • thimble;
  • ruler.

How to sew on shoulder straps? For proper sewing, according to all requirements, it is necessary to place it evenly on the tunic. You can navigate in the direction of the seam on the shoulder. The distance between the shoulder seam and the back side of the shoulder strap should be about 1 centimeter, the side edge of the shoulder strap should be placed close to the seam on the sleeve. For reliable fixation, it is necessary to make a few stitches in the center and along the edges in order to sew the shoulder strap to the tunic.

How to attach shoulder straps to an army tunic

After the appointment of the next rank and new insignia, the question arises of how to attach shoulder straps to the uniform. The shoulder strap is quite hard and is pierced with difficulty, especially since men are not so often friends with a needle.

At first, it may not seem so difficult, but without proper experience it turns out not neatly and the seams have to be embroidered. The charter only talks about the parameters of shoulder straps and their location, but there is not a single word about how to do this. You can ask advice from more senior military personnel, but it would be nice to figure it out on your own. Sew shoulder straps once and it will no longer cause difficulties.

In order to properly attach the shoulder strap, you must first properly arrange it. To do this, it is necessary to determine where and which stars will be located, according to the existing rank. In order to attach a star on the chase, you must use an awl and a ruler with precise divisions.

Before installing insignia, you must consult the instructions for the location of such insignia.

The next step is to mark the hole according to the requirements in the document. Having determined the puncture site, it is necessary to take an awl and make a hole into which the star is subsequently threaded. According to the charter, we fix stripes on shoulder straps, their location has a specific place depending on the rank. Having fixed the stars and other insignia, you can begin to sew the epaulette to the tunic.

Sewing technique

So that the shoulder straps are well fixed and do not move out, before finally sewing on the shoulder straps, they need to be grabbed to the tunic in several places. It is necessary to sew to the form along the entire perimeter of the shoulder strap. In the process of sewing, it is necessary to pay attention to such an important detail of the tunic as the lining. The needle must be threaded so that it does not go into the lining.

The thread in the needle should not be longer than 20 centimeters, otherwise there is a high probability that it will get tangled in the process, which can interfere with the case.

There are special requirements for the sewing seam. It should be strong enough and inconspicuous. To fulfill such requirements, a thick cotton thread with the addition of polyester is suitable. In this case, the presence of synthetics will only improve things. The thread should match the tone of the shoulder straps themselves.

The success of the process largely depends on the skill level of the one who does it. The stitches must be made straight, they should be 3-4 millimeters long. It is necessary to ensure that at a short distance it was impossible to notice the seam. Upon receipt of the next military rank, a photograph is taken in uniform. A neat appearance should be a prerequisite for a soldier, and evenly sewn shoulder straps are an integral part of a military uniform.

It does not hurt to use some tips:

  1. The shoulder strap is not sewn quickly, so the form must be prepared in advance.
  2. The needle through the shoulder strap is not easy, so be sure to use a thimble so as not to injure your finger.
  3. If it is difficult to pass the needle through the shoulder strap, you can use tweezers or pliers. Just don't push too hard to avoid breaking the needle.

police uniform

In addition to military personnel, police officers wear shoulder straps on their uniforms. The sewing on of these insignia is somewhat different. Shoulder straps of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have a different shape. From one edge they are even, and the edge facing the collar has a semicircular shape.

First you need to determine the correct direction of the shoulder strap. The epaulette when sewing on a tunic should be located along the seam along the shoulder. The shoulder seam runs from collar to shoulder. The shoulder strap should be positioned so that its rear edge is located at a distance of 1 centimeter from the shoulder seam. It turns out that the shoulder strap is slightly shifted to the front.

Having determined the location of the epaulet, it is necessary to sew it onto the tunic with a few stitches. Stitches need to be done in different places so that it does not move out during the sewing process. Further, the shoulder straps of a police officer are sewn similarly to other types. We carefully sew them with a tunic, the main rule is that the thread is not visible on the front side. To do this, a barely noticeable puncture is made from the outside, and a seam is made from the inside, not more than 1 centimeter long.

A bit of history

Such an element of form as shoulder straps could be seen even in tsarist times. At first, it served to fix a heavy bag with a strap, as it fell from the shoulders. In the future, shoulder straps were given a completely different meaning, it was already a distinction in various branches of the military. The tsarist army had a large number various kinds shoulder strap During the revolution, this attribute was abandoned, shoulder straps were reintroduced only in 1943 for the entire personnel of the army. The rank is determined by shoulder straps and now it is already impossible to imagine military uniform without it important element.

Although sewing on shoulder straps is not such an overwhelming task, certain skills are necessary. During the service, officers master this skill and after two training sessions they can already easily cope with this task.


How To Sew Ribbon To Tulle Properly Video ~ Daily Questions

How to hem curtains and sew curtain tape.

Sew curtain tape on tulle.

Hello, dear readers of the Sheisomnaya.rf blog. Surely, at least once in your life, you are faced with the need to hem purchased curtains or tulle. You can take the curtains to the studio, or you can very quickly do it yourself. And now you will see how easy it is to do.

First, let's take it in order. When buying the required footage of curtains or tulle, you must definitely purchase the same number of meters of curtain tape.

Curtain tape and its features.

By and large, the curtain tape is just a wide braid that serves as a frame for the curtain fabric. It is necessary in order to set the depth of the folds and keep the curtain in the right tension.

Cords are stretched along the entire length of the curtain tape, and after sewing it onto a curtain or tulle, it is assembled into folds using these cords. The folds are uniform and fixed, which gives the finished curtain a rather professional look. So you can't do without this tape!

When choosing a braid, you need to take into account the density of the curtain or tulle so that the curtain tape is not a foreign element. For thin, transparent fabrics, choose a narrow braid, and for thick and heavy drape fabrics, choose a wider one.

Sew curtain tape.

On the braid on the front side there are special loops for hooks:

First, we measure the desired length of the curtain. Add allowances to the upper cut, based on the width of the curtain tape. Since I have a width of 4.5 cm, I will take allowances of 6 cm (2 cm for the top envelope, 4 cm will hide under the tape, and the raw upper edge of the curtain will not be visible under the braid).

But first you need to process the side sections of the curtains. Twist twice allowances of 1 cm (as in the photo on the left). Thus, the raw edge will hide. We sew on a typewriter, first choose the right needle.

We bend the upper cut of the curtain or tulle by 5 cm, and apply our braid to the wrong side of the curtain, also on the wrong side. It turns out a little tongue-tied, but you will make sure that you do not sew the loops for the hooks on the braid inside the curtains.

I want to note that I apply the braid, stepping back from the top fold 1 cm. This was taken into account when calculating the allowances.

We chip off with a pin, bending inward the 1 cm allowance of the braid.

We sew the braid first along the side, and then along the curtain along the upper edge.

Then sew along the bottom edge of the braid.

If the braid were wider than mine, it would take three lines or more.

This is what the sewn-on braid looks like from the wrong side. It remains to stretch the cords, assemble and hang the curtain.

Pouch for curtain tape cords.

As soon as you fold the curtain into a fold, it turns out that long cords hang on the sides, you can’t cut them in any case, but you can hide them.

To do this, you can make a special bag from the rest of the same curtain tape and sew it to the bottom of the braid on the wrong side of the curtain. (as in the photo) Then the cords will be hidden in this bag.

Read also:

How to make roller shutters with your own hands.

How to install eyelets with your own hands.


How to sew a ribbon to tulle. Your attention to the video How to properly sew a ribbon to tulle. how to sew a braid on. Sew curtain tape on tulle. Author: Irina P. How to properly sew a curtain tape (braid) + video. How to sew on How to sew on a ribbon to adjust the curtains to the desired width. How to sew curtain tape on tulle. Curtain tape: choose, sew, pull off. For example, How to sew a curtain tape. Before sewing on the webbing. How to sew a curtain tape to a curtain easily and in. Author: All about curtains. How to sew a curtain tape correctly (photo, video). How to sew a curtain tape: types of tapes and them. How to sew curtain tape correctly | Video. Using pins, attach the bottom edge of the ribbon to Sew correctly how to sew. We sew ourselves: MK How to sew a curtain braid (tape). So, let's start How to sew a curtain braid (tape) 1. We measure the height we need + allowances for.


Trouser hook. How to sew a trouser hook? How to install a trouser hook?

Friends, hello everyone!

Although they say trouser hooks, they can also be used as fasteners on a wide variety of other types of clothing - on skirts, shorts, raincoats, jackets, etc. These hooks are already much stronger, if I may say so, heavier than simple sew-on hooks and can hold the edges of the fastener on products sewn from very strong and thick fabrics.

Like simple sew-on hooks with loops, trouser hooks are made by different manufacturers, from different metals, in a variety of shapes and sizes.

But trouser hooks have evolved much more than simple sew-on hooks, and are already more diverse in terms of the composition of component parts and methods of attachment to the product.

To date, there are such types of trouser hooks:

  • sewn-on trouser hook with eyes;
  • sewn trouser hook with adjustable loops;
  • hook - button;
  • trouser hook on spikes.

How to sew hooks on clothes?

How to sew or install a trouser hook?

How to sew a hook to a fur coat?

Hook trouser sewn with eyes.

All those trouser hooks, sewn with eyes, which can be purchased at various specialized stores selling sewing supplies, are very different from each other in appearance. And the eyes for which such a hook is attached to the product can be a different number. And 4, and 5, and 6, and 7 pcs.

But they consist, all sewn-on trouser hooks with eyes, always only from two parts. The first detail is the hook itself. It is usually a differently curved metal plate. The second piece is the loop. A narrow metal plate is a frame, much smaller in size than the first part.

Any pair of such trouser hooks is sewn to the product like this. Small, round eyes of hooks are sewn with 3 - 4 stitches, and large oblong eyes, with several (5 - 10) rows of parallel stitches, which are laid close to each other.

Sew-on trouser hooks with eyes are designed for making only hidden fasteners and only overlap fasteners. And they are always sewn on so that they are not visible from the front side.

Such hooks act as if in addition to the zipper on the waist line, on the belt. They protect the zipper from breakage and divergence of its sides during operation.

Now let's see how such a couple is located directly on the product.

How to sew on trouser hooks?

1. First, a needle and thread, matched to each other and to the main color tone of the product, is passed through the upper layers of the material, at the place where the hook will be located. With this first stitch, you need to bring the end of the thread inside the material, and then with a few stitches back the needle, fix the thread in the material of the product.

First, on the left inner side of the belt, a hook is sewn (when viewed from the front side).

2. Then the loop must be hooked onto the hook. As if they are already working.

3. And holding the loop with your fingers, close the zipper to the end.

Or vice versa, first close, and then insert a loop into the hook. Doesn't matter.

4. The “locality” at the other end of the belt where it lies, the loop is “reprinted”, and there is a place to which it needs to be attached. First with pins so that the loop does not move,

and then with a needle and thread, hand-stitched stitches, it is attached to this place.

This is how a sewn-in trouser hook with eyes is sewn, in addition to the zipper, which is located on the clothing models in the seam, in the center.

On trousers and other types of clothing, where the zipper is slightly shifted to the left side of the center (when viewed from the front side), such a hook is made in the same way. Only due to the fact that the zipper in such fasteners is displaced, the loop also shifts slightly away from it.

If such hooks completely replace the usual fastener (buttons, buttons, zipper), then the hook-to-loop engagement line should be located on the product along the middle line of the fastener.

On men's clothing, where the edges of the fasteners overlap each other from left to right, the trouser hooks are made in exactly the same way, but only in a mirror image.

How much to place sewn-on trouser hooks with eyes on the product depends on the width of the belt, on the shape and length of both its ends.

For example:

Trouser hook with adjustable loops or hook-regulator.

A trouser hook with adjustable loops or a hook-regulator is used when it becomes necessary to somehow influence body volumes that change several times during the day.

Still slim in the morning. And then, someone had a hearty lunch or even had dinner, and by the evening the figure was also hunched under the weight of problems and stress, and the body was swollen, in addition to everything. Here is a volume-regulating hook and it will come in handy.

This is also a sewing hook. The hook itself, from a pair of hook-regulator, is sewn in the same way as a sew-on hook with eyes (see above in the article). But his partner is a loop, attached to the product, by sewing in rows of parallel stitches, oblong eyes along its edges.

But before sewing a loop from this pair, you need to correctly determine the place of its "registration". This is done in the same way as with the “single” loop described above, but you need to focus on the first loop from the hook. Its location must be adjusted to the hook. After all, if you place it more to the left than necessary, then it will not be able to hold the lightning, and it will be subjected to increased loads.

And if you need to tighten the waist, then another, next loop is “picked up” on the hook. And a few centimeters of loosening the tightness of the fit of clothes will not affect the lightning in any way.

Hook - button.

The hook-button installed on the front side looks exactly like a button, but works like a full-fledged hook.

Hook-buttons are sold in specialized stores, in blister packs, in a kit designed for approximately one product and with a special tool for their installation. Or separately, by the piece and without tools.

Even without a special tool, you can try to install this type of hook yourself, using a simple set of tools that every home probably has.

And you can not take risks, and give such a hook - a button for installing it on a product in a specialized atelier - workshop.

Hook trouser penetrating, spiked.

Very often, sewing lovers ask themselves the question: “How to sew a trouser hook on spikes?” I have a short and comprehensive answer to this question. No way!!! Sew it on just n-e-in-o-s-m-o-zh-n-o!

Unlike all previous types of trouser hooks, this type is attached to the product in a completely different way, just in a radically different way. Holes are nailed into the material with the tips of the spikes, and then the spikes are bent onto decorative overlays.

Trouser hooks on spikes may differ from each other in design, number of spikes. There may be 2, 3, or 4.

But all sets of spiked trouser hooks consist of four parts.

  1. hook;
  2. a loop;
  3. decorative overlay for a hook;
  4. decorative overlay for a loop.

In fact, if “in the right way”, then the trouser hook on the spikes is installed on the trousers until the belt is finished on them. The location of the hook and loop is determined, and lining is installed inside the belt.

so then, on the finished product, the hook and loop are inside and are not visible from the front side.

But setting up a spiked hook like this is such a tedious business, requiring calculations, precision. What if it's a mistake? And the holes are already pierced!

Look at the decorative hook and loop overlays. They are so neat and very cute. So why not install the spiked hook so that the hook overlay is visible from the front side of the product. This installation of the spiked hook does not require difficult calculations.

Of course, it would be best if a spiked hook is installed by a specialist in this business, from an atelier or a sewing workshop, and even a happy owner of a press with a set of special nozzles - punches, for this business.

But at home, you can try to install such a hook. It installs very simply. The most difficult thing is to carefully bend the spikes with home tools.

And the trouser hook is placed on the spikes on the product in the same way as all other types of hooks described above. First, the hook itself is placed on one side of the fastener, and then the loop “adjusts” under it on the other side.

As you can see, on the front side of the product, these hooks look quite presentable. And if you are not afraid to break established traditions and experiment, then spiked hooks can already be put on public display.

You can get acquainted with fur coat hooks, and learn how to sew them correctly, in the following article.

All the best! Sincerely, Milla Sidelnikova!

I will quote here the discussion of buttons-

Tell me, are the buttons sewn on? Can you take a closer photo? I want to try it too, but I don’t know how to sew it on so that it’s neat from the face.
Thank you!

The buttons are normal. For some reason there is no photo ... Therefore, I will attach a photo of the buttons from my coat.

But, frankly, for me this is a feat. Calculate the correct hexagon and print it on the face and inside on all the buttons!... It doesn't work right away. I think it is necessary to introduce such sewing as a complicating element, and preferably 2. It is very difficult for me. If anyone knows how to do this with half a kick, please share!

Tamara, to be honest, for the FIRST TIME I saw plastic gaskets with holes. Where do you find these consumables? It's good that you came to our forum, many nuances can be learned from you! Even the thought never arose that the sealing gasket can be made a decorative element. Thanks for the science!

Mikhallna, we have appeared in Kharkov, and even more so in Moscow. Ask Swetulekk, she seems to have used them in some products

Tanechka, thank you, I have very beautiful curly sewn buttons different sizes and flowers made of plastic and metal. But here it makes sense that the buttons are punchy ordinary, only the hat is not over the front fabric, but under the raincoat fabric, which is why Tamara made such a sheathing with a hexagon. Tamara, did I understand the process correctly?

No. these are ordinary sew-on buttons, as silvaveresky showed in the photo. Just a slightly different configuration. I just have round ones, she has a flower. If there were punching ones, I would not bother with a hexagon. Although, this is an idea, to make punching on the selection, and outside it will just be easier to embroider the decor)))

Hooks and loops are always used there. where you want to fasten the fastener firmly, but not noticeable from the front side of the product. The clasp is made on a material folded in half and reinforced with interlining.

Hooks and loops come in a variety of sizes and are available in black and nickel-plated (silver colors). Most hook loops come in two forms: a straight flat loop for overlapping fasteners and a round loop for butting the ends of a fastener.


The hook is sewn on the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, and the flat loop is sewn on the front side of the lower edge of the fastener. Hooks and loops are sewn with frequent overcasting or buttonhole stitches, while sewing the hook, do not bring the needle to the front side (1).

There are particularly strong hooks and loops in different widths for fastening the belts of skirts or trousers (2).


Hooks and loops are sewn on the wrong side of the product, while the end of the hook is almost at the very edge of the fastener, and the loop protrudes slightly beyond the edge. Needle holes should not be visible on the right side of the fabric (3).


Buttons for sewing on come in various sizes, made of metal - black and nickel-plated (silver colors) or made of plastic. On the fastened edges of the fastener, such buttons are not visible from the outside. The clasp on the buttons is also made on the material folded in half and reinforced with interlining. The upper part of the button (with a pin) is sewn from the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, the lower part of the button (with a cup) is sewn from the front side of the lower edge of the fastener.


On the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, mark the place for sewing on the button. Sew on the top of the button with overcasting stitches. Then mark the place for sewing the bottom of the button. To do this, rub the rod of the upper part of the button with chalk and press it on the lower edge of the fastener. If the chalk dot on the fabric is not visible, then you should pierce the rod with a pin and stick it into the lower edge of the fastener (5). Mark the puncture point with a pin.

For those who want to have a spectacular fastener, but do not want to overcast buttonholes and sew on buttons, there are punching buttons in various colors and sizes, in the form of ready-made kits that are sold in haberdashery stores.

These buttons can be punched with a hammer (6) or even faster and easier with special pliers (7). Exact instructions are included with each kit.

IMPORTANT: the places for fastening the buttons should be marked on both edges of the fastener. Each push button always consists of two upper and two lower parts. When punching the button parts, make sure that the cap of the top of the button is on the front side of the top edge of the clasp, and the pin is on the wrong side of the top edge of the clasp, the plate of the bottom of the button is on the wrong side of the bottom edge of the clasp, and the cup is on the front side of the bottom edge of the clasp .

Braid for fastening

There are three types of this tape: for a butt fastener - a tape with hooks and loops, for an overlap fastener - a tape with buttons and a Velcro contact tape.

BAND WITH HOOK AND LOOP (8) consists of two parts, sewn under the edges of the fastener on the wrong side of the product, while the hooks must be closed by the edge of the fabric. The loops may protrude slightly from the edge and should line up exactly with the hooks.

BAND WITH BUTTONS (9) consists of two parts: one with the upper parts of the buttons, the other with the lower parts. The braid with the upper parts of the buttons is sewn on the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, the braid with the lower parts of the buttons is sewn on the front side of the lower edge of the fastener. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the parts of the button match.

THE VELCRO CONTACT TAPE (10) also consists of two parts: one part of the tape has a tenacious surface and is sewn onto the front side of the lower edge of the fastener. The other part of the braid has a fleecy surface and is sewn on the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener.

Hooks with loops always use there. where you want to fasten the fastener firmly, but not noticeable from the front side of the product. The clasp is made on a material folded in half and reinforced with interlining.

Hooks and loops come in different sizes, black and nickel-plated (silver colors). Most hook loops come in two forms: a straight flat loop for overlapping fasteners and a round loop for butting the ends of a fastener.


The hook is sewn on the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, and the flat loop is sewn on the front side of the lower edge of the fastener. Hooks and loops are sewn with frequent overcasting or buttonhole stitches, while sewing the hook, do not bring the needle to the front side (1).

There are particularly strong hooks and loops in different widths for fastening the belts of skirts or trousers (2).


Hooks and loops are sewn on the wrong side of the product, while the end of the hook is almost at the very edge of the fastener, and the loop protrudes slightly beyond the edge. Needle holes should not be visible on the right side of the fabric (3).


Buttons for sewing come in various sizes, made of metal - black and nickel-plated (silver colors) or made of plastic. On the fastened edges of the fastener, such buttons are not visible from the outside. The clasp on the buttons is also made on the material folded in half and reinforced with interlining. The upper part of the button (with a rod) is sewn from the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, the lower part of the button (with a cup) - from the front side of the lower edge of the fastener.


On the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, mark the place for sewing on the button. Sew on the top of the button with overcasting stitches. Then mark the place for sewing the bottom of the button. To do this, rub the rod of the upper part of the button with chalk and press it on the lower edge of the fastener. If the chalk dot on the fabric is not visible, then you should pierce the rod with a pin and stick it into the lower edge of the fastener (5). Mark the puncture point with a pin.

For those who want to have a spectacular fastener, but do not want to overcast buttonholes and sew on buttons, there are push buttons various colors and sizes, in the form of ready-made kits that are sold in haberdashery stores.

These buttons can be punched with a hammer (6) or even faster and easier with special pliers (7). Exact instructions are included with each kit.

IMPORTANT: the places for fastening the buttons should be marked on both edges of the fastener. Each push button always consists of two upper and two lower parts. When punching the button parts, make sure that the cap of the upper part of the button is on the front side of the upper edge of the clasp, and the pin is on the wrong side of the upper edge of the clasp, the plate of the lower part of the button is on the wrong side of the lower edge of the clasp, and the cup is on the front side of the lower edge of the clasp .

Braid for fastening

There are three types of this tape: for a butt fastener - a band with hooks and loops, for an overlap fastener - a band with buttons and a Velcro contact tape.

HOOK AND LOOP TAPE (8) consists of two parts, sewn under the edges of the fastener on the wrong side of the product, while the hooks must be closed with the edge of the fabric. The loops may protrude slightly from the edge and should line up exactly with the hooks.

BAND WITH BUTTONS (9) consists of two parts: one is with the upper parts of the buttons, the other is with the lower parts. The braid with the upper parts of the buttons is sewn on the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener, the braid with the lower parts of the buttons is sewn on the front side of the lower edge of the fastener. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the parts of the button match.

VELCRO TAPE (10) also consists of two parts: one part of the braid has a tenacious surface and is sewn on the front side of the lower edge of the fastener. The other part of the braid has a fleecy surface and is sewn on the wrong side of the upper edge of the fastener.