
What to play with a child 7. What to play with a small child? sand games

Games for children from 5 to 7 years old, aimed at the formation of the correct model of behavior in children.

First, consider the behavior of children from 5 to 7 years old.

Children who celebrate their fifth birthday consider themselves smart enough, independent and adults. They strive for intellectual, cognitive communication, have their own point of view on what is happening around, they will be happy to explain even what they are not very good at - just ask. It is important for them to receive praise, to be good. Children of this age have developed a desire to help others and a desire to maintain good relations with others.

During conflict situations Talk to your child like a person who understands everything. Keep calm and composure, then the child, looking at you, will begin to calm down. In three or four sentences, explain your position, try to make it clear that you want to do the same thing as the child, but you can’t due to objective reasons. Suggest an alternative: “You and I have a lot of fun and it's fun to play here. But I'll have to go home because it's going to rain soon. We get wet and sick. And at home we will play your favorite hide and seek.

To bring the child to his senses, distract him from the subject of the dispute and be able to move in the direction you need, use the games below.

Attention switching games


Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Ask your child different questions, and let him answer. Then switch roles.

Note. Choose questions that are simple and funny, such as “Does a cat have five tails? And how many?.. Can dogs fly? Does Santa Claus have a green coat?


Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Call yourself different names of vegetables and fruits, so much so that it is funny: “You are a radish!”, “And you are a cabbage!”. At the end of the game, come up with some kind word for each other.

The best

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Organize competitions - who will jump further, who will jump longer on one leg (in the direction of travel), who will run faster to a place or object, etc.

Called - walk

Location. Outdoors or at home.

How to play. Choose a letter of the alphabet. Take turns saying words that start with that letter. The name of the word has the right to take three steps forward.

Traffic light

Location. On the street.

How to play. Remind your child that traffic on the road is controlled by traffic lights. “Red light – no way, stop. Yellow light - get ready. Green - run, catch up. Say: “Red” and move away from the baby for some distance, repeating: “Red, red, now yellow (the child is preparing to catch up with you), and now green!”.

Change roles.

Outdoor games for children from 5 to 7 years old

Let's gurgle!

Location. At home.

What is necessary. A basin filled with warm water.

How to play. Gurg with your face in a basin of water.

Note. Clearly explain to the child that you can not drink water, and you can breathe air only by raising your face from the water.

Pillow fight

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Light, small in size, not tightly stuffed pillows according to the number of participants.

How to play. Hold on to pillows. Adults can kneel to be about the same height as the child.

Note. Discuss with the child safety precautions - do not beat very hard, avoid hitting the head.

Physical education minute

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Musical accompaniment suitable for performing rhythmic movements.

How to play. Alternate movements characteristic of charging: swinging arms and legs, squats, spreading arms to the sides, turning the upper body, bending over, etc.


Location. At home.

What is necessary. Knowledge by the child and you of songs and poems.

How to play. Listen to the words of a song or read a poem aloud, while simultaneously showing gestures and actions what is being said in the text. For example:

Small (Keep your palm parallel to the floor a few centimeters from it.)

Christmas tree (We take our hands to the sides.)

it's cold in winter... (We wrap our arms around our shoulders, tremble as if from cold and chatter our teeth.)


Location. At home.

What is necessary. Skittles (or plastic cubes), ball.

How to play. Place the pins at some distance from you and try to knock them down with the ball.


Location. On the street.

What is necessary. Medium size ball, basketball hoop.

How to play. Take turns throwing the ball into the ring. First, perform throws while standing next to the ring, then gradually move further and further away.


Location. On the street.

What is necessary. Boomerang or flying saucer.

How to play. Launch a flying saucer or a boomerang.

Note. Choose a suitable place to play away from houses and roads.


As a rule, all outdoor games take place on the street, in the yard. In addition to the games proposed above, it can be cycling, rollerblading and much more. Be careful and careful, teach this to your children.

Games and activities that form a positive model of behavior

Who is more careful?

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Cubes, cars, rope, toys, etc.

How to play. Set up a competition. The one who completes the task more accurately wins. For example, bring the car to the finish line, build a turret of cubes, walk straight along the rope laid out on the floor, put the toys in their places, color the picture, etc.

The most dexterous

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Tablespoon, boiled egg.

How to play. Carry the egg in a tablespoon to the finish line. Whoever drops it loses. This game is not about speed, but about skill.


Location. At home.

What is necessary. Chairs or other objects that can act as obstacles.

How to play. Place a chair in the middle of the room. Blindfold dad. Giving commands, help him go around the obstacle: "Step forward, another step, step to the left ..." Then blindfold the child.

You can complicate the task: put a few items that need to be bypassed. To make it more interesting, come up with a plot. For example, chairs are trees on a desert island. “Now it’s night on the island, it’s dark and you can’t see anything. The islanders have to get to the tent to get settled for the night ... "


Location. At home.

What is necessary. Crosswords, rebuses, puzzles for children.

How to play. Offer the kid: “I have an interesting crossword puzzle, do you think we can guess it? Shall we try?"

Learning to Observe

Location. At home or on the street.

What is necessary. The object of observation is a bird, a pet, a plant (we observe its growth), a natural phenomenon (rain, snow, hail, strong wind), etc.

How to play. Choose what you want to watch. Draw the child's attention to the subject: "Oh, what is this?!". Watch what happens together. Ask your child questions about what you see: “What is he doing? How? What's going on around? What changed? How was it yesterday (two days ago)?..”

ABC of etiquette

Location. At home and on the street.

How to play. Ask your child questions and ask them to answer them: “What should I say when you enter? How to behave with small ones? ..».

magic drawing

Location. At home.

What is necessary. Sheets of paper, pencils, markers. How to play. Ask the child to draw his bad deed: “Today you did a bad thing. Draw what you did. Now tear this drawing, and on another sheet draw what you need to do. Let's do this all the time!"

Our best friends- books

Read books to your child. Using the characters in the books as an example, teach him to take care of his loved ones, behave correctly, help others, and think about the consequences of his actions. Ask questions: “Why did it happen, did this boy behave well, what should have been done?”. Help your child draw conclusions: you need to share what you have, help others, be able to make friends, etc.

The choice of children's books is now extremely large. You probably remember your favorite books as a child. These can be, for example, books by 3. Alexandrova (“The Invisible Woman”), L. Voronkova (“What Mom Would Say”), E. Blaginina (“Let's Sit in Silence”), L. Vasilyeva-Gangus (“The ABC of Courtesy”) , B. Zakhoder (“Grey Star”), N. Sladkova (“Without hesitation, or the Affairs and Cares of Zhaleikin”), G. Shalaeva (“ Big Book rules of conduct for educated children”), poems for children by V. Mayakovsky (“What is good and what is bad?”).

Evening tale

Even if the child did not always behave well during the day, in the late afternoon, when the excitement subsides, it is time to talk about what happened. Do not turn this into arguments and lectures. Tell a fairy tale about the good (bad) behavior of children and its consequences. You will come up with the most suitable story for yourself. Its plot is quite simple. The main characters are animals or dolls. Any place of action is chosen - a forest, a box with toys, a magical land, a lake. Build the plot so that it looks like an incident with a child. Remember, fairy tales always end well. For example, if a kid took away toys from other children, a fairy tale may turn out to be something like the following.

“Animals were playing in a forest clearing under an old tree. The bear rolled the car, the chanterelles built a tower of cubes, and the hare assembled a pyramid. Suddenly, a wolf cub appeared under a tree. He destroyed the tower that the chanterelles built, and took away the car from the bear. The animals looked at the wolf cub and said: “We won’t play with you, you are angry, you offend us.” They gathered their toys and went to play in another clearing, and the wolf cub was left alone. He became very bored, he had no one to play with ".

Be sure to add your comment: “You see what happens when you offend others. Nobody wants to play with you. You have to be kind!"

Together with your child, make a memo of rules of conduct. It can be anything: written, in pictures, combined from words and pictures. Choose reminder points based on the characteristics of your child. If he is impolite to others, include the item “Speak polite words - “thank you”, “goodbye” in the memo. If the child is a fighter, write: "Be peaceful." For a reminder, choose clear instructions on how to act, what to be. Try to keep within 7-8 points.

Beautifully design the memo, hang it in a conspicuous place. Each time you follow the rules, draw stars on it or stick stickers on it. For a certain number of stars (for example, 20), reward your child: play your favorite game with him, give him a book or new pencils. Do not forget to note that the child is well done, his behavior pleases you. Follow the written rules yourself.

Behavior rules

◈ Speak polite words.

◈ Be peaceful.

◈ Share toys with children.

◈ Listen to your grandmother.

◈ Be calm on the street.

◈ Fold toys and books neatly in place.

A one-year-old child needs to continue to develop many physical and mental skills, to be able to notice his abilities. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and start working with the child on time. And the first thing you need to teach any kid is a game. Games teach him to be independent, help him to fully understand the world around him, develop perception, thinking, attention, memory, form cultural behavior skills, bring up a full-fledged and versatile personality.

Of course, every mother loves to work with her child. But for the most part, these classes take place in the area that she herself is most interested in. One mother sculpts and draws more with her baby, the other reads. But how to make sure that you do not miss something important and pay due attention to different areas in the development of the crumbs? After all, there is so much information around that you need to acquaint the baby with, and so many different games ...

To do this, you need to systematize the games according to some principle. For example, kindergarten workers have a list of the main activities that they must do with one-year-old children during the week: the world around them and the development of speech, the development of movements, work with building material and didactic material, and a musical lesson.

Of course, at home, it is very difficult to adhere to and comply with such a strict schedule. Therefore, we want to offer you a simple hint plan for systematizing games. With it, you can, depending on your mood and desire, choose several games and activities for today, and next time you can choose tasks from other sections, and so day after day, in your own mode.

The main types of games used with children 1-2 years old

Outdoor games

Sport games

Playing musical instruments, guessing what sounds like, singing and singing along, dancing to the music.

Poetry games (physical education minutes, finger games, round dances, marches)

  • physical education minutes “A gray bunny is sitting”, “A bear is clubfoot”,;
  • : “This finger is mom”, “Paladushki - patties”, “Magpie - white-sided”,;
  • : “Like our name day”, “Mice lead a round dance”, “Swell up, bubble”, “The bunny walked, walked, walked”, “Grandma sowed peas”, marches: “Big feet walked along the road”, etc.

Reading and speech development

Dramatization games

Sensory games with wooden balls and cubes, pyramids, cups, jars, bars, water, etc.

Story games with dolls and: feed, dress, comb, bathe, put to sleep, treat; story-themed games: “Shop”, “Doctor”, “Construction”, “Washing the dishes”, “Talking on the phone”, etc.

Educational games for the development of attention, memory, thinking

“Paired pictures”, “, “Who played what?”, “Divide the objects into two groups”, “Find the same objects”, “Remove the extra object”,

For half a year we have very bad weather ... It happens that you can’t walk, in kindergarten we didn’t go, there’s nothing to watch on TV, gadgets are harmful, board games are tired and ... And what to do? It remains to fulfill the most cherished desire of the baby and play with him. What? And are there any games that are equally interesting for both children and adults? Eat! Let's learn and remember!

The advantage of all the games presented below is that they do not require any additional material or equipment: enough people and a standard furnished apartment. And further. Two players are enough for games


They always, at all times and among all peoples, remain in first place in the ranking of the best games from the point of view of the child himself. What to do - children love to rage! But it can also be done well. Very useful for adults too, because extra physical exercise will not hurt anyone. We recommend airing out the room and wearing as light clothing as possible before playing outdoor games. And, of course, be careful!

Wrestling on the couch

It can also be used on carpet and other soft surfaces. Two people can play - an adult and a child or an adult and two children. The goal is the same as in many types of wrestling: to put the enemy on the shoulder blades. Of course, the children will have to succumb (but not when there are two of them!), but, believe me, all the participants will have a crazy joy from the process, with any result, it will always be over the edge.

fun brawl

This is also a kind of struggle, but with objects. Various items are suitable for her: pillows, soft balls, rugs. Pillows, as everyone knows, can be both thrown and fought. Balls - to throw, and rugs, turning them into an arc, fencing. Since such games can be traumatic, it is wise not to leave children alone, but to participate together.

Acrobatic studies

In the 20-30s of the last century, the acrobatic etude was an indispensable part of revolutionary demonstration concerts, and then almost everyone played its analogue, right at home, with dads, little ones, probably. Reminder if anyone forgot. Play on a soft surface. An adult lies on his back, bends his knees, gives his arms to the child, and he climbs onto his knees with his feet. What to do next depends on your imagination and physical fitness. Families with two children of different ages are known, where two were perched on top of the father at once. Another well-known option, getting down on one knee, put the child on the other and, supporting him, help to make a swallow. Or - for the most risky and strong, generally put the baby on your shoulders. The game is good because children and adults of different ages and different physical fitness can participate. But there must be at least one strong participant. And also, the result can be shown, for example, to a mother who did not participate, earning applause.

Running with obstacles

A game for children who are already able to run and jump a little. It’s not bad, of course, for her to have a more spacious apartment ... First, the space is cleared (it is possible on the territory of the entire apartment, including the corridor, but without closed spaces): all fragile objects are hidden or moved to the walls. “Obstacles” are placed: overturned chairs, stools, tables, armchairs, etc. This is followed by a race for the participant, who is given a small head start. Obstacles must be climbed over (or jumped over), it is impossible to bypass. Attention! The game can be traumatic, both for the players and for the environment.


Unlike mobile games, here players need ingenuity, attentiveness and, at times, patience. You can play both together and with a larger group. Physical strength in these games is not required, so they can diversify leisure time during a cold, for example.

Find an item

It is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the rules of this game, which is not losing popularity, but still ... They play from two to several people. The host hides the object in the room or throughout the apartment, while others turn away. Then everyone is looking for an object, focusing on the prompts of the host: "cold - hot." Another version of the game. The host hides several identical items throughout the apartment. Next to the subject is a note, with a landmark search next. Suitable for older children. In some families, it happens that they draw whole cards, on Saturday dad hides, on Sunday mom and child are looking for.

How much and what?

Good for little ones as well as junior schoolchildren. You need to invite the baby to name all the things, for example, red, that are in the room or in the house. Or - for older children - all triangular, round, square. If the child knows how to count, you can offer to find him 5 red things, 6 round and 2 in a box.

Share your bread

The game, in addition to pleasure (and a feeling of some satiety), teaches the child generosity. And prudence! To play, you need a piece of bread, a candy, a cake, an apple, or something like that. Two people play, taking turns biting off a piece. Whoever gets the last piece loses. So the last bites have to be carefully calculated so that the comrade has more left.

What's missing?

You can play with multiple players. You will need several different and small items. For example: apple, pencil, ball, spoon, cube. The child must name all the objects and remembering them, close his eyes. An adult needs to hide one of the items. And, when the baby opens his eyes, ask him to remember what was missing from the table. So that the game does not lose interest, you can increase the number of items.

To the touch

We play using items similar to those used in the previous game. The host selects the items without showing them to the player and puts them in a rag bag (you can use a hat). The second, blindfolded, gets into the bag, takes out the objects one by one and, feeling them, tries to guess what is in his hands.

Period early development The development of a child is very important, since it is at this time that the baby learns skills that will be useful to him throughout his life. Parents need to seize the opportunity to help their child grow mentally, emotionally and physically healthy. To do this, you need to know what loads to give the baby and what to play with him in each period of his life.

What should a child of 4-5 years old be able to do with diligent parents?

Children at any age like educational games, they are able to use sensory skills, fine motor skills, memory and logic.

Using special games, you will learn how to properly develop your preschooler at home.

Let's look at what effective educational games are for children 4-5 years old, after going through the points that a child can do in early age and what are the benefits of doing so.

Aged At the age of 4-5, the child begins to actively and consciously learn about the world around him.. If parents are engaged with their baby, then they are able to develop his abilities and transform them into specific skills.

In total, what we can have:

  • It is commendable if your baby at the age of four expresses his thoughts clearly and speaks well.
  • Remember that the child begins to develop creative thinking.
  • The kid can analyze pictures and different situations.
  • Also, the baby is able to invent additional elements in a game or any other activity.

Gradually, while working with a child, you can increase the load and the amount of new material. After 4 years, the child can withstand full-fledged classes.

The child fantasizes, draws, plays - mom benefits

Very good during this period. running fantasy child. You shouldn't punish him for it.

Treat children's fantasies with understanding and even encouragement, because they dilute our life with fresh non-standard stories. Use the information received from the child correctly and at this age, spending time together will become enjoyable for you and the baby, regardless of the type of joint activity.

During this period, the child begins more than usual paint. Each time the drawings become more interesting and beautiful.

  1. Thanks to this, the child learns coordination by performing small movements.
  2. While drawing, visual control over what work is being done with the help of hands is developed.
  3. Using your baby's drawings, analyze the psycho-emotional state of your child.
  4. With the help of drawing, the child is released from stress, which, in turn, can inhibit the development of speech and writing.

In the period from 4 to 5 years for a child, the main activity is still a game. Now it is complicated by roles, plots and the performance of certain tasks.

During the lesson with the parent, the child learns sociability, cooperation and discipline, which contributes to the intellectual development of the child.

Now about serious, about games

The most loved by all parents educational games for children 4-5 years old at home aimed at developing in kids the skills and abilities that can be boasted to other parents.

And it is most pleasant to brag about achievements in mathematics, logic and reading. Well, another rhyme to tell, but we will not consider the latter today, just as we will not touch on educational games for children 4-5 years old online, we will focus on what is necessary and useful from an academic point of view.

Mathematics (algebra and even geometry)

  1. At the age of 4-5 years, the child should distinguish between such concepts: left and right, bottom and top.
  2. He is also able to remember basic geometric figures such as: circle, square, oval, rhombus, rectangle, triangle.
  3. And geometric bodies: cube, cylinder, pyramid, cone, ball.
  4. You need to teach your baby to easily count up to 10 and put the numbers in the correct sequence.
  5. The child develops the concept of quantity-number, which means that, in accordance with the number of objects, he associates a certain number.

Difficulties are caused by the child's difficult task of comparing the number of objects, how much more or how much less objects in the comparative series.

If the princess, or the prince, has a younger brother or sister, you may be interested in the features of the child's development after a year.

Do not know how to cope with your children and suspect them of hyperactivity? To figure out if this is so will help you.

To help your preschooler learn basic math concepts, use the following educational games:

Rocket game

Draw a large rocket on a piece of paper and invite the child to launch it.

However, for the rocket to launch it is necessary to correctly place the numbers and seat the passengers.

Show the child a ruler and ask: “What number does the count begin with?”, Which means it will be at the beginning. We write subsequent numbers up to 10. After that, we seat passengers (number-number).

Next to the number we draw small animals or geometric shapes corresponding to the number. After that, we visually press the button and count by numbers to launch the rocket from 1 to 10, and raise our hands up “Start”. Our rocket took off.

Thus, in game form the child learns digital sequence, counting and the concept of quantity-number.

The game "How much?"

Children love to play with magnets. Buy 10 magnets with animals, fruits or cartoon characters.

Place 2 magnets in one row and 3 magnets in the other. For example, the chanterelle had two nuts, and the squirrel had three mushrooms. Ask the question: “Who has more mushrooms, and who has fewer nuts?”. Start small and end up with a big difference in numbers.

If the child cannot figure it out, cover with your palm, then the number of magnets, which are equal and ask the child how much to give the fox so that they have the same number.

Deliver the magnet, now they have the same. With this task The child learns to distinguish between the concepts of more and less.

Many parents develop logical and mathematical thinking in a child with the help of such simple, but at the same time entertaining games.

Most mothers, using the game with a rocket, notice how, over time, the child can quickly and independently cope with the task. And this indicates the normal development of your baby.

Logic (aka thinking, memory, attention)

This includes activities that develop logical thinking, mindfulness and memory.

  • At 4-5 years old, a child can find and comment on differences or similarities on two pictures.
  • According to the sample, the baby is able to fold a certain design. Also, any drawing cut into several parts, the child should fold by yourself, without the help of a parent.

For the development of thinking, it is necessary to discuss pictures with the child, while asking simple questions. Enrich your child's vocabulary with antonyms. For example, cheerful - sad, empty - full, narrow - wide.

A difficult task at this age is to memorize words, with a collective meaning and select from the group an unnecessary (not similar) object.

To develop thinking, memory and attention skills, use the following games:

Buy pictures of different sizes, which consist of 5-6 parts, and ask your child to assemble them on their own.

At first, it may not work out, but gradually, the child must learn to analyze the fragment he has seen and look for an addition to it.

Working with cards

It is necessary to purchase cards with drawn objects. There will be 4 items on each card, one of them will not belong to the general group.

Ask the child: “How can one name a drawn group of objects with one word?”, “What or who is superfluous? Why?".

With cards, you can practice visual concentration - ask your child to point to one or another object with his finger.
Thus, the thinking and memory of the baby develops.

Board game

Prepare the same geometric shapes of different sizes, large and small, in different colors.

Ask a child find identical geometric shapes. Ask him to explain the similarities and differences.

With the help of such simple figures it is easy to develop logical thinking in a child.

Each of these educational games is quite interesting. Thanks to them, the child vocabulary is replenished, speech ability, logical thinking and memory develop. Moms easily conduct such classes without spending a lot of effort and time.

Reading (yes, it’s reading, not the alphabet)

  • At the age of 4-5 years, the child Must know all the letters of the alphabet.
  • Also with easy to read three-letter words.
  • At this age, symbolic memory begins to work especially actively, so closer to the 5th year of life, your child will try to read books on his own before going to bed. There is no need to be afraid to load the child with reading, but it is also important not to overdo it.

In order to interest your child in reading, play with him in such educational games:

To memorize letters, buy Zaitsev's cubes.

View instructions for use.

This method is well known and many mothers have been able to help their children memorize all the letters of the alphabet without difficulty.

Smart cubes with three chains of letters and a writing simulator

Smart cubes with a writing simulator. Any word that the child comes up with, try to collect with the help of this constructor.

Do not separate the three chains of letters from the cubes.
Let the child pick up one of the chains and twist it from top to bottom, looking for the right letter. Having found it, let him disconnect it and put it aside.
Thus, working with a child, you can collect a word.

Classes with smart cubes instill the ability not to skip letters in a word.

Fairy tale puzzle

This game is made at home. Come up with a plot and write a few simple words on the same pieces of paper and ask the child to read to continue the tale.

For example, there was a “Grandfather” (a child reads), he had a “BABA”, she cooked a delicious “PORRIDGE”, and put it on the “TABLE”, etc.

The child is happy to read the words to find out the continuation of the tale.

Only a fairy tale should be no more than 10 words.

Come up with something new every time, then your baby will not be afraid to read unfamiliar words.

Separately, it should be noted that children who regularly attend kindergarten or other preschool institutions, in addition to the above skills and abilities, also develop communication and interaction skills in large and small groups.

kindergartenare not carried out in isolation, but in a complex. In the next video, you can see how an experienced teacher skillfully uses the children's tools already familiar to us, including Zaitsev's cubes, to develop academic skills in children in a playful way.

A child, while he is small, needs communication, which at 4-5 years old is perceived through the game. Using educational games for children 4-5 years old, we learn to count, write, reason logically.

Devoting time to the baby, and doing developmental activities with him, you will see how your child grows up before our eyes. Educational games are simple, you just need to use your imagination and make an effort.

When your child goes to school, he will be very grateful for the time you gave to study with him.
We wish your baby to grow up not only healthy, but also intellectually developed!

In contact with

We play at home with a child from 1 year to 3 years

A child from a year and a little older begins to explore the world, and the task of parents is to give him fundamental knowledge. You will need toy animals, vegetables and fruits, cars, dishes. It is necessary to explain to the child what these little things mean, to come up with plots for the first games. At this age develops fine motor skills- the ability to make precise finger movements, manipulate small objects.

  • Sort by shape, color, size

A variety of details of the designer, cubes, buttons are suitable for the game. In the kitchen, there may be several varieties of cereals, pasta, nuts or sweets. They should be sorted, focusing on external signs.

If your parents can draw, you can prepare cards for sorting by depicting different objects on them or fairy tale characters. Similar sets of cards are also sold in stores.

  • water games

For the lesson you will need a toy or real unbreakable dishes. The child will love pouring water from the kettle into cups, arranging a tea party for the dolls. This will teach him the accuracy of movements. You can pour water from cup to cup with a spoon, and for fun, put a toy fish on the bottom, for which the "aquarium" is filled.

  • Assembling puzzles

To better explore the natural world, two-piece puzzles with images of plants and animals will come in handy. Choosing which of the halves of the puzzle fits the other, the child gets acquainted with the flora and fauna, remembers how flowers and living creatures look and what they are called.

  • Matryoshkas and pyramids

Collecting and disassembling pyramids and bright nesting dolls, the child gets acquainted with the concept of size, realizes the correspondence of the objects of the game to each other. He begins to understand that not every half of the matryoshka will fit the other, and that the rings of the pyramid must be strung in a certain order.

  • Young artist

Try to teach your child to draw - draw straight and wavy lines with a pencil, draw geometric shapes. It is worth buying him a notebook, coloring book, pencils, felt-tip pens. Plasticine, colored crayons and other art supplies will come in handy, and the choice is limited only by your budget and flight of fancy.

We play at home with a child from 4 to 6 years old

A child from four to six years old, according to scientists, is able to learn much more new information than adults. Expand his horizons. Games can be educational, theatrical, plot, requiring ingenuity, imagination. It's time for many dolls and soft toys, with the help of which it is interesting to play scenes.

  • Make-believe school

Toys, mom and dad can act as students. But the child himself will willingly sit at the desk. Playing at school, he will be able to learn letters and syllables, numbers and elementary arithmetic operations, he will understand how to behave in the lesson.

Modeling from clay and dough is more interesting than a similar activity with plasticine. Clay crafts last longer, besides, they can be painted with gouache or watercolor. In order to do modeling, it is not necessary to go to the store for clay and spend money. This material can be collected in nature if the soil is clayey. Not ready to take off? Sculpt from salt dough: salt, flour and water can be found in any kitchen. For strength, you can add a little PVA glue to the mass, and for beauty - food coloring and sparkles.

  • paper dolls

Girls will surely enjoy playing with paper dolls, which can be used to make outfits painted with pencils and felt-tip pens. You can create a whole paper world with houses from boxes and books. Dolls will talk, dress up, dance. Unlike playing with ready-made dolls, here the child uses motor skills and imagination.

  • rhymes

The rhyming game is quite simple: you name a word, and the child selects rhymes for it. But such fun has many benefits: the development of auditory attention, linguistic instinct and even a poetic gift. From a skillful selection of rhymes, not far from the first poems.

  • treasure hunt

The game teaches intelligence. You can hide some object, for example, a bag of fruit, in the apartment. Then make up some notes with intriguing clues. The child with excitement will look for a delicious treasure.

We play at home with a child from 7 to 10 years old

At this age, games that reinforce school knowledge and inspire creativity are useful. However, do not overdo it, trying to fill the game with learning moments. The pressure on students at school is already great, so sometimes give your son or daughter the opportunity to just play for fun. Since schoolchildren spend most of their time outside the home, joint games will help in strengthening the relationship between children and parents.

  • Around the world

Playing cities will help you better master geography. Two or three people are enough for this lesson. One of the participants names the city. The task of the rest is to remember the cities whose names begin with the last letter of the previous city. In this case, names ending in a soft and hard sign should be avoided. If younger children are connected to the game, then you can simplify the rules and name any words instead of cities. For older players, the rules can be complicated by suggesting, for example, only the capitals or only the cities of the Southern Hemisphere.

  • Winter Garden

Biology home lesson will be the creation winter garden on the windowsill. Buy beautiful flower pots and flower seeds that you choose with your child. Explain to him how to take care of the plants. Such a game brings up responsibility and love for nature.

  • Clip shooting

If the child willingly sings or reads poetry, you can shoot a video clip where he will become the main character. There are many computer programs to help complete the entry. beautiful pictures. Together you will create a video that will inspire your child to improve his talent.

  • Needlework

Is it raining outside? It's time to show the child the basics of needlework, which are known to parents. Buy beautiful yarn for a girl and help knit clothes for the doll. Or give the boy a set for woodcarving, teach him how to handle tools. There are ready-made kits for creativity on sale, but this is not quite creativity, but rather, work according to instructions. Although such sets can also sometimes be offered to a child. But in terms of developing potential, knitting, sewing, embroidery, work with wood and metal, as well as other needlework and crafts, are in the lead.

Even if you don’t grow up as a seamstress or a master cabinetmaker, the ability to focus on the result will be useful to the child in the future, no matter what profession he chooses.

  • Board games

Young chess players at school demonstrate the best performance. Chess battles teach concentration, perseverance, the will to win. But other board games will be useful for children. Checkers, backgammon, dominoes in the company of parents is an exciting activity. By the way, the game can be invented and made by yourself. Draw a playing field, take small toys as chips, and use any one-color cube as a cube, on which you can stick or draw dots.

We play at home with a teenager from 11 to 14 years old

In adolescence, we continue to shape the child's strategic thinking, artistic imagination and new practical skills. The game in this difficult matter, as experience shows, is much more effective than "lectures". Joint games help to overcome the crisis in the relationship between parents and grown children.

  • Fanta

Each of the participants gives away an item that is placed in an opaque bag. The facilitator asks what the owner of the item that he will now take out of the package should do. Tasks should not be impossible or offensive. With their help, you can unleash the creative potential of children, increase self-confidence.

  • Associations

For this imaginative game, you will need a ball. One of the children says any word and throws the ball to a friend. He must catch the object, quickly name the association to what was said by the previous participant and throw the ball to someone else. For an astute parent, this game will also be a way to recognize the anxieties and dreams of a child. Those words that he calls spontaneously, without hesitation, can tell about the thoughts that occupy him.

  • Oriental dinner

You can get to know the culture of other countries better by having dinner in oriental style. You should add decorative elements to the design of the living room, reminiscent of the Land of the Rising Sun, India or the Arab East. For example, draw hieroglyphs on several sheets of drawing paper, light an aroma lamp, turn on oriental music. Together with the child, you can cook an exotic dish or even several. How do you like the idea of ​​learning to eat with chopsticks or master oriental dances? And then you can go west, north or south - wherever you want.

  • The reporter

The game requires a pack of newspapers or magazines. By cutting out titles, players can create coherent yet fun text. Such a game can encourage the child to write his own story or note. Maybe you'd like to launch a family newspaper?

  • Podium

This idea will appeal to teenage girls. You need to get all the outfits out of the closet, collect all the handbags and shoes, and try to create images in which the “models” will appear on the podium. The result is worth photographing. The game teaches you to create your own style and forms an artistic taste. Do not forget to get a chest with old grandmother's dresses and jewelry from the pantry. Tell the girls about the fashion of the past and unobtrusively lead them to the idea of ​​stylish, but discreet looks. Such a game will affect a teenager much better than mom's and dad's jerking about too much bright makeup, short skirts and an abundance of jewelry.

How to play so that the game is fun

Summing up, we give a few general advice. Remember that the goal of the game is not to repeat the school curriculum, not to create culinary masterpieces and not to draw a new Mona Lisa. All crafts, drawings, costumes are, first of all, a way to have a good time with a child and push him to be creative.

Praise the child's resourcefulness and imagination and do not focus on his failures. Educate a thinking, proactive, self-confident person.