
Calendar plan for healthy lifestyle in kindergarten. Action plan for a healthy lifestyle and physical activity of preschoolers

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the direction of the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 4 "Sunny City".

I approve:

Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4"

E.I. Tolmacheva.

Work plan of group No. 7 "Stars" for the 2014-2015 academic year

according to the method of Guryev S.V. "Formation of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers by means of a computer in combination with traditional methods of physical education"

Target: Preservation and development of the health of the child.

Tasks: 1. Providing a differentiated and individual approach to the physical education of children with various health problems.

  1. Raising in children a conscious attitude to their health, stimulating the desire to improve it and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. The use of information computer technologies as a means of improving the quality of the educational process.


  1. The main general educational program of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4"
  2. Guidelines for the program of education and training in kindergartens, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova,

T.S. Komarova.

3. "Methodology for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers using a computer in combination with traditional methods of physical education"S. V. Guriev; Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg.


1. conducting physical education in the fresh air during walks;

2. conducting morning exercises;

3. carrying out gymnastics after sleep in combination with air baths;

4. doing gymnastics for the eyes;

5. walking on massage mats;

6. conducting breathing exercises;

7. mastering the skills of self-massage.

September. Subject: "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the environment as the main tempering factor.To inculcate in children the desire for a healthy lifestyle. Develop an understanding that for human health, the main natural factors that positively affect the body are the sun, air and water.

Work with children

Working with parents

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: "Nature is our friend and helper"

2. Acquaintance with the presentation "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

3.Experimental activity "Sun, air and water"

4. Physical culture leisure: "If you want to be healthy, temper yourself!"

5. Physical culture: "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

1. Preparation of the presentation "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

2.Consultation for parents: "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

Physio Instructor:

2. Help in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and KVN.

1.KVN: "The sun, air and water are our best friends"

October. Subject: “I protect my health, I will help myself!”

Objectives: To give an idea of ​​the methods of maintaining and strengthening one's health.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: “I protect my health, I will help myself!”

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: “I protect my health, I will help myself!”

3. Experimental activity: "Vitamins on the table"

4. Work with the notebook "Talk about proper nutrition"

5. Physical culture leisure: “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of diseases”

6. Sports leisure: "Health gives Aibolit"

1. Preparing a presentation: “I keep my health, I will help myself!”

2.Consultation for parents: "We protect health from childhood"

3. Individual conversations with parents about the clothes of children for a walk in the autumn.

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

1. Entertainment: “I save my health, I will help myself!”

November. Topic: "My body"

Purpose: To give knowledge about the structure of your body, the purpose of internal organs,understanding by the child of the value of his own health and the health of others.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: “What do I have inside?”

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: "My body"

3. Conversation: "What is the most important organ in the body?" 4. Creation of works: "Where are our organs?"

6. Exhibition of drawings: “I am beautiful and healthy!”

1. Preparing a presentation: "My body"

2. Consultation for parents: "How to study your body?"

3. Individual conversations with parents "Bad habits and how to avoid them"

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

2. Assistance in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and entertainment.

Art teacher:

1.Organization of the exhibition: "I am beautiful and healthy!"

Physical culture leisure: "Merry Stars"

December. Subject: "Do your exercises, you'll be fine!"

Purpose: Formation of children's interest, conscious attitude to exercise, physical culture. To develop the ability to independently conduct a complex of morning exercises and exercises after sleep.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: “Get up to exercise!”

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: “Do exercises, you will be fine!”

3. Creation of a music library: "Musical exercise"4. Creating a file cabinet: “Get up, guys, for a fun exercise!”

5. Physical culture leisure: "Fun starts"

6. Competition: “I will do the exercises!”

1. Preparing a presentation: "Do your exercises, you'll be fine!"

2. Consultation for parents: “We start the day with exercises”

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

2. Assistance in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and entertainment.

Musical director:

1.Help in creating the music library "Musical exercise"

Physical culture leisure: "Charging holiday"

January. Subject: “We are strong friends with sports!”

Purpose: To give knowledge about sports, sports, know sports terminology.To form the need for motor activity and physical improvement.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: “We are strong friends with sports”

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: “Oh, sport, you are the world!”

3. Conversation: “Why do we need sports?” 4. Physical culture leisure: "Sport is strength and health"

5. Physical culture leisure: "Heroes of sports"

6. Exhibition of drawings: "My favorite sport"

7. Plot-game OD on the topic: “To be friends with sports is to live long!”

1. Preparing a presentation: “Oh, sport, you are the world!”

2.Consultation for parents: "Involving a child in sports"

3. Individual conversations with parents about winter sports with frequently ill children.

4. Folders - movers: "Winter sports"

"Sport Heroes"

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

2. Assistance in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and entertainment.

Art teacher:

1.Organization of the exhibition: "My favorite sport"

Sports holiday: "Journey to the country of Sportlandia"

February Topic: "Everywhere, everywhere, friends, I think about safety"

Target : To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the rules of safe behavior in various situations. To promote the education of a responsible attitude to one's life and health.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: "In the world of dangerous objects"

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: "Safety rules"

3. Conversation: "How to behave with strangers?" 4. Creation of works: "Where are our organs?"

5. Physical culture leisure: "Journey to the country of road signs"

6. Poster Exhibition: "How to Avoid Trouble"

1. Preparing a presentation: "Safety rules"

2.Consultation for parents: "Fundamentals of safety for preschool children"

3. Individual conversations with parents: "Children on the road"

4. Folder-slider: "Home Alone"

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

2. Assistance in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and entertainment.

Art teacher:

1. Organization of a poster exhibition: "How to avoid trouble"

Winter fun: Rosy cheeks

March. Topic: "To make the computer our friend"

Purpose: To teach children to use ICT for active knowledge of the world around them, to develop the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, to teach children to use a computer without harm to their health.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: “So that the computer becomes our friend”

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: “The computer is our friend”

3. Mastering the program "Smeshariki about sports"4. Entertainment: "Keyboard Journey"

5. Physical culture leisure: "Merry Smeshariki"

1. Preparing a presentation: "The computer is our friend"

2.Consultation for parents: "Computer and preschooler"

3. Folder-slider "Computer games for preschoolers"

4. Individual conversations with parents: "Computer without harm to children's health"

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

2. Assistance in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and entertainment.

Entertainment: "For the eyes to see better"

April. Subject: "In a healthy body healthy mind!"

Purpose: To introduce children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle. Orient children to spiritual and moral health.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: "Patience and work - they will grind everything"

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

3. Viewing the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych" 4. Conversations on the topics:“Learn good, so bad things won’t come to mind”, “There is no friend, so look for it, but you found it, so take care”,"Speak little, listen a lot, and think even more."

5. Physical culture leisure: "Be skillful not in language, but in deed!"

1. Preparing a presentation: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

2.Consultation for parents: "Spiritual and moral education in the family"

3. Folder-slider "Charging is great!"

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

2. Assistance in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and entertainment.

Speech therapist:

Preparation for the final holiday: poetry competition "Heroes are born in labor"

Poetry competition: "Heroes are born in labor"

May. Topic: "It's nice to be healthy!"

Target: Improvement of natural and vital types of movements and enrichment of motor experience; development of endurance and coordination abilities, formation of knowledge about the immediate natural environment, respect for nature, friendly relations.

Work with children

Working with parents

Interaction with specialists of DOE

Final event.

1. Plot-game OD on the topic: “If you went on a journey with a friend ...”

2. Acquaintance with the presentation: "The campaign has a beginning ..."

3. Entertainment: "Never lose heart!"

4. Physical culture leisure: "Never lose heart!"

1. Preparing a presentation: "The campaign has a beginning ..."

2.Consultation for parents: "Organization of family trips"

3. Folder-slider "Hiking is great!"

Physio Instructor:

1.Consultations of a physical education instructor for teachers on conducting physical education classes on walks.

2. Assistance in the preparation and conduct of sports activities and entertainment.

3. Help in preparing and conducting the trip.

Hiking in the floodplain of the river Satis.

Elena Maslova
Action plan to promote a healthy lifestyle in the second junior group

This material will help teachers in planning educational activities with preschoolers in the daily routine in all areas. This material is divided into blocks and includes both work with pupils and work with parents.

1 thematic block "Nutrition and health e"

1. Conversation: "Me and my health." Teach children that health is one of the main values ​​of life. To form elementary ideas about how to take care of health.

Responsible: teacher.

2. Conversation on the topic “Healthy Foods” Consolidation of ideas about tasty and healthy food (about vegetables, fruits and dairy products).

Responsible: Educator, honey. sister

3. Reading S. Mikhalkov "About a girl who ate badly" With the help of a work of art, show the usefulness of products and their significance for a person. caregiver

4. Conversation “Children drink milk, you will be healthy” Purpose: formation of ideas about healthy food (dairy products).

Educator, Med. sister

5. Learning the riddle song “Who grazes in the meadow” With the help of an artistic word, consolidate ideas about dairy products.


6. Role-playing game "Family": game situation "Cooking dinner."

Tasks: To teach children to transfer their experience of communication in the family in the game, to take on the role of family members, to use substitute objects, natural materials.

7. Sowing seeds "Tomatoes" Expand children's ideas about growing vegetables.

8. Conversation "Strong teeth". Tasks: Tell children about the rules for caring for their teeth: explain the need to brush their teeth in the morning and evening, after each meal - be sure to rinse your mouth with water; talk about why you can’t alternate hot and cold food, gnaw nuts with your teeth.

Educator, med. sister

9. Didactic game "Wonderful

bag" To consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, to develop the ability to identify vegetables and fruits by touch.


10. Presentation "All about vitamins" Introduce children to vitamins, where they can be found and their benefits.

11. Conversation "Behave well at the table"

Purpose: the formation of elementary behavioral skills (correctly use a tablespoon, napkin, do not crumble, do not talk)

12. Role-playing game "Family": game situation "Let's go shopping in the store."

Tasks: To teach children to agree on game interaction, take on a role, perform actions in accordance with the role, use knowledge about surrounding objects and phenomena. Draw children's attention to the usefulness of products.

13. D / game "If you want to be healthy" Clarify and expand children's knowledge of what needs to be done to be healthy, develop attention, ingenuity, and cultivate a desire to be healthy.

14. Animation hall: cartoon "Kopatych and the last barrel of honey" (series "Smeshariki", "Health"). Invite the attention of children to a cartoon to form ideas about healthy and unhealthy foods, talk about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

15. Entertainment "Visiting Aibolit" Expand children's knowledge of what needs to be done to be healthy

Educator, Phys. hands, music supervisor

Working with parents:

1. Folder - shift "Healthy family image"

2. Test - questionnaire for parents: "The state of health of your child."

3. Consultation "Drink decoctions of herbs - you will be healthy"

4. Folder-folder: "What is proper nutrition."

5. Joint implementation of the project "Be healthy, baby!" (short)

Encourage parents to develop a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their children.

To identify parents' knowledge about the presence of diseases in children, about the prevention of diseases.

Raise the level of knowledge and enrich the experience of parents about a healthy lifestyle through relationships with group educators.

Responsible: Educator, Med. sister

2 thematic block "Daily routine and health e"

16. Role-playing game "Hospital": game situation "The child got sick."

Tasks: To teach children to convey in the game the professional actions of doctors, nurses, to use impressions and experience from the surrounding life.

Responsible: teacher

17. Conversation and exercise "Visiting Moidodyr".

To form cultural and hygienic skills in children, to talk about the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of clothes and body, to introduce the concept of "tidiness". Learn how to properly use soap, gently wash your face, hands, ears, dry yourself after washing.

18. Didactic game “Parts of the day. What do we do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night? Developing the ability to name parts of the day and determine the type of activity for this part of the day. -////-

19. Presentation "Health Secrets" Tell about what each person needs to do in order to stay healthy. -////-

20. Conversation "Why you need to sleep"

Formation of ideas that with the help of sleep they restore strength. -////-

21. Role-playing game "Family": game situation "Mom puts the children to bed."

To form in children the ability to choose a role, to perform several interrelated actions in the game. Learn to correctly name bedding, understand their purpose. -////-

22. Conversation “Mode of the day” Conduct a conversation with visual aids, consider together with the children the algorithm of personal hygiene processes (washing hands, brushing teeth, draw the attention of children to the sequence of routine moments. -////-

23. Voronkov's reading “Masha is confused” Encourage children to put their things back in place, adhere, do not violate the daily routine in kindergarten and at home. -////-

24. Drawing (coloring) pictures "My daily routine" To consolidate the children's knowledge about the daily routine and types of activities in a given period of the day. -////-

25. Didactic game "When does it happen?" To teach children to use in the game their knowledge about the parts of the day, their sequence, name, characteristic features associated with natural phenomena and human activities. -////-

Working with parents:

Consultation "What is the "Mode of the day"

Questionnaire for parents "Family and child health"

Memo "Wise thoughts about health" Encourage parents to observe the regime of the day at home, close to the regime in kindergarten.

Identification of the role of physical culture in the family.

3 thematic block "Motor activity and healthy ye"

26. Conversation "Do exercises - you will be healthy"

Formation of ideas that morning exercises cause a good mood. caregiver

Honey. sister

27. Game-situation "On the playground."

To form children's ideas about the sources of potential danger on the playground, about the rules of safe behavior on a walk.


28. Outdoor games for the development of all muscle groups of the body according to calendar planning To develop activity and creativity in motor activity, enrich the motor experience of children. Daily (day and evening walks)

Educator, Phys. Instructor

29. Phys. minutes and finger gymnastics Prevention and removal of fatigue, increase in active attention and efficiency. The development of fine motor skills of the hands. Daily in regime moments and OOD educator

30. Game-lesson "Walking carefully"

Teach children the rules of movement on the streets; talk about the dangers that may lie in wait for us on the street.

31. Conversation: “The sun, air and water are our best friends!” To acquaint children with the role of natural factors of nature in hardening the body.

32. Entertainment: "In the spring meadow" (physical education holiday) Consolidation of knowledge about the seasons.

Repetition of games: "Bear and bees", "Carousels",

"At the bear in the forest."

Educator, Phys. Instructor

Working with parents:

Memo "How to choose a site for walking with children"

Consultation "How to dress a child for a spring walk."

Folder-folder "What games to play with a child at home"

4 thematic block "Useful and safe Internet"

33. Conversation "Items requiring careful handling." Introduce children to objects that require careful handling, invite them to draw conclusions about the consequences of improper handling of dangerous objects.


Working with parents:

Consultation "Child and computer"

Related publications:

Summary of the GCD on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children of the younger group of the preschool educational institution "Healthy Country" Summary of GCD on the topic of healthy lifestyle. Healthy country. Goal: Formation of healthy lifestyle skills for children. Educational Objectives: Continue teaching.

Purpose: promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: 1. To develop a sense of collectivism, a sense of unity, cohesion. 2. Form at.

Methodological development on a healthy lifestyle in the second junior group "We are healthy, always." Objectives: To introduce children to the second youngest.

"We want to be healthy!" Under this motto, a week was held to promote a healthy lifestyle in our kindergarten. Both children and parents.

1. Reading by Y. Tuvim “The hostess once with

the market has come"
2. The teacher's story "Vitamins in vegetables"
3. D / and "Tops - roots"
4. Drawing "Let's prepare vegetables for the winter"

5. Conversation "Tasty and healthy"

6.D / game "Tops - roots"

7.D / game "Guess the taste"

8.D / game "Guess by description"

1. The story of the educator "Vitamins in fruits"
2. Riddles about fruits.
3.. Modeling "Apples from our garden"

4. P / game "Who will collect more vitamins in a basket"
5. D / and “Fold the picture” (fruit)
6. C - p game "Fruit Shop"
7. Make up the story "Fruits"
8. Application "Fruit"

9. Finger gymnastics "Orange"

10. Collective work on the theme "Fruit"

1. The game "What is superfluous?"
2. P / game "Who will pick fruit faster"
3. D / game "Guess the taste"
4. D / game "Draw"
5.D / game "Guess by touch".

6. Round dance "Harvest."

1. Reviewing books and albums about sports.

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about various


2. D / ball game "Sports."

3. Relay race "Jolly sportsmen."

1. Leisure "The good doctor will heal us, heal us


2. D / game "What is harmful, what is useful."

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of ways

health promotion.

3.С/р game "Hospital."

1. D / game "What is harmful and what is good for health."

2. Conversation "The importance of nutrition in human life."

3. D / game "Vitamins, fruits and healthy foods."

4. C / r game "Let's feed the doll."

1. C / r game "Hairdresser."

2. D / game "Our helpers." - consolidate knowledge

About inventory pom. educator.

3. Household work: washing doll clothes and on duty in the dining room.

4. Memorizing an excerpt from a poem by V.V.

Mayakovsky "what is good ..."

1. Conversation "Cleanliness is the key to health."

2. Reading "Doctor Aibolit." K. Chukovsky.

3. C / r game "At the doctor's appointment."

4. Drawing competition for the scariest microbe.

1. The story of the educator "Microbes"
2. Drawing "Microbe"
3. D/a “What does a microbe like?”
4. C / R game "We will invite everyone to visit, treat pies"

5 Riddles about hygiene items.

1. Conversation "TV, computer and health"

2. Visual gymnastics "To make eyes


3. D / game "Wonderful bag."

Purpose: to teach children to identify the subject

tactile, taste and smell.

4. The game "Ring toss."

Purpose: to teach children to throw at a vertical target,

develop an eye.

1. Conversation: "Skin, its structure and meaning."

2. Conversation: "Skin hygiene"

3. Conversation: "How diseases arise"

1.D / game "Who has what teeth."

Purpose: to introduce the teeth of various

animals (rodents, herbivores, predators.)

2. Reading the stories of G. Zaitsev "Lessons of Moidodyr".

Purpose: to fix the rules of dental care.

3. Conversation "At the dentist's appointment."

1. Introduce the parts of the human body.

2.Cultivate children's understanding of function

spine, skeleton.

3. Introduce children to the concept of "posture"

and its importance to health.

1. Conversation "The heart is our motor."

2. Conversation "Why do we need blood."

3. "Why do we breathe?"

1. Reading a poem by I. Tokmakova "Where

sleeping fish.

2. Gymnastics after sleep "The sun looked into the crib."

3. D / game "How to get ready for bed."

4. Conversation "What did I dream about today."

1. Psycho-gymnastics "Let's save kindness"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish, name emotions and

respond appropriately to them.

2. Etude "A kind word to a comrade.

Purpose: to exercise children in the use of good

words, the development of a sense of collectivism.

4. Conversation "All people are different."

5. D / game "What is good and what is bad."

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about good

evil deeds and their consequences.

1. The teacher's story "A cow is a pet."
2. Reading the fairy tale "Havroshechka".
3. D / game "What's wrong?"

4. D / game "Who lives where?"
5. D / game "Feed the animals?"
7. D / game "What the milkman hid"

8. Viewing the cartoon "How the old man sold the cow"
9. D / game "Define the taste of dairy products"
10. D / game "Find what is superfluous?"

11. Application (from cereals) "Burenushka".

1. Game-discussion "Can a person live

2. D / game "Name your favorite porridge"
3. Reading the fairy tale "Porridge from an ax"
4. D / game "Guess the cereal"
5. D / game "What cereals are made of"

6. D / game "Find a paired picture"
7. Reading the fairy tale "Pot of porridge"
8. Word game "Find the mistake"
9. Manual labor "Pot of porridge" (application from cereals on paper)
10. P / game "Who will quickly transfer the cereal in a spoon."

1. Examining the paintings "How bread grows"
2. D / game "What is the use of bread"
3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"
4. Modeling from the dough "Treat"
5. The teacher's story about bread.
6. Riddles about bread
7. Excursion to the grocery store.
8. Drawing "Decorate the buns" (painting)

9. D / game "Taste"
10. D / game "What is baked from flour"
11. Round dance "Loaf"

12. Game - exercise "Kolobok".

Prospective plan of work on a healthy lifestyle in the senior group.

Purpose of the lesson
Cooperative activity
Independent activity
Pills grow on a branch, pills grow on a garden bed.
(71, 52)
Introduce children to the concept of "vitamins".
To consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits and their importance in human nutrition.
To educate children in the culture of food, a sense of proportion.
1. I.M. Stepashka comes to visit the children and tells that Khryusha is ill. Asks him to help.
2. Questions for children:
How can you tell if a person is sick?
- What should you do to stay healthy?
- How to help Piggy get better?
3. Analysis of the situation “Piggy loves to eat fruits and vegetables, but he always has a stomach ache from them. What to do?"
4. Rhythmic pause "Dance - garden"
5. Fine arts activity "Favorite vegetables and fruits"
6. The result of the lesson: Stepashka thanks the guys for their help and treats them with apples.
D / and "What grows where"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.
D / and "Guess by taste"
Purpose: To learn to taste vegetables and fruits.
D / and "What is superfluous"
Purpose: to develop the ability to compare and generalize objects into groups according to features.
D / and “This lemon is yellow like ...”
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of the colors of fruits and vegetables in children.
Creativity corner - lay out templates, stencils and samples of drawing vegetables and fruits, coloring "Vegetables and Fruits"
Girls corner - hang out the schemes for preparing salads and compote.
To the theater corner lay out the masks of vegetables for the performance of "Garden - round dance".
To the corner of nature - Lay out dummies of vegetables and fruits.
To the study areahang a picture "Collecting vegetables and fruits"
Visiting Dr. Aibolit
(241, 72)
To consolidate children's knowledge about the concept of "health".
Clarify the rules for maintaining health.
To cultivate interest in one's own body, well-being associated with the state of health.
1. I.M. A book by K.I. appears in the group. Chukovsky "Aibolit". The teacher in the costume of Dr. Aibolit enters - listens to the children, looks at their neck and concludes that they need to be charged.
2. Rhythmic gymnastics to the music "Physical education - cheers!" (6, 109)
3. Health Conversation:
- What does it mean to be healthy?
- How to keep healthy?
- Tell us how you improve your health.
4. The result of the lesson: dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"
Leisure "The good doctor Aibolit will heal us, heal us"
Purpose: to teach children not to be afraid of doctors, to be able to provide assistance themselves.

C / r game "Hospital"
Purpose: to develop role-playing dialogue, role-playing interactions, to consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a doctor, nurse, pharmacist.
To the play corner
To the study area- lay out the didactic game "What is harmful, what is useful", visual aid "First Aid"
To the theater corner - hang out costume elements for dramatization of the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"
Cleanliness is the key to health
(68, 25)
Form the habit of consciously taking care of the cleanliness of your body.
To consolidate the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children.
Cultivate a desire to be careful about your clothes.
1. I.M. The Postman brings a parcel from Dr. Aibolit to the group of children, in which there are two books by K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" and "Fedorino grief". What do you think Aibolit wants us to talk about in our lesson today.
2. Questions for children:
- Why did their things run away from the heroes of fairy tales?
- Why is it bad to go untidy?
- Name the times when you need to wash your hands.
3. Rhythmic physical minute "All the guys love to wash"
4. Reading the poem "Clean raccoon"

6. The result of the lesson: role-playing game "Laundry"
Role-playing game "Barbershop"
Purpose: to develop the dialogic speech of children, to cultivate a desire to monitor their appearance.
D / and "Our assistants"
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the inventory of a junior teacher "
Household - household work: washing doll clothes and on duty in the dining room.
Purpose: to introduce children to work, to cultivate respect for working people.

In the dispenser- spec. clothing for child labor (aprons and headscarves)
To the play corner - lay out the attributes for the role-playing game "Barbershop" and "Laundry"
To the study area lay out the didactic game "Our Helpers"
To the librarylay out books with fairy tales and stories "The kid who did not like to wash", "Moidodyr", "Fedorino's grief", "The grimy girl" and illustrations for them.
To keep your health in order, we do exercises together in the morning
(67, 105)
Encourage children to participate in regular physical activity.
Build healthy lifestyle habits in children.
Raising a positive attitude towards morning exercises.
1. I.M. A ball is rolled into the group of children and invites them to the country of Sportland.
2. Rhythmic gymnastics "Journey through Sportland"
3. The teacher's story about how ancient people valued physical exercise.
4. Questions for children:
- Why do you need a charger?
- Which one of you does exercises at home?
- Show your favorite exercise.
5. Reading the fairy tale "Exercising and a Cold"
6. The result of the lesson: we will teach plasticine men to do exercises.
Reviewing books and albums about sports.
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about various sports.
D / and with the ball "Sports"

Drawing “Think up a badge on the theme “A healthy mind in a healthy body”
Purpose: formation of healthy lifestyle habits; development of imagination and creative abilities of children.
Relay "Jolly Athletes"
Purpose: development of dexterity, speed and accuracy.
In the educationalzone- lay out a series of illustrations "Winter sports", "Summer sports" and "Sports equipment"; didactic games "What the artist confused", "Who needs what", "Who is superfluous".
To the fitness area - lay out the attributes for the game - relay races "Funny Starts"
In the corner of creativity - lay out samples of drawing sports equipment and people involved in sports.
Healthy ears for my girlfriend
(67, 102)
(66, 113)
Introduce children to the meaning of the organ of hearing.
Teach your child to take care of their hearing.
Cultivate the habit of keeping your ears clean.
1. I.M. A bunny came to the group. He examined the children and was very surprised that they did not have ears on the top of their heads. The guys will prove to the bunny that we have ears and they hear well.
2. D / and "Who is calling you in the forest"
3. The teacher's story about the structure and significance of hearing for a person.
4. Rhythmic pause "Hare"
5. Illustration work "For healthy ears"
6. The result of the lesson: a bunny as a gift to children gives their portraits, but without ears. The task of the children is to draw the ears.
D / and “How human organs help each other”
Purpose: to form ideas that organs within certain limits can replace each other.
D / and "Noise boxes"
Purpose: to develop auditory perception in children, to learn to differentiate noises.
Learning the poem by E. Moshkovskaya "Doctor"
Purpose: to fix in the memory of children about caring for their ears.
D / and "To keep the ears healthy"
Purpose: To teach your child to take care of their hearing aid.
To the study area- lay out the didactic game "To keep the ears healthy" and hang out the poster "The structure of the ear"
To the corner of nature - lay out the shells of the sea mollusk.
To the music corner - set up a noise orchestra.
To the library- display the encyclopedia "Animals"
For the eyes to see well
(66, 99)
Introduce children to the importance of the organ of vision.
To develop children's eye care skills.
Encourage children to take care of their eyes.
1. I.M. The teacher brings a parcel to the group of children - there is a blindfold in it. Why do you think Dr. Aibolit sent it to us?
2. P / and "Zhmurki"
3. Problematic question “Is it easy to navigate in space if our eyes do not see anything?
4. Conversation about the meaning of the organ of vision:
Why does a person need vision?
What can cause vision loss?
- Is it possible to laugh at children with glasses?
5. Game for the prevention of eye fatigue "Pinocchio" (6, 69)
6. D / and "So that the eyes can see well"
7. The result of the lesson: so that our vision does not deteriorate, we will learn gymnastics for the eyes.
Conversation "TV, computer and health"
Purpose: to introduce ways of taking care of health when using a computer, TV. (71.56)
Learning visual gymnastics "To rest the eyes"
Purpose: to teach children to relieve fatigue from the eyes by means of gymnastics.
D / and "Wonderful bag"
Purpose: to teach children to identify an object tactilely, by taste and smell.
C / and "Ring throw" Purpose: to teach children to throw at a vertical target, to develop an eye.
Sports corner
Game Zone
To the study area- lay out the album "Our Doctors" and the didactic game "To keep the eyes healthy"
Strong teeth are needed, strong teeth are important
Give some ideas about the types and meaning of teeth.
To consolidate children's knowledge about ways to strengthen teeth.
Cultivate a conscious desire to take care of the health of their teeth.
1. I.M. The Queen Toothbrush appears in the group. The inhabitants of her kingdom - the teeth were attacked by the evil wizard Caries. Let's help the queen defeat the evil wizard.
2. Talk about teeth:
Why do humans and animals need teeth?
What is the difference between milk teeth and permanent teeth?
- What should I do if I have a toothache?
3. Physical pause "Fairytale exercise" (6.31)
4. The story of the Queen Toothbrush about the types of teeth and their meaning.
5. D / and "To keep your teeth healthy"
6. P / and "Useful products"
7. Summary of the lesson: the children give the Queen Toothbrush a basket of products containing calcium.
D / and "Who has what teeth"
Purpose: to introduce the teeth of various animals (rodents, herbivores, predators)
Reading the stories of G. Zaitsev "Lessons of Moidodyr"
Purpose: to fix the rules of dental care.
Communication "At the dentist's appointment"
Purpose: to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the work of a dentist, to form a “+” attitude towards visiting a dentist.
To the play area- lay out the attributes for the role-playing game "At the dentist's appointment"
To the study area
put up a poster “How to brush your teeth properly”, put out an album “Our doctors” and didactic games “What first, what next”, “To keep your teeth healthy”
In the corner of creativity - lay out drawing samples, templates and stencils of useful products, a toothbrush and a tube of paste "
In order not to know about diseases, you need to eat right.
(71, 60)
Introduce children to the principles of proper nutrition.
To consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and useful foods.
Cultivate a love for healthy food.
1. I.M Two fairy-tale characters come to visit the children. They argue: one argues that you need to eat a lot to feel good, and the other that overeating is harmful. How to help friends resolve a dispute and make peace?
2. Reading the poem "Robin Bobin Barobek"
3. Questions for children:
Why did Robin's stomach hurt?
How should you eat to stay healthy?
- How many times a day should I eat?
- What is better to eat for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner?
4. Rhythmic pause "Garden - round dance"
5. D / and "Useful products"
6. Drawing "Useful products"
7. The result of the lesson: the children give their drawings with useful products to the heroes so that they do not forget how to eat.
D / and "What is superfluous"
Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of objects according to a certain attribute.

Riddles about vegetables and fruits.
Purpose: to teach children to name an object according to given signs.
C / r game "Grocery store"
Purpose: to introduce children to the departments of grocery stores, to develop dialogical speech in children.
In the corner of creativity - lay out templates, stencils and food drawing samples.
To the play area- lay out the attributes for the role-playing games "Grocery Store" and "Kitchen", as well as hang out diagrams - models of preparing healthy dishes.
To the library– exhibit books: “Where did the bread come from”, “Spikelet”, “The hostess once came from the market”, “Glass of milk”, “Light bread”, “About the girl who stepped on the bread”, “Tops and roots”
To the study area- lay out split pictures "Vegetables"
Me and my mood
(70, 44)
To teach children to distinguish emotional states by facial expressions, gestures, behavior.
Find ways to improve your mood and those around you.
To educate in children an attentive, tolerant attitude towards each other.
1. I.M. Children receive a letter from the king from Far Far Away with a request to help cheer his daughter, Nesmeyana. How can you help Nesmeyana?
2. D / and "Continue the phrase"
When I'm in a bad mood, I...
- It makes me sad if...
I am very happy when...
To cheer myself up, I...
- When I'm sick, I...
3. Question to the children: “How do you know what mood your friend is in?”
4. Physical pause "Physical education everyone is happy!" (6.13)
5. Etude "Washing machine"
6. Drawing "What makes me feel good"
7. The result of the lesson: the children send their drawings to Nesmeyana so that she can cheer herself up.
Psycho-gymnastics "Let's save kindness"
Purpose: to teach to distinguish, name emotions and adequately respond to them.
Etude "A kind word to a comrade"
Purpose: to exercise children in the use of kind words, the development of a sense of collectivism.
Communication "All people are different"
Purpose: to develop a tolerant attitude towards each other.
D / and "What is good and what is bad"
Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about good and evil deeds and their consequences.
In the corner of emotions- post an album with photographs of people with different emotional states; didactic games "House of emotions", "Guess the emotion", "What is good and what is bad"
In the corner of creativity - lay out samples of drawing faces with different emotional states; hang out reproductions of portraits.
To the library to rip off books with humorous stories by N. Nosov.

Perspective work plan on a healthy lifestyle in the preparatory group.
Cooperative activity
Independent activity
Your daily routine
(70, 31)
Form ideas about the correct mode of the day.
Fix the sequence of actions in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Cultivate the desire to observe the regime of the day.
1. I.M. The boy's grandmother Viti comes to visit the children and complains that the boy is sick all the time. Why do you think Viti is in poor health?
2. Reading a poem by S. Mikhailov "About mimosa".
3. Conversation on the content of the poem:
- Does Vitya follow the daily routine?
- Is he eating right?
- Does Grandma Vitya temper?
- How to help strengthen Vitino's health?
4. Gymnastics to the music of "Zverobika"
5. D / and "Mode of the day"
6. The result of the lesson: children with a teacher make up a model of a healthy lifestyle for Vitya. Grandmother thanks the children and treats them with fruits.
D / and "Mode of the day"
Purpose: to fix in children the sequence of actions during the day.
D / and "What the artist confused"
Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the correct daily routine.
Communication "Why the sun, air and water are considered to be our best friends"
Purpose: development of children's speech and reasoning skills.
In the study area- hang out a poster “Your daily routine”, lay out didactic games “Daily routine”, “Parts of Sudok” and “What the artist mixed up”
In the washroom - post the sequence of hand washing.
In library- to exhibit books with the works "The Dirty Girl", "Moidodyr", "About Mimosa", "The Kid Who Didn't Want to Wash"
Where do diseases come from
(63, 89)
To form ideas about health, diseases, microbes.
To give elementary ideas about infectious diseases, how they spread.
Teach children to care not only about their own health, but also about the health of others.
1. P.S. Dunno comes to the group of children. He sneezes and coughs without covering his mouth with a handkerchief. Let's tell Dunno the rules of human behavior with a cold.
2. Conversation: “How to behave if you catch a cold?”
Why does a person get sick?
How do you think microbes can get inside the body?
Why should a sick person use a handkerchief?
- What rules should the patient follow in order to recover faster?
3. P / and "Useful products"
4. Self-massage of biologically active points "Neboleika"
5. The result of the lesson: a plot-role-playing game "Hospital" is held, during which Dunno recovers.
D / and "Dress properly"
Purpose: to identify the ability of children to choose clothes for the season.
TRIZ game “What will happen if…”
Goal: fixing the rules of conduct in the autumn - winter period "
Constructive activity "Hospital for toys"
Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to design according to the model.
Leisure "Beware of germs"
Purpose: to form ideas about the cause of some diseases - microbes (71, 65)
To the play area- lay out the attributes for the plot-role-playing game "Hospital".
Into the design corner – prepare samples of the construction of the hospital building and various building materials (bricks, Lego constructor)
To the study area- put up the didactic game "Dress the doll for a walk" and hang out the picture "At the doctor's appointment."
To the fitness area - prepare attributes for the mobile game "Useful products"
We need to be friends with doctors
(70, 82)
To consolidate the knowledge of children about doctors - specialists and the features of their work.
Teach children not to be afraid of doctors, to be able to help themselves.
1. I.M. Children enter the group and see that the dolls have bandages on their arms, legs, throats, etc. What do you think happened to our toys?
2. Questions for children:
- How to find out which of the dolls is sick?
- Which doctors should each of them turn to for help?
Tell us about your visit to the clinic.
3. D / and "Guess what kind of doctor"
4. Rhythmic pause "We are sitting on the bus"
5. C / r game "Polyclinic".
6. The result of the lesson: all the toys are healthy and the children dance with them.
Learning the poem "Vaccination"
Purpose: the formation of a positive attitude towards vaccinations, the development of speech and memory of children.
Viewing the album "Our Doctors"
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the diversity of specialists - doctors in the clinic.
D / and "Continue the definition"
Purpose: formation of the ability to formulate definitions
To the play area- prepare attributes for the role-playing game "Polyclinic", "Pharmacy"
In the study area - post the album "Our Doctors"
To the theater corner prepare attributes for staging an excerpt from the fairy tale "Good Doctor Aibolit"
In the corner of creativity - lay out drawing samples: a doctor, an ambulance, a hospital; organize an exhibition of children's drawings "Kind Doctor"
My body (63, 87)
Describe the structure of the human body.
To introduce children to the concepts of "heart", "lungs", "stomach", "skeleton" and their main functions.
To instill in children an interest in the study of the human body.
1. I.M. Children receive a parcel from Znayka, in which there is a poster depicting the human body. Guys, what do you think Znayka wants us to know today?
2. Looking at the poster.
3. D / and "Show me what I will call"
4. Physical minute "Sport - health" (6, 28)
5. The teacher's story about the structure of the human body.
6. questions for children:
Why does a person need a heart?
- Does a person need a skeleton and why?
What organ does a person use to breathe?
How does food enter the stomach?
7. Summary of the lesson: “What does the expression “golden heart” mean?
Draw any fairy tale character who had a "heart of gold"
D / and "Who does what"

Task "Introduction to the work of the heart"
Purpose: to teach children to determine the pulse from the radial artery.
Sculpting a human figure on a metal frame.
Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the human skeleton and its functions.
Breathing exercise "Lumberjack"
Purpose: development of respiratory organs in children.
In the gym area - lay out toys for the development of breathing, hang out the manual "5 magic points", a height meter and toys for bouncing.
In the corner of creativity
In the study area- place posters "Circulatory system", "Respiratory system", "Skeleton" and "Digestive system"
Who is friends with hardening - never grieve.
(71, 59)
To give initial ideas about hardening and its significance for the human body.
To consolidate the concepts of the relationship of hardening and health.
Raise the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.
1. I.M. Dunno enters the group of children and reports that Dr. Pilyulkin has prescribed hardening for him. And what he does not know. Let's help Dunno, tell you about tempering procedures.
2. Conversation:
- How do you understand the phrase "The sun, air and water are our best friends"
- Tell us how you harden in kindergarten and at home?
- And how hardening affects the health of the human body.
4. Fizminutka "On exercise, at dawn" (6, 11)
5. Reading the story "The Magic Walrus"
6. Questions for children:
- How did the magic walrus help Vanya to harden?
- What do you think, besides health, the walrus helped to harden the boy?
- What are the rules for hardening you need to know?
7. The result of the lesson: children show Dunno how they harden their body in a group.
Physical culture leisure "On the sports ground"
Goal: creating a positive emotional mood, increasing physical activity, developing a sense of camaraderie.
Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"
Purpose: education of love for water procedures, development of creative abilities of children.
Riddles for children.
Purpose: to learn how animals take care of themselves.
Reviewing the album “Whoever is friends with hardening never grieve”
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the benefits of hardening.
In the washroom - put the sequence of washing hands and dousing feet with cool water.
To the theater corner - lay out the attributes for staging the fairy tale "Moidodyr"
In the play area- prepare attributes for the role-playing game "Family".
In the corner of nature
In the study area- lay out the album "Whoever is friends with hardening - never grieve" and the didactic game "Dress the doll according to the season"
In order for the skin to be healthy, it is also necessary to monitor its cleanliness.
(67, 105)
To give the initial ideas about the skin of humans and animals.
Learn about the basic functions of the skin.
Cultivate a conscious desire in children to care for the skin of their body.
1. I.M. Dirty Dunno comes into the children's group and is going to eat an apple. The teacher asks him to wash his hands first. He refuses. Children, tell Dunno why you need to keep your hands clean.
2. Questions for children:
Guys, do you just need to keep your hands clean?
- What can happen to Dunno if he does not wash?
3. The teacher's story about the skin of humans and animals, their meaning.
4. Rhythmic pause to the music "All the guys love to wash"
5. Riddles for children about hygiene products.
6. D / and "To keep the skin healthy"
7. The result of the lesson: the children go with Dunno to wash their hands, face and ears.
Solving the crossword "Hygiene Items"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of hygiene items, to exercise children to name an object according to given characteristics.

Learning an excerpt from a poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "What is good"
Purpose: to consolidate patterns of correct behavior in children.
To the play corner - lay out the attributes for the role-playing game "Hairdresser's"
To the study area lay out the didactic games "Our helpers" and "To keep the skin healthy"

In the corner of nature - place illustrations of animals, birds - taking water procedures.
To the librarylay out books with fairy tales and stories "The kid who did not like to wash", "Moidodyr", "Magic walrus", "The grimy girl" and illustrations for them.

Sleep is the best medicine
To identify and consolidate children's ideas about sleep and its meaning.
Teach children how to prepare for bed.
Cultivate a positive attitude towards sleep.
1. I.M. Dunno comes to the group of children. He complains that he cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, and when he sleeps, he has terrible dreams. How to help the Unknown?
2. Questions for children:
Why do you need sleep?
How do you feel when you don't get enough sleep?
- In how many ways can you sleep?
- Do you know how birds, fish, animals sleep?
3. Reading a poem by I. Tokmakova "Where the fish sleeps"
4. Gymnastics after sleep "The sun looked into the crib"
5. D / and "How to get ready for bed"
6. Training "Terrible dreams"
7. The result of the lesson: children draw good dreams for Dunno. Dunno thanks the children and leaves.
Compilation of stories by children "What I dreamed about today"
Purpose: to develop coherent speech of children, to teach children not to be afraid of dreams.
D / and "What first, what then"
Purpose: to fix the sequence of actions of children before going to bed.
Training "Terrible dreams"
Purpose: to teach children not to be afraid of dreams.
Learning lullabies.
Purpose: development of memory and singing abilities of children
In the corner of creativity - lay out patterns of stars, months, beds, pillows.
To the play area- prepare attributes for the role-playing game "Family"
To the study area- lay out didactic games “What the artist mixed up”, “What first, what then”, “Daily routine”, illustrative material “How animals, birds, fish sleep”; hang a poster "Parts of the day."
Green pharmacy
(66, 91)
To form in children the concept of the relationship between flora and fauna.
To consolidate and expand children's ideas about medicinal plants.
To educate children about respect for the world of plants.
1. I.M. Lesovichok comes to visit the children and tells the children that he is the main doctor in the forest. But how does Lesovichok help animals without drugs?
2. Questions for children:
How should you behave to stay healthy?
- How are you treated at home if you suddenly catch a cold?
- How can you cure a cold if there is no medicine at hand?
3. Lesovichka's story about the properties of medicinal plants.
4. Rhythmic gymnastics to the music of "Zverobika"
5. Crossword from Lesovichok "Green Pharmacy"
6. Summary of the lesson: Lesovichok is glad that you were able to solve his crossword puzzle and memorize medicinal plants, so he gives you raspberry jam (tea drinking with Lesovichok)
Riddles for children about medicinal plants
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the medicinal properties of medicinal plants.
D / and "what is superfluous"
Purpose: Development of the ability to classify and generalize objects according to a certain attribute.
Communication "If you hurt your leg in the forest"
Purpose: to introduce children to the main hemostatic plants.
D / and on ecology "Medicines under your feet"
Purpose: to expand knowledge about medicinal plants in human life.
To the corner of nature - lay out a herbarium with medicinal plants and illustrative material "Rules of behavior in nature"
In the corner of creativity - drawing samples of raspberries, grapes, dandelions, cabbages, etc.
To the library- post books about medicinal plants, the children's encyclopedia "Plants"
To the study area- lay out the didactic manual "First Aid for Injuries", the didactic game "What is superfluous"
Game "What? Where? When?"
(66, 127)
Repeat, generalize and expand the knowledge of children obtained in previous classes.
To instill in children a sense of community.
1. Organizational moment (the teacher informs that the lesson will be held in the form of a game, the children are divided into teams, they choose captains and the name of their teams, the judges introduce themselves)
2. On the teacher’s table is a drum, on which envelopes with assignments are laid out. They were sent by viewers - fairy-tale characters.
3. In each envelope, a task for the teams: put together a picture, solve riddles, name useful and harmful products, recite an excerpt from a work about cleanliness, etc.
4. For correct answers, the team earns chips. At the end of the game, they are counted and the winning team is determined.
5. The result of the game: all participants are awarded medals of experts.
Game - relay "Useful products"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about harmful and useful foods.
D / and with the ball "Sports"
Purpose: to fix the names of sports in the memory of children.
D / and "What is harmful, what is useful"
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about ways to improve health.
Drawing “Favorite hero of the fairy tale K.I. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"
Purpose: to develop the artistic abilities of children.
D / and "Who does what"
Purpose: familiarization with the functions of organs "
Communication "How many ways can you cleanse the skin"
Purpose: to prove that any action can be performed in various ways.
To the study area- lay out didactic games “What the artist confused”, “What first, what then”, “Daily routine”
Sports corner - lay out the sports games "Kolcebros", "Darts", "Kingel alley".
Game Zone- prepare attributes for the role-playing game "Oculist's Office"
In the corner of nature - place illustrations of animals, birds - taking water procedures
In the corner of creativity - lay out plasticine and a diagram of sculpting a human figure.
To the library"The kid who did not like to wash", "Moidodyr", "Magic walrus", "Dirty girl" and illustrations for them.
Explanatory note.
Joy, happiness and pride of parents when there is a healthy child in the house. The child's body grows and develops continuously. Each age has its own characteristics. A child grows and develops normally only with proper upbringing and care for him, i.e. strict observance of the regime of the day. With a consistent distribution in time of basic physiological needs, recreational activities, psychological development, it provides a balanced, vigorous state, protects the nervous system from overwork.
Health is an indicator of the quality of educational work.
The foundation of health, physical, mental, is laid in childhood. Therefore, already from preschool age, a child should know himself, his body and learn to protect health from childhood. The period of development from 3 to 6 years is usually called preschool. During these years, his physical development and improvement of mental abilities continued. The development of the skeleton at this age is not yet complete, there is a lot of cartilage left in it, which makes further growth possible, but at the same time causes the softness and suppleness of the bones: under the influence of too much load, they can be deformed. In case of violation of posture, especially during the period of growth, the activity of many organs worsens: respiration, blood circulation, digestion, as well as the locomotor apparatus. The child quickly gets tired, he has headaches.
The problem of educating the personal interest of each person in a healthy lifestyle (HLS) in recent years is particularly relevant due to the negative trend towards the deterioration of the health status of all socio-demographic groups of the Russian population, and especially preschool children. Its solution requires active reflection on one's health and strengthening it from childhood.
Over the past decades, the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle has been the object of study by many researchers (A.I. Antonov, G.A. Butko, I.V. Zhuravleva, Yu.P. Lisitsin, A.A. Pokrovsky, G.I. Tsaregorodtsev)
The successful formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among older preschoolers largely depends on the targeted systematic educational work in a preschool educational institution and the family, the creation of conditions for the implementation of the pedagogical process, coordinated interaction in the child-teacher-parent triad, the initiator and coordinator of which should be the staff of the preschool institution .
Children need to be taught about their own bodies. To acquaint with its structure and individual parts of the body. Introduce the role of each part of the body and body hygiene. Learn to act correctly in case of illness, damage and ailments. Learn to provide first aid for abrasions, cuts and bruises.
The development of elementary ideas about healthy lifestyle among preschoolers is aimed at the formation of behavior adapted to the social and natural environmental conditions in order to maintain and promote health, achieve the potential of the individual based on an understanding of the relationship between health and lifestyle.
Raising a child healthy means from early childhood to teach them to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, to learn how to eat right, observe the daily routine, harden, engage in physical education and sports.
· Program "From birth to school"
· L.V. Abdulmanov "Spring of health" (senior preschool age). Program, methodical recommendations. - Rostov-on-Don: RGPU, 2005.
· THEM. Novikova "Formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers", for working with children 5-7 years old, a manual for teachers of preschool institutions M., MOZAIKA-SINTEZ, 2010.
· A.I. Ivanova “Natural scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten. Man "- M .: TC Sphere, 2004
· L.F. Tikhomirov "Exercises for every day: Health lessons for children aged 5-8" - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Academy Holding, 2003.
· "Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschoolers: lesson, planning, recommendations" / ed. O.V. Chermashentseva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
· T.A. Shorygin "Conversations about health: Methodological guide" - M.: TC Sphere, 2004.

svetlana zolotova
Long-term planning for a healthy lifestyle in the senior group

Compiled: Zolotova Svetlana Vladimirovna

MADOU №223, Ulyanovsk

Long-term planning for a healthy lifestyle in the senior group

weeks Topic Purpose

September 1.

"Hello my friends".

"Visiting a Nurse - Anthropometry"

"I want to be healthy".

"Attitude towards a sick person"

Creating conditions for joyful communication of children after summer vacation. To help children understand that the health of both the children themselves and those around them depends on words - good or bad

Tell the children about what changes they have experienced in the body for six months.

Build an idea about

the meaning of health.

Help to understand that health depends on such factors as adherence to the daily routine, proper nutrition, sports, personal hygiene.

Explain to children that the most important thing for a person is health. If possible, do not protect children from knowledge about severe, chronic diseases, disabilities. Try to awaken in them a sense of compassion, the desire to help the sick, the lonely, the elderly.

October 1.

"What Helps Me Be Healthy"

"Vitamins, healthy foods and a healthy body".

"Healthy food"

Leisure "Country of Zdorovyachkov".

Reveal the importance of recreational activities and "helpers" health.

To talk about the benefits of vitamins and their importance for human health; explain how vitamins affect the human body. Help to understand that health depends on proper food: food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.

To help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition - food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.

To consolidate knowledge about the benefits of vitamins for the human body. Exercise in the classification of food. educate intelligence, recollection.

"My defenders : skin, nails, hair»

"Skin, its structure and meaning"

"School of Moidodyr"

"How Diseases Arise"

Give a general idea that the skin, nails and hair are the protectors of the human body.

To introduce the structure of the skin, its significance. To form an idea of ​​the skin as the body's defense against infection.

To give children a general concept of the human body, its organs.

develop the ability and skills of caring for your body;

Cultivate respect for your body.

Continue to develop practical skills in caring for your body.

Let children understand that diseases do not arise from nothing, but are infected with them. Formulate the rules that must be followed to protect yourself from infection.

December 1.

"Walks in the Yard"

"Daily regime"


Cold queens.

"Once upon a time in the cold winter time"

To form in children ideas about the responsibility of a person for their own health, about the prevention of colds.

To form in children ideas about the correct daily routine and the benefits of observing it for health,

to develop in children ideas about the usefulness of physical activity for the body.

To form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values. Teach children the rules of safe behavior in the winter, caution in the period of ice.

To acquaint children with the features of the functioning of the body, the structure of the body. Deepen ideas about yourself, your individual characteristics; form a positive assessment and self-image.

"Christmas Holidays : sports holidays and entertainment»

"Sportlandia - sports games and entertainment"

"How snow is useful for a person - an educational activity with experiments."

"I am part of nature" Create conditions for recreation, arouse the desire to play sports

Instill a love for the sport. Develop physical qualities in children.

Learn about the health benefits of snow.

Teach children to love themselves and those around them. To make it clear to children that a person is a part of nature and about the interaction of all natural objects.

February 1.

"Parts of the human body"

"Functions of the spine, skeleton"

"My beautiful posture"

"organs of hearing"

Teach children to love themselves and their bodies. Get to know the parts of the human body.

To develop in children an understanding of the function of the spine, skeleton.

Introduce children to the concept "posture" and its importance to health.

Activate children's knowledge about the role of hearing for orientation in the surrounding reality.

"The role of vision in human life"

"Tooth Care"

"Toothpaste, soap and water are our best friends"

"Proper Eating"

Show children the role eyes play in human life.

Remind children about personal hygiene products, consolidate acquired skills.

Introduce children to foods that strengthen and destroy teeth.

To develop in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work of the main organ of digestion - the stomach.

"Microbes and Viruses"

Role-playing game: "Ambulance"

"Flower - Semitsvetik".

Why do we breathe : respiratory system".

To give children elementary ideas about infectious diseases and their pathogens (microbes, viruses). How to protect yourself from them.

To teach children in the event of a serious illness of an adult or child, to respond to situation: do not get lost call an adult or call "Ambulance".

To form children's behavior skills during the absence of adults. Teach children to choose safe games and entertainment.

Introduce children to the respiratory system, show proper breathing

KVN "Clever and Wise"

sports holiday

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”.

"The sun, air and water are our best friends"

"Rules of conduct on the water" Develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in life; teach children to express their thoughts coherently.

Promote a healthy lifestyle, promote family involvement in physical education and sports. Cultivate mutual assistance, a sense of camaraderie.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the natural factors of nature and the rules for hardening the body with these factors.

To develop children's skills of safe behavior on the water.


1. A healthy lifestyle in a preschool educational institution / N. V. Elzhova. – Rostov n/ D: Phoenix, 20011. - 215s. (I give my heart to children).

2. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate basic general education program of preschool education / Under. Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: MOZAYKA_SINTEZ, 2011. - 336 p.

3. "Security: Textbook on the basics of life safety for preschool children "/ Avdeeva N. N. and others - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2004.