
How long does labor last and how does it start? How to behave during labor to reduce pain How to behave during childbirth useful tips.

It is very important for both the expectant mother and the baby. After all, not only a woman helps her baby be born, but he also moves along the birth canal, participates in labor activity. The health and life of the child depend on how the mother will behave during childbirth. This requires information and psychological preparation.

This complex and natural process

Childbirth is divided into three periods. The first, the longest and most difficult, is characterized by contractions. Its duration can be from several hours to days. In the second period, the expulsion of the fetus occurs. He is the most important. The third - the postpartum period - is characterized by the birth of the placenta.

The beginning of labor is foreshadowed by contractions, the most important thing here is to pay attention to their regularity. Contractions of the uterus begin with barely perceptible, and in the lower abdomen. Then the periods of regular uterine contractions increase to 1 minute, and the intervals between contractions decrease from 10-15 minutes to 2-3. Primiparous women experience this period up to 16 hours, or even more. In multiparous women, contractions take 6-8 hours.

Much depends on how a woman will behave during contractions. To anesthetize this process,

you need to know some tricks. The baby needs oxygen, so when the contraction starts, you need to take a deep breath and then exhale, this will ensure the necessary flow of oxygen into the blood. To understand how to behave during childbirth, you need to listen to your body, be able to relax and rest in between contractions.

If you are giving birth with a partner, then ask him to massage your lower back, alternate it with regular breathing during contractions - the key to successful completion of the first and eliminating the risk of hypoxia in the child. When you feel an irresistible desire to empty your bowels, this means that the second stage of labor has begun. You need to push correctly so that there are no internal and external perineal tears. Attempts must be made as follows: when a fight occurs, inhale deeply and grab your legs with your hands and, raising your head, pull them towards you, pressing your chin to your chest. When you no longer have the strength to push, exhale the air. Such actions must be performed three times during the fight. Properly performed manipulations during attempts accelerate the process of fetal expulsion and reduce pain. The third period is the shortest and painless. It takes about 30 minutes.

Proper preparation

The technique of how to behave during childbirth is taught in many public and private clinics. It is very important to attend such classes, especially for those women who are pregnant for the first time and have little idea of ​​childbirth. If this is not possible, then listen carefully to the obstetrician and follow all his recommendations to give birth healthy child while reducing pain and speeding up the process. They help you understand how to behave during childbirth, and various printed manuals for women in labor, with which you can learn many techniques for pain relief and practice breathing.

* Pure scarlet blood is released from the genital tract (in any quantity and at any stage of pregnancy);

* Amniotic fluid has poured out, or is leaking. Be sure to pay attention to the condition of the waters. Remember the time when they poured out, or began to leak.

* Contractions are frequent and painful.

If in your case childbirth began with contractions, try to remember the time of the first contraction. Write down on paper what time the contraction started and how long it lasted.

Since the onset of childbirth try not to eat(the maximum you can afford is something “light”: yogurt, tea, crackers, crackers) and don't drink too much. In many maternity hospitals, this is not allowed, because. vomiting may occur; plus, anesthesia may be required during childbirth, and if the stomach is full, food can enter the lungs, which naturally leads to adverse effects.

Necessarily listen to the doctor and midwife, accepting your childbirth, so as not to harm either yourself or the child!

During fights:

You will not be able to control the frequency and strength of contractions.

If there are no contraindications premature birth, rapid labor, breech presentation, poor health of the mother or child), try to move more, especially at the very beginning of childbirth: walk around the room, change the position of the body more often. This will speed up the birth process, blood circulation will be better, and more oxygen will flow to the baby, which is very important.

Need to try to relax all the muscles as much as possible. Firstly, in the case when a woman tenses herself, she does not even want to, she can create an obstacle in the way of a baby being born. Secondly, if you strain, the process will be more painful (due to the hormones that are released during stress).

Ways to relieve stress:

1) Breathing at the time of contractions: when they are not strong and not long, breathe evenly and deeply; when the contractions become painful and frequent, you can breathe quickly and shallowly (like a dog breathing). The main thing is to breathe, not hold your breath!

2) Comfortable posture: lying on the left side, standing near the bed and leaning on the back, sitting on a large inflatable ball (fitball). It is better not to lie on your back, because. this can lead to oxygen starvation of the child and stagnation of blood during internal organs, not counting the situations when it is necessary: ​​examination, opening of the fetal bladder, CTG, ultrasound, listening to the heartbeat, the birth of a child in the 2nd stage of labor.

3) Pain relief massage: you can massage the lumbar region with your fists in a circular motion. Massage of the sacrum helps a lot.

4) Try to sleep Or at least pretend to be asleep.

5) Movements of the pelvis: circular and swaying.

6) Calm, relaxing music can help a lot.

7) Own mood: think that your baby will be born soon, you will finally be able to take him in your arms, to hug him.

When women begin to feel quite painful contractions, many begin to demand that they have a caesarean section. You shouldn't do that. This operation is performed only for certain indications, when natural childbirth can threaten the life and health of the mother and child. In the event of any complication, the gynecologist who observes you during pregnancy or the doctor in charge of delivery will raise the question of surgery. But, simply because you do not want to give birth yourself, or you cannot bear the pain any longer, you will not be operated on.

When the contractions become frequent and strong, closer to the full disclosure of the cervix, and if there is also a desire to push - can't sit on the bed(it turns out an obstacle for the child). You can, for example, sit on a hospital duck.

try do not shout in painful periods, when the uterus contracts or during attempts - again, the child suffers from this due to a lack of oxygen, and you lose more strength that is better to save.

During pushing:

You can delay or intensify the push.

You can't start pushing on your own, because premature attempts can injure both mother and child. When you first feel a strong urge to push, breathe through the push (breathe quickly and shallowly), and call your doctor or midwife right away.

How to push properly: take a deep, good breath, hold your breath (do not exhale), strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible, trying to help the baby move through the birth canal (imagine that you are struggling to go to the toilet "in a big way" if the pain in the birth canal increases - you you are doing everything right). Push for an average of 15-20 seconds, then exhale smoothly to consolidate the result of the attempt. Try to rest before pushing next time. For one fight there are about 3 attempts. It is better to push fruitfully several times than to try to do it continuously during a contraction - this is how a child suffers from a lack of oxygen, and you lose more strength. Try not to shout - it will only interfere.

Those. no need to push “in the face” (strain the muscles of the face), puff out the cheeks, as many do - this is how the child does not advance, plus small hemorrhages may appear on the face and eyes.

If you don't start pushing properly, doctors will begin to press on the stomach, as if squeezing out the child. If necessary, you will have to impose obstetric forceps.

If you don't feel the pressure or they will be too weak, you will be guided by a doctor and a midwife.

I bring to your attention a video where an obstetrician-gynecologist talks in detail about the methods of anesthesia for childbirth:

And one more video, where a specialist from the birth preparation center explains which positions are most convenient:

It is necessary to imagine how childbirth will proceed and behave accordingly. There is a joint work of mother and child, and you need to know how to do your part right.

Understanding how to behave during childbirth and contractions will significantly reduce pain. It is important to know what postures are best to take during contractions, and how to breathe correctly. It is important not to worry and to focus all your thoughts not on your feelings, but on the child, the long-awaited baby, who is about to be born.

At different times of childbirth, you need to behave differently:

  • The first phase is associated with the start of fights. They cease to be uneven and occur periodically and not too often - once every 20 minutes for 1-2 minutes. At this time, you can behave as usual, do business, read, collect things, take a bath. The time between contractions allows this, it is necessary to conserve strength. Try to breathe deeply, with full breasts. It is in this phase that you need to get to the maternity hospital in order to meet the next phase already there.
  • The second phase is the increase in contractions. They already occur every couple of minutes and continue for the same amount. Here it is already necessary to adhere to certain rules, for example, you can not sit or lie on your back. It is better to walk, you can squat or get on all fours. It will be possible to breathe deeply only between fights, and during the fight you need to switch to shallow breathing “like a dog”. In no case should you hold back your breath - the oxygen content in the blood, and hence in the body of the child, depends on this. Save your strength and try to be distracted, sing songs, recite poems, listen to music. You can’t scream - screaming can provoke a spasm of the cervix, but you can and even need to moan on the exhale to help the muscles of the cervix relax.
  • The third phase is attempts and the birth of a child. The first attempts should be treated with caution and not in a hurry to help them: if the cervix is ​​not fully dilated, this can be dangerous, so if you want to give birth without tears and incisions, do not rush and listen to the doctor's advice. It is necessary to breathe, either like a dog, or sobbing often, but regularly. You can take in air before the start of the attempt and let it out with force, this will help the movement of the child. The process of the appearance of the baby will take about five minutes.
  • The birth of the placenta is no longer painful and not scary. The baby is born, it is on your chest, and it is enough to push once, at the prompt of the doctor, for the placenta to come out.

You are not alone during childbirth

At this difficult moment in life, there will be doctors next to you who will definitely tell you how to behave during childbirth. You just need to carefully follow their advice. The participation of your spouse will not hurt either, who should be aware of everything that lies ahead for you, and understand well what to do and how to give birth without pain and breaks.

Dad should not only worry about you, but also really help:

  • control the actions of doctors and nurses if they do not pay as much attention to the woman in labor as we would like, because she herself is not up to control now;
  • massage the lower back, it is useful and relieves pain;
  • remind you to breathe properly.

Prepare for childbirth

Physically, your body will prepare itself for childbirth and do everything that is needed. You also need to mentally prepare for childbirth in order to be calm and help the child to be born on his own with all his might. If you are psychologically prepared for the pain that accompanies the birth of a child, you can direct all your strength to help him come into this world without pain. You simply take on his pain - this consciousness will help you, because you are already a mother!

Future mothers have already heard that the outcome of childbirth is largely determined by the calmness and mood of the woman in labor. However, not everyone knows exactly how to prepare for the birth of a baby and how to behave during childbirth. This article will help a pregnant woman decide on the “correct” behavior at each stage of this complex process.

The process of childbirth, as a rule, begins with contractions. The sudden onset of involuntary contractions of the uterine muscles provide the opening of its cervix. When contractions become regular (about once every 10 minutes), a woman should go to the hospital, because childbirth can begin at any time. It is desirable that in this important period of life, a loved one is next to the woman in labor, thanks to which future mom will feel more relaxed. The woman giving birth herself should set herself up for a successful outcome, stroke her tummy and talk with her baby, whom she will soon see.

While in the hospital, when the contractions are not yet strong, a woman should try to relax as much as possible those muscles that are not involved in the birth process. It is worth understanding the simple truth - the stronger the woman in labor will strain, the longer and more painful the birth will be. You need to focus on relaxation and, first of all, on your breathing.

The entire first stage of childbirth is necessary to breathe deeply, measuredly and calmly. It is important not to hold your breath while doing this. With muscle tension, a narrowing of all uterine vessels occurs, and hence those that feed the fetus. That is why it is very important to use one of the breathing techniques.

With painless contractions, a slow type of breathing is suitable. A short inhalation through the nose is followed by a long exhalation through the mouth. By the way, you can breathe like this throughout the birth. However, in the active phase, when contractions become more frequent and more painful, breathing is more suitable for a woman in labor, in which pain sensations are expressed in a voice, “sung” with vowels “u” or “o”. Moreover, the sung sound should be low so that the muscles of the pelvic floor relax.

With the development of labor activity, the intensity of contractions increases, and the intervals between them decrease, which makes it increasingly difficult to maintain the chosen type of breathing. A woman is drawn to breathe superficially and often, “doggie”: 2-3 short breaths and exhalations, which end with a deep cleansing exhalation.

Between contractions, a woman giving birth should relax and rest as much as possible. This is very important, because the process during which the uterus expands to a size at which the baby's head can come out, often stretches for 9 to 12 hours. You should save your energy and not waste it in vain.

After a few hours of contractions, the woman in labor has an outpouring amniotic fluid. At this time, it is necessary to lie down, because in the case of polyhydramnios, these waters can carry away both the umbilical cord and the baby's hand. After that, the doctor performs a vaginal examination, checking whether the fetal head is pressed against the pelvic bones. If necessary, the obstetrician-gynecologist dilutes the membranes of the fetal bladder, excluding all sorts of complications.

When, after contractions, a woman has a desire to push, she needs to call an obstetrician who will conduct an examination and give permission to start pushing. Inspection is important, since the uterus may not fully open, and the fetal head may not have time to configure (non-united bones of the skull go one after another). Attempts at this moment can lead to injury to the fetus. It is worth mentally reassuring yourself, not worrying and not screaming, because in this case an oxygen deficiency is created, which will negatively affect the child's condition.

With the onset of attempts, a woman should breathe shallowly, stretching her lips into a tube, as if blowing out a candle. It is during this period that you should concentrate as much as possible, gather all your strength and carefully see a doctor who will give the command to start pushing. At this time, the woman in labor is on a special bed in the maternity ward, her legs are placed on stands, and she holds on to special handles. During the onset of the fight, you need to take full lungs of air and begin to pull the handles strongly towards you, actively working with the abdominal muscles and directing efforts to the perineum, where the baby's head should soon appear.

For one contraction, the woman in labor should push this way three times. Do not lift your perineum or arch your back. It is much easier and more convenient to push, trying to push the fetus out of you. At the same time, slightly rising, you should look at your stomach, which will help to concentrate your strength. In between attempts, you need to relax and breathe calmly, saving strength.

As soon as the head begins to appear, the woman in labor will become much easier. At these moments, you should not push, but only breathe like a “dog” so as not to injure the newborn in any way.

After the birth of a baby, a woman has to push a little more so that the baby's place, that is, the placenta, comes out. It is not at all difficult, and women in childbirth practically do not remain in memory.

Following these tips, a woman will be able to facilitate the birth of a long-awaited baby as much as possible, without injuring him and experiencing only minor pain. Painless childbirth in your hands!

Long 9 months behind, the time has come when it's time for the baby to be born. The question arises, especially for those who give birth for the first time - how to behave during childbirth, so as not to harm the baby and make the process as painless as possible. In order to adequately behave in childbirth, you need to be able to cope with pain and emotions, and most importantly, overcome fear.

Fear arises from the unknown, now there is a lot of useful literature and information about how to breathe correctly and about the very physiology of the process. The basic rules for overcoming fear are as follows:

  • Awareness. So that the unknown does not frighten, you can read on the forums about the various courses of the birth of a child, it is better to find out the opinion of recently born mothers - their information will be more believable and accurate.
  • Smart attitude. If something cannot be avoided, then you need to be ready for this “by all means”. Everything is individual: someone can give birth easily and quickly, and someone will have difficulties, but no one will remain pregnant. You need to try to treat the birth process philosophically: do everything you can to the maximum, and for the rest rely on the fate and professionalism of doctors.
  • Preparedness. During pregnancy, they attend trainings, learn proper breathing for different periods childbirth. If this did not work out, you need, at least a week before the expected date, to familiarize yourself with the literature on this matter and work out breathing exercises. They really help the birth of a child, do not allow hypoxia and distract the woman in labor from pain.
  • Physical state. The body before childbirth should not be exhausted. When you get into the delivery room, you will need all the strength and energy in order not to be lazy and follow all the instructions of the midwife.

Childbirth how to behave

It is important to know how to behave correctly and adequately during childbirth. Proper Behavior during childbirth - calm, but so that it is clear from the state what is happening. Both extremes will not lead to anything good.

A screaming woman in labor is given a lot of attention, but this has a bad effect on the child and can lead to hypoxia.

Too calm, keeping pain from contractions under control - they simply won’t believe it and may miss the moment when the midwife’s intervention is needed, especially if this is not the first birth, which threatens to break.

It happens that a woman practically does not feel pain - she feels a little worse than during painful periods, then you still need to not restrain yourself and show your condition with groans or breathing exercises during labor and childbirth. How to behave before childbirth: do not panic, if you have already decided to take this step, then there is nowhere to retreat, you need to do everything to give birth to a healthy baby.

How to behave in the first childbirth: listen to your body and the instructions of the midwife, breathe and push as she says. The main hint of how to behave will be body signals, the main thing is not to be afraid of pain and not to pinch.

How contractions start

When the first harbingers appear, how to behave during contractions is a question that interests many. After they start, you can’t eat, in most cases the body cleanses itself, getting rid of all the contents of the stomach, and an extra burden on the digestive system is not needed. You can drink water. At first, they resemble training, usually the pain is reflected in the lower abdomen or in the back.

How to behave during fights

The obstetrician leads the prenatal period, when the birth is approaching, it helps to breathe in and out correctly during contractions. At the initial stage, you need to breathe deeply and slowly, later it is difficult to restrain yourself, but you need to try to breathe deeply. Over time, the pain of contractions will be forgotten, and a healthy baby will delight all his life.


After the pain of contractions, attempts are felt like pressure, when permission is received from the labor leader to push during childbirth, relief comes. Breathing is important, attempts require great physical effort and concentration during the birth period, which can last from several minutes to half an hour. If the behavior is contrary to the requirements of the doctor, this can lead to perineal or uterine ruptures.

Birth of placenta

The birth of the placenta is painless and easy, it is important that the baby's place comes out completely.

Feelings after childbirth

When they put a child on his stomach and look into his eyes, euphoria sets in, you understand what all this was for and you realize that this stage is finally over. In the first, postpartum hours, you need to behave calmly, without loading the body, even if it seems that you are full of strength and the postpartum state is not felt.