
Raspberry tourmaline. Gemstone tourmaline and its properties

Tourmaline is widely distributed and found throughout the world. The most famous are located on the islands of Sri Lanka and Madagascar, in countries such as China, Mozambique, Brazil, Burma, Angola, Australia, India, South Africa, Canada, USA, Italy, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Russia (Urals, Transbaikalia, Karelia, Kola Peninsula). The supplier of samples of tourmaline of high gem quality is Afghanistan.

Tourmalines have been known to people for a very long time, these gems were set into gold back in the days of Byzantium, and then in Rus' they found their deposits, and craftsmen began to actively use this stone. Later, tourmalines came to Europe, where they were brought by sailors from Ceylon. The natives called the mineral "turmali", which translated as "the one that attracts ashes." This name was due to the fact that the stone was electrified when heated.

Expensive and beautiful tourmalines have always been valued by kings various countries. They were used to decorate crowns and make rich, exquisite jewelry out of them. Tourmalines are also very popular in jewelry today.

By chemical nature, tourmaline is a complex boron-containing silicate of aluminum, magnesium and iron. Its composition and appearance very diverse due to the presence of impurities of potassium, chromium, titanium, vanadium, beryllium, rubidium, cesium, zinc.

Tourmaline crystals are characterized by trigonal syngony, lack of cleavage, transparency or opacity, glassy luster, uneven conchoidal fracture.

Mohs hardness 7.5. Specific gravity 3.2 g/cm3. Light refraction is 1.616-1.652.

Types of tourmaline

The properties and color of tourmalines are determined by the chemical composition of the stone and are very diverse. There are more than 500 species of this gem in the world. Some of them:

  • Black tourmalines or schorl are high in iron.

  • Green tourmalines or verdelites. As impurities contain compounds of chromium and iron.

  • Dravites are a magnesium-containing variety, which is characterized by several shades. The main is considered yellow. In addition, there are specimens painted in brown and brown.

  • Indicolites - painted in exquisite blue. They are rare in nature and very valuable. The blue tint appears due to the content of iron compounds.

  • Achroites are colorless tourmalines.

  • Watermelon tourmalines are rare polychrome stones so named because they resemble a piece of watermelon. On the white background of the stone, red and green inclusions are expressed, which looks very beautiful in jewelry.

  • Paraiba tourmaline is the most beautiful and purest subspecies, which is characterized by a unique neon glow in blue tones. Stone deposits are located in Brazil. It is often confused with sapphires.

  • Rubellite - painted in shades of pink and red (crimson, red, purple and light pink).

In addition to these main varieties of tourmaline, many more of its subspecies are known. So, cherry-red stones, which are mined in Siberia, are called Sibirites. Burmese tourmaline is characterized by reflections of garnet and dark red.

Tourmaline is a source of a sense of peace and security; in its owner, the gem awakens creativity, helps to always be in a cheerful mood. Tourmaline is used for concentration during meditation.

The magical properties of a stone are determined by its color. For example, colorless tourmaline helps to cleanse the mind, creates physical and spiritual balance. Black tourmaline opens the gift of foresight. Green tourmaline makes thinking fast and helps people to be creative. Red tourmaline is a source of happiness and love for men, increases potency, and is also a talisman for artists. Blue tourmaline, originally from India, is considered a stone of the Cosmos, it is valued by yogis and astrologers, and it is believed that it transmits information from the Universe. Pink tourmaline becomes a faithful assistant for those who are unhappy in love. Blue tourmaline is a stone of peace and restful dreams.

Tourmaline has a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous system, helps in the treatment of cancer, makes sleep healthy.

The influence of tourmaline on certain organs and systems of the human body is also determined by the color of the mineral. Green stones are used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, circulatory system, skin, nervous system, they strengthen the immune system. In addition, they are characterized by pronounced anti-aging properties. Blue tourmalines have a positive effect on the hormonal background, the state of the lymphatic and immune systems. Black tourmalines have protective properties and protect a person from various negative influences. They remove negative energy and cleanse the body as a whole. Multi-colored samples of tourmaline contribute to the achievement of harmony and normalize the functioning of the body.

The most commonly used in lithotherapy are pink, green, black and blue tourmalines.

Large tourmaline crystals are used in radio engineering. Their piezoelectric properties are used as a source of negative ions for medical devices (health mattresses, pillows, lumbar belts, knee pads for the improvement of the musculoskeletal system).

According to color characteristics and degree of transparency different kinds Tourmalines are classified as either precious or ornamental stones. The most valuable are transparent samples, painted in green, blue and raspberry-red, as well as polychrome green-reddish. They are widely used in jewelry as inserts in a wide variety of jewelry: rings, pendants, earrings, brooches, etc.

For tourmaline, about 50 colors and shades are known in which it can be dyed. As a rule, each color has its own name and is considered a separate variety. Green tourmaline is considered a classic. Raspberry and pink tourmalines are also widespread in nature, yellow and blue crystals are rare. Polychrome samples are also found, in which several shades are combined at once. All of them can be both transparent and opaque.

Often, the color on the surface of the stone is distributed unevenly: its intensity changes from different angles of view. There are instances with the effect "" and with alexandrite.

Natural tourmalines are ennobled by heating to temperatures of 450-650 ° C, while the stones of brown-red color turn into pink, and dark green ones become emerald. To date, technologies for producing synthetic tourmalines have also been developed, but the cost of such stones is very expensive, and therefore their production does not make sense for the time being due to the sufficient prevalence of natural minerals.

Tourmaline imitations are usually made of glass. To distinguish a fake, pay attention to such properties natural stone, as hardness, strength, ability to electrify when heated, non-uniform color. In order to test the property of electrification, the decoration is heated in the hands or lightly rubbed and tested with small pieces of paper. If they are attracted, then the gem is real.

Natural tourmaline is always unevenly colored, so an ideal one-color stone is definitely a fake. Color transitions should be smooth, not sharp.

Processed tourmalines are very hard, durable and resistant stones and do not require special care. To clean jewelry with them, a warm soapy solution and a soft cloth are suitable, the procedure is repeated every 2-3 months. Steam and ultrasonic treatment is not used.

Astrologers recommend tourmaline to various signs of the zodiac, depending on the color of the stone. Aries, Leo and Libra are suitable for pink and green tourmalines, they bring calmness to the owners, smooth out temper and stubbornness, and help in finding harmony. Sagittarius and Aquarius are combined with blue stones, which develop conscientiousness, truthfulness, calmness and getting rid of excessive manifestation of emotions in them. Scorpions are best suited for black tourmaline. It has a positive effect on the nervous system, helps to eliminate irritability and cope with stress.

The average cost of tourmaline is about $40 per 1 carat. But, for example, the Paraiba is much more expensive - at $ 6,000 per carat, some of the rare Russian varieties reach $ 10,000 per carat. The higher the transparency and purity of the crystal, the more expensive it is.

Recently, the price of tourmaline has increased significantly - about 70 times.

  • One of the legends about the discovery of tourmaline tells that the gods of Egypt once flew from the center of the Earth to the Sun, and along the way they flew through the rainbow and collected each of its shades, which they then brought back to Earth, where they gave rise to gems.
  • The kings were very fond of beautiful tourmalines. So, at the end of the 18th century, King Gustav VIII of Sweden presented the Russian Empress Catherine II with a grape bunch of raspberry-red tourmalines with green enamel leaves around. The mass of this gift was 255 carats. The crown of Anna Ioanovna was also decorated with tourmaline weighing 500 carats.

Tourmaline is a stone from the group of aluminosilicates. It is the only mineral that has a constant electric field. It emits microcurrents, due to which it is actively used in medicine. A variety of shades of the stone attract jewelers who make unusual jewelry from it.

Tourmaline is a mineral containing boron, aluminum, and silicon. A natural stone usually occurs in the form of elongated crystals. In cross section, the raw crystal has a triangular shape. It is distinguished by a wide variety of colors, which is why tourmaline is often confused with similar rocks.

The composition of the stone includes about 25 elements of the periodic table.

It can be precious or semi-precious - it depends on the variety, purity and transparency.

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Varieties and colors of stone

The color of tourmaline is determined by its chemical composition. Each variety has its own name:

  • pink-red -;
  • a rare colorless crystal is called achroite;
  • green - ;
  • purple-red or deep blue -;
  • raspberry or lilac - sybirite;
  • black opaque - ;
  • brown - dravite;
  • chameleonite - green during the day, brown in the evening;
  • yellow - tsilazite.

The most famous polychrome or multi-color tourmaline is, or elbaite. It has a red core followed by a white stripe and a green border. When cut, the stone resembles a piece of watermelon. A white crystal with a black surface is called "Moor's head". The same crystal, but with a red or orange edging, is called the “Turk's head”.

Emerald looks like a bright green chrome tourmaline. Burmese tourmaline has a dark red or garnet color, similar to a frozen drop of blood. Tourmaline inclusions in the form thin threads or needles are sometimes found in quartz crystals. Such a stone is called, or hairy.

To view what the gem looks like:

History and origin of the mineral

The name of the mineral comes from the word "turamali" - that was the name of all the precious stones in Sri Lanka. The first records of the gem were found in Smith's Curious Reflections sleepless nights", dated 1707. In 1711 Hermann's book was published containing information about a large number of minerals, including tourmaline.

Tourmaline is formed in a hydrothermal way - when exposed to water, high temperature and pressure. Most of the deposits are associated with magma eruptions and are common in granitic rocks.

In nature, the mineral is found in the form of veins and placers, resistant to weathering.

One of the most beautiful gems is in the New York Museum of Natural History. It is called "Jolly Green Giant". A large ruby ​​was in the crown of Czech kings for a long time. When they conducted an examination, it turned out that it was red tourmaline.

Deposits and rock processing

There are a lot of tourmaline deposits in the world. The most famous and largest producing countries:

  • Sri Lanka;
  • Madagascar;
  • Mozambique;
  • China;
  • Brazil;
  • Russia;
  • Australia;
  • Canada;
  • India.

In Russia, the best tourmaline is mined in Transbaikalia at the Malkhanskoye deposit.

Cut stone in the form of cabochons or classic brilliant cut. Some crystals are ennobled by heat treatment. So brighten dark blue and green stones, remove purple hues in Paraiba stones. The cracks in the crystals are filled with polymers. Acid etching is also used to discolor the channels inside the stones.

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How to distinguish a fake

Often in jewelry stores you can find artificial stones that are passed off as tourmaline. It is not difficult to determine a plastic or glass imitation - if you rub such a crystal on wool or hair, it will not become electrified, unlike a natural gem.

Also, real stone weighs more than glass or plastic.

The color of a natural mineral is always heterogeneous and changes when viewed from different angles.

There are also synthetic tourmalines. They are obtained by treating silicon with boron, sodium, potassium and aluminum ions. The process takes place at high temperatures and pressure. An artificially grown mineral has almost the same properties as a natural one.

Sometimes pressed stone is used to make jewelry. It is obtained by gluing tourmaline powder, small fragments. These beads are used to make bracelets or necklaces.

Properties and uses of tourmaline

The mineral is not only ornamental jewelry stone. Large crystals are used in the radio engineering industry. Tourmaline coating is applied to curling irons and hair straighteners - this reduces the negative effects of high temperatures. The stone has the ability to purify water and air, so it is used in the manufacture of dishes, bactericidal lamps, air conditioners.

Physicochemical characteristics

The chemical formula of tourmaline is complex - Na(LiAl)3Al6(OH)4(BO3)3Si6O18. Based on its chemical structure, tourmaline is called a complex borosilicate of variable composition. Physical properties stone:

  • hardness - 7–7.5 on the Mohs scale;
  • transparency is high;
  • double refraction of light;
  • strong pleochroism;
  • weak luminescence;
  • piezoelectric properties;
  • refractive index of light 1.6;
  • conchoidal at fracture;
  • has a glassy sheen.

Tourmaline has a trigonal crystal lattice. Due to the electric field attracts small particles, dust.

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Medicinal properties

Due to its piezoelectric properties, tourmaline is used to make medical devices. It is made from:

  • mattresses;
  • pillows;
  • waist belts;
  • knee pads.

It is believed that these products improve the condition of the joints, the spine due to the production of negative ions. Tourmaline crystal-embedded gloves are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. When wearing gloves, inflammation decreases, pain in the joints of the fingers is relieved.

Belts with tourmaline are used to treat lumbar osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, and neuralgia.

Tourmaline chips are used to make soap. It is not available in ordinary cosmetic stores, it is distributed through online orders. A well-known company that manufactures tourmaline cosmetical tools, - "Atomy". Tourmaline soap improves skin condition, whitens freckles and dark spots. The composition of the soap does not contain fragrances and dyes, so even allergy sufferers can use it.

Tourmaline crystals are charged with solar energy, therefore they have a pronounced healing effect, normalize the human biofield. The gem has universal medicinal properties:

  • reduces muscle and rheumatic pains;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • regulates the production of hormones;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves headache;
  • improves blood properties;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • restores potency;
  • improves skin condition.

Such an extensive effect of the gem is due to its active electric field. The microcurrents produced by the crystals affect all organs. Using tourmaline products, you can carry out physiotherapeutic procedures right at home. The product must be applied to the disturbing part of the body, while a slight warmth arises. Sessions continue for 15 minutes, no more than twice a day.

The gem cannot be used by people with pacemakers. The electrical field of a mineral can disrupt its operation. It is also not recommended to use the stone at elevated temperature, bleeding, thyroid diseases. Contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding.

There are no studies proving the positive effect of the energy field of the stone on the human body.

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The magical properties of tourmaline

The magical abilities of the gem are also associated with its electric field. The stone has a pronounced energy effect, eliminates anxiety, obsessive fears. Tourmaline crystals are used for meditation, after which the mind clears up, attention improves. Some varieties of gem help to find the harmony of the chakras:

  • greens and cherries stimulate the heart chakra;
  • black affect the root chakra, increase endurance, eliminate stress;
  • blue normalizes the throat chakra, helping the owner to think more clearly and express their feelings.

Various amulets are often made from the gem. Green stones give the owner cheerfulness. Red suits artists, giving them a creative mood.

In India, the gem is considered a masculine stone, because it gives a person confidence, determination and perseverance.

Black gems, or schorls, are also called witch stones. Among tourmalines, this is the only variety that can accumulate negative energy. Such stones are used by black magicians to conduct their rituals.

For stone magic, see:

Who suits the zodiac sign and name

Best of all, the stone is combined with Libra. The gem gives practicality to the representatives of this sign, helps to make the right decisions. Benefits for other signs:

  • Virgo - the green stone will become a source of energy;
  • Capricorns - a black or green gem will give wisdom;
  • Sagittarius - strengthens the immune system;
  • Taurus - will give patience and perseverance;
  • Lions - will help direct energy in the right direction;
  • Gemini - protects from diseases and negativity;
  • Crayfish - will give vitality;
  • Pisces - will help to endure long trips more easily;
  • Aquarius - will give a sense of humor;
  • Aries - helps to cope with depression.

A harmful stone is only for Scorpions. This sign does not have the same energy flows with the mineral.

There is an astrological system for wearing tourmaline jewelry:

  • Monday and Saturday - green;
  • Tuesday - red;
  • Wednesday - black;
  • Thursday and Friday - blue;
  • Sunday is pink.

It is believed that this gem brings the maximum benefit. The stone goes well with male and female names:

  • Arcadia will protect from trouble, damage;
  • Leonid will give self-confidence;
  • Eduard will help develop creative abilities;
  • Veronica with a tourmaline amulet will always be young and beautiful;
  • Olga will give peace of mind.

In order for the talisman to work reliably, it should be worn under clothing, covered from prying eyes.

Jewelry with tourmaline

For the manufacture of jewelry, high-quality crystals are chosen: with high transparency, without cracks and chips. The range of tourmaline jewelry is very large - beads, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings.

In addition to jewelry, watches, jewelry boxes, pectoral crosses are decorated with tourmaline crystals. The stone may be the only component of the product, for example, in beads and bracelets. It is also set in precious metals - silver, gold, very rarely in platinum.

Tourmaline jewelry is universal, suitable for both men and women.

For the male audience, they offer rings with schorls, inlaid rosaries and watches, cufflinks. A woman can choose any product.

Due to the wide variety of shades, tourmaline jewelry suits any color type. Tourmaline should be chosen for evening events. It is allowed to wear medium-sized beads or a pendant to the office. For a solemn event, a set of ring - earrings - pendant or long beads is suitable. Wear them with a cocktail or long evening dress.

Tourmaline is not very fond of neighborhood with other stones. It does not combine with emeralds, diamonds, rubies, malachite, topaz at all. It behaves neutrally with other precious and semiprecious minerals, but useful properties will not show.

The ancient Egyptians called it the gem of the rainbow: according to their myth, the Sun gave it to the Earth, saturating it with all the colors along the way. For this variety of shades and varieties, collectors and jewelers love it. The magical and practical properties of tourmaline have been used for centuries. Today it is no less in demand.

Tourmaline stones were set into gold even for the rulers of Byzantium, jewelry was created from domestic raw materials by craftsmen Ancient Rus'. IN early XVIII century, sailors brought it from Ceylon to the then world jewelry capital - Amsterdam.

What is tourmaline explains the double translation of the name from the Aboriginal language:

  1. attracting ash or ashes;
  2. Magic colored stone.

Monarchs gave them to each other, for example, the Swedish king to the Russian Empress Catherine II. A stone weighing 500 carats, or 100 grams, adorned the diadem of Anna Ioannovna.


Tourmaline is a stone, more precisely, a group of minerals with trihedral crystals in the form of a convex prism, with a vitreous luster.

The presence of a stable charge in it was discovered by the Curie spouses: they called tourmaline an electrical mineral. The most unusual thing is that this radiation is the same as that of the cells of the human body.

A tourmaline crystal has another feature - an asymmetric cut from the ends (hemimorphism). Due to this, its properties as a pyro- and piezoelectric are possible.

Valuable samples are found in Ceylon, in Russia, North America. But Brazil, which stands in the first place, is unattainable for competitors.


Tourmaline as a mineral, from colorless to black, differs in properties. Depending on the color and transparency, it can be jewelry, decorative or technical. The latter are used in the electronics industry, optics, and the medical field.

Some have a name that is misleading to non-specialists. For example, the green variety of tourmaline is known as Brazilian emerald. People think so: it's an emerald. There are several of the most popular varieties out of fifty known.

Another name is schorl, the color is due to the presence of iron in high doses. Bioenergetics attribute to him the property not to redistribute the energy of people, but to create a field around the owner from it, impenetrable for physical radiation (for example, electromagnetic) or mental influence (such as damage). The stone helps to remain optimistic, not to be nervous.

Its properties and significance were appreciated by adherents of magic, psychics, and their other colleagues.

Often found variety, however, specimens from different deposits differ in shade and value. This is a healing stone: it helps the heart, nervous system, psyche. Restores harmony, reveals the creative potential of the owner. Eliminates anxiety, provides sound sleep, helps to see the solution to the problem.

The tourmaline stone got its name from the Sinhalese word tumuli, which translates as "attracting ash." This explains one of the properties, which will be discussed later.

Tourmaline has been used as a gemstone for a long time. Judging by archaeological excavations, tourmaline jewelry was made back in Byzantium in the 12th century, and sold to friendly countries. In the 16th century, Russia's own stone deposits were found.

Europe learned about tourmaline only in the 18th century, when Dutch sailors brought the first purple crystals from Ceylon. They were immediately loved for their soft glow, glossy sheen, hardness and suppleness. However, in Europe it remained rare. Even not every ruler could afford it.

Red tourmalines, which were among the first to be found, were often confused with and noble. At that time, in general, many red minerals were called ruby. For example, "Caesar's Ruby". Controversial stones - "Black Prince's Ruby", and "Timur's Ruby". Both are assigned to . However, such sizes, 170 and 361 carats, respectively, are not typical for this mineral, so there is a possibility that they are actually tourmalines.

Other famous tourmalines:

  • a stone in the crown of Anna Ioannovna, which serves as a support for the cross;
  • panagia of John the Baptist from Byzantium of the XII century;
  • a golden chalice made for Irina Godunova;
  • gem of Alexander the Great;
  • crystal in the crown of Czech kings. It is said about her that anyone who takes possession of it illegally will die.

Tourmaline is a group of boron-containing aluminosilicates. The composition of the mineral depends on the conditions of formation and can be different, which determines the color and properties of the stone. Tourmaline contains the following compounds:

  • silicon oxide - 32-45%;
  • boron oxide - 7-13%;
  • aluminum oxide - 22-46%;
  • iron oxide - 0 -20%;
  • magnesium oxide - 0-17%;
  • calcium oxide - 0-6%;
  • manganese oxide - 0.5-2%;
  • sodium oxide - 0-5%;
  • potassium oxide - 3-4%;
  • lithium oxide - 0-2%;
  • water - 0.2 - 5.

Minor impurities of titanium, chromium, vanadium, tin, beryllium, cesium, zinc are possible.

The properties are described in the table:

This is a rare gem. Polychrome ones are especially appreciated. It is not only a material for manufacturing jewelry but also a collectible rarity.

In industry, tourmaline is used as a piezoelectric. However, the natural mineral is expensive, so artificial stones are used in technology.


Some species have separate names. Here are the most common ones:

  • rubellite - red tourmaline. This is the most common type. They are mined in the USA, Russia, Sri Lanka, Madagascar;
  • achroite. The word in Greek means "no color". Achroite is a transparent colorless stone. It is very rare to find it, which is why the price is high, although it does not shine with its decorative properties. At the moment, only a single deposit is known near Tuscany;
  • verdelite - green tourmaline. It is also called the Brazilian emerald. Jewelers consider it the most noble of all varieties;
  • chrome tourmaline grassy green, repeats . However, the degree of refraction of tourmaline is lower, so it does not shine like;
  • indicolite - dark blue. The color of the mineral is so thick that it seems opaque. Because of this, it is little valued in jewelry. It is mined in South America and Ceylon;
  • dravite - yellow tourmaline. It was first discovered in Austria, so it was named after the local river. But now the main deposits are in Kenya;
  • sibirite - tourmaline of red berry colors: raspberry, cherry, currant. Mined exclusively in Siberia and the Urals;
  • - black tourmaline. Its color is so thick that even in the light it remains opaque;
  • paraiba - the brightest tourmalines from light blue to. They even seem to be fake;
  • elboite - a multicolored species of both red and green;
  • moor's head - light crystals with a dark ending;
  • the head of a Turk - transparent crystals with a red ending;
  • uvit - calcium dravite;
  • liddicoatite - calcium elbaite.

Amazing polychrome varieties. The crystal is painted in several colors at once and resembles a fragment of a rainbow. Watermelon tourmaline is especially interesting: a red center, followed by a white layer and green edges. These are the most famous species, but not all. There are dozens of specimens in mineralogical museums, most of which are not of gem quality.

The healing properties of tourmaline

It is said that children were the first to notice the features of the stone. They played with tourmaline stones and found that it attracted fine dust particles, hairs and paper. They told adults about this and soon tourmaline was given a second name - an electric stone.

In 1880, the Curie couple explained these extraordinary properties by the fact that the stone has negatively charged ions. Due to this, the mineral constantly produces small microcurrents of 0.06 mA. Approximately the same charge is produced by the human body. There is no other mineral with similar properties. Measurements showed that the number of ions with a negative charge is 200 units, and near the waterfall, far from civilization, this figure is 2500 units. Everyone can check it for themselves. In the forest, near a river or lake, one breathes better, headaches disappear, mood improves, energy appears.

It was noticed that the workers of the tourmaline mines, despite the hard work, almost did not get sick, were cheerful and energetic. This made me look at the healing properties of the mineral. It turned out that the ions contained in the stone purify the air, which has a beneficial effect on the human body. The same effect can be seen by the sea, near a waterfall, or after a thunderstorm.

With tourmaline, they conducted several experiments that prove its properties:

  1. Water from the same source was poured into two glasses and a reagent was added that tinted the impurities that polluted the water. A tourmaline crystal was dropped into one of the glasses. Gradually, the color of the water disappeared. Judging by the measurements of harmful impurities, it has become less.
  2. In a smoky room, they turned on a medical device for ionization with tourmaline. After 30 minutes, the smell disappeared, although the room was unventilated.

The effect of ions on the body:

  • restores blood circulation;
  • strengthens the nerves;
  • starts the processes of cell and tissue recovery;
  • normalizes the water-salt balance;
  • improves immunity;
  • pressure normalizes;
  • strengthens bones and joints;
  • sleep improves.

Japanese scientists have noticed that crushed tourmaline releases more ions. This gave them the idea to crush it into particles the size of a fraction of a micron. They began to make fiber from them, which is used in the manufacture of clothing and bedding.

Tourmaline is also a source of infrared radiation, with which you can warm up. This will expand the blood vessels and normalize blood circulation.

The proof of this is the experiment carried out with tourmaline fabric. A 23-year-old girl has constantly cold feet, which indicates a violation in blood circulation and the functioning of the nervous system. The content of ions in the blood - 32 units. After three hours under the tourmaline blanket, the complexion improved, thoughts cleared up, limbs warmed up. The number of ions increased to 61.

Tourmaline crystals are used in medical technology for air ionization.

magical properties

Black tourmaline set in gold has the greatest magical properties. It connects the world of people and spirits, revealing psychic abilities in the owner. However, one must be more careful. The amulet can open the door to the world of dark forces. An unprepared, inexperienced or weak person can let demons into his soul through the mineral. But if it is not used in witchcraft practices and properly spoken, it will become. He will begin to clean the negativity around the owner and attract good luck. Any sincere words addressed to the stone can become a conspiracy. The energy of words intensifies on the full moon.

Blue tourmaline is used for meditation to learn about your past incarnations and to know your spiritual essence.

Also magical properties have pink tourmalines. They bring love into a person's life. Singles with him will find a couple, and family ones will resurrect romance in a relationship. It should be worn in a silver frame. The strength of the stone will be strengthened and. In combination with dark opaque tourmaline, it relieves anxiety.

Red will become a talisman for creative individuals who have lost faith in themselves. It promotes spiritual development, opens consciousness, attracts inspiration, helps to look at the world in a new way. The power of the stone enhances the silver.

Polychrome stones retain youthful enthusiasm and energy in the owner, increase libido.

Green tourmaline calms, brings harmony to the soul, treats all types of nervous and mental disorders. It will also help to get rid of stress and chronic fatigue syndrome. A green gem will bring good luck to the owner. It absorbs excess energy. Thus, he will protect the owner from unnecessary actions, words and outbreaks of aggression. Its property is also to attract money, therefore the green variety of tourmaline will become a good talisman for financiers and businessmen.

How to distinguish a fake

Tourmaline is attractive to scammers. Most often it is plastic or glass. Synthetic tourmaline has not taken root in jewelry production and is used only in industry. Particular attention should be paid to shopkeepers in tourist countries. Ceylon is especially famous for cunning sellers, where under the guise of expensive minerals they sell glass rolled by the sea.

When choosing jewelry, you must remember that this stone is electrified. If you rub it or even squeeze it, it will begin to attract the villi.

In polychrome crystals, the color transition is smooth, flowing from one to another. On the border there will be a mixture of colors like a rainbow.

Within the crystal, the color is unevenly distributed.

Yellow, blue, watermelon, blue, colorless tourmalines are rare and expensive. Their presence at a street vendor should cause distrust.

The tourmaline stone is amazing. It combines many colors, it has been loved by kings in all ages. Now it is famous for its medicinal properties. The stone restores human strength, invigorates and pleases.

It was the 5th marriage of the 34-year-old Russian-Ukrainian adult film star.

Tourmaline is a rare stone in mineralogy, the only natural crystal in the world, quite often it is endowed with magical properties. It is of great importance for the human body.

The meaning of the stone

Even in ancient times, tourmaline was called the stone of poets, there was even a legend that the stone made its way from the bowels of the earth to the rainbow and absorbed all its colors. The Romans attributed relaxing properties to the crystal, it was believed that it calms the nerves and helps to fall asleep.

yandex_ad_1 Anyone who wears a mineral easily gets along with people, quickly establishes the necessary contacts. The crystal reveals the ability to love in a person. In addition, it also has protective properties, especially for married people.

Tourmaline should be carried with you, who wants to improve their financial situation, as well as social status. It will also be useful for students, especially during the session, because it allows you to focus on your studies.

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The magical properties of tourmaline

Tourmaline is especially popular with esotericists, and all thanks to its diverse colors. Depending on the color, various magical properties are attributed to it:

Black tourmaline attracts luck and good energy to its owner. Its significance in the world of magic is great, shamans used the stone to protect against evil spirits. Until now, modern sorcerers use the crystal in conducting seances. The protective properties of the black stone are aimed at reflecting negative messages. Tourmaline warns of impending troubles, this can be understood by a change in its temperature, during a danger the crystal will immediately become colder. Schorl is of great importance for men, as it gives them confidence and attractiveness in the eyes of women.

Green tourmaline has the ability to push back old age, it is believed that it inspires confidence in the elderly, who have become especially suspicious with age. The stone is also of great importance for the younger generation, because it supports the desire to make a career, not give up in the face of difficulties and go towards the intended goal. Women usually wear tourmaline necklaces, rings are more suitable for men.

Pink tourmaline is recommended to be worn by people related to politics, leaders. The stone has the ability to get rid of old, psychological traumas, its value is invaluable in the event of depression, the appearance of a feeling of anxiety. The crystal helps its owner to love himself, gives courage and confidence to timid people. And pink tourmaline is used in love areas, it is believed that with its help you can return your old love.

Blue tourmaline is most often used in meditation - it is believed that with its help you can find out all your previous reincarnations.

For reference! The most powerful magic stone called red tourmaline, it raises potency for men, helps creative people to reveal their abilities.

Varieties and colors of tourmaline

The color of the mineral depends on its chemical composition, if it has several branched veins, then its color will combine a lot of shades. Such stones are called polychrome, they are rare, therefore their price is much higher than minerals of the same color.

Tourmaline can be a gemstone or an ornamental stone, it all depends on its color and degree of transparency.

yandex_ad_2 All the names of the crystal varieties were given due to their color:

Rubellite - this is the name of stones that have a color from pale pink to red.

Achroite is a colorless, almost transparent crystal, quite rare in nature.

Verdelite - tourmaline, which has different shades of green, the emerald green crystal is considered the most expensive.

Indicolite are stones of blue color, thanks to him they got their name.

Dravite - This variety of tourmaline has shades ranging from yellow to dark brown. And they named it after the Drave deposit, which is located in Austria, where it was first found.

Sibirite - it can be raspberry, cherry, purple, they named it based on the geographical name Siberia, although it was found in the Urals.

Schorl - the so-called black tourmaline, the name was given to him by German miners.

Moor's head - this is the name given to a light crystal that has a black head.

The Turk's head is the same stone, but with a red head.

Tourmaline is rarely used to make rings because it is a rather soft stone. But necklaces, pendants, brooches are very popular, earrings are usually made in the form of a drop.

Modern technologies have made great strides forward, so now tourmaline can be obtained artificially, but this is a rather expensive process.

Watermelon tourmalines are especially popular, they combine pink and green colors, so it really looks like a slice of watermelon.


The healing properties of tourmaline

Due to the unusual properties of tourmaline, it has found its application in medicine and pharmacy, special meaning the stone is given by representatives of non-traditional directions. Back in the 19th century, the Curie family discovered that under the influence of solar energy, a small electrical discharge occurs on a crystal. Due to this, tourmaline began to be used to remove heavy metals from the body.

Tourmaline is of great importance in the process of cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, scientists have found that the crystal emits anions, thanks to these properties it speeds up the metabolism. This led to the fact that a procedure appeared where, with the help of a stone connected to apparatuses, the human body is cleansed, and this effect was recognized by scientific medicine.

In addition, tourmaline-coated ozonizers are widely used, after half an hour of operation of the device, the air in the apartment becomes like on the street after rain, and pure oxygen enters the lungs of a person.

You can often find tourmaline household appliances that require their daily use:

Glasses - water or other drinks, being in such a container, are cleaned of harmful substances.

Combs - prevent hair loss and slow down their pollution.

Bijouterie - has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Hair dryer or curling iron - tourmaline softens the effect of heat.

Tourmaline belts, which are used for the treatment of internal organs, as well as inflammation of the joints, but they do not have a scientific, evidence base. Although those who use them say that the belts relieve nervous tension well, therefore they are used when the endocrine system fails. It is useful to have at least one tourmaline jewelry, it will be a kind of disease prevention.

The green crystal helps with diseases of the kidneys, liver, in addition, it has a rejuvenating effect.

Who is tourmaline suitable for?

As you know, all precious and semi-precious stones affect the energy field of people, tourmaline is of particular importance for a person. Its magical and healing properties have long been studied, if you look at the photos of stones, it seems that different crystals are depicted.

The crystal is suitable only for strong people who have a strong will and character.

Red tourmaline is suitable for creative people, it will give them inspiration, help them to reveal their talent in full force.

Blue stone will help people who need to find harmony and stability.

Watermelon tourmaline will help to calm down a person who has undergone a love drama.

Schorl is suitable for people who want to develop the gift of foresight, in addition, the black crystal has strong, protective abilities.

Green tourmaline should be worn by people suffering from increased excitability, the crystal will have a calming effect on their psyche.

In any case, you can not wear a stone all the time, because due to its strong energy, it can harm a person.

In addition, there are contraindications when the stone should not be worn:

during pregnancy and breastfeeding;

with thyroid disease;

when the temperature rose;

with bleeding;

after hemorrhagic stroke;

children under 12 years of age.

Caution when using the mineral should be shown to people suffering from allergies, as well as those who have a pacemaker.

Tourmaline and zodiac signs - who serves as a talisman

Astrologers attribute the stone to the elements of air, the properties and meaning of tourmaline differ, depending on which zodiac sign a person belongs to.

Let's take a closer look:

Libra crystal gives determination, helps to achieve the intended goals, enhances their positive qualities. It is also useful for the physical health of Libra, as it protects them from negative energy.

Tourmaline can only be worn by Virgos born from September 12 to 23 - it can be jewelry, or an ordinary stone that you can carry with you. green stone will become a source of energy for the representatives of this sign.

Crystal jewelry will help Scorpio women enhance their charm and natural charm. Green tourmaline will help to cope with a stressful situation and quickly restore strength. In addition, it softens the Lviv's too cool temper.

Capricorn men should wear black and green tourmaline, it will be a talisman for them. The crystal will protect against mistakes, as well as from hasty decisions, the stone makes Capricorn wiser.

Tourmaline will help Sagittarius to strengthen immunity and restore strength, in addition, the crystal has a beneficial effect on the spiritual state of its owner.

The Taurus stone will make them more patient, balanced and diligent, add determination and hard work to them, especially for women born from May 14 to 21.

Lviv crystal will protect against negative informational influence, it is best to wear a silver ring with this stone. Tourmaline will help the representatives of this sign tame their energy, and also direct it in a useful direction.

People born under the sign of Gemini, tourmaline will protect against diseases, strengthen the immune system. He is able to change the appearance of Gemini, make them younger than their age, and also create a good atmosphere around them. And the crystal can smooth out the duality of the representatives of this sign.

The mineral will help cancers cope with the blues, fill them with vitality. Blue or blue tourmaline, combined with silver, will have the greatest impact. In addition, the crystal will be an excellent amulet against ill-wishers.

Pisces need to take a crystal with them on long trips, in addition, it will help overcome the fear of flying on airplanes. Representatives of this sign can carry an uncut stone in a purse or bag.

Aquarians tourmaline will help overcome any obstacles on the way to the intended goal, enhance positive thinking and add a sense of humor. Aquarius women, the crystal will relieve many fears.

Green tourmaline will give Aries inner balance, help to cope with depression. A blue crystal will give a sense of security.

Naturally, just as there is no one cure for all diseases, so tourmaline cannot affect everyone equally. The crystal will bring the greatest benefit to those people who believe in its miraculous properties. It is best to wear the stone on a gold chain in the form of a pendant, but a silver setting is also suitable.