
Girls who have intuition. What is a woman's intuition capable of?

Men are confident that intuition replaces logic for us women. It’s as if we don’t know how/don’t want/are too lazy to think rationally, and it’s easier for us to rely on our inner voice, feelings and emotions and do it one way and not another (most often, of course, not correctly). Scientists have their own opinion on this matter; they have proven that intuition is inherent in both sexes, it’s just that in women it is more developed due to the characteristics of their thinking.

So what is intuition? The ability to calculate ten steps ahead, feel the situation and establish a subconscious connection between the present and the past? Or is it all the notorious sixth sense/third eye/voice of a guardian angel? Trying to understand the phenomenon.

And we will begin, perhaps, with an attempt to give a clear definition of the concept of “female intuition.” After all, the way you draw a ship is how it will sail :)

Women's intuition: what, how much and how?

Intuition(from lat. intueor - looking intently) is the ability to comprehend the truth by directly observing it without justification through evidence.

It’s a bit complicated, isn’t it :)

But, based on this sophisticated definition, we can draw a simple conclusion: - this is an amazing ability a person to process many information flows simultaneously, combine them into a single whole, compare them with the experience of past successes/failures and, against this background, foresee the future.

And applying this knowledge to us, women, the result is this: Women's intuition is a unique skill arrange all knowledge into a coherent system ( albeit not logical, hello men🙂) chain, calculate all possible options, find an explanation for everything and draw the right conclusions.

Those. intuition for us, women, is something that happens on a subconscious level, it is a generous gift from God/nature/evolution that allows feel the right decision, distinguish it from many others and, most importantly, take it in a timely manner.

And the roots of this gift grow from the distant past...

Do you remember from history when our great-great-great... -the great-grandparents, waiting for their husbands from the hunt, kept the fire in the cave, looked after the children, prepared dinner, ran into the forest for the necessary herbs and berries, listened to extraneous sounds, rustles and movements ( and all this at the same time!), preparing in case of danger to grab all the most important things and run.

Even then women have developed a special perception of the world and the ability to process a huge amount of information, turning her, a woman, into a kind of hybrid of a fortuneteller, a super-sensitive radar and a lie detector (well, what, do you think men were white and fluffy back then?).

Then it was a mixture of the desire to survive ( the instinct of self-preservation), maternal instinct and a banal feeling of hunger. Today this skill is called intuition.

Women's intuition versus men's logic

Remember, how many times have you done something ( under pressure from family, friends, boss), probably knowing that nothing good will come of it? How many times have you changed your mind at the very last moment, as if someone outside was directing your actions? How many times have you put off making an important decision, putting it off in the hope of chance?

And then this feeling: “I knew it!”, “I felt that I shouldn’t do this!”? And the moments, when you picked up the phone a few seconds before HIS call or when you, having decided to walk a couple of stops, got off the minibus and met an old friend whom you had not seen for a thousand years?

And those cases, when you barely looked at your husband’s new business partner and realized that it was better not to have anything in common with him and began to convince your loved one to refuse cooperation? But he brushed you off, openly mocking the “arguments” given: “ How Can not to trust a person just because his left eyebrow twitches strangely, suspicious folds on his forehead and terrible hairstyle?! Calm down, woman, get on with your work!”

Well, was it the case? But he didn’t believe you ( all of the above is a diagnosis for you, and for him - sheer trifles and nonsense), doomed himself to outright deception. And how can she not say in the end: “I told you so/I warned you”?

And the funny thing is, Many men don't believe in women's intuition. They are proud of their vaunted cold logic, rational mindset and ability to calculate situations twelve moves ahead (and where was all this when he entered into an agreement with the scoundrel?).

But they still need to learn from us!

Yes, I agree, men are better than us at being able to abstract themselves from everything around them (loud neighbors/an annoying fly/screaming child) and focus on one and the most important thing (the experience and genes of the forefathers of hunters tracking down game make themselves felt :)).

Yes, with their skills to see far, run fast, and shoot accurately, they will easily survive in safari/taiga/deserted island conditions, but tell me, where can a resident of a modern metropolis use all these skills? In a small apartment with a bunch of relatives? At work in the office? Or when sorting out the relationship with your beloved? Agree, the knowledge accumulated in the process of evolution will not help him much here ( how to track an antelope), skills ( skin game) and skills ( set traps, pull the bowstring). Although... if you think about it... his ability to knit knots will come in very handy... late at night... in bed :)

Yes, they are stronger, they navigate space better than us, they can think tactically, but we can...

… feel(we know why our child cries; we feel our man, even if he is outside our coverage area :)

...noticing details(we manage to see in all the details a tall, muscular brunette emerging from a chic jaguar and at the same time faithfully look into her husband’s eyes).

…hear(we pick up any extraneous sounds, and especially women’s voices on the phone in the background of a talking husband, calling supposedly from a business meeting; when talking with a friend, we can perfectly hear who they are discussing, what the grannies are chatting about at the entrance),

...to pick up on other people's moods and...

…read between the lines(in the husband’s “Normal” answer to the question: “How was your day,” we read: “Everything sucks, I failed a project I’ve been poring over for six months, my boss blew my mind, deprived me of a bonus, and in general, it’s time for you to lose weight!”),

and we finally believe that the inner voice- a necessary thing, and that it will not fail (unlike cold male logic, which does not notice such important details as sweaty hands and nervous twitching of eyebrows).

We women, have long and successfully applied our intuition wherever possible and necessary:

  1. in raising children,
  2. At work,
  3. in personal life.

We (okay, I’ll be objective - many of us) make excellent leaders, mothers and wives. After all, we use our instincts:

  • when making important decisions (especially when the decision needs to be made very quickly),
  • when assessing people
  • when solving problems (from small and everyday, to global and vital),
  • when it is necessary to draw a complete picture based on incomplete and fragmentary information,
  • suddenly realizing that you need to change something in your life.

Everywhere we are guided by our famous feminine instincts :)

And to sum it up, I would like to say: women's intuition is not a myth, it is not a stupid feminine trick, it is reality and it is an accomplished fact. Every person has intuition, it’s just that many of us are afraid to follow this intangible, and therefore incomprehensible feeling, trusting the logic and experience of others.

Personally, I don’t know what is behind my intuition (guardian angel, sixth sense lost over the years, life experience), but I always follow it! I know that the very first decision is the only true and correct one, and the ones that follow are the result of my fears/complexes/stereotypes (what if it doesn’t work out, what will people say?), and if I allow them to break me, there will be nothing worthwhile in in the end it won’t work (proven in practice).

That's why, I encourage you to follow your instincts., develop it in yourself and provide the opportunity for its self-expression.

Note: for those who have not yet mastered the art of premonition to perfection, the women's site is preparing little surprise- in his next article on the topic female intuition, we will talk about how to develop this amazing feeling in all respects.

See you again on air! Your Self!

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A woman is capable of processing a large flow of information. Since ancient times, several tasks have been assigned to her: cooking dinner, at home, lighting the stove, caring for children. In addition, she had to perceive everything that was happening around, that is, rustles, sounds and voices. It is all these actions that force the brain to remember and process a large amount of information at once. This is where women's intuition comes from.

In general, intuition is inherent in both men and women. But still, it is more developed in the weaker sex. Why is this happening? The thing is that a girl is more often guided by feelings than by cold logic. A big role here was played by the fact that the brain of women works more actively than that of men. Hence the ability of the weaker sex to do several things at the same time, as well as analyze the information received.

Women are very sensitive to falsehood, so some entrepreneurs take them with them to business meetings. If you are the weaker sex, you have probably experienced the fact that on the first date you saw right through a person. The prevailing opinion was decisive and the most correct. This is exactly the service your intuition provided you.

Intuition also helps to build a certain chain. Let's say your boyfriend introduced you to his friend. At the first meeting, you immediately felt some kind of falseness, insincerity. We told our loved one about this. He, naturally, asked you to explain why you made such conclusions. But you shrugged your shoulders, sighed and answered: “Women’s intuition!” Time passed, and then you found out that your loved one’s friend had set him up. It turns out yours worked like a charm. Women's intuition can be called a kind of angel that protects from mistakes, bad people, and troubles. It's a pity that people don't always listen to their inner voice.

Video on the topic

Women's intuition is a source of speculation, jokes and anecdotes for men. However, many of them had to deal with cases when their spouse foresaw events, warned against failures and simply chose the best solution to a problem. So this sixth sense somehow works.

Carl Gustav Jung in his works argued that part of the human psyche stores the so-called “collective unconscious” - the experience accumulated by generations of people. It is thanks to him that many are intuitively afraid of the dark, heights or unfamiliar food, because for ancient people these were very serious dangers, and the memory of them has been preserved. In addition, each person has his own experience of experiencing various events. This is exactly what intuition works on. The subconscious superimposes the existing problem on the experience of past years and makes the right decision.

People with sensitive feelings are more prone to manifestations of the sixth sense. A huge emotional experience is imprinted in their memory, because they experience a much wider range of feelings than restrained rationals. It is emotions that help them quickly feel the outcome of an upcoming event. What is called female intuition is accessible to some, but among the fair sex there are many more vulnerable and impressionable people.

The tendency to make intuitive decisions is inherent in nature itself. The young mother has to guess what she wants: food, attention, or if she is not feeling well. The little man cannot explain his needs, so

Intuition is given to a woman in order to guess
a man has intentions that he is not aware of.

Jean Delacour

Women often find solutions or get to the bottom of the truth in cases where men are practically powerless. How do they do this? This is usually called the mysterious word "intuition", although there is hardly anything mysterious about it. Intuition is developed in women for two reasons. The first is experience. Tell me, what do women usually chat about with each other in their spare time? Of course, about interpersonal relationships. On average, half a day every day. And they think even more than they talk. It turns out that women in this field are much more professional than men. Therefore, it is not surprising that they manage to predict many events. The second reason for the development of female intuition is the natural ability to perfectly understand and speak body language. They easily see the discrepancy between the words a person speaks and the nonverbal signals he sends. This ability greatly helps them “read between the lines”: they easily recognize liars, predict what is on a person’s mind, what he is going to do. And it’s not by chance that I’m telling you this. I want you to understand that any woman, when communicating with you, seems to see right through you. She intuitively understands how you will act in a given situation. She feels you. And this entirely determines the degree of your attractiveness to her.
The determining factors of male failures in relationships with women can confidently be called UNRELIABILITY and THIRST FOR ATTENTION. In fact, these are two sides of the same coin. A needy man begs for attention and recognition with all his actions. These ACTIONS openly speak of his unreliability, that he cannot be relied upon at a crucial moment. Insecurity begins to surface when a man feels out of place around someone or in any given situation. He behaves timidly, weak-willed and insecure. He tries to play a confident person, although he is not. He says many things just to gain the approval of others.
Women's intuition allows them to identify insecurities and desire for attention INSTANTLY. Here are some examples of insecurity and attention hunger that you should avoid:

  • Excessive timid touching or crowding around a woman at the very beginning of communication. Do not do that! Women perceive this as hunger and insecurity. Instead, relax and let her feel comfortable around you.
  • Saying negative phrases about women or past girlfriends. Believe me, for a woman this is a clear sign of an insecure man.
  • Sudden emotional reaction to events. For a woman, this is obvious: if you are easily upset about what is happening, you can be considered unreliable.
  • Involving other people in decision making. Women love it when you decide what needs to happen and take action. If you constantly ask, “What do you think I should do?” or “Where do you want to go today?” or “What would you like?”, you will also be counted among the men in need. Just make decisions and put them into action. If she doesn't like your initiative, she will let you know.
  • Trying to say and do things in order to be noticed or receive a compliment. I've known a lot of men who tried to act cool and put on a lot of self-care just to get attention. This immediately informs her of your unreliability. Do not do that. If you are confident in yourself, she will notice it even without your words and without your foppishness.
  • Active participation in disputes. Many people feel the need to argue with EVERYTHING they can. If you are one of these people, just understand that your behavior is directly demonstrating your insecurity. You may always be right, but being too active in arguments will negatively affect your sex life. Fight it. If you want to argue with something, do it in a friendly, humorous way, not aggressively!
  • Inability to build a conversation with a woman. Do you know how to have a conversation with your friends, with your work colleagues? Yes? Then what prevents you from maintaining a conversation with a woman? If this is your problem, then you definitely need to work on it. Look at a woman as if she were an old friend of yours. Don't be afraid to ruin everything! You're studying. As long as you remain silent and answer her questions only with “yes” or “no,” your communication will be incredibly boring, and your friend will not feel comfortable for a second.
Therefore, if you want to sign up for the "sexy men" group and get a "driver's license" for a woman's body, you will have to develop enormous CONFIDENCE and POWER. In the following articles I will try to convey as accurately as possible what I mean by these concepts.

13 chosen

In at least one case, intuition simply helps us. This happens when a man, in the heat of an argument, exclaims: “Where did you get that from?!” "Female intuition"“, - we answer calmly and with this simple phrase we knock out our opponent. He can only give up and resign himself, because arguing, arguing and proving something after these words is simply pointless.

There are myths, jokes and anecdotes about women's intuition; men are happy to sneer at this topic. Does intuition really exist, or is it just a folklore element, like the goblin and the brownie? And is it really “feminine” - that is, is it, in fact, a distinctive feature of gender? Helped us answer these and other questions psychologist Maria Pugacheva.

"Famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung said that part of our psyche includes the so-called “collective unconscious” - the experience of many generations of humanity, learned from a variety of situations. Plus, we have our own experience of experiencing various situations. Based on this, our intuition also works: at the moment of precedence of some event, we seem to extract this experience and apply it to the current situation - the result can be a completely obvious and truthful premonition", explained Maria Pugacheva.

According to the psychologist, emotional people are more prone to display intuition. Over the course of their lives, they accumulate greater emotional experience because they react vividly to surrounding events, which means they have a greater chance of “feeling” and predicting some event. Creative people who think in images and can turn off logical thinking are also more prone to intuition. After all, logic cannot lead to spontaneous insight.

That is why intuition is called (dismissively or admiringly) feminine. Women are most often more emotional creatures, more accustomed to being guided by feelings and sensations than by logical calculations. Therefore, premonitions are more characteristic of the fair sex.

It is difficult to say how realistic it is to develop intuition. But no one is stopping us from practicing! Maria Pugacheva suggested the following techniques:

  • Before some important life event, “turn off” your head: don’t calculate anything logically, don’t make objective conclusions, don’t make plans. By turning off consciousness, and thereby giving way to the work of the unconscious, you can give intuitive thinking a chance to immerse itself in the numerous experiences of your ancestors and model the expected result for the future. But in the meantime, at the level of your own consciousness, you will “feel” exactly what is about to happen, without any logical effort.
  • Fear of some important event sometimes prevents you from showing intuition. It does not allow thoughts to go in a new direction, keeps you in emotional tension, not allowing you to relax and go beyond the problem, to look at it from the outside. There is a good way to combat fear: imagine it, draw or describe it on paper, talk about it. Then you can try to make fun of him and even scare him. And then just destroy your fear - burn it or tear it up and throw it out the window. Such a simple game will greatly help you free yourself from obsessive burdens and feel the novelty of your thoughts and feelings.
  • Ask yourself questions at the level of feelings and sensations - conduct an internal dialogue. The more you ask questions, discuss and reflect, the more “signals” you will feel and receive internal feedback on your messages.

Do you often show intuition? Do you trust her? Give examples from your life.

Probably everyone has heard about female intuition, or witnessed a situation where a girl acts in a certain way and attributes her behavior to female intuition. Some people are skeptical about this, others make jokes and anecdotes about it, but still it is impossible to say that it does not exist. In general, the subject of female intuition still remains controversial.

Women's intuition - what is it?

How are things going in practice - is there intuition, or is it just a woman’s imagination to attract attention? It was this phrase that was taken as an object of study by scientists from the University of Hertfordshire. The project was led by Professor Richard Wasman. They examined women's statements about how they could feel what happened to another person, even at a distance. The study involved about 16,000 people, with an equal number of women taking part in it, and the other half were men. The first question that was asked was how often do their gut feelings fail them? As a result, it was revealed that about 57% of men believed that they had well-developed intuition, and about 81% of women claimed that their intuition does not fail them.

Next, they were presented with photographs of smiling people and they had to say where the smile was sincere and where it was fake. As a result, intuition rates were equal for both men and women, about 70%.

In practice, it turned out that when communicating live, female representatives feel their interlocutors much better than men. It is easier for girls to understand the feelings that a person experiences and even those that he tries not to demonstrate. But as other studies have shown, relying on intuition everywhere is not worth it, because it begins to let its owner down as soon as she is influenced by feelings or emotions. If a girl knows about danger, her intuition will immediately tell her that there is reason to be afraid.

Very often, intuition suggests what comes first to a woman’s head, and when a girl is asked why she answered that way, she will say that her inner instinct told her so. That is why, and also based on the research of scientists, it is impossible to say that women’s intuition really does not exist; rather, there are internal sensations that, if they are not subject to emotions, can tell a woman how to act in a certain situation. Whatever the truth, there are situations that helped girls avoid trouble, so the question of its existence remains open.