
Amaranth oil in cosmetology at home. Amaranth oil in cosmetology: healing of skin, hair and nails

The beneficial properties of amaranth oil have been known since ancient times, so they have been carefully studied by modern scientists. In folk medicine, it is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, and in cosmetology it is successfully used for skin and hair care.

Since the composition of the oil has many microelements and substances, using the product for healing, one should study its effect on the body and contraindications so as not to harm health.

Amaranth oil is a substance obtained by cold pressing, oil or carbon dioxide extraction of grains, leaves, flowers and stems. Benefit and possible harm From its application are still being discussed by researchers in parallel with the breeding of new plant species on all continents.

It is significant that their results of the study speak of new positive qualities of the product, practically not fixing dangerous ones for health.

The oil is very nutritious and has a number of medicinal properties, which allows it to be used in various fields: from medicine to cosmetology.

In texture, it is liquid, almost watery, without the density and viscosity characteristic of many oils. Color - from rich yellow to brown, depending on the color of the processed plant and seeds. Very pleasant is its aroma with a bouquet of herbaceous-woody, nutty and bitter notes. The taste of the oil is pleasant and soft, with noticeable nutty nuances.

Amaranth oil: chemical composition

The most valuable chemical composition has a product obtained by cold pressing of plant seeds. Vital and essential fatty acids of the Omega group (linoleic, oleic, linolenic) are 70% of amaranth oil, which bring many benefits to the body systems and neutralize the harm from an unhealthy lifestyle.

Phospholipids make up to 10% of the substance and have a beneficial effect on the functions of the nervous tissue and human metabolism. Skin-friendly antioxidants squalene and vitamin E occupy up to 8% and up to 2% in the composition of the substance, respectively. In addition, the product contains vitamin D, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, copper.

Amaranth oil: benefits and harms, how to take, contraindications

The tool can be bought at any pharmacy and consumed without the use of a doctor, but in order not to harm, it is better to know its features.

Amaranth oil: benefits and harms

Benefit Harm
  • Protects human skin from aging thanks to the powerful antioxidant squalene
  • Reduces the chance of cancer in a person who takes the oil
  • Filters the harmful effects of exhaust gases on the body
  • Beneficial effect on vision and eye function
  • Needed by children for the full growth of bones, expectant mothers for a calm and healthy course of pregnancy, adults and the elderly - to maintain the skeleton in good condition
  • Accelerates metabolism, promotes full-fledged fat metabolism
  • It has invigorating properties, and therefore it is well suited for athletes as a useful pre-workout dope
The components of the composition of amaranth oil do not have a specific negative effect, but it can harm people with chronic diseases, with high cholesterol levels and with individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Children, pregnant women, the elderly and sick people are allowed to take amaranth oil. The benefits and harms described above convince people of any age, gender and health condition that the product is absolutely safe to use.

How to use

Thanks to its properties, the product can be used internally and externally.

Thermal impact on the oil is prohibited, it is permissible to use only in its pure form.

  1. Ingestion. The dosage should not exceed two teaspoons for preventive purposes and three for therapeutic purposes. The period of application can last a month, the number of courses - 2-3 per year.
  • A pleasant smell and taste allows you to use amaranth oil as a dressing for vegetable salads, cold cuts and cereals.
  • In its pure form, half an hour before meals, without drinking.
  1. Local application:
  • In case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, it is recommended to lubricate the gums and palate with it.
  • In case of thermal damage to the skin, gauze bandages soaked in amaranth oil will come to the rescue - the benefit lies in a soothing and healing effect, such use does not cause harm.
  • It can be used to treat sore joints by rubbing into the skin.
  • As part of masks for the skin of the face, lips and hair for moisturizing, enrichment with useful microelements, regeneration and rejuvenation.


Since the harm of amaranth oil is minimal, and the benefits are obvious, there are not many contraindications to the use of the product:

  • Increased cholesterol content in blood vessels.
  • Chronic diseases of the pancreas.
  • Chronic pancreatitis - according to the menu of the health-improving diet prescribed for this disease, all types of oils and fats are excluded, not only amaranth.
  • Peptic ulcer of the duodenum.
  • The tendency of the stomach to upset, amaranth oil, like all vegetable fats, has a laxative effect. In this case, if the problem is not critical, you can use it in moderation, observing the drinking regimen.

Amaranth seed oil: useful (healing) properties

The tool is used for the purpose of therapy for such health problems:

  • With nervous disorders, the manifestations of which are stress, depression, insomnia, migraines. The restorative and soothing effect is achieved thanks to amino acids, phospholipids, antioxidants and magnesium in the composition of the oil.
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - colitis, gastritis, erosion of the gastric mucosa.
  • With a liver disease such as cholecystitis. In this case, most fats are excluded from the patient's diet, amaranth oil will benefit if no more than two teaspoons a day are used, otherwise harm from the product is possible.
  • In diseases of the endocrine system - thanks to squalene, phytosterols and phospholipids, fat deposits are reduced, and minerals in the oil normalize glucose levels.
  • In inflammatory skin processes, the product is used locally, which helps to calm and heal.
  • Take orally to improve vision.
  • With menopause, during the period of bearing a child and with some gynecological problems, the components of the oil regulate the release of hormones.
  • With osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and muscle cramps, the skin is lubricated with oil in sore spots.
  • With anemia - iron and other trace elements favorably affect the synthesis of hemoglobin.
  • In infectious and fungal diseases, amaranth oil also benefits and reduces the harm from the vital activity of bacteria.
  • For preventive purposes, to strengthen general immunity, the product is taken orally. It is especially advisable to use it during outbreaks of epidemics, after a course of antibiotic treatment and after severe illnesses.

Amaranth oil: health use in folk medicine that heals

Amaranth oil, the benefits and harms of which were known to traditional healers in ancient times, is widely used in alternative medicine today.

Used to treat diseases:

  • Of cardio-vascular system.
  • Gastrointestinal tract.
  • Liver and kidney.
  • Throat and oral cavity.
  • Gynecological.
  • Diabetes.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Obesity.
  • Burns.
  • Boils.
  • Trophic ulcers.
  • Psoriasis, which in traditional medicine is considered incurable.

For the treatment of diseases of internal organs, oil is consumed internally - as part of dishes or in its pure form up to 3 teaspoons per day.

To combat skin diseases, the agent is applied to the site of inflammation several times a day.

Amaranth oil for burns: how to use, treatment

The advantage of using amaranth oil for sunburn and mechanical burns is that it not only relieves symptoms, but also heals the skin, unlike most remedies. Recovery of damaged cells and their growth occur primarily under the influence of squalene.

Amaranth oil has only benefit in the treatment of burns, without any harm

Pain is gone within an hour. There are no secrets of application - a small amount of amaranth oil should be rubbed into the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with light movements. Use in the summer season promotes the production of melanin and, as a result, a beautiful even tan.

Amaranth oil also accelerates the healing process in case of burns due to contact with very hot objects or substances. A bottle of funds will be most welcome to the hostess on the kitchen shelf. The advantage of using this particular oil is the absence of scars after the burn has healed. In this case, you can both rub the oil into the skin, and use it inside.

When applying, it is important to monitor hand hygiene.

Why is amaranth oil used in cosmetologists

The use of cold-pressed amaranth oil for cosmetic purposes has become very popular. The product can be used on its own, or as part of cosmetics. Almost all brands use oil in skin care creams, lotions, masks and oil mixes. It is not difficult to prepare cosmetics with amaranth oil at home.

Firming amaranth body oil

Experts say that the product is very effective for use during anti-cellulite and different types lifting massage. Cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion that the components of amaranth oil perfectly moisturize, nourish, and promote the healing of stretch marks and scars.

Amaranth oil for facial skin from wrinkles and to prevent aging

Thanks to the strongest antioxidant squalene in the composition of this product, you can literally stop time. It smoothes wrinkles and slows down the process of skin aging, so it is suitable for use at any age.

Other components nourish the skin with useful substances and restore not only externally, but also from the inside. Cosmetologists believe that it is best to use the product as part of masks. Their recipes are simple and affordable:

  • 2 teaspoons of amaranth oil, thoroughly mixed with 30 g of honey - this mixture is suitable for owners of dry skin.
  • 2 tablespoons of the product mixed with 60 ml of orange and 5 ml of lemon fresh - this mask should be used by girls with oily skin th.
  • A tablespoon of oil with 10 g of any cosmetic clay powder is ideal for those with normal skin.

All masks should be applied for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Additional treatment of the skin for the purpose of moisturizing is not required. In addition to this procedure, amaranth oil will benefit if used in its pure form, like a cream, for massage and blotting the face with a napkin, harm is excluded for any skin type.

Regular care, in addition to smoothing wrinkles and preventing aging, contributes to:

  • Protect sensitive skin from external irritants.
  • Evening complexion.
  • Pore ​​cleansing.
  • The acquisition of a velvety texture by the skin.

Amaranth oil for acne

The antibacterial effect of amaranth oil helps not only to treat internal viruses, but also to eliminate skin rashes. We are not talking about neglected cases when a comprehensive examination by a dermatologist, gastroenterologist and endocrinologist is necessary.

But the number of ordinary acne, acne and scars from them, familiar to all the fairer sex, can be reduced with this product.

The action of the components of the oil is aimed at the production of collagen and stimulation of the development of new healthy cells. Efficiency is due to the unique ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

It can be applied in several ways:

  • By using cotton swab applied to acne and scars - the first will dry out, the second will heal.
  • An alternative to pure amaranth oil is its mixture with tea tree oil in equal proportions. Effective for oily skin and inflamed acne.
  • A few drops of oil are added to 50 ml of kefir, a mask is applied to the entire face for half an hour, then washed off with warm water. May be used daily.
  • 3-4 drops of amaranth oil are combined with raw chicken protein, 2 drops of lavender oil and 2 rosemary until smooth. Apply to the entire face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

According to the reviews of the girls who have experienced these methods, the skin becomes clearer in just 7-10 days.

Amaranth oil for stretch marks

Amaranth oil will benefit in the fight against stretch marks and their prevention. There will be no harm either for pregnant women, or for lactating women, or for women during menopause.

It is recommended to apply after intensive scrubbing 2 times a week. Apply with gentle massage movements. The effect will have to wait a long time, but such a feature of the healing of striae. Only an expensive laser removal procedure will help get rid of them faster.

Amaranth oil for hair

Many manufacturers of shampoos and hair conditioners use amaranth oil in their composition. This component provides the supply of local skin with oxygen. This achieves:

  • Activation of metabolic processes of the local skin.
  • Restoration of damaged areas and elimination of dandruff
  • Normalization of hormonal and fatty balance of hair follicles.

Hair becomes strong, shiny, grows faster and falls out less.

In addition to ready-made cosmetics, homemade masks are used:

  • Pure Shrovetide amaranth is rubbed into the entire surface clean head for 15 minutes, then rinse well with warm water
  • 50 ml of oil is mixed with 30 g of honey and 100 g of raw avocado puree until smooth. The mixture is applied to clean, damp hair for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  • To make your hair shine, heat 6 liters of light beer, add to it the yolk of a medium chicken egg, 50 g of lemon juice and 30 g of amaranth oil, mix thoroughly and rinse your head with the mixture. Then rinse with clean water at a comfortable temperature.

Where to buy cold pressed amaranth oil, capsules

You can buy amaranth oil in pharmacies or in stores specializing in organic products. The second option is more convenient, because you can place an order through the website and receive the funds the next day at the home or office of the buyer. The courier arrives anywhere in Moscow, St. Petersburg and suburbs. The disadvantage of this service is the payment for delivery.

Amaranth oil: price in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)

The average cost of 100 ml of product in Moscow and St. Petersburg ranges from 530 to 1250 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the amount of squalene in it. Amaranth oil of domestic firms is cheaper.

Many pharmacies and online stores have promotional offers and discounts when purchasing amaranth oil in bulk.

Due to its beneficial properties and rich vitamin composition, amaranth oil is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. However, in order not to harm health, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications before use.

Video clips about amaranth oil

Amaranth oil. Health benefits and harms:

Amaranth flour. Benefit and harm:

The amaranth plant has been known to people since ancient times. The inhabitants of India and Nepal revered it as a sacred plant, calling it "a grain sent by God." It was believed that amaranth can bestow strength, youth and longevity. The plant has been known to Europeans since the 16th century, in Russia - since the 30s of the last century.

Of particular value is amaranth oil in cosmetology with unique properties. It is used in cooking, medicine and, of course, in cosmetology. We offer to consider the properties of this amazing product in more detail and learn how to use it in home cosmetics.

Nature has done a great job of creating a seemingly ordinary amaranth plant with unsurpassed properties. The most useful is amaranth oil, obtained by cold pressing from the crushed seeds of the plant. There is not so much precious liquid - only 10% of the initial mass of plant materials. The components that make up amaranth oil provide the product with unique biochemical characteristics.

Consider the composition and properties of amaranth. Among its useful components are the following:

  • Tocotriene. This is the name of vitamin E, presented in a special active form. It is the most powerful natural antioxidant in existence. This rare vitamin helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, activate the growth of new cells. Possessing a powerful regenerating effect, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps to cope with skin diseases.
  • Squalene Amaranth oil contains from 8% squalene! This most valuable component of amaranth is a natural hydrocarbon, a carotenoid, and also an analogue of the natural component contained in our epidermis. It has a huge impact on intracellular metabolism, maintains water balance, neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals, and slows down age-related skin changes. In medicine, it is used for the complex treatment of cancer.

This oil contains squalene up to 8%, so this oil is very valuable for sunscreen products. In addition, this oil additionally stabilizes the high content of saturated palmitic acid, so it can be added despite the fact that it contains linoleic acid.

With age, squalene reserves in the body are depleted, this negatively affects the condition of the skin - various problems arise, the skin ages, wrinkles appear. Amaranth oil will help to effectively fill the deficiency of this valuable substance.

Amaranth oil is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which are indispensable for our body, increasing capillary permeability and enhancing the natural protection of our cells. The provitamins, minerals, phytosterols, carotenoids and many other useful microelements included in the oil make it a real elixir of youth and beauty.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

In home cosmetology, amaranth oil is the most valuable assistant. Precious liquid with regular use will help you get rid of flabbiness and lethargy of the skin, restore its radiance and freshness. The oil copes well with shallow wrinkles, restoring skin tone and elasticity, eliminating dryness and flaking.

The use of amaranth oil has its undeniable advantages, including:

  • powerful antibacterial protection of the skin, the formation of a protective barrier of the skin (due to antibacterial properties, increased local immunity and membrane-protective action)
  • deep hydration and moisture retention by cells
  • effective restoration of beauty and youthfulness of the skin
  • UV protection
  • stimulation of the body's own production of collagen
  • effective elimination of cosmetic problems - dark circles under the eyes, age spots, acne, stretch marks and scars, with skin peeling and swelling, etc.
  • complex treatment of skin diseases (seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, trophic ulcers, etc.)
  • to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, bedsores, as a good base oil for cosmetic and massage mixtures, which promotes the rapid penetration of nutrients and medicinal substances into skin cells and tissues.

Amaranth oil for hair

Recently, amaranth oil has been widely used in cosmetology and, according to many women, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

As part of shampoos, masks, rinses and conditioners, it is perfect:

  • strengthens hair
  • makes them shine
  • removes dry dandruff
  • moisturizes and nourishes cuticles
  • fights dry and brittle hair
  • provides regeneration of the functions of the hair follicle

All these processes provide numerous unique constituents of the healing amaranth oil.

Regular hair care with amaranth oil will help to significantly improve their condition, restore healthy shine, strength, eliminate brittleness and dryness. It is recommended to apply the oil in a slightly warmed form to the scalp about 20 minutes before washing. To enhance the effect, massage the scalp a little and warm it with a towel, after wrapping the hair with cling film. Other effective and useful components can be added to hair masks - honey, avocado pulp, yolk, cosmetic clay.

Amaranth oil in face masks

Amaranth oil is successfully used both in home cosmetology and for the production of various cosmetic (and expensive!) products. The product is recommended for use by owners of mature and aging skin, as well as those who have problems such as dryness, peeling, pigmentation and others. The oil can be used to moisturize the skin of the face, both in its pure form and with other components.

And when lubricating amaranth oil on damaged areas of the skin (wounds, cuts, burns, bites, etc.), the result can be simply fantastic. Almost immediately after applying the oil to the wound, they become dull pain, and healing occurs several times faster.

We recommend that you first test how your skin reacts to this product by applying a little oil on your wrist. If everything is calm, you can use it at night as a mask, instead of a cream. The oil is well absorbed, it is enough to hold it on the skin for about 30 minutes, and then you can wash your face with warm water or blot your face with a soft cloth.

At home, you can prepare such masks.

For dry skin.

  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons of oil.

Mix the ingredients and apply on the prepared skin of the face. Withstand 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Nourishing anti-aging mask.

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese;
  • 1 teaspoon of amaranth oil.

Rub cottage cheese with butter. Apply to clean face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, rinse off. Recommended 2-3 masks per week.

To be beautiful and well-groomed, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive beauty salons. Regular use of unique natural remedies, including amaranth oil, will help you become irresistible, give you youth and beauty. Amaranth oil has a pleasant smell and nutty taste. The value of amaranth oil can be judged by its prices on the world market. Thus, 10 ml of amaranth oil in the USA costs from $18. Moreover, we can appreciate the efforts of Russian scientists and technologists who have provided our consumers with the opportunity to get this unique product at a price 40 times cheaper!

General information about amaranth oil

Color: yellow of different intensity
Smell and taste: light, nutty-herbaceous
Production method: cold pressing from seeds or extraction of seeds in vegetable oil

Physical and chemical indicators:
Color number, mg iodine, not more than: 45
Acid number, mg KOH/g, max: 2.5
Refractive index at 20 °C: 1.472-1.473
Density at 20 °C, g/cm3: 0.920-0.925
Peroxide value, mmol O2/kg, max: 10.0
Iodine number, g I2/100 g: 132-157
Mass fraction of unsaponifiable substances, %, max: 1.0
Saponification number, mg KOH/g: 189-198

Storage conditions and terms: Manufacturers can give different term storage for their products: from 6 to 12 months. After opening the package, store in a tightly closed container in a cool place (lower shelf of the refrigerator is allowed). Amaranth oil quickly oxidizes in the light and on contact with air. Not subject to heat, since the latter leads to the destruction of vitamin F.

Many folk remedies are becoming popular again today. Science is rediscovering the properties of herbs and plants. After all, most microelements are already incorporated in them by nature, and therefore the latter do not need to be produced artificially. Today we will talk about amaranth oil - a storehouse of nutrients. You will be surprised by the possibilities of this tool.

Historical reference

Among scientists involved in botany, this plant is called Amaranthus panicathus, in European languages ​​\u200b\u200bAmaranth. The Spanish conquistadors, seeing it among the Indians, considered it a swan. In Russia, it is often called shiritsa.

This culture is over eight thousand years old! It is known both in Central and Latin America, and in Europe and Asia. We can say that this is one of the oldest grain crops used by man.

Before today its species are grown: Amaranthus caudatus, Amaranthus cruentus, Amaranthus hypochondriacus. This culture is considered a pseudo-grain and is compared with quinoa and buckwheat.

The Incas made bread out of it, while the Aztecs used it as wheat and called it huauquilitl. The stems were used to feed livestock. It was also part of their religious rituals, for which the Spaniards considered amaranth to be the plant of the devil. This led to a decline in his popularity.

Today in Mesoamerica it is grown mainly for the manufacture of sweets.

In Asia, it is known in the cultures of China, India, Nepal, Pakistan.

But this is how the ancient peoples used it. Now it is part of a huge number of products. You will find it in the food industry - these are dairy products, flour and confectionery products, baby food. Even the fresh leaves are eaten as a salad, as they taste like spinach.

Medicine, cosmetology and many other areas also use amaranth oil. The price of such prevention is often lower than treatment by specialists. But read on for more on this.

Application in the field of health

The most popular oils today are not only in the food industry, but also in the field of improving the appearance and well-being of a person.
In particular, useful vegetable oils are used in cosmetology.
Why are they so good?

First, they are produced by cold pressing. Thanks to this, all nutrients are preserved. The raw materials are seeds, bones, kernels of nuts.

The value of these substances lies primarily in the fact that all ingredients are natural. That is, in terms of the impact on the human body, they are head and shoulders ahead of their artificial "colleagues".

Secondly, all vegetable oils in medicine are used without a prescription due to their hypoallergenic properties. In cosmetology, they are suitable for all skin types. Although a special benefit, of course, will bring dry, tired and exhausted.

But for people with oily skin type, this will also be a salvation. Some extracts have a calming effect on inflammation. Also, such products can, unlike masks, be applied to the skin around the eyes, which brings them closer to creams.

ethnoscience advises the use of vegetable oils both externally and internally. It is believed that, enveloping the damaged organ, the substances of these products gently relieve it of the disease. In addition, they are amazingly suitable for massage, are part of creams and masks, are added to salads and other dishes.

Amaranth oil: properties

Go through all kinds of forums, contact professionals or grandmothers in the village. Everything will be given to you positive reviews about the product. Judging by the enthusiasm of the people using it, one gets the impression, But is it really so?

Let's look at this issue, relying only on scientific facts.

Useful ingredients

So the first ingredient is calcium. Yes, despite the fact that this is a plant, and not a shell or chalk, it contains more of this microelement even than in natural milk. If your body lacks it, there are problems with your teeth, exfoliating nails and brittle hair, there is already a solution. Amaranth oil will help to cope with this trouble.

The next element is vitamin E. Health, beauty, youth are epithets that constantly accompany this substance. It is responsible for the tone of the skin and its taut appearance, opposition to the aggression of the external environment, ecology, solar radiation. With the constant use of vitamin E, the risk of oncology is significantly reduced. This vitamin brings many more benefits to the human body, and in its category the champion in its content is the amaranth properties of which are beyond praise.

Phospholipids are substances that improve metabolism, accelerate metabolism. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on all tissues and organs in general. God forbid, what kind of failure - microelements immediately come to the rescue.
It is important that they affect the amount of glucose in the body. Thus, if sugar is elevated, be sure to consult a doctor, but adding amaranth oil to the diet will not be superfluous.

Squalene is a little-known element of a healthy body, but it plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin. He is responsible for her tone, smartness. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect, that is, with a sufficient amount of it, you will not be overcome by pimples and inflammation, and the wounds will heal comfortably.

Therefore, you need to monitor the sufficient intake of squalene in the body, while maintaining health. Amaranth oil will successfully cope with this.

Sterol - athletes have probably heard a lot about this substance. You can find it in the composition of energy drinks, diet food. Its benefit is that, as an anabolic, it makes it easier to adapt to stress. The bonus is that this extends to more than just physical activity. Overcoming psychological difficulties and stresses is also included in the scope.

In addition to these micro and macro elements, amaranth contains a lot of other things. Traditional medicine refers to it in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, with skin lesions, "female" and "male" problems. But we'll talk about this in more detail later.


Amaranth oil is now produced in many countries around the world. The most used are four technologies for its production:

. Getting through the solvent.
. Supercritical CO2 extract.
. Pressing with cold pressing.

The first three methods are considered not very effective. In addition, they are already working with waste from the fourth type of production. Thus, based on the quality of the product and the demand for amaranth oil, the price fluctuates markedly.

Cold pressing allows you to get the most natural product. It retains all the useful substances that would be destroyed during heat treatment.

This is what the machine used for such seed treatment looks like. The Germans, as usual, pedantically approached the issue. The device takes up little space, consumes little electricity, and you can't call it noisy either.

Making amaranth oil at home is quite difficult. However, one extravagant way was found.

It is necessary to take one kilogram of large plant seeds and one and a half liters olive oil cold pressed. Lightly roast the grains, and then grind them in a coffee grinder. The resulting flour is mixed with butter in a three-liter jar.

Mix thoroughly, close and put in a dark, cool place. Shake daily for three weeks. After that, pour through the filter into a smaller bottle. To do this, you can use cheesecloth or Fold them several times and cover them with a jar instead of a lid. It is stored away from sunlight.

Cake can be used as compresses against diseases of the joints.

Choosing the Right

Excellent, you say, an amazing remedy is amaranth oil, medicinal properties its incredible. But how do you find the best? After all, the market today offers quite diverse. The geography of manufacturers - from Russia to Egypt and Latin America.

And you will be absolutely right. In color and consistency, it resembles most pomace from various plants and nuts. Nowadays, thanks to the growing fashion for this product, it is one of the leaders among counterfeits.

Let's start with the fact that it is better to buy amaranth oil in a pharmacy or an aromatherapy store. In other places, you run the risk of buying a fake with an artificially created smell.

The package should have the inscription: "Amaranthus cruentus" or "Amaranthus oil". All other names do not correspond to a quality and natural product.

Read the ingredients. There should be only amaranth oil, application, manufacturer. And that's all. No preservatives, extracts, etc.

Very likely, you will be told that this plant is from South America, loves a warm climate. But you should not judge the quality by the country of manufacture, because many factories in different countries are engaged only in processing. They buy raw materials. So we just ignore this point.

However, the method of production will concern us. We choose only Extractions and other methods are of little interest, since they significantly reduce the content of useful substances in the final product.

There are also blends of different oils. In this case, carefully understand the instructions. Indications for use, contraindications, etc.

Beware of fakes!

Which external signs help to catch scammers in a lie? Let's figure it out.

  • Firstly, the bottle should only be glass. Plastic, metal and other materials are strictly unacceptable.
  • The color of the cold pressed oil is only dark. Otherwise, you are holding a diluted fake in your hands, in which amaranth can only be in the name.
  • The volume of the bottle is not more than 100 milliliters. Otherwise, it's just making money on gullible consumers. Such liquids quickly oxidize. Therefore, using the last drops from a two-hundred-gram vessel, you are pouring simply colored water.
  • We read the composition. The content of squalene is 8 percent per 100 grams, that is, per bottle. Otherwise, it is a fake, since the grain of this substance is 6-8%.
  • Feel free to also ask for certificates from sellers.
  • The main thing to remember is that amaranth oil retains its properties only when cold pressed.

How to use

In any case, before using it is better to consult a doctor. Although on different sites they write that this is a common food product. But only your attending doctor knows specifically your situation with problems in the body. This is important to remember!

In general, there are several ways to use - to prevent or improve the condition of the body.

In the first case, mix it with other vegetable oils, using 10-25% amaranth. Use in cooking, season salads, turn on your imagination.

The second option is divided into external and internal. We will talk about them in more detail later, but, in general, the rules are as follows.

In the first case, the proportion is the same as for prevention. We drink a tablespoon an hour before or one and a half after a meal.

On the skin is used in the form of rubbing, dressings and compresses.

One of the leaders in the Russian market is Amaranth Aktiv. The oil of this manufacturer is of high quality.

Let's take a look at the instructions for the tool. What are his contraindications?
Basically they write that there are none, but you should be careful when taking those who have:

Diseases of the pancreas and gallstones.
. Chronic pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer.
. Tendency to gastrointestinal disorders.

Thus, everything is organized according to standard rules. Fatty, fried, spicy and other joys of life are not recommended for people with such diseases, and often forbidden. For everyone else, those who have kept their food system healthy so far, this oil can be used.

Benefits for various diseases

If you set a goal and understand the properties of all the ingredients, you will be simply amazed. A huge amount of useful acids, such as oleic, linoleic and many others, vitamins A, B, E, D, sterols. Squalene is a separate issue altogether. Its main task is the delivery of oxygen. That is, our activity and youth directly depend on this substance. By the way, its second source is shark liver, so, for obvious reasons, amaranth oil is more beneficial, the use of which is much simpler and more convenient.

Human diseases are often associated with deficiencies in the body of certain micro- and macroelements. As you saw in the previous paragraph, this plant is just a natural repository of everything you need.

Initially, only folk healers used this remedy. However, today, thanks to research, traditional medicine tends to see amaranth oil in its ranks, the healing properties of which are certainly confirmed.

It is useful in a wide variety of situations. Let's list some of them.

Reduces the level of a substance such as cholesterol.
. Accelerates metabolism. If you have been told that your metabolism is low, the oil may well help.
. Are there hormonal imbalances? Here, too, you can not do without this tool. It will help normalize.
. Clogged body? Has the presence of slags and toxins, heavy salts and radionuclides been diagnosed? Well, it can help with that too.
. Thanks to squalene, many mucous surfaces will be able to recover. It is involved in the healing of the gastrointestinal tract, restores the epithelium, improves the functioning of many organs.
. And that's not all that amaranth oil is famous for. Its use together with traditional medicines only potentiates their action.
. The last thing I would like to say about it: the product has amazing regenerating, general tonic and regenerating effects.

So whether or not to include it in your diet is up to you. But for prevention today it is used by many.

Amaranth oil in cosmetology

What usually harms our skin the most? Experts answer almost unanimously - free radicals. These are active oxygen molecules that actually produce the effect of "rust" in our body. How to deal with them?

Antioxidants have long been recognized as the best remedy against such pests. They neutralize and remove this garbage. In particular, they include vitamin E. It is his active form contains amaranth oil. The use of tocotrienol leads to the activation of skin cells, as well as to rejuvenation and return of tone.

Age-related pigmentation, namely the fight against it, is also included in the scope of the remedy. Appearance the décolleté, face and neck areas will change significantly as soon as you add this preparation to their care.

The beauty of the oil is that it actively moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Therefore, dryness, peeling, rough skin and other imperfections can be corrected with daily use of the product. An important fact is that the healing effects can be compared with those of the best pharmaceutical products.

How to apply it? Very simple! Cleanse the desired area of ​​​​skin, apply the product on it and wait 15-20 minutes. After that, just gently wipe with a cosmetic tissue. You can not believe it, but there will be no oily sheen.

Hands and feet, and especially the heels, will be grateful if you soften them with a cream with the addition of this component. Restoration of these zones is possible with different preparations. But a particularly stunning effect is observed after amaranth oil has been applied. The price of such a procedure is often cheaper than visiting a specialist, especially if the latter is performed for preventive purposes.

In addition, the oil is great for massage and protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Price and reviews

Above, we examined the features of production, composition, application and scope. Only the question of its cost remains open.

It ranges in Ukraine from 50 to 250 hryvnia per 100 milliliters, and in Russia - from 300 to 1500 rubles. The difference is in the manufacturer, the country of delivery and the type of processing, as well as the "guaranteed purity" of the product.

It seems that everything was dismantled about people about him, only the most positive. They mainly write about its use for burns, improvement of the condition problematic skin. True, several references to the restoration of the cycle were found.

In addition, many add it to food, season salads with it. There is a benefit, the remedy is not very expensive, especially if you use it in a mixture with others.

Usually on the forums, housewives say that at first they looked at him with apprehension, and then they tried it. Here are just a description of the taste varies greatly from opinion to opinion. There are the following options: nutty (sometimes they write - with the taste of walnut), just bitter, unexpressed.

It is also advised to check the purchase. The bottle must be placed in the refrigerator on a shelf with a temperature of +3 to +5 Celsius. After a while, a precipitate will appear, the oil will become cloudy. This happens only in cold-pressed oils.

I wish you health and success in your search for natural products!

It contains many nutrients and medicinal substances, due to which it is often included in the diet of patients, young children, as well as people who must have increased endurance (athletes, rescuers, travelers, etc.).

Amaranth seeds are rich in various vitamins and minerals, their regular consumption compensates for the deficiency of iron, potassium, vitamins A, C, group B.

Amaranth seed oil has a pleasant nutty taste and no less pleasant smell. All the beneficial substances contained in the plant are concentrated in this oil, so it is recommended to eat it instead of the usual vegetable oils. Amaranth oil will help strengthen the immune system, restore the state of the nervous system, normalize blood pressure, and reduce the risk of problems with the cardiovascular system.

But amaranth oil shows particular effectiveness in the treatment of skin diseases, improving the general condition of the skin. Lotions with oil are useful for accelerating the regenerative processes in case of burns, trophic ulcers; with the help of compresses, pain can be eliminated.

Facial skin benefits

Compared to other vegetable oils, amaranth oil contains a record amount of squalene, which is one of the main components of human skin. Squalene enriches epithelial cells with oxygen, slows down the aging process.

Amaranth oil also contains the following components:

  • vitamin E It is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that lead to aging and aging of the skin. Recommended for the care of mature skin, on which the first signs of aging have appeared: sagging, dryness, fine wrinkles, etc.;
  • provitamin A. Renews the skin at the cellular level, gives the skin smoothness, silkiness, elasticity;
  • vitamin D It has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antioxidant effect. Treats certain dermatological conditions such as psoriasis. Protects the DNA of epithelial cells from damage, which, as a result, can cause cancer;
  • B group vitamins. Restore complexion, accelerate cell renewal, smooth, moisturize the skin, give the face freshness and youth;
  • polyunsaturated acids. Protect the walls of capillaries, thereby prolonging the youthfulness of the skin.

When will help

Amaranth oil can eliminate the following cosmetic problems:

  • dermatological diseases. Amaranth oil promotes tissue regeneration, skin restoration at the cellular level;
  • too sensitive, problematic skin. Thanks to the contained vitamins E and A, the oil will make rough and overdried skin softer, velvety, effectively cleanse clogged pores, remove oily sheen, acne, acne;
  • age changes. It will reduce the severity and depth of facial and age wrinkles, the skin of the face will become noticeably younger and smoother;
  • defects resulting from frostbite, injuries. Amaranth oil will heal burns, wounds, make stretch marks and scars less noticeable.

How is it used in cosmetology

The most convenient way to use it is to add it to the usual cosmetics, just put a few drops into your shampoo, face mask, cream.

Also, this vitamin component is often used as part of self-prepared face masks.

Depending on the type of skin and the desired result, you can make the following masks at home:

Nutritious. Put a few drops of oil on the fingertips, wait until the product warms up to body temperature and apply with light massage movements to the face along the massage lines. Leave the mask for half an hour, after which you can rinse with warm soft water. Moisturizing. This mask effectively evens out skin tone and relieves flaking. Mix until smooth 1 yolk, 2 tsp. oils, 1 tbsp. honey. Apply the composition on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash away.

Soothing. Mix with cottage cheese, grind into a homogeneous mass with a blender or mixer, apply to the skin. After 15 minutes, remove with a cotton pad and wash with warm water. Antibacterial. Eliminates acne and prevents their appearance in the future. For the mask, you need to mix 2 tbsp. orange juice, 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 tbsp. amaranth oil. Apply the mixture to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse.

Smoothing. Dilute the oil with lemon juice (1:1), mix, apply, leave to soak for 15 minutes. After that, the mass must be washed off with water. Whitening. Mash six boiled beans, add a little oil, lemon juice, mix. Apply, wash off after 20 minutes. All recipes are suitable for all skin types.

Antibacterial. Eliminates acne and prevents their appearance in the future. For the mask, you need to mix 2 tbsp. orange juice, 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 tbsp. amaranth oil. Apply the mixture to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse.

Smoothing. Dilute the oil with lemon juice (1:1), mix, apply, leave to soak for 15 minutes. After that, the mass must be washed off with water.

Whitening. Mash six boiled beans, add a little oil, lemon juice, mix. Apply, wash off after 20 minutes. All recipes are suitable for any skin type.

Amaranth oil for the face is useful due to its rich biochemical composition. A natural product of plant origin, generously endows the skin with beauty. This is due to the unique properties of the components that make up the oil. Even in ancient times it was considered a symbol of immortality and a source of youth and longevity. What is the uniqueness of this oil and how to use it correctly? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

Amaranth oil worked wonders in antiquity

Amaranth oil has worked wonders since ancient times. It was known in ancient China, Southeast Asia, Ancient Greece where it was considered sacred. It appeared in Europe in the 16th century and immediately became popular.

Get the product from the seeds of amaranth. In structure, it is a light oily liquid of dark yellow color with a reddish tint. Produced by cold pressing, which allows it to preserve its powerful natural properties.

The liquid has a characteristic nutty taste. Used in many industries. In cosmetology, it is an indispensable substance for solving problems with aging skin.

The composition and properties of the oil

Oily amaranth product in terms of chemical composition is a unique concentrate of nutrients important for human health. During the production process, carbohydrates, fiber and proteins are separated from it. The rest of the mass is saturated with many useful substances.

The composition of amaranth seed oil includes:

  • poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, arachidonic, oleic, stearic, palmitic, linolenic), they account for up to 70% of the mass;
  • phytosterols and phospholipids - up to 9%;
  • the most powerful antioxidant squalene - up to 8%;
  • active form of vitamin E - up to 2%;
  • micro and macro elements are represented by a rich set (copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, etc.);
  • vitamin D;
  • carotenoids;
  • bile acids.

This richest set of active substances determines the properties of the product:

  • removes stretch marks, traces of rashes, dissolves postoperative scars;
  • activates the production of collagen;
  • has a stimulating effect on the growth of young cells;
  • able to moisturize and nourish the skin, making it supple and youthful.

Such a composition and a set of healing properties allows the wide use of this product to combat various problems of the skin of the face.

Facial skin benefits

The use of amaranth oil for facial skin is due to its useful properties. This benefit lies in a number of rare components that are included in the composition. They allow you to deal with skin problems, giving it a healthy look.

The benefits of amaranth ether for facial skin are as follows:

  • oil components saturate the skin with essential vitamins, micro and macro elements, unsaturated fatty acids, giving it elasticity and restoring youth;
  • protects against bacteria;
  • smoothes age and mimic wrinkles;
  • regulates the secretion of fat by the skin;
  • accelerates regenerative processes;
  • moisturizes, nourishes, protects from harmful external influences;
  • slows down the aging process of skin cells;
  • strengthens the walls of capillaries.

Such an effect of the oily pomace of amaranth seeds produces a powerful healing effect. The skin of the face becomes clean, smooth, toned, and acquires a healthy appearance.

This product will be a real gift for those women whose skin is aging and is not quite healthy. Regular use of oil will stop the process, restore attractiveness.

Therefore, amaranth seed oil becomes a component of many masks that are used in cosmetology to improve facial skin.

Cosmetic use

The use of an oil product from amaranth seeds in cosmetology has a positive effect. An oil extract from amaranth seeds can be used in its pure form, applied to problem areas, or added to masks, scrubs, balms, peels.

Use of the product in various cosmetics recommended for the following indications:

  • dermatological diseases of a different nature;
  • problematic and sensitive skin;
  • age-related changes in the dermis;
  • flaky and irritated areas on the face;
  • comedones;
  • acne.

In addition, using the product, you must also remember about contraindications. This:

  • individual intolerance;
  • use of poor quality oil.

The systematic use of an oil extract from amaranth seeds, especially in combination with other oils of plant origin, will give a lasting positive effect.

Impact on the skin

Flawless delicate skin with a healthy glow is the dream of every woman. This state can be achieved with the help of amaranth oil, which has a very beneficial effect.

Regular use of healing pomace:

  • refresh mature, tired skin, fill it with moisture from the inside, and allow it to regain its youth;
  • removes flaky and irritated places, protects them from the effects of the external environment;
  • will soften rough areas, restore cell regeneration in them;
  • will not leave conditions for the development of dermatological defects (psoriasis, eczema, herpes);
  • accelerate the healing of scratches, cuts, wounds on the face;
  • evens out the tone of the face, restores freshness to it.

Regular course use of the product will have a very positive effect on the skin. Every day the changes will be more noticeable, and with them the overall well-being will improve.

Mask Recipes

Amaranth oil in cosmetology can solve many problems. Daily use will help maintain beauty and youth. Most often, amaranth pomace is added to masks. They render different effect on the skin:

  • nourish;
  • moisturize;
  • soothe;
  • improve complexion;
  • smooth age and mimic wrinkles.

Among the many recipes for masks, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself, which will benefit.


The easiest way to use the tool. Warm a few drops of oil on your fingertips and apply to the face with light movements along the massage lines. Keep the product for about half an hour and rinse with warm water.


This mask well prevents the appearance of peeling, and evens existing problem areas. The composition includes: 2 tsp. butter / 1 yolk / 1 tbsp. honey. Mix all the ingredients, beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply on the face. You can keep it for up to 20 minutes, then rinse well.


A mixture of amaranth oil with cottage cheese (2 tsp / 4 tbsp) has a mild calming effect. To prepare it, carefully grind the components into a homogeneous mass, which is then applied for 15 minutes on the face. The excess is removed with a cotton pad, then washed with warm water. It is recommended to do such procedures up to 2 times a week.


For this mask you will need oil and lemon juice in equal amounts. Mix the components and apply on the face along the massage lines, rinse off after 15 minutes. The effect of the mask is amazing: the tone of the face becomes even, the pores are cleansed, wrinkles gradually decrease, the skin acquires a velvety appearance.


Used to prevent acne. Ingredients: freshly squeezed orange juice, lemon juice, amaranth oil (2 tbsp/0.2 tsp/2 tbsp). The resulting liquid should be treated with problem areas, then the whole face. Wash off after 15 minutes. Apply the course until improvement.

Amaranth oil has become firmly established in cosmetology. This tool has a powerful effect. The results are visible after several sessions and will not leave anyone indifferent.

How to choose a quality product

With all the advantages, amaranth oil has one drawback: the price per unit of the product is quite high. It is 500-1500 rubles and depends on the volume of the bottle and the manufacturer.

Taking into account this circumstance, it is necessary to approach the choice of a product seriously. What should be guided by when buying?

  • It is better not to buy oil in large quantities. When we open the lid as needed, the product comes into contact with air and the oxidation process starts. Such oil will quickly lose its healing properties. 100 ml of product will be enough.
  • Real oil is sold in a glass bottle.
  • The color of the contents of the bottle should be dark. light shade indicates that the product is diluted or its manufacturing technology is violated.
  • Pay special attention to the content of squalene. Overestimated indicators indicate the extraction process used, and in this case, many useful properties are lost.

The right oil will allow you to observe how the structure of the face improves every day.

How to make butter at home

Amaranth oil can be prepared at home. In this case, not quite a real 100% product will turn out, but it will still have valuable properties.

To prepare homemade pomace from amaranth seeds, do the following:

  • measure out 200 g of seeds and dry them in the oven;
  • grind the prepared raw materials well in a mortar;
  • Transfer the resulting mass into a dry glass container and add 0.2 liters. olive oil;
  • remove for infusion in a warm dark place, leave for a month;
  • strain the resulting mixture and put it in a cool place.

Making homemade pomace is not difficult. Ripe seeds can be obtained from a plant that is widespread in our country.