
How to get in shape after the holidays. How to quickly get in shape after the holidays? “Three happy days”: unloading plans

Overeating during the holiday season? Here are twenty simple ways to beat those extra pounds!

Drink water

People often confuse thirst with hunger. The next time you feel hungry, drink a glass of water first. This will help you feel full. Experts suggest that you should also drink water before meals - this will help you feel full faster, because the water will fill your stomach.

Set a realistic goal

Losing a kilogram of weight in a week is quite possible. Experts advise moving slowly and maintaining the weight for some time after the first five kilograms lost, only then starting to lose further.

Pamper yourself

If you allow yourself to eat what you want at least sometimes, you will not undermine your success. At the same time, you will not feel so constrained by your diet.

Count to ten

Research suggests that on average, food cravings last ten minutes. Before you give in to temptation, set a psychological timer for ten minutes. Do something useful during this time. Once ten minutes have passed, you will realize that the craving is no longer as strong.

Eat more often

People who manage to maintain a stable weight eat on average five times a day. Eating light but frequent meals suppresses appetite, increases energy levels, elevates mood, and even speeds up metabolism because the process of digestion itself helps burn calories.

Make a plan for each week

Don't think you can completely transform your diet overnight. If you make too many changes at once, chances are you'll quickly become frustrated and decide to give up. Try to introduce one change after another into your life, for example, start by eating some fruit every day.

Start with ten percent

Experts recommend starting by focusing on losing ten percent of your overall weight loss goal. Even this result will be enough to improve your health, because belly fat is usually the first to disappear and is the most harmful.

Use salsa

This spicy addition is much better than mayonnaise and other sauces - you get rich flavor without excess fat. Combine salsa and low-fat yogurt in salads, use as a sauce for vegetable cutlets, or serve with fish or chicken.

Give up a third

When you eat out, don't be tempted to eat it all, leave one third aside. Ask to pack this food with you, then you will also have lunch for tomorrow! Try to apply a little less to yourself at home than usual. This approach allows you to save up to five hundred calories a day.

Limit your alcohol intake

Remember that alcoholic drinks also contain calories. A glass of beer contains 150 calories, a glass of wine contains half as many. A variety of cocktails are especially high in calories - it’s like drinking a luxurious dessert. If you are trying to lose weight, it is better to drink water.

Write notes

If you want to help yourself, leave notes for yourself on the refrigerator and kitchen shelves. Make little stop signs and write a variety of motivational notes to remind you of your goal.

Avoid carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are a major source of empty calories in the modern diet. At the same time, liquid does not satisfy hunger. People who drink a lot of soda don't cut back on how much they eat, but the drink can come with hundreds of calories. This leads to weight gain. If you are thirsty, drink water or tea.

Don't eat in a hurry

Don't chew mindlessly. Set the table carefully each time, sit down consciously, and savor every bite. Even if you eat chips, placing them on your plate will help you focus and prevent you from eating the whole bag.

Increase your protein intake slightly

Research shows that protein helps you feel fuller longer than carbohydrates or fat. Researchers from different countries are equally convinced: those who eat protein for breakfast feel less intense hunger by lunchtime. In addition, it takes more calories to digest protein. Just eat in moderation. Choose low-fat protein foods, such as yogurt or cottage cheese, soy milk or turkey.

Learn to measure portions

It's easy to get your serving size wrong. Use measuring spoons and cups, especially for rich salad dressings and dairy products.

Find good alternatives

Try to find nutritious and low-calorie alternatives to sugary and fatty foods. For example, eat frozen grapes instead of candy. Make popcorn in a skillet instead of using microwave popcorn. Eat strawberries with fat-free dressing for a dessert treat.

Plan your party

If you're going to a party and all the guests are bringing their own treats, have a plate with some cut-out vegetables and a healthy dressing or something similar. Then you can snack without guilt.

Try to think positively

Experts note that low self-esteem is the main reason for overeating. Learn to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Buy things that flatter your figure and fit true to size. Get a good haircut and wear makeup if it helps you feel more attractive.

Allow yourself to rest

No one expects you to move towards your goal without failure. Allow yourself to move step by step and don't blame yourself too much for mistakes. If you overeat, simply return to your previous healthy diet the next day and move on.


Some people overeat due to stress. Researchers have found that the highest levels of cortisol trigger cravings for fatty foods. The combination of cortisol and insulin helps the body store fat in case of possible hunger. To avoid this and reduce stress, try yoga, meditation, or simply doing breathing exercises. Believe me, all this works quite effectively!

After the New Year holidays, many people often face an acute question: how to quickly get in shape? In order to start getting rid of those extra “holiday” pounds, you can first turn your workout into a game. If the weather permits, feel free to take a sled and skis and go up the hill. It's both fun and will help you burn off the calories you've accumulated. If there is no snow - as much as possible take a walk in the fresh air. All this will help you get into the training regime.

For those who want to get down to business more actively, e effective circuit training Boot Camp, which includes the most popular exercises: squats, push-ups, lunges. Boot Camp is often translated as “training camp for beginners.” And for good reason. These classes are built on the principles of training American conscripts and are a mix of squats, push-ups, burpees and others "joys" of army life.

How to build a workout

- Exercise 4-5 times a week. This mode of training will allow you to quickly part with fat deposits and will leave time for muscle recovery.

— Build your workout according to the circuit principle: perform 20 repetitions of each exercise, then rest for a minute and do 2 more sets.

- Strive to perform exercises at a fast pace, but at the same time Be sure to keep an eye on your technique. To complete the complex you will not need additional equipment.

Jump Squat

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, palms clasped in front of your chest. Lower yourself into a deep squat.

Watch your posture and ensure that your knee does not go beyond the projection of your toe.

From this position, jump up with your arms above your head.

Land in the starting position and repeat.

Lunge with Arm Curl

Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Take a wide step back with your right foot, lower your arms along your body. Shift your body weight to your left leg.

Bend your arms toward your body and lower into a lunge until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to starting position and repeat.

After completing the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise on the other leg.

Lateral jumps

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your left leg at the knee and transfer your body weight to it. Extend your right leg. Push your pelvis back, tilt your torso forward, and twist slightly to the right so that your right hand touches your left foot.

Jump and change the position to the opposite: transfer your body weight to your right leg, bend it, touch your right foot with your left palm.

This is 1 repetition.

Lunge with twist

Stand straight, put your feet together, lower your arms along your body. Step back with your left foot and squat down until your right thigh is on the floor, bend your right arm at the same time and press it to your body.

Then stand up and immediately bring your left leg bent at the knee in front of you, lift it until your thigh is parallel to the floor and at the same time twist your body to the left, touching your right elbow to your left thigh.

Return to starting position and repeat.

After completing the required number of repetitions, perform the exercise in the other direction.

Plank with twist

Assume a plank position using your forearms and toes.

From this position, twist to the left and extend your left arm up.

Return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the other side. This will amount to 1 repetition.


Stand straight, place your feet together, lower your arms along your body.

For many of us, the New Year holidays did not pass without a trace, bringing with them an extra kilogram or two. We have prepared tips that do not call for spending the night at the gym, feeding on the holy spirit, or eating lunch with a calculator.

These are the minor changes that will ultimately lead to real results.

Wait 10 minutes

Research shows that the desire to eat something lasts an average of 10 minutes and then disappears. Whenever you feel like chewing something, set a 10-minute timer in your mind. In the meantime, keep yourself busy with useful things.

Sitting for a long time is harmful

A sedentary lifestyle slows down your metabolism - that's a fact. But a quick walk to another floor to run errands or a trip for tea or coffee at least once an hour will correct the situation. It’s even better if you spend 2 hours a day standing. While sitting we spend 100 kcal per hour, and standing -140 kcal. Just remind yourself of this often.

Drink water

Everything is very simple. Our body often confuses hunger and thirst. So the next time you feel hungry, try drinking water or iced tea first. If after 10–20 minutes it does not go away, you can start eating.

Others drink soda, you don't.

It’s probably not worth writing treatises about carbonated drinks and juices again. Honestly, these drinks can destroy all the results already achieved and destroy your figure like yeast. 1 liter of cola contains at least 90 grams of sugar! It's not worth it, just drink some tea.

It's better not to hamster

As they say, you need to eat “with feeling, with sense, with balance.” The trick is that once you are ready to have a snack, do not eat on the run or in a hurry. Set the table, place plates, cutlery, put food in standard portions, sit down, and then... eat, savoring every bite as if it were the last.

Protein is good

There is a special protein diet, and more than one, but this is not it. Protein is known to keep you fuller longer. Therefore, if you eat more high-protein and low-fat foods for breakfast and lunch, you won't want to eat a whole elephant for dinner.

If training, then cardio

Cardio exercise is what you need for those who go to fitness or the gym. The main task after the holidays is to reset the accumulated gains. And cardio workouts are best for burning fat because they work the maximum number of muscle groups.

Choose a smaller plate

These are just numbers, but we will eat 22% less food if we take a plate that is 5cm narrower. Simply because the space in it will run out much faster.

Don't call the elevator

A good alternative for those who don't like long runs are stairs. Going up and down the stairs for just 15 minutes, we spend about 150 kcal. And if you do this every day, you will already gain 1,050 kcal per week. Is your hand still reaching for the elevator button?

Hold off on alcohol

In addition to the fact that alcohol itself stimulates the appetite, it also contains calories. A glass of wine is 85 kcal, a large glass of beer is 150–200 kcal. And the worst thing in this regard are creamy cocktails. For example, “Baileys” is generally like a full-fledged dessert: 100 ml - 327 kcal. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, drink soft drinks.

Why give up pizza?

Do you want some pizza? Why not. A few slices of thin-crust vegetarian pizza will do significantly less damage than a pizza with pepperoni, Italian sausage or other heavy toppings. The wolves are fed, the sheep are safe.

At the cinema with popcorn

In addition to the usual caramel, salty, sweet and cheese popcorn, there is regular popcorn, without additives. It has 2 times less calories, and it also contains antioxidants and fiber. This is the kind of delicious and healthy popcorn you should take with you to the cinema. Moreover, you can come to many cinema halls with food taken, for example, from a local supermarket.

Bowling with family

If you can’t get your family out into the fresh air in winter, go bowling. 2 hours of leisurely play will save everyone from 500 kcal. Grandma will like it too.

Dancing until the morning

Hit the dance floor instead of hanging out at a set table. Just 2 hours of dancing means 650 kcal, worked out hips and butt. And don’t forget to drink more water: approximately 200-300 ml for every 20 minutes of dancing.

Spread out your cleaning

The guests have left and you want to quickly roll up your sleeves, take out a rag and clean everything up? Do not hurry. Divide the task by day: today clean the hall, tomorrow - the kitchen, the day after tomorrow - the bathroom, etc. You've heard that only 45 minutes of training give results. It's the same scheme. You'll burn a lot more calories if you clean for 30 minutes several days.

Such long-awaited New Year holidays are a very serious test for our figure. After all, as a rule, they represent a series of various parties, “corporate events,” meetings with our friends and numerous relatives.

And each of these meetings is accompanied by a long feast, copious consumption of a certain amount of favorite alcoholic drinks and excessive consumption of high-calorie culinary delicacies and sweets from the festive table.

It’s rare that on New Year’s days anyone thinks about active recreation - most prefer to spend their free time near the TV with a piece of the next “yummy”, re-watching their favorite New Year’s films. Adding to this a change in the usual daily routine and sleepless nights, it becomes clear how much stress the body receives during the New Year holidays.

Naturally, the results of a festive lifestyle for many women result in the problem of extra pounds, and a distended stomach, accustomed to constant consumption of food, stubbornly demands another portion of sweets or a tasty sandwich before bed.

But don’t be upset - by adjusting your usual daily routine, using moderate physical activity, you can get back into your previous shape without any problems!

Important! Research by Swedish nutritionists shows that people generally overestimate the actual number of kilograms they gain during the New Year holidays. As part of the experiment, a group of volunteers was recruited and initial measurements of their body weight were taken.

After the holidays, a survey was organized regarding the estimated number of kilograms they had gained. So, according to the survey results, most of the answers fell within the range of “from 2 to 5 kg,” although, during the control measurement, the majority gained weight within the range of “up to 2 kg” and only a small part overcame this limit.

Tip #1: Make a Resolute Resolution to Get in Shape

Take your first steps towards a beautiful figure as soon as you finish reading the article. Do not put off implementing your decision until the next day, Monday, month. Share your plans with the people closest to you - this will only add extra value to you and you will undoubtedly feel the support of people dear to you.

Drink plenty of fluids: plain clean water or freshly squeezed juices, this will help you neutralize and remove residual alcohol from your body, restore your water balance and get in shape faster.

Also, water, having filled your stomach, will partially replace your meals, which is especially important in the evening. Try to drink about 2-3 liters of liquid per day, excluding the first time drinking drinks such as tea or coffee.

Proper nutrition is the basis of your success! A very important aspect that deserves maximum attention. To begin with, exclude flour and sugar-containing foods from your diet; in extreme cases, consume them in the first half of the day. Eat more fruits that increase metabolism - pineapples and grapefruits.

To increase the amount of vitamins, you can add dried fruits to your food, which contain a lot of microelements and healthy dietary fiber. Be sure to include in your diet foods that promote the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy and good mood. These can be seafood or chicken dishes; dark chocolate (in small quantities) and nuts are also good.

Tip #4: Stick to your daily caloric intake

We have already learned how to count, so determine the number of calories you personally need and keep a diary in which you will write down everything you eat.

The principle of mathematics applies here - consume fewer calories than you burn and you will definitely lose weight! Attach the diary to a place where you can see it, perhaps on the refrigerator, and write down all your meals and simple “snacks” between main meals - and you will be able to control the amount of calories “eaten”, analyze and, if necessary, adjust your daily diet.

Adhere to the principle of eating “more often, but little by little.”

  • It is better to eat every 3-4 hours to stimulate metabolism and prevent strong feelings of hunger.
  • Never skip breakfast, which triggers a complex metabolic mechanism. Because during a night's rest, metabolic processes in the body slow down, the need for calories decreases, and in the future, the “eaten” calories can be directly deposited in the form of fatty tissue.
  • Choose a time for dinner no later than 19.00, and if you are still craving food afterward, buy yourself some fruit for the evening: apples or citrus fruits - it will be easier for your stomach to wean itself off of heavy meals in the evening.

You shouldn’t rush to extremes and try “at any cost” to regain your previous shape. The load on the body after the holidays should be increased gradually, without harm to health!

Also, do not pay attention to radical diets that promise weight loss of 3-5 kg. per week - as a rule, such diets are designed in contradiction with the principles of nutrition and will only bring negative results. Never starve yourself! Fasting significantly slows down metabolism; with a deficit of calories consumed, the body automatically switches to energy conservation mode, which sharply slows down the rate of burning fat deposits.

The most effective way to lose weight is to adhere to a balanced and nutritious diet!

You should not treat things according to the “either all or nothing” principle. Naturally, you don’t need to spend all your free time in fitness clubs, just spend more time in the fresh air and learn to relax actively.

Try to organize joint ski trips with friends, go to the skating rink together, play in the snow or build a snowman, especially since the weather itself is now favorable for winter active recreation. If possible, visit the fitness center 2-3 times a week, where the main focus is on cardio training. can be replaced with a section on dancing, aerobics or going to the pool.

Use all our tips, and there will be no trace left of the “New Year’s calories”, and you will definitely get the expected result! Be beautiful!

The New Year holidays have come to an end, leaving behind not the most pleasant consequences: dull and dehydrated skin, an erratic daily routine and a couple of extra pounds. We tell you how to return to normal life without suffering and self-flagellation in the first working week of the new year.

1. Don't add stress to stress.

In other words, you should not arrange fasting days immediately after the New Year holidays. The most correct decision would be to simply return to your usual diet, as well as restore your sleep and eating patterns. The ideal option at first would be 4 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and one of any snacks (lunch or afternoon snack around 16:00). You should have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime. By the way, .

2. Try to go to bed on time

It is known that when we go to bed in the morning, and even after a glass or two, we get a short and confused sleep. The result is a broken state during the day, as well as an inevitable blow to the figure. When we sleep, the body produces the hormone cartisol, which resists insulin and normalizes metabolism. That is why, when returning to a work schedule, it is important to first normalize your sleep pattern.

3. Restore your “water” mode

You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of fluid a day - this is not news to anyone. 50% of it should be pure still water, and the other 50% should be non-concentrated teas and decoctions, for example, rosehip or chamomile. With their help, you can arrange an easy detoxification of the body.

Alternatively, try making healthy homemade lemonade and take it with you in a thermos to work. To prepare it you will need 1 lemon and 50 grams of ginger per 1 liter of water. Finely chop all the ingredients, add water and leave for 2-3 hours. Strain the resulting lemonade and cool slightly, adding more water in a 1:1 ratio. There will be no trace of swelling left.

4. Move more

Weight gain during the New Year holidays in practice is about 3-4 kilograms. If your favorite activity for the entire first week of January was walking to the refrigerator and back, start introducing physical activity gradually. After work, take a short walk, go to the skating rink with friends, or try snowboarding or skiing on the weekend. During the day, get up from your desk for ten minutes to do a simple set of exercises that will help relieve your neck, back and lower back that are tired from sitting at the computer for a long time.

5. Have a fasting day

After 3-4 working days - for example, on the weekend - give yourself a fasting day, but in no case a fasting day. For dishes, choose low-fat cottage cheese, meat with vegetables or buckwheat. If you really don’t have enough time to cook, today many online food delivery services offer special programs for fasting days. For example, in the arsenal of Dellos Delivery Diet, in addition to classic diet programs, there is also a detox menu. By ordering a diet containing no more than 1,500 kcal per day, you will help your body make the most comfortable transition from New Year's feasts to a familiar, more balanced diet.