
How to find your soul mate, destined by fate. Prayers and conspiracies to find your soulmate I want to find my soulmate

Almost every young man dreams of finding his soulmate. However, for some, such a dream may be relevant even at a more mature age. This is not at all surprising, because you want to love, be loved, or be loved by another person all the time. Therefore, let's try together to find the answer to the question: “How to find your soulmate and what is needed for this?”

The phrase: “other half” is a kind of allegory and should not be taken literally. This concept does not imply that a person himself is somehow flawed or inferior. Quite the contrary. The concept of “soulmate” means: soul mate, loved one, destiny, ideal couple or life partner. However, in real life, new relationships are often created with random people. As a result, such relationships bring them nothing except invaluable life experience.

If we accept the fact that each of us has that other half, then there must be some method or way to find it, or recognize it among the huge number of representatives of the opposite sex.

Often the cause of an unhappy marriage or failed relationship becomes our inability to correctly understand our true needs and desires. Advice from other people, fashion, social stereotypes, norms and rules influence our life choices. What is surprising when in the end we get absolutely not what we wanted and not what we need.

Our attitude towards ourselves is no less important in the process of searching and choosing a soul mate. Low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and other psychological problems can significantly interfere with building meaningful relationships. For those young people for whom these problems are relevant, it may seem that they simply do not deserve an ideal partner. Therefore, they have no choice but to take the first opportunity that comes their way to start a relationship, start a family, etc. So it turns out that before you look for your soul mate, you yourself need to become a full-fledged person and an integral personality, and behind this there is a lot of work on yourself.

It would be nice before searching for your soulmate decide and understand for yourself what it should look like. And, apparently, Mother Nature herself can serve as our best assistant in this matter. Every person from birth has one interesting program. Every time a man looks at a woman, or, conversely, a woman looks at a man, a kind of scanning occurs. Deep within the human essence lies the image of an ideal partner. It is to this image that we try on all representatives of the opposite sex if they come into our field of vision. The better this or that person fits this internal image, the greater the likelihood of sympathy, or even something more on our part.

It’s better to first try to depict your soul mate on a piece of paper. To do this, in a notebook, in a notepad or on a regular piece of paper, list everything that is important to you in men if you are a woman, or, conversely, if you are a man. At the same time, describe the appearance of this person (physique and body structure, height, eye and hair color, etc., etc.), as well as life and moral values, priorities, worldview, education, social status, or all that what is important to you personally. In addition, you can indicate there the things that are of particular importance to you in the relationship.

The basic rule is that this list should be compiled exclusively in the present tense. For example: “Today in my life there is such a person...” - then put two dots and list all of the above.

Having such a list in hand, you can now easily understand who definitely cannot be your soulmate. That is, every person who does not fit into your image of an ideal partner is probably meant for someone else.

Immediately after creating the image of your ideal partner in writing, you need to clearly remember it in detail. Next, it must be destroyed in any convenient way: burn, tear or throw away. It is after this that the materialization of your order begins. All that is now required of you is to enjoy life and wait for your soulmate.

To be more reliable, you should ask your own heart to tell you at the right time. And, as we know, it never deceives or lets us down. Listen to his wise voice and everything will always be fine with you. And your soulmate will find you on its own when you least expect it.

How to find your soulmate?

POLL: Where can you find your soulmate?

Find your soul mate: How to find your soul mate for happiness

Finding your soulmate is the dream of people of all ages. Both men and women pursue this goal with equal frequency. Some try their luck on the Internet, on various dating sites. Others are looking for their destined soul mate using astrology. But the long-awaited soul mate is nowhere to be found. In this case, it’s time to think about it and find the source of the problem. Perhaps it does not lie in the outside world, and failures in your personal life act as a warning beacon calling you to pay attention to your inner world.

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Who to look for?

To get results, you need to set the task correctly. Without accurate data about the person of your dreams, even if only imaginary, it is impossible to get a positive result. Usually, at this stage, seekers begin to have problems. And the reason for the problems is one - a person does not know himself.

Finding a partner to live with should not turn into an obsession, otherwise it is nothing more than an escape from oneself. People who cannot stand their own company seek to fill their free time by communicating with strangers. Left alone with themselves, they experience fear and even horror. Therefore, before you think about finding your soulmate, you need to find out who the seeker himself is. You need to have a clear idea about your life. If a person is unhappy with himself, then together with someone he will only be more unhappy, and even risks ruining the life of another.

When an image of your own personality has formed in your head, the question of the desired qualities of a partner will disappear by itself. A mature person knows what he likes and what he cannot stand. He understands how and what will make him deeply unhappy. For example, a sociable person who values ​​frequent tactile and visual contact with his partner will not be able to stand being around an introvert who is immersed in the world of computer games. Such a relationship will bring disappointment to both.

What can you tell about yourself

Clarification of coordinates

The next stage of the search is to clarify the coordinates. An independent adult can easily get along with almost any person. The partner will be comfortable, but the seeker himself is unlikely to. Only in fairy tales and movies does the love story of a “good girl and a bully” have a happy ending; in reality, people who have the same view of the world, common dreams and goals get along best.

Partners must be equal, then they understand each other perfectly. Therefore, the search criteria should be clarified, namely:

  • Age.
  • Income.
  • The level of education.
  • His goals and dreams.
  • Having children.
  • Does he want to have children?
  • Religious affiliation (for example, people who profess Orthodoxy will find it difficult to get along with Muslims).

When looking for a partner, it is important to identify those qualities, habits and character traits that irritate you. It is necessary to consider only your own thoughts, without consulting friends or parents. This is the only way to identify true needs.

You need to imagine the created image next to you in the smallest detail. Scroll through your head about possible developments and everyday difficulties. When looking for a partner to start a family, it is important to realize what role each person is willing to play in family life. For example, a supporter of the traditional, patriarchal system will not get along with an emancipated woman. It is important to understand that life position is an important part of a partner; it cannot be corrected without damaging the person’s psyche. And this is psychological violence.

How to understand that this is your person

Search methods

The desire to quickly experience the joy of love adventures often pushes people to rash, chaotic actions that lead to new disappointments. Of course, in order to find your person among thousands of “wrong” people, you need to significantly expand your social circle. But you can’t rush headlong into new acquaintances. If the goal is a fleeting romance, lasting a maximum of several months, this is the right tactic. Building long-term relationships requires a serious approach.

To find happiness in your personal life, you need to check your imaginary ideal more often. This is not a waste of time, but a natural filter. Only partners united by one idea can live in perfect harmony for many years. Therefore, when choosing a place to meet, you should take into account your hobbies, otherwise there is a high risk of once again starting a whirlwind romance with your opposite. For example, active people should meet people in places of active recreation: hiking, a gym or thematic groups on the Internet. For lovers of creativity - at exhibitions, museums, master classes and various courses.

Partners should experience unity in all plans:

  • Psychological compatibility.
  • Physiological attraction.
  • Social identity (an introvert will find it difficult to get along with an extrovert).

If compatibility is present at all three levels, this union is practically invulnerable.

If a closed person is searching, then a chaotic search gives a positive result. Natural modesty will not allow you to contact unsuitable people, and acquiring new knowledge will improve communication skills, significantly expanding your social circle.

When searching for a partner by date of birth, it is important to consider a number of factors: if the person of interest has the same horoscope as the seeker, this is not a guarantee of a harmonious union. If the object of adoration is older or too young, significant difficulties in communication may arise due to differences in upbringing.

How to meet your man according to destiny

Why didn't it work?

Often, even despite all attempts, the relationship still does not work out, and the person begins to go to new extremes. He either withdraws into himself and denies the possibility of finding his other half, or, conversely, becomes socially active and exhausts himself with attempts at self-improvement. There is nothing wrong with self-development if it is done with passion and interest. But in most cases, love disappointments make people doubt their own worth, and this becomes a motivator to acquire new skills. This is a destructive path that leads to unhappiness in love and dissatisfaction with life.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to understand that searching is normal. Even if it lasts a long time, it doesn’t matter. The reason for a failed relationship is not the seeker, but the fact that the “wrong” person was nearby.

You can often come across a situation: a luxurious woman over 35 years old is looking for a man over 40 years old. She is self-sufficient, has a great body, a lot of vital energy, is happy with her life, plays the piano and studies Spanish. An accomplished adult. She finds on a dating site a profile of a man she likes who has similar interests. But there is one “but”, he is looking for a girl under 25. The result is disappointment. But the point is not that there is something wrong with the seeker, but that it is this particular man who needs a girl under 25 years old. He feels an urgent need for naive, enthusiastic views and spontaneity, while the seeker is looking for a stable partner for life.

Having common interests is not an indicator of success in a couple; it is important to strive for similar goals, have the same outlook on the world and lifestyle. It is important to remember that thoughts about unfulfilled love lead to depression. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your psychological state and fill your free time not with self-flagellation, but with your favorite activities and live life to the fullest.

According to statistical studies, people are most drawn to interlocutors with a similar or related profession. For example, makeup artists most often marry hairdressers or cosmetologists; doctors with medical staff, and designers with secretaries and editors. This experiment once again proves that in order to build a harmonious life filled with love, it is important to first of all take care of yourself: career, hobbies, skill development, and become a happy person. Then the right partner will find itself.

And a little about secrets...

I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

Personal life, true love anda happy family is the dream of almost every person, but not everyone becomes happy in their personal life and finds their soulmate. Most people remain single even after starting a family and raising their beloved children. And a decent percentage of people never find their soulmate and suffer from this all their lives.

I know this is very painful, I myself was once searching and suffered greatly from loneliness. It’s hard to come to terms with this state of affairs, but it’s even worse when you don’t know how to find your soulmate and what exactly you need to do to deserve this meeting of fate.

If you still want to earn a meeting with your soulmate, read on!

First of all, let's look at what you can't do, what methods of getting what you want will never bring happiness. How you can’t find or get your soulmate.

How to find your soulmate - what not to do!

You said that Love and your soul mate, your soul mate, are given by you, not the Devil. Dark forces give something else - they can give power, wealth, sexual pleasure, but not Love and real Happiness. But what will they take in return - your soul, destiny, freedom, in general, everything that you have.

Therefore, you need to be very careful with your desires and the choice of methods for their implementation. Often, obsessed people, especially women, in pursuit of their illusory “happiness” make irreparable mistakes - they cast love spells, destroy families, make deals with forces unknown to them in order to get (bewitch) the man they like. This is great stupidity with tragic consequences! Because you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune. If you destroyed your family, you will be held accountable and you will suffer to the fullest!

Whatdoit is forbidden:

1. Trying to get the desired person (man or woman) using dubious occult methods - love spells, spells, hypnosis, etc. (I use the relevant literature). These methods belong to the dark side of the world, and it does not promise anything good or worthy to a person.

2. To take away the person you like from another (oh) and even worse, to destroy the family, especially if the family is happy and there are children in it. This is a very big sin. A person who has committed such an act will lose the support of the Light Forces for a very long time, until he pays in full with his own suffering and fate.

3. Of course, you shouldn’t ask occultists, dark magicians, etc. for help in getting what you want. You cannot know who they are dealing with in the invisible world and how you will then have to pay for your desires. For example, why do you need a soulmate if you don’t have a soul (you’ll have to pay it off)?

4. You cannot deify a second person, you cannot deify your family. Many people do not get a soul mate precisely because they subconsciously (or consciously) deify another, that is, they put him (or family) instead of God and begin to worship (serve) him. According to Spiritual Laws, a person either does not receive or ultimately loses what he deifies, what he is ready to pray for.

5. All other pathetic and disgusting methods - temptation (to seduce, drag into bed, etc.), deception, dependence, blackmail (for example, pregnancy), etc. These methods can only pave your way to hell, but not build happiness. True Love cannot be achieved that way, but hatred and contempt are easy to achieve. So think carefully before you start weaving nets.

There are other prohibited methods.

What doesn't work and is absolutely useless:

1. Wait and do nothing! It is useless to just waste time and not move forward, waiting for your soulmate to fall from the sky at a certain time. Inaction means suffering and death.

I recommend writing the prayer on paper, like a letter, starting with an appeal, for example: “Heavenly Father, Creator, Forces of Light, I ask you to accept my prayer, my request...”, then, describe in your own words everything that you ask and be sure to reveal the motive (why and why are you asking for this). This will open your heart and bring your goal closer many times.

5. Everything else you need to do in life to meet your soulmate! To meet your loved one, you need to go out somewhere, regularly be in society and communicate with people. If you sit at home all the time, within four walls, it will be much more difficult to organize a meeting for you. Like in that joke - “...at least buy a lottery ticket...”.

6. There is something else that is not uncommon - karmic prohibitions on personal life, punishments from the past that a person could bring with him from a past life and not even suspect it. That is, his soul remembers this, but he does not remember his past life. And it happens that a person seems to be doing everything to find his love - but as if everything is stacked against him and fate says - “No!” Until he understands where he was wrong in the past and lifts the karmic ban.

Read about the types of punishments and prohibitions on Love and Personal Life here!

If you suspect that you have something like this and you yourself cannot solve problems with your personal life, you can turn to for help. They will definitely help you, they have already helped many.

Happiness to you in your personal life! Best regards, author

People who have experience of failed relationships are trying to solve the problem of how to find a soul mate destined by fate. The source and situations of such experience are not so important - it could be a broken marriage or just the example of parents, the first love that brought a lot of pain, or just reading relevant literature. This mental experience is acquired not only through direct participation, but also indirectly.

There is a lot of advice regarding places to meet and the art of flirting - all this will definitely help fill your notebook with the phone numbers of interesting candidates for a decisive role in your personal life, but in no way guarantees love, and most importantly, a match in all areas to the extent that we can talk about the implementation of the initial goal of the search operation .

To find your soulmate, you need to understand exactly what you are looking for, and accordingly decide on internal criteria and an understanding of what kind of person you need next to you. The vague desire of a handsome prince with a comfortable character, and even to be a telepath about desires and for all this to last forever and happily is utopian from the very beginning, since it lacks not only specifics, but also a real, sober view of the world.

The process of formulating your desire more specifically can be lengthy and sometimes difficult, because it requires a clear understanding of your characteristics (complexes and psychological traumas, parental scenarios and attitudes) and needs (in the sensory and everyday sphere). Therefore, you first need to get to know yourself and find out the reasons for such a desperate search for a partner. Mature options may prevail here, such as the desire to be in contact and the willingness to take responsibility for one’s contribution to the relationship, a sense of opportunities to share and receive, interact and learn, or there may be lurking or social pressure about the need to be with a permanent couple by a certain age.

Before entering the active phase of the search, you need to open your mind to changes (inevitably occurring in life with the appearance of new characters) and your heart to a new person and a new feeling. No matter how much the mind throws up facts about the usefulness and necessity of creating strong relationships, if the heart is closed with old wounds, and the level of distrust in people is so high that a person does not open up even in small things, then there can be no talk of any beginning.

Often encountered situations, when a person is fixated on finding an appropriate partner, the more all possible candidates move away from him and the space turns into a vacuum. It's not a matter of unworthiness or the need to improve appearance, improve knowledge, it's just that the higher the level of tension in connection with the search, the more it is reflected in the manner of communication. It feels heavy and lacks spontaneous feelings, forcing events, and meetings are more reminiscent of interviews. Few people are ready to continue such communication, except perhaps those who are also obsessively concerned about finding the love of their life.

You always need to start with a sincere interest in your own personality (with all the flies, devils and cockroaches) and the world around you (the real one, as it is) - this is how sensitivity develops and the opportunity arises not to communicate with those who are completely alien in spirit. The more you understand yourself, the faster you react by refusing those who are somehow annoying initially, but many continue to endure and look closely, clinging to the first person who approaches. Then it turns out that from the first meetings he showed despoticism or inattention, behaved self-centeredly or expressed ideas that radically contradict the inner picture of your world, but it’s too late and you have to return to the search again.

It is much easier for a woman to find her soulmate when there is no tension on her face, and instead her facial expressions convey bliss and happiness, regardless of the situation. Men flock to such people and treat them better and better, so you need to learn to enjoy your free status. You can develop a hobby, treat yourself to pleasant trips, build a career - anything that makes your heart beat faster and your eyes glow with enthusiasm. In addition to self-development and improving your mood, relieving stress, all activities aimed at socialization (seminars, courses, hikes, exhibitions, etc.) expand your social circle, allowing you to meet people with whom it would have been impossible to meet in your previous way of life. The wider your social circle and the more diverse it is, the higher the likelihood of meeting someone you have been looking for for a long time, especially if the search among all your previous acquaintances has led to a dead end.

Having realized what kind of person is necessary for life next to you, you can mentally move to his place, feel the taste of the life he lives, and imagine what kind of partner this type would want to see next to him and then evaluate his own suitability. After such an exercise, there are two ways of development left - either look for the missing qualities in yourself, develop skills, eradicate shortcomings, or, realizing that all this is an important component of your personality, change the image of the expected person to a more real one.

It will be problematic for a man to find his soul mate based solely on a list of a woman’s qualities. Women, due to the guiding direction of emotions, can forget their own list, going for admiration, while a man can quite pedantically withstand the selection of applicants in accordance with the compiled list. You should be a little relaxed and not miss out on interesting acquaintances, because the most unsuitable ones sometimes become those with whom you can go through your entire life. Logic is sometimes quite flawed, and stereotypes about ideal life partners implanted since childhood have destroyed many beautiful couples.

Communicate with those who are of interest, regardless of age and position, as well as the field of activity, because it is impossible to predict in advance how a person will open up and with whom he can introduce you. In addition to such direct influences on the creation of a couple, new acquaintances expand the worldview and change the very concept of life, which can help solve internal complexes that interfere with establishing a connection or understanding which person is best suited.

But when communicating with everyone, remember that this does not mean creating many novels; you should especially beware of flirting and other romantic inclinations with busy people. That is, a woman can communicate with a married woman, ask her for advice and ask for help, but you should not deepen your relationship with a married colleague, falling into the belief that he is your destiny. Everything that takes a long time to create begins differently, respectively, the one who is destined for you and is now tied by marriage is an option that involves a stop, where you should first wait for the end of that relationship (not destroy it, but just wait on the sidelines) and only then build your own.

More often agree to any offers, you can even go on a date arranged by your friends. Those who know you well understand, which means the person has already passed the initial selection; in addition, friends are people who wish you well, which means they will only introduce you to good applicants. You should also always choose invitations over book nights, as long as you can enjoy whatever the outcome of the event. The purpose of social outings is not to find a life partner, but to hone sensitivity to oneself and attentiveness to a partner.

And reduce the importance and seriousness of the concept of the second half - we all change and it is quite natural that people will become completely different and they will become comfortable separately. Don’t look for ideal people - they don’t exist in melodramas either, you are a real person and you can fall in love with someone who is just as real, but your own and cozy. It is human weaknesses or shortcomings that make the image recognizable and alive, provide the opportunity to open up and be yourself, but next to the ideal everything becomes dead, exclusivity gives way to norms and the desire to live and enjoy turns into a desire to conform.

What not to do

The lack of personal life or the presence of a psychologically unsuitable person nearby can drive you into panic and push you to rash and thoughtless actions. Living, constantly focusing on finding a worthy couple, leads to neuroses and complete degradation of the personality, from whose life all the joys begin to disappear, and the attractive light from the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to stop focusing all your activities around one topic.
Men can hang out in clubs all day long, chat on dating sites and flirt with all the girls; women are more likely to read a lot of advice and attend all available trainings on this topic. The outcome of such actions is the same - the tension in the context of personal relationships is so great that it scares away all potential candidates, and those who miraculously lingered soon discover that there is nothing to talk about with such a person.

Also, when searching for candidates, it is worth remembering to expand your circle of contacts, but at the same time strictly control this area. It is impossible to meet a quiet and obedient woman in nightclubs or a wealthy husband in a hippie party. Remember that when starting a relationship in a work environment with a person who spends most of his time at work, it is stupid to then demand increased attention from him.

When communicating in alcoholic groups, you should not be surprised that any problems that arise (which are normal for the development of relationships and when getting to know each other) will not be solved, but will be washed down. The optimal places will still be those where you are directly interested - this creates a common field of interests and predetermines some of the common values.

Having found a suitable candidate, many stop looking at the others, as if making a promise of fidelity in advance, often even before the start of the affair. This way you can ensure yourself long evenings of waiting, with a complete misunderstanding of the object that you gave yourself to him. The degree of seriousness should increase gradually, as should the degree of rapprochement, level of trust, amount of information and other development milestones.

By rushing to the first one you like, you can see those with whom you are really on the same path, so only a gradual rapprochement, while noticing others, can guarantee that you do not blindly plunge into the first, comfortable relationship. This also includes sudden weddings with insufficient understanding of who is in front of you. The reasons for the rush are varied - from a crazy surge of hormones to the logical understanding that age is not youthful and there is nowhere to wait. Such quick marriages are not only more likely to end in divorce, but do not even lead to a wedding, since the other person feels the need to move away, or even stop communicating with the one who is organizing such a fast and furious marriage.

Online dating – is it possible to find a soulmate?

The likelihood of finding your soulmate thanks to the Internet is actually much higher than in a random vacation spot or at business meetings, especially if you use the appropriate sites.
The rationale is simple - people gather there for the same purpose, honestly indicate their details and understand who they are looking for. Even statistics show a large percentage of favorable relationships that initially began online.

The advantages of such acquaintances are that you have the opportunity to immediately find out minimally important information about a person. Things like sports hobbies or a lot of humorous pictures about alcohol, level of income and education, of course, cannot characterize a person, but they undoubtedly influence the possibility of interaction. When meeting someone in a cafe, you have no idea about the person’s basic level and waste time trying to find out the basic, but at the same time key points. Online dating immediately provides not only the necessary information, but at the same time provides a set of basic topics for communication, eliminating awkward silences and searching for the thread of a conversation. In addition, there is a kind of emotional security that lies in your choice of when to correspond and with whom.

But it is worth remembering the duality of the virtual space, where deception is possible when registering a profile, a large number of scammers and simply extortionists. Also, many people, under the guise of looking for a relationship, are simply looking for an interlocutor to while away the time in romantic correspondence, without intending to meet.

The psychological aspects are such that the longer you are in virtual communication, the less likely it is that a real meeting will take place, so an affair, of course, will happen, perhaps even the most exciting one in your life, but when you turn off the monitor, you will fall asleep alone.

Not everyone knows the myth invented by Plato about bisexual androgynous people, whom Zeus envied and divided them into 2 halves. But many are looking for their soul mate - someone who will complete the whole and make them happy. Finding her great happiness, but not everyone succeeds.

The theory is very beautiful: I met Him/Her - and here it is, unearthly love... And if the love ended, then it was not half. You made a mistake, look again.

There are many questions. For example, what are the criteria to determine your soul mate? If this is really a person who thinks and feels in unison with me, then... won’t it be boring for us to be together, so alike? Or does Half complement my missing qualities?

What do modern psychologists think about finding your only other half?

Finding your person for life is perhaps one of the most important desires of most of us. At the same time, I want there to be mutual understanding, to live in perfect harmony, of course, mutual love and a lot of other positive aspects. That is, there are many wishes and sometimes even requirements for the candidate.

What does a man or woman do to meet their ideal partner? They register on dating sites, go to crowded places, and get acquainted. They agree or disagree to continue acquaintance, accept or do not accept the character and characteristics of the other person.

Have you noticed that these are mostly external actions aimed at others?

In my opinion, the approach to finding a partner for a long-term and harmonious relationship should begin with internal work on oneself. It is important to decide on the motives for finding a partner, values ​​and priorities in life. It is also important to work on self-esteem, attitude and confidence.

What is it for?
Having worked through your internal blocks and determined what you really need, you will be able to feel your integrity and usefulness so as not to look for compensation in your partner. For me personally, harmonious relationships seem to be relationships between two integral and full-fledged people who go through life as partners. When you don't have to redo and finish each other, instead enjoy the time spent together.

Once again I would like to remind you that happiness comes from within!

...But many are looking for their soul mate - someone who will complete the whole and make you happy.

In my opinion, such a formulation of the question itself looks flawed.

A person is already a whole. No one can and should not complement him to the whole, because he already is one in himself, and from birth. Yes, he cannot always cope with all life issues without help (especially at first), but this does not make him any “half”, capable of becoming happy only if there is some other (and only one) “half” suitable for him.

In general, the idea that someone else can make a person happy is a relic of infantile thinking, a state when a person is “connected” to his parents as the only providers of life resources. In theory, he should then grow up, separate and become responsible for his own happiness, as well as for obtaining all the resources necessary for life.

But if he has formally grown up, and at the same time still expects that some other people ("half", parents, people in general, God, society as a whole) should make him happy (and he himself is not entirely responsible for this) , then we are simply talking about insufficient psychological maturity. And, as a rule, it is very difficult for such a person to become happy, because he does not manage his own life and resources, but it is very easy to become dependent and get into a codependent relationship with the same person, waiting for another partner to make him happy.