
Belly at 20 weeks. Medical examination, ultrasound for gender determination

The fifth month of pregnancy is coming to an end, and you are approaching the milestone - half the term. If the birth occurs at the 40th week, then you still have to walk with your tummy exactly as long as the pregnancy has already lasted (starting from the period of ovulation). But, despite this, the child's body in your womb has already formed, grown, strengthened and life is in full swing in it: a small heart beats, the kidneys work hard, it already has all the organs and the main “details”: the limbs, ears are fully formed, eyebrows have appeared , eyelashes and hairs on the head. The eyes are still closed, but he "sees", and if there are two fetuses, at this stage they are able to distinguish each other's faces.

Fetus at 20 weeks gestation: movements, development, weight and size

By the 20th week, the baby reacts to sound and light, is able to grimace and swallow amniotic fluid, hiccups and sneezes, sucks a finger, plays with the umbilical cord and limbs, urinates, smiles and frowns.

The baby is good in the tummy. He is warm and comfortable, he is reliably protected from the outside world by the fetal bladder, and his body continues to be covered with the original lubricant, which protects it from amniotic fluid. The skin thickens at week 20 and, together with the protective mass, becomes four-layered.

By the end of the 5th month of pregnancy, the fetus already weighs over 250 g, closer to 300 g, and its coccygeal-parietal size can exceed 16 cm. From next week, fetal growth will be measured from head to toe.

The movements of the crumbs are becoming more pronounced and tangible, according to the degree of activity of the baby, the mother can determine whether he is sleeping or awake. During wakefulness, the baby with might and main somersaults in the tummy: it pushes off from the wall of the uterus and moves to the opposite one, waves its arms and legs, which is felt by the mother from the inside. Keep in mind that the baby now already hears everything perfectly: a sharp sound or loud music suddenly turned on can scare him and make him push his mother.

Already now, you should begin to pay attention to the nature of the baby's movements and their intensity: his excessive activity or, conversely, calmness, may indicate that the fetus does not receive enough oxygen. On average, within 10 minutes, the mother should feel at least one push from the inside.

Future mom

The uterus also grows and rises higher, squeezing other organs. Now it has already reached the level of the navel, because of which it can begin to protrude - do not worry, after giving birth everything will return to its place. Meanwhile, your tummy is protruding more and more, and the waist has completely disappeared.

Feelings at 20 weeks pregnant

As the abdomen increases, the center of gravity of the future mother's body shifts, her posture and gait change. Due to the increasing load on the spine, as well as due to the softening of the sacro-femoral ligaments and the expansion of the pelvis, you may now feel a pulling pain in your back. To avoid back problems, it is recommended to consider wearing a special brace, which, however, does not negate the need to continue to strictly monitor weight, keep your posture, avoid standing for a long time and hide high-heeled shoes away in the closet.

Keep in mind that prolonged standing on your feet can provoke another extremely unpleasant, painful problem - cramps in the calf muscles. The reason for their appearance is not only overwork of the legs, but also a lack of calcium. That is why you should give your feet a rest every hour, from time to time resort to a relaxing foot massage, and be sure to monitor your diet by enriching your diet with calcium-containing foods.

It will come in handy in case of fatigue and soreness of the legs, and in the presence of varicose veins, it becomes a necessity to purchase special compression underwear. Constipation, heartburn and, which you may experience at this stage, are the consequences of a “cramped” intestine. The bladder and ureters are clamped, which causes a possible poor outflow of urine. With a long absence of the urge to urinate, you should go to the toilet - this process is now disturbed for you.

The diaphragm also suffers, so you may feel as if there is not enough air when you inhale. Later, when the uterus goes deep into the pelvis (already closer to childbirth), this discomfort will pass.

Bleeding gums, blurred vision, the appearance of pigmentation on the skin - all this can overtake a pregnant woman at the 20th week of pregnancy. These phenomena are all temporary: pigmentation will disappear after childbirth, vision will be restored. But with bleeding gums, it is now possible to fight by resorting to rinsing with decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, and sage.

Pay attention to the degree of edema, which may also occur at this stage of pregnancy. Minor edema does not pose a danger, and is only a consequence of fluid retention in the body. But here is a strong swelling - an alarming symptom, with which it is better to consult a doctor.

From the 20th week, the woman will begin to gain weight dramatically: the baby begins to accumulate fat, which, of course, cannot but affect the mother. It is not surprising that just during this period there is a noticeable increase in appetite, but the weight still needs to be tightly controlled.

Never sleep on your back. Most likely, you are already communicating with the baby in full swing - he will tell you which mother's position is most comfortable for him. If there are no contraindications, do physical education for pregnant women. Watch your diet and the quality of the food you eat. Still important are iron and.

Be sure to use moisturizing body creams or special products for. And remember about the correct posture, comfortable shoes and the optimal mode of work and rest. Enjoy your position and don't overwork yourself.

Belly at 20 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts

Does your stomach hurt and pull at 20 weeks pregnant? Analyze the nature and duration of the pain well: in some cases, it becomes a reason for seeking qualified help as soon as possible. As, for example, if the pain in the abdomen is pulling, aching or spasmodic, lasts for several hours in a row and is localized in the lower abdomen.

The fact is that such pains indicate high risk failure of pregnancy, as they indicate an increased tone of the uterus. Even if the stomach hurts from time to time, but the pain gives the woman tangible discomfort, you should definitely report these pains to the doctor. If the stomach hurts and pulls strongly and for a long time, and against the background of pain at some point, God forbid, brown or bloody discharge appears - immediately call an ambulance. Now the count goes on for minutes, because bleeding, together with cramping pains in the abdomen, indicates the onset of a miscarriage.

But, at the same time, the stomach can also hurt for quite, let's say, physiological reasons. The fact is that soreness of the abdomen can be associated with weakening and stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus. In this case, the stomach seems to be sipping - not pronounced and not strong, on one or both sides. There are pains associated with sprains, sporadically, more often at the time of lifting a woman from a bed or chair, while laughing, coughing or sneezing. But, having appeared, only delivering short-term discomfort, such pains also pass without a trace, and do not carry any danger with them.


Allocations at the 20th week of pregnancy most often become somewhat more abundant than before. However, you should not worry about this if the discharge is homogeneous in consistency, has a light gray or milky tint, does not emit any sharp unpleasant odor and does not cause discomfort. The increase in the amount of secretions during this period is associated with the "activity" of the hormone estrogen, which both affects the amount of leucorrhoea and dilutes them somewhat. If you want to somewhat influence the discharge and get rid of the problem of wet panties, try washing yourself not with plain tap water, but with boiled water with a decoction of chamomile.

In the event of a change in the quality and consistency of the discharge - with the appearance of green or yellow, purulent, sharply and unpleasantly smelling discharge, curdled discharge or with impurities of flakes, foamy - you should immediately go for a consultation with a doctor. Any change in discharge in this direction indicates the development and progression of a genital infection. It can be caused by fungi of the genus Candida, chlamydia, Trichomonas, and usually, in addition to changes in the discharge pattern, it is also accompanied by discomfort in the genital tract.

An immediate response in the form of an ambulance call requires the appearance of brown or bloody discharge, accompanied by pain in the abdomen. The separation of blood from the vagina or spotting, which appear against the background of pulling spasmodic pain in the abdomen, is a sign of uterine hypertonicity and the associated risk of premature termination of pregnancy. Moreover: if the stomach has been hurting for a long time, and even spotting appears, it is possible that the miscarriage has already begun. Therefore, in the presence of such a situation - urgently call an ambulance.

If blood or brown discharge on the panties is observed occasionally in a pregnant woman, occurring after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination, and at the same time, abdominal pain is not accompanied, most likely, cervical erosion occurs. But even here you can’t do without an additional examination by a doctor.

Ultrasound at 20 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound examination at this time is usually performed as part of the second screening. Ultrasound at 20 weeks of gestation may be needed to assess the progress of the pregnancy, determine the sex of the child, the likelihood of malformations and chromosomal abnormalities. Also, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy allows you to determine whether the size of the fetus corresponds to the gestational age, whether the condition of the amniotic fluid and placenta is normal.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy, the internal organs of the crumbs are also studied: kidneys, stomach, urinary and gallbladder, liver, lungs, intestines. The baby's heart is also subject to careful examination - if any discrepancy is found, a specialized ultrasonography hearts. Unfortunately, heart defects are one of the most common fetal malformations today.

In addition to the fact that ultrasound will help assess whether the development of the baby is normal, ultrasound at the 20th week of pregnancy will also show: the baby in the womb is actively growing and developing. And yet - he doesn’t get bored at all, because his size allows him to move freely in his mother’s tummy for the time being, which the baby actively uses, turning over and somersaulting.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

20 obstetric week of pregnancy is the middle of the second trimester. The fetus for a period of 20 weeks continues to grow actively, more and more acquiring the features with which it will be born. This is a period of excellent appetite and good health. Pain anywhere is an exception - even heartburn worries only those women who had problems with the gastrointestinal tract before pregnancy. The expectant mother is calm.

What happens in the 20th obstetric week?

All the most important organs and systems of the fetus are already practically formed, but they cannot yet fully function outside the mother's body, so the baby is not yet ready to be born. Full development ends by 37 weeks, after which the baby can be born completely healthy.

The belly at the 20th week of pregnancy in the expectant mother begins to gradually increase, and the growing pressure on the spine leads to pain in the lower back. They will intensify as the abdomen grows, while the center of gravity and sensations in the abdomen at the same time change in the expectant mother after 20 weeks. To alleviate the condition, special exercises or wearing a bandage are used.

The 20th week may already be accompanied by false contractions. They represent the tone, sipping and "petrification" of the abdomen. If this does not cause discomfort to a woman, you should not worry, because this is how the body prepares for the upcoming birth. But with the appearance of discharge and severe pain, you should consult a gynecologist.


The uterus continues to actively grow and stretch, the height of its bottom is about 20-21 cm. It has already risen into the abdominal cavity to the level of the navel, therefore it puts pressure on other internal organs and tissues: on the diaphragm, intestines, liver and lungs. This is what causes shortness of breath and heartburn in a woman.

The abdomen at the 20th week of pregnancy noticeably increases in size and already protrudes forward, and the navel may protrude slightly. When the skin is stretched, stretch marks may appear that look like red and pink stripes. To prevent them, it is necessary to monitor nutrition, avoid sudden weight gain, and regularly moisturize the skin. special creams.

An enlarging belly at 20 weeks of gestation causes an increase in body weight of 3-6 kg. At the same time, the weekly increase should not exceed 500 g. During this period, subcutaneous fat is actively formed in her body, but its excess amount can lead to various complications at the end of pregnancy and during childbirth.

Feelings at 20 weeks pregnant

The 20th week of pregnancy is one of the most favorable periods for a woman. The expectant mother has a good state of health, a great appetite, as well as a positive mood. She increasingly feels the movements of the child, which gradually gain their strength, turning from soft touches into quite strong pushes.

In the state of wakefulness, a child at 20 weeks of gestation can already make up to 20 movements per hour. In especially active kids, this figure can reach 60 movements per hour. The fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy in the uterine cavity somersaults, touches its face and plays with the placenta. He sleeps most of the time, but future mom may notice periods of wakefulness. Usually they occur in the evening and at night, and the fetus can also be activated with loud conversation or music.


During pregnancy, a woman should normally have milky, clear and slightly yellowish discharge. The 20th obstetric week of pregnancy may be accompanied by a significant increase in their number. This physiological phenomenon is called leukorrhea and is caused by increased blood flow to the internal and external genital organs.

With abundant vaginal discharge, a pregnant woman can use daily sanitary pads and natural cotton underwear, and the use of tampons should be abandoned - they can provoke the penetration of infection and opportunistic microorganisms.

During pregnancy, gynecologists also do not recommend douching, since even a small amount of water or air entering the uterine cavity can adversely affect the condition of the fetus.


During this period, the second screening examination falls. The expectant mother also takes blood and urine tests. On an ultrasound scan, the doctor evaluates:

  • growth and size of the child for a period of 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • brain structure and location internal organs;
  • place of attachment and condition of the placenta;
  • the size of the nasal bone and the size of the collar space;
  • presence/absence of pathologies.

Almost all important organs and systems have already been formed, so if there are pathologies, the doctor can detect them in a timely manner, and the modern level of medicine allows minimizing or completely eliminating possible complications.

At the twentieth week, the doctor, during an ultrasound scan, can most likely determine the sex of the expected baby, but only if he is in the head position.

What happens to the baby and the sensations for a period of 20 weeks?

At the twentieth week, the baby has grown even more. Its height is 14-16 cm, and its weight reaches 260 g. In size, the fetus at 20 weeks is similar to a small coconut. At this time, the surface of the skin begins to change in the child: the epidermis thickens, and four different layers appear in its structure.

A pattern will soon appear on the surface layer of the dermis, which is present in newborns on the feet and palms. Under this layer is a network of capillary vessels and a huge number of nerve endings. Hair follicles and sebaceous ducts have already formed in the epidermis of the fetus. In depth there is a layer of subcutaneous fat, which will fully develop by the end of pregnancy.

The entire surface of the skin of the fetus is covered with a special waxy lubricant, which contains the secret of the sebaceous glands and exfoliated dermis scales. It protects the baby's body from drying out and exposure to harmful microorganisms. Lubricant is held on the skin with the lanugo gun and disappears just before childbirth.

What happens to the baby at 20 weeks of pregnancy? The heart of the fetus beats at a frequency of about 130-150 beats per minute, which can be heard by the doctor with a stethoscope. The child can already open his eyes for a short time (previously they were almost always closed).

Usually a baby at 20 weeks of gestation is already in the correct position in the uterus - head down. He is already actively gesticulating with his hands and can even smile and yawn. By this period, taste preferences are already beginning to form, which largely depend on the nutrition of the mother.


The twentieth obstetric week is the time when a woman may experience leg swelling, which is important to keep under control, as they are harbingers of preeclampsia. Also, swelling can indicate problems with the kidneys and heart. It is impossible to get rid of them, but limiting salt and fluid intake will help prevent deterioration.

Leg cramps are a sign of calcium deficiency. Throughout pregnancy, with the growth and development of the baby, a huge amount of calcium is consumed from the mother's body, which is necessary to strengthen bones and form the rudiments of teeth. When convulsions appear, a relaxing massage and the inclusion of a large amount of potassium-containing dishes in the diet are shown.

Such a danger as a frozen pregnancy is quite rare in this period. The risk group includes mainly women who have previously had abortions, as well as those who had various traumatic injuries of the cervix.


A woman should walk more and breathe fresh air, which will provide a growing body with oxygen for its growth and development. A sign of its lack in a child is sharp and rapid movements, so it is important to constantly pay attention to what is happening with the baby.

If edema appears on the twentieth week, you should consult a specialist, since this phenomenon is not typical for this period.

During the growth of the abdomen, the skin stretches significantly, so slight itching sensations may appear. To remove them and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, it is necessary to actively moisturize and nourish the skin with special creams or oils.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman should carefully monitor her diet, as eating high-calorie foods can lead to a sharp weight gain. It is better to give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, boiled fish, cottage cheese and other potassium-containing foods, and be sure to eat cereals - preferably rich in iron (oatmeal and buckwheat).

Making hygiene procedures, you can not direct the jet from the shower into the vagina, and even more so get involved in douching. Water and air entering the cervix can damage the fetus.

If, as a result of increased body weight or increased pressure of the uterus on the vena cava, a woman has developed varicose veins, it is necessary to switch to wearing low-heeled shoes and clothes that do not restrict the groin and legs. You can also use special elastic stockings. It is recommended to lie or sit more often with legs raised - this ensures the outflow of blood from the lower body. The habit of cross-legging while sitting should be forgotten.

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The most wonderful time is when the tummy is already noticeable, but almost does not interfere, when you feel great, when everyone around notices how good the pregnant woman began to look.

If everything goes well, 20 weeks of pregnancy is a kind of vacation before a much more difficult time, when the baby grows up so much that it becomes quite a tangible burden for the mother.

Gestational age

Speaking of exact 20 weeks pregnant, it turns out that you 20 obstetric weeks(this is the period from 1 day of the last menstruation), 5 lunar months (they are counted for 28 days), 18 weeks from conception - the real age of the fetus, and the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy, if you count the usual months.


The most amazing event that brings 20 weeks of pregnancy is the first movements fetus.

Many expectant mothers feel them a little earlier, at a period of 16-17 weeks, but by 20 weeks of pregnancy even primigravidas clearly feel them, only a small part of women are destined to feel the baby's tremors by 22 weeks.

What the first movements look like, pregnant women describe in different ways, and even in one woman with different pregnancies feelings may vary. The first movement may seem like a flap of a butterfly's wing, or a slight push, as if a kitten is shoving its paws from the inside, or it may seem that a small fish has turned over inside.

No matter how this first movement is felt at 20 weeks of pregnancy, it causes a violent emotional reaction in any woman. The heart shudders, things are forgotten, the expectant mother freezes with a happy smile.

Movement at 20 weeks pregnant may be either more frequent, or rare, or not felt at all. These are the movements of the child, and his motor activity depends on many factors. Many pregnant women at 20 weeks of pregnancy note that the baby is most active at all when it is necessary, in the evening and at night. The reason is simple, when a mother walks during the day, goes about her business, the child cradles in the womb, and he sleeps more, and wakes up at rest and begins to exercise.

A loud sound can provoke motor activity, because at 20 weeks of pregnancy the child already hears well and is frightened, or a stuffy room, or even a meal. The lack of oxygen makes the baby move harder.

Soon you will be able to guess the parts of the child's body when pushing.

Another feeling of having a baby at 20 weeks pregnant is... hiccups. It happens not for everyone, the presence or absence of hiccups does not mean anything. Yes, the baby can hiccup. Hiccups do not indicate any problems in the baby, it is just a consequence of an unsuccessful sip of amniotic fluid, but it is very easy to feel it. The tummy begins to shudder rhythmically every 2-3 seconds, and it's like nothing. This usually lasts a few minutes and stops on its own.

Your condition

Your condition at 20 weeks of pregnancy should be very good. Long ago, such torments as early toxicosis are behind, heartburn at this time is not typical, it happens only in those mothers who had problems with the stomach before. 20 weeks pregnant characterized by an excellent appetite, you can eat almost everything that you had before pregnancy, although some appetite selectivity may still be present.


There is still very little weight gained, only 3-4.5 kg, it does not interfere, like tummy, which at 20 weeks of pregnancy is barely noticeable in most. If the anterior abdominal wall is strong and muscular, it may be almost invisible. Most often, the abdomen is not visible for a long time in primiparas.

The waist is still noticeable in most women, in someone it is smoothed out already at 20 weeks of pregnancy. It depends on your body type, if you are tall and thin-boned (the so-called dolichomorphic body type), you will most likely keep it for the entire duration of your pregnancy, and if you are stocky and wide-boned (brachymorphic type), the waist will disappear quite quickly.

The sign according to which the waist does not disappear during pregnancy as a boy, and disappears during pregnancy as a girl is just a sign that has no scientific explanation.

The uterus with a child at 20 weeks of pregnancy is at the level of the navel, the stomach acts as a ball just below it. The navel in most expectant mothers begins to smooth out, becomes less deep.

IN 20 weeks uterine tone usually not typical.

The abdominal muscles are stretched, their divergence is possible - a so-called diastasis appears between them. twenty weeks pregnant already allows you to feel it, if you rise from a supine position, you can clearly see the bulging in the center of the abdomen and you can feel the edges of the muscles. Unfortunately, this cannot be prevented in any way, but with the right attitude towards your figure, after childbirth, the anterior abdominal wall is restored.

If you had even the smallest umbilical hernia, at the 20th week of pregnancy, her ring will begin to stretch. By the end of pregnancy, when the baby hits this area, you will not only understand what part of the body it is, but you can even see the contours of the fingers, since here only the wall of the uterus and stretched skin will separate you from the baby. After childbirth, the size of the hernia will decrease, but it will most likely begin to bother you and the question of surgery will arise.

Stretch marks

20 weeks of pregnancy in some women who have a predisposition to the formation of stretch marks are already characterized by their appearance. Usually they are preceded by an annoying itching in overstretched skin, and from scratching it only intensifies.

Relieve itching and prevent stretch marks at 20 weeks pregnant and beyond special means for skin care.

Buy anti-stretch mark moisturizing milk at the drugstore. It nourishes the skin with moisture and fats, makes it more elastic and prevents the formation of stretch marks.

Age spots, chloasma

The 20th week of pregnancy or close to this is the time when you may notice that light brown spots have appeared on the skin of the face, usually they appear above upper lip, nose, it's chloasma pregnant. There is nothing wrong with these spots, they will disappear within the first months after childbirth.

On the stomach at 20 weeks of pregnancy there is already a rather noticeable dark strip from the pubis to the navel; by the end of pregnancy, the tummies of almost all women become striped. This strip will then also pass.


IN 20 weeks pregnant breasts changes even more.

Your nipples have also darkened, your breasts have filled up and become dense and sensitive. Colostrum may come out of the nipples, usually white-yellow droplets on linen. Normally, there is not much of it, ordinary breast pads completely solve the problem.

Do not squeeze out colostrum on purpose, irritation of the nipples causes an increase in the tone of the uterus, which is not good, especially if there is a threat of termination at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Breasts should be especially taken care of now, when they are rapidly increasing in size. The reason for sagging ugly breasts after childbirth is improper handling during pregnancy.

It’s not a problem to buy a bra now, you shouldn’t save on it (buying for growth, for example). There are special bras for pregnant women, and stop your choice on this one. A good bra combined with a cream for stretch marks from 20 weeks of pregnancy will protect you from the consequences of pregnancy such as stretch marks, or stretch marks, lilac ugly stripes on the skin of the chest.


20 weeks pregnant is a time when increased vaginal discharge can be bothersome. They are usually light-colored, odorless, and do not indicate illness, but they can still cause discomfort. The reason for the discharge is increased secretion of the vaginal mucosa.

If you suddenly still get sick with something, the discharge has bad smell and greenish color. In any case, if you 20 weeks pregnant discharge- this is an occasion to consult a doctor, you should not start fighting them on your own, without making sure that they are not a sign of illness.

Now it will not be worse if you strengthen hygiene measures. Wash yourself more often and use boiled water, you can use decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile.

Wear cotton underwear that is comfortable and loose, and use panty liners. In general, it is necessary to warn that douching and washing with a strong shower jet this week of pregnancy, as in any other period, is strictly prohibited, it is dangerous.


Of the other complaints that 20 weeks of pregnancy can bring, edema should be noted.

In general, this phenomenon is not characteristic, normally they should not be, the cause of edema can be the first phenomena of approaching late toxicosis (preeclampsia), diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Obstetricians are wary of edema, and may take you to the hospital for examination if it occurs. Manifest swelling at 20 weeks pregnant first, too much weight gain (more than 300 grams this week or more than 4.5 kg since the beginning of pregnancy), then rings and shoes become tight, as if the size of the foot has increased, swelling of the feet and shins appears, when pressing on the shin, a dimple remains, which does not straighten straightaway.

Usually, in the presence of edema, a pregnant woman is recommended to limit fluid intake to one and a half liters per day along with soup, eat food without salt, and refuse spicy, fatty and other thirsty foods. If it goes 20 weeks pregnant, swelling began to bother you - consult a gynecologist.

Back pain

Another characteristic complaint that brings 20 weeks pregnant, back pain. There is nothing surprising in them, the reason is that your body weight has become larger, and the uterus with the child has changed the center of gravity of your body. That is, now the load on the spine has become much greater, and even not natural.

Moreover, by the 20th week, a special hormone, relaxin, is produced in the body in large quantities, which makes the ligaments very elastic.

Complaints are exacerbated by heavy lifting, wearing high-heeled shoes. 20 weeks pregnant is already a long time, if you do not take action immediately, it will only get worse. Ditch high heels for comfortable, stable shoes with wide, low heels.

Don't lift heavy. If heavy lifting is unavoidable, do it right. Take the load either from the table without bending over, or if lifting from the floor, squat down, take the load on yourself and stand up with a straight back. Use backpacks and distribute the weight evenly on both hands if carrying bags.

It is worth starting to use a prenatal bandage from the twentieth week of pregnancy. Dress him up properly. In the prone position, it will greatly facilitate your life.


20 weeks of pregnancy may be accompanied by a deterioration in vision due to the fact that pregnancy hormones act on all tissues of the body. Progesterone increases the ability of tissues to retain water, and relaxin relaxes the connective tissue. This leads to a decrease in vision. After giving birth, everything will go away on its own.

Bleeding gums, caries

Vitamins help to cope with such a nuisance as bleeding gums, which often worries by the 20th week of pregnancy. Now you need thorough oral hygiene, because the child takes a lot of calcium from you to build your own bone tissue, this can cause not only pain in the bones, but also the development of caries.

Fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating

When you reach 20 weeks of pregnancy, you may be disturbed by increased sweating, this is normal, as well as the fact that it has become a little harder to breathe. You get tired more easily. The uterus restricts the movement of the lungs, by the end of pregnancy this will be even more noticeable. Your heart is now working in an enhanced mode, there may be sensations of palpitations during exercise.


So, the golden mean of pregnancy, beauty, health and pregnancy suit you.

Usually, expectant mothers are quite energetic by the 20th week of pregnancy, continue to work, and maternity leave is still far away. While it is too early to think about rest and maternity benefits, it will still not be soon.

But what does it look like, what can it do and how does a child live at 20 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby is already quite big, it weighs more than 300 grams, some manage to gain even more than 400 grams. Body length 25 cm, coccygeal-parietal size 16 cm.

Almost all organs at 20 weeks of pregnancy are formed and are actively developing. Marigolds grow on the fingers and toes, by the end of pregnancy they will reach the edge of the phalanges, an individual pattern has already appeared on the fingertips.

The skin became denser, fat began to accumulate, but the face of the child is still quite an old man, there is no fat at all, the skin looks wrinkled.

At 20 weeks pregnant, the baby opens its eyes for the first time. His eyelids are formed and have eyelashes. Now he already knows how to frown, yawn and even smile.

The rudiments of permanent teeth are laid.

He already has a pretty decent head of hair on his head, and his whole body is covered with thin blond hairs - lanugo, almost all of them will fall out by birth.

The skin folds are coated with a creamy white lubricant that protects the skin from moisture. This original lubricant will remain until the very birth, it is a product of the secretion of the glands of the skin.

The body of the child is already quite proportional, the legs are quite long. 20 weeks of pregnancy is the period when the genitals are formed so well that there is no longer any doubt about the sex of the fetus.

Now the child hears well and may be frightened by sharp sounds. It is quite noisy in the uterus, the child listens to the beats of the mother's heart, the sounds of the mother's intestines, the noise of blood flow through the vessels, your breathing. These are familiar and soothing sounds. 20th week of pregnancy, you need to talk to the baby, he will remember your voice, when the baby is born, you can calm him down by just talking to him. Likewise, he is able to remember his father's voice.

The child is quite active. At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus is quite spacious, and he can afford to exercise, developing muscles, you feel all his movements as perturbations. Many children at 20 weeks of pregnancy already choose the correct position in the uterus with their heads down, but if the baby is in a breech presentation, there is no reason to worry, he can roll over more than once.

Favorite hobby baby at 20 weeks pregnant - suck your own fingers. Some children get used to sucking not a finger, but their forearm, sometimes immediately after childbirth a bubble is found on the forearm, which the child sucked on himself in utero. 20 weeks of pregnancy - the finger enters the mouth is no longer accidental, but quite consciously.

The fetus is constantly training the skills it will need once it is born. He swallows the amniotic fluid around him, practicing swallowing. Since there are desquamated cells of his skin in the amniotic fluid, a lot of nutrients, the child's intestines also get into work, digesting the incoming substances. 20 weeks of pregnancy, so far the processed is not excreted anywhere, but accumulates in the intestines. It's called original feces, meconium. Normally, this greenish-black first stool passes after the baby is born and not before.

Periodically, the child makes respiratory movements, training his respiratory muscles. These movements are performed with a closed glottis, amniotic fluid does not enter the lungs.

The baby's heartbeat at 20 weeks pregnant can be heard with a regular obstetric stethoscope, its frequency is now 120-160 beats per minute. If you go for an ultrasound, the doctor will definitely give you the opportunity to hear how your baby's heart beats.

Dangers of 20 weeks of pregnancy, miscarriage

The worst thing that can happen is a miscarriage.

Frozen pregnancy at 20 weeks also possible, but rare, usually due to placental abruption. A miscarriage can occur due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

At risk are those women who have had abortions, childbirth with trauma to the cervix.

When it comes to the 20th week of pregnancy, a normal, healthy cervix has a cylindrical shape and is completely closed due to the circular muscles, which does not allow it to open. The neck is quite dense, before childbirth it takes time to smooth and soften it. If the cervix is ​​injured in a previous birth or during an abortion, then part of the muscles is replaced by connective tissue, as a result, the cervical canal does not close completely.

The baby's fetal bladder penetrates into the lumen and exerts pressure, which leads to its even greater opening, gradual softening of the cervix and the onset of contractions is provoked. The fetal bladder is often infected.

Unfortunately, a baby at 20 weeks of pregnancy is still too small and immature, he cannot survive with the current level of medicine. Only a small part of children with a weight of 500 grams or more can successfully exit, and this is a period of 24 weeks or more.

A miscarriage can begin imperceptibly, with pulling pains in the lower abdomen, increased uterine tone. The increased tone of the uterus is felt by a woman as a hardening, stone belly. Stomach pain at 20 weeks pregnant should not, it is always a reason to see a doctor, as well as an increase in body temperature, the appearance or increase in vaginal discharge. With timely treatment, misfortune can often be prevented. A suture or a special restraint is placed on the cervix, limiting motor activity (you have to lie down).

Examinations and analyzes

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, a screening ultrasound of the fetus, urine and blood tests are prescribed to identify possible anemia and kidney problems. This is not a fixed period of tests, they can be scheduled a couple of weeks earlier or later.

During the examination, the gynecologist measures your weight, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the volume of the abdomen, it is possible to refer for tests to detect chromosomal disorders in the child (blood from a vein, the so-called triple test).

Blood pressure must be monitored.

The volume of blood in your body increases by about half a liter at 20 weeks of pregnancy. It is needed in order to serve another circle of blood circulation between you and the child. It is clear that the body cannot immediately produce so many new red blood cells, for this reason, 20 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, this is normal. Only real anemia is treated, a healthy woman needs vitamins to solve this problem.


Ultrasound at 20 weeks pregnant mandatory screening study, it is important to identify malformations of the child. All organs of the child, heart, lungs, kidneys are clearly visible. The structures of the face are visible, it is possible to assess the correctness of the formation of the genital organs. In addition to the body structure, the height and weight of the fetus and its compliance with the gestational age are assessed.

Ultrasound at 20 weeks pregnant very informative regarding the assessment of the state of amniotic fluid, placenta. Such deviations from the norm as fetoplacental insufficiency, oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios are revealed. Timely treatment allows you to cope with deviations from the norm and ensure good conditions for further pregnancy.


20 weeks of pregnancy, the growing tummy also causes inconvenience. You can no longer lie on your stomach, and even on your side is not always comfortable. Many people correct in a pose on their side to put a pillow under the knee of the “upper” leg, others adapt in a different way. Experiment, for sure a couple of pillows will solve all your problems.


Many people have a question, how to have sex at 20 weeks of pregnancy and is it possible?

If you are healthy, of course you can. Only the choice of posture is limited by the fact that the tummy is in the way. You can safely practice the missionary pose and the pose of a man from behind, leave the pose of a rider and all positions on the stomach until better times. 20 weeks pregnant sex, it is quite possible to deliver even more pleasure than before. This is due to increased secretion and the complete absence of fear of becoming pregnant.


20 weeks of pregnancy is the time when you are energetic enough to be happy to go shopping, choosing a baby dowry. You already know the gender of the baby and with a choice colors no problem.

Do it now, at twenty weeks pregnant, after a couple of months, finding the necessary things will cause discomfort rather than pleasure.

Do not believe in prejudices, postponing purchases for later is not the right decision, just imagine the turmoil that will be if you do not do this before giving birth. As a result, the first things that come across will be bought.

Having prepared the dowry in advance, you will not only enjoy the full anticipation of meeting your baby, but you will also be able to choose only the best.

Remember, it's not enough just to buy things. The crib should stand empty for several weeks so that all harmful substances (lacquer and other products that were used in its manufacture) disappear from it. Baby diapers should be washed and stroked several times, this will make them softer and more pleasant to the skin. All this requires some effort, but this week of pregnancy you will enjoy the hassle. And what about buying such pleasant things as a breast pump for yourself, pacifiers and bottles, and other wonderful things?

If you are superstitious, buy it all and leave it with your parents or friends for safekeeping.


During pregnancy with twins, there are not one, but two children in your uterus, which means that their total weight is twice as much, as is the amount of amniotic fluid.

If, during a singleton pregnancy, the uterus is now at the level of the navel, or rises 20 cm above the pubis, with twin pregnancy at 20 weeks it is already 28 cm higher than the pubis, approximately the same as at 28 weeks in a woman pregnant with one child.

Although you are now only 20 weeks pregnant, of course, you do not feel as good as if you were carrying one child. Due to the fact that the uterus is very large, you may experience heartburn, often want to go to the toilet in a small way, shortness of breath is probably worried due to the fact that the uterus is squeezing the lungs. In general, your condition is similar to the condition of women at 27-28 weeks of pregnancy.

Due to the fact that the uterus stretches very quickly, at 20 weeks of pregnancy there may be an increase in its tone and the threat of miscarriage. Doctors prescribe tocolytic drugs, such as ginipral, magnesia.

Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth

20 weeks pregnant is the time to start attending prenatal prenatal classes. Swimming in the pool, special exercises and all the knowledge about childbirth that these courses can give you will help you prevent panic, reduce pain and even enjoy childbirth.

Childbirth largely depends on how you perceive it, the upcoming twenty to twenty-two weeks of pregnancy will give you time to prepare. Psychoprophylactic preparation allows you to cope with possible stress and go through childbirth with minimal losses. You will be in excellent physical and mental shape if you take the preparation seriously and will attend these classes without missing.

Twenty weeks is a period that is considered a “turning point” for a woman, because from that moment the second half of pregnancy begins. This period is associated with global changes that occur in the body of the mother and baby.

The fetal heartbeat is now auscultated with a conventional obstetric stethoscope. A noticeably rounded belly already clearly indicates an interesting position for a woman. At 20 weeks, pregnant women should especially carefully monitor their health, since various complications are possible during this period.

20 weeks pregnant - what happens to the baby?

The length of the fetus at the 20th week is approximately 25-30 cm, weight ranges from 250-450 g. During this period, the fetal heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope through the abdominal wall (previously it could only be determined by ultrasound).

The heart rate (HR) in the fetus significantly exceeds the heart rate of an adult and is 120-140 beats per minute.

From the 20th to the 28th week, the red bone marrow begins to take over the function of hematopoiesis (previously, hematopoiesis was hepatic). The hemoglobin (Hb) of the child is predominantly fetal (HbF), closer to oxygen than the adult hemoglobin produced in the late fetal period.

A twenty-week-old fetus can independently produce all major classes of immunoglobulins (Ig). Lymphoid tissue is formed in the spleen exactly at the twentieth week, the most active leukopoiesis (formation of leukocytes) in this organ occurs at the fifth month of intrauterine life.

The baby actively sucks his finger, sometimes hiccups occur. The fetus has a downy hairline, eyelashes and eyebrows. A cheese-like (generic) lubricant is formed from fluff hairs and cells of the epidermis - a creamy white substance that performs the protective function of the skin.

Lubrication is usually retained until the baby is born. At the end of the fifth - the beginning of the sixth month, subcutaneous fat is actively developing.

The skin of the fetus is red, during this period the sebaceous glands begin to work. It is they who produce the secret, which takes part in the formation of the original lubricant. In the gastrointestinal tract, meconium is formed - the original feces.

At 20 weeks, the fetus has well-formed eyes, and the blink reflex gradually develops. Facial movements are quite pronounced: the child closes his eyes, frowns his brows and even smiles.

From the 20th week, the primigravida begins to feel the movements of the baby. In subsequent pregnancies, fetal movements are felt from 18 weeks.

Movement activity changes throughout the day. Under the influence of irritating factors (loud sound, stuffiness, etc.), the fetus moves very actively.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother

Twenty weeks is the middle of pregnancy. The abdomen protrudes noticeably forward. Stretch marks (stretch marks) begin to appear on the skin, so it's time to purchase a special skin care cream.

Many pregnant women may experience difficulty breathing and heartburn due to compression of the internal organs by the enlarged uterus and pushing the diaphragm up.

After a while, when the fetus descends deeper into the pelvic cavity, the discomfort disappears. In primigravidas, this happens 2-3 weeks before childbirth, in multi-pregnant women - before labor itself.

A woman may notice more vaginal discharge than before. This phenomenon is associated with increased blood flow to the genitals and is quite natural. If there is a lot of discharge, you should use sanitary pads. Linen should be only natural (cotton).

Attention should be paid to the nature of the discharge. Normally, they are white or yellowish in color. If the discharge becomes bright yellow, green, has an unpleasant odor, you should consult a gynecologist. Abnormal discharge along with itching or burning may indicate an infection.

If itching and burning appear during urination, cystitis may occur. All of these conditions require immediate medical attention.

Analyzes and examinations, photo of the baby

The complex of necessary examinations includes:

  • measuring the size of the abdomen and pelvis;
  • weight measurement;
  • measurement of blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • KLA (general urinalysis).

Additionally, a blood test may be required.

In accordance with order No. 457-MZ of the Russian Federation, the complex of prenatal diagnostics in without fail includes a triple screening ultrasound examination of pregnant women. At 20-24 weeks, it is carried out to detect malformations and markers of chromosomal pathologies.

During the screening ultrasound at the 20th week, it is possible to determine the sex of the baby. Also, the expectant mother can get a photo of the child if there is an appropriate opportunity for an ultrasound machine.

In the period from 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, according to the result of a study of the mother's blood type for hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) and AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) (the so-called duplex test), a risk group for the birth of children with chromosomal diseases is formed among pregnant women.

Possible dangers at 19 and 20 weeks of gestation

The period from 18 to 22 weeks is the third critical period of pregnancy. At this time, the most important processes take place, in which the activity of the child's brain, the hematopoietic system is formed, the most important hormones are produced, and reflexes develop.

The end of the twentieth week is the beginning of the second half of pregnancy. During this period, the most important systems of the body (nervous, cardiovascular, hematopoietic) mature. At this time, the fetus is less sensitive to damaging factors.

Injurious agents are activated upon penetration through the placental barrier, some of which may alter the normal permeability of the placenta. The placenta is a powerful protective barrier that protects the fetus from toxins and other harmful substances.

However, the placenta is vulnerable to most medicines(vitamins, hormones, narcotic analgesics, antibacterial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.). Thus, drugs taken by a pregnant woman enter the fetus through the placenta.

The amount of toxins received by the fetus depends on the permeability of the placenta, blood flow, characteristics of the damaging agent, existing pregnancy complications.

When complications occur, the barrier function decreases, and substances begin to flow through the placenta, which under normal circumstances would not pass.

One of the most dangerous complications that can occur starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy is preeclampsia. The prerequisites for it and the initial signs may appear as early as sixteen weeks. However, preeclampsia is considered to be a pathology of the second half of pregnancy.

Previously, this condition was referred to as late toxicosis. Its cause, in fact, is pregnancy itself, that is, it does not occur in non-pregnant women. Preeclampsia disappears with the termination of pregnancy (delivery or miscarriage).

The essence of gestosis can be characterized by the phrase "toxic-allergic reaction of the body to pregnancy." The etiology (cause) of gestosis is still not fully understood, there are only a number of theories. It was only possible to establish one thing: preeclampsia is caused by pregnancy.

Preeclampsia can take several forms: dropsy of pregnant women (appearance of edema on the limbs and anterior abdominal wall), nephropathy (a set of symptoms such as increased blood pressure, edema and proteinuria (protein in the urine)), preeclampsia (attachment to nephropathy symptoms of CNS damage (headache , "flies" before the eyes, pain in the chest) and eclampsia (convulsive seizure, followed by loss of consciousness and coma).

With gestosis in a woman's body, global changes occur: most organs cease to function normally.

The permeability of blood vessels changes, the kidneys stop filtering salts and water properly and pass protein into the urine, the heart compensates for vascular resistance, resulting in an increase in blood pressure.

During this period of pregnancy, you should Special attention for edema. Often they signal an incipient nephropathy. Many women are not worried about anything, except for swelling of the limbs, but blood pressure suddenly rises sharply, a brain hemorrhage occurs, which can end extremely badly for the woman and the fetus.

Preeclampsia during pregnancy (especially long-term current, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, even during treatment) is a dangerous condition that is very difficult to manage.

Special scales have been developed to determine the severity of preeclampsia and predict possible complications, however, this pathology of pregnant women often does not fit into standard algorithms.

That is why, even if a woman feels great, but the doctor insists on hospitalization, it is necessary to strictly follow his instructions. Preeclampsia can lead to premature termination of pregnancy, serious fetal developmental disorders and even death.

May happen premature detachment placenta, resulting in bleeding, and the fetus may die. If a seizure occurs, the woman after it loses consciousness and may fall into a coma.

Thus, with the appearance of any (hidden or visible) edema, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If the results of the examination indicate protein in the urine or increased blood pressure, the woman is urgently sent to the hospital in the department of pathology of pregnant women.

In most cases, therapy has a positive effect, but in the absence of a proper result, early delivery is possible (this issue is decided strictly individually and only on the basis of objective signs of a threat to the health of the mother and child).

With dropsy, it is sometimes allowed to stay at home if it is possible to provide conditions for outpatient treatment.

  1. Starting from the second half of pregnancy, the daily protein content in the diet should be 120 g, carbohydrates are limited to 300 g, fats - up to 80 g, salt - up to 4-5 g;
  2. It is important to carefully monitor the amount of fluid you drink (up to a liter per day). Once a week, you can arrange unloading (on apples, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese);
  3. The duration of sleep should be at least 10 hours, daily walks in the fresh air should be increased.

Women with the threat of preeclampsia should keep records of the fluid taken and excreted per day (daily diuresis), monitor changes in body weight. If the amount of liquid drunk is large, and no more than 300 g is added per week, then the measures taken are effective.

  1. A complete diet (mainly healthy natural food);
  2. It is acceptable to consume up to 2 liters of fluid per day;
  3. Walks in the open air;
  4. The use of special creams for the skin of the chest and abdomen (to avoid stretch marks), the choice of a bandage;
  5. Sex - allowed (exclusion of positions that put pressure on the stomach);
  6. Attending psychological trainings for pregnant women.

It is important to remember that untimely contact with a specialist in the event of edema and non-compliance with his recommendations can lead to extremely negative consequences for maternal and fetal health.

And some more useful information about the 20th week of pregnancy - in the next video.

The gestation period is 20 weeks.
Fetal age - 18 weeks

How does your baby's height and weight change?

This week, the length of the child's body from crown to tailbone is on average 14-16 cm, weight is about 250 g.

How your body is changing

You can be congratulated - half of the pregnancy is already over. As you remember, the entire pregnancy lasts 40 weeks from the date of the last menstruation, so 20 weeks is a kind of milestone. The bottom of the uterus rose a little more and reached the navel. The belly continues to grow, you are getting fatter. Until 20 weeks, you didn’t gain too much weight, now everything is different - you will regularly add weight and volume.

Measuring the size of the uterus

The size of the uterus is measured in order to track how the fetus grows. Here we give all the dimensions of the uterus in centimeters, but doctors often use their fingers instead of a centimeter tape.

To measure the uterus, you need to have a reference point. Usually, the navel and pubic symphysis are taken as a reference point. The pubic symphysis, or pubic fusion, is a place in the middle of the lower abdomen, above the urethra, where the bones of the pubis meet. Depending on the height of the woman, the pubic symphysis is located 15-25 cm below the navel and 2.5-5 cm below the upper edge of the pubic hair. The doctor measures the distance from the pubic symphysis to the bottom of the uterus, and now, at the 20th week of pregnancy, this distance is 20 cm (the bottom of the uterus is at the level of the navel). In the future, in a week, the uterus will grow by 1 cm, and after four weeks, when you go to the doctor again, it will rise 24 cm above the pubic symphysis.

If at week 20 the uterus has risen significantly higher - more than 28 cm above the pubic symphysis, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination: you may have twins or the gestational age is determined incorrectly.

If, on the contrary, the distance from the bottom of the uterus to the pubic symphysis is small (15-16 cm), you will also be prescribed an ultrasound scan. In this case, if the gestational age is calculated correctly, we can talk about intrauterine retention fetal development.

I want to warn suspicious mothers. Every woman is different and everyone has their own pregnancy. Children also differ in height and weight. Therefore, if your pregnant friend's uterus does not match yours, do not panic - this is in the order of things. Moreover, you repeated pregnancy will pass differently than the first, and the size of the uterus will be different. And that's okay too.

Also keep in mind that measurements may vary from doctor to doctor. Therefore, if you got an appointment with another doctor, then it is likely that he will determine the size of the uterus a little differently. This is not a mistake - it just does not need millimeter accuracy. But it is still better if the same doctor constantly leads you: it is easier to monitor the growth and development of the fetus. If the size of the uterus is normal, then the child is growing as expected.

But when they go beyond the designated limits, there is cause for concern.

If you are worried too, in your opinion, a rapid or, conversely, a slow increase in your size, consult your doctor. If something is wrong with you or your baby, the doctor will be able to offer you the necessary treatment.

How your baby grows and develops

Fetal skin

Your baby's skin develops from two layers: the outer layer, the epidermis, and the inner layer, the dermis. At the very beginning, the embryo is covered with a single layer of cells. Now, at the 20th week, there are already four of these layers in the epidermis. One of them has lines - in the future they will form a unique, genetically determined pattern on the palms, fingers and feet.

The dermis lies below the epidermis. It forms papillae that penetrate deep into the epidermis. They contain small blood vessels - capillaries and nerve endings. Behind the dermis is a layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

The skin of a newborn is covered with a white paste-like substance - the original lubricant. This lubricant begins to be produced by the glands at the 20th week of pregnancy. It protects the skin of the fetus from the effects of amniotic fluid.

Fetal hair appears between the 12th and 14th week of gestational age. Hair is formed from the epidermis, the tip of each hair, the so-called hair papilla, is immersed in the dermis layer.

The first hairs grow above the upper lip and on the eyebrows. By the time of birth, they are usually replaced by new, thicker ones.


During this period, with the help of ultrasound, it is easy to clarify the actual duration of pregnancy and childbirth. If an ultrasound is performed earlier or later, in the first or last two months of pregnancy, the results will be less accurate. Ultrasound will help determine if you have twins or triplets, show fetal abnormalities, if any.

Depending on the quality of the equipment and the qualifications of the examiner, it is sometimes possible to determine the sex of the child at the 20th week. Sex is determined by the genitals, and if the fetus is sufficiently developed, then we can say whether it is a boy or a girl. Although it is still too early to conduct such a study, and a mistake is quite possible. Therefore, do not rush to buy a blue blanket or cover the room with pink wallpaper if the ultrasound showed that you will have a boy or a girl. What if it was wrong?

How are you changing

Vaginal discharge

During pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases. This phenomenon is called leukorrhea. The discharge is usually white or yellowish, thick. Don't worry, it's not an infection. Leukorrhea is caused by increased blood flow to the tissues of the vagina. By the way, this blood flow allows the doctor to recognize pregnancy already in the early stages: the vaginal mucosa turns blue or purple - a symptom of Chadwick.

If you are pregnant or think you are pregnant and have this discharge, do not shower. If the discharge is strong, use pads. Do not wear nylon tights and underwear. The gusset on underwear should be made of cotton.

During pregnancy, you may well catch any infection. In this case, the discharge will be yellow or green in color, with a bad smell. In addition, a burning sensation and itching will appear in the vaginal area. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor. It is quite possible to cope with the disease, the main thing is not to start it.

How to wash while pregnant

Doctors do not recommend washing with a shower. Douching during this period is strictly prohibited! If you still use the shower, make sure that the pressure is not too strong: the jets should not penetrate the vagina deeper than 2.5 cm.

Douching can cause bleeding or, much more seriously, an air embolism. An air embolism is the entry of air into the bloodstream, this can occur due to the high pressure of water in the shower. It rarely happens, but the consequences can be very severe.

Itching in the abdomen

With the growth of the uterus, pressure on the abdominal muscles increases, and the skin is stretched. Many women complain that it causes them severe itching. Itching is the result of stretching of the skin on the abdomen. Special lotions will help you remove or reduce it. Try not to scratch the itchy areas - this will only increase the itching.

Stretching of the abdominal muscles

As the baby grows, the abdominal muscles tighten and stretch. The abdominal muscles are attached from above to the lower ribs and run vertically down to the pelvis. These are straight muscles. They can diverge in the middle of the abdomen - this phenomenon is called diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.

You may notice how your muscles diverge. Lie on your back, raise your head and tighten your abdominal muscles. You will see a bloat in the middle of the abdomen and even feel the edge of the muscle on both sides of the bloat. Such muscle tension will not cause pain and will not harm the baby. What you feel between the muscles is the uterus. Here, the movements of the child are felt very clearly.

If you are carrying your first child, you may not feel the separation of the muscles at all. With each subsequent pregnancy, it is noticeable more and more. After pregnancy, the muscles converge and stretch marks are not so noticeable. But still they remain. With the help of exercises, you can strengthen the abdominal muscles, but bloating will still remain. Banding doesn't solve the problem either.

How your actions can affect the development of the child


Varicose veins are a fairly common disease in pregnant women. If you have a hereditary predisposition to this disease, pregnancy exacerbates it. The likelihood of varicose veins increases with age, and those who spend a lot of time standing are also at risk.

With this disease, varicose nodes appear on the veins - extensions filled with blood. They are located mainly on the legs, but can also spread to the external genitalia. Increased blood circulation and uterine pressure exacerbate the course of the disease and can give you a lot of trouble.

In most cases, with the development of pregnancy, the disease progresses: the nodes become more noticeable, the pain intensifies, especially if you spend a lot of time on your feet.

Symptoms of the disease may be different. Some women have red-violet spots on their legs, they do not feel any particular ailments, unless their legs get a little tired in the evening. In others, the veins become very swollen, the legs swell, in the evening they have to keep their legs up for a long time.

Treatment of varicose veins

Wear clothing that does not interfere with free circulation in the legs and groin. Try to spend as little time as possible standing up, often lying (necessarily on your side) or sitting, while lifting your legs up. It helps drain the veins. Many are helped by special medical stockings or elastic bandages.

Wear loose shoes. When sitting, do not cross your legs, as this interferes with normal blood circulation. These measures will allow you to reduce swelling in your legs.

For more later dates pregnancy, swelling of the legs will bother you less, although the nodes will not disappear. In severe cases of varicose veins, the affected veins are removed surgically. It is clear that operations are not performed during pregnancy.

This should be known!

Listen to the baby's heart

In the 20th week of pregnancy, when the baby begins to move, with the help of a stethoscope, you can hear how his heart beats. Doctors used a stethoscope to listen to a patient's heart long before modern means were invented: ultrasound, electrocardiogram.

To listen to the heart through a stethoscope, you need to have a certain skill. At first, you may not hear anything at all - the sound is very quiet. But the child grows, and his heart beats louder and louder.

So if at first you don't hear anything, don't panic. Even a doctor who uses a stethoscope all the time is not always able to recognize the baby's heartbeat.

And one more note: do not confuse the beats of your own heart with the baby's heartbeat. The child's heart beats very often, making 120-160 beats per minute. Your heart rate is much lower - 60-80 beats per minute. Feel free to ask your doctor to help you figure out which heartbeat is which.