
The script for the holiday "Easter" in German. Beautiful Easter greetings to friends, parents, loved ones, colleagues, classmates in verse, prose, in English and German

In this article you will learn:

Easter is one of the most significant and revered holidays in the entire Christian society. This day became the resurrection of the Son of God, a symbol of light and life, victory over death. In Germany it is called the word "Ostern", in its origin associated with the name of the part of the world - the east; for it is precisely there that the sun rises every day, triumphing over darkness, giving rise to all living things.

When is Easter celebrated by the Germans?

In Germany, Easter is celebrated, as in the whole Catholic world, according to the Gregorian calendar with a difference of several weeks with Orthodox believers. A specific date is rolling every year and is determined by a complex ratio of luni-solar calendars.

Preparation for the holiday

By the end of winter, various holiday attributes, such as decorations, decorations, Gift Baskets, chocolate eggs, Easter wreaths of artificial flowers and twigs, which are usually laid out on tables and hung on the door of the house. Children in kindergartens and schools make all kinds of crafts in the form of eggs, chickens and rabbits.

On the eve of Easter, the trees in front of the houses are decorated with eggs. different colors, How Christmas trees toys. German housewives take the festive decoration of the house very seriously, with pleasure involving their young children in this activity.

How is Easter celebrated?

In Germany, Easter is a public holiday. Schoolchildren go on a two-week Easter vacation. For other categories of the population, Good Friday, Great (or Quiet) Saturday, the day of Christ's Sunday and the Monday after Easter are considered official days of rest. These days state, public and educational institutions. On Friday, it is even forbidden to hold entertainment and sports events, pop concerts, discos. Shops and malls among these public holidays only open on Saturday. On the days of the celebration of Easter, it is not customary to work, but it is customary to attend church and spend time with your loved ones.

On the evening of Holy Saturday, the Germans light Easter candles at home, which symbolize the burning of all negative feelings. On Sunday morning, the whole family gathers for breakfast, after which the children go to look for hidden sweets. Kids believe that the Easter Bunny brings them gifts.

Why a hare? Like the egg, he considers it a symbol of fertility and life!

This little fabulous creature is found on holiday cards, tablecloths, napkins, as well as various toys and figures made of chocolate. After dinner, the Germans go to pay visits to their relatives and friends, greeting them with an expression that in Russian sounds like “happy Easter”.

What are Karfiertag, Ostersonntag and Ostermontag?

Karfreitag means Good Friday in Russian. On this day, the Germans remember how Jesus died, how he was taken down from the cross. On this day, any fun event is prohibited, so many shopping centers simply close. Everything is quite serious and any entertainment event is immediately noticed by the authorities. For a similar law, in Germany, this day is called a quiet holiday (stiller Feiertag).

  • The next day on Holy Saturday Karsamstag, people devote themselves to prayers in anticipation of the Resurrection of Christ.
  • Ostersonntag— Resurrection of Christ. After the end of Lent, the whole German family gathers at the same table with dishes that we will describe below.
  • Ostermontag- the end of Easter starts with a holiday. Not a single shop is open on this day. Therefore, the Germans buy food in advance.


Traditional dishes on the day of Christ's Resurrection are baked fish or goose, roast lamb, cross-shaped cookies, and an Easter wreath cake. And, of course, painted eggs. True, the Germans do not paint them themselves, but buy them ready-made in the store.

The inhabitants of Germany, as well as throughout the Catholic and Orthodox world, love Easter very much and strive to spend its days in an atmosphere of beauty, love, kindness and happiness.

How to congratulate a familiar German on Easter

Here are some useful phrases that will be useful to you in order to congratulate a familiar German friend on Easter

  • Frohe Ostern!- Happy Easter!

  • Ich wünsche Dir frohe Ostern!- I wish you a happy Easter!

  • Ich wünsche Ihnen frohe Ostern!- I wish you a happy Easter!

  • Ein frohes Osterfest!- Happy Easter holidays!

  • Frohliche Ostertage!- Happy Easter!

  • Schone Ostern!- Have a wonderful Easter!

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In this article, you will learn how to congratulate on German happy Easter, as well as learn about the symbols, traditions of the holiday and how to greet each other.

Dear friends! This weekend many countries celebrate a big religious holiday - Easter. I congratulate everyone on the upcoming Easter and wish you to find time for both fun and relaxation. Sincerely,

How to say Happy Easter

If you have relatives, acquaintances or friends who understand German, I am sure they will be pleased to receive a congratulatory letter from you.

So, at the beginning there is a greeting. Almost always, the appeal contains the word “lieb”, which translates as “dear”. When referring to a masculine person, the ending -er (lieber) is added, when referring to a feminine person or in the plural, regardless of gender, the ending -e (liebe) is added.

For example:

Liebe Natali - Dear Natalie

Lieber Tom - Dear Tom

Liebe Natali und Tom - Dear Natali and Tom

Liebe Familie Müller - Dear family Muller

When referring to "you" , the wish will be as follows: Ich wünsche Dir ... - I wish you ...

When addressing one person with “you” , the wish will be as follows: Ich wünsche Ihnen…- I wish you…

When referring to “You”, if more than 1 person , the wish will be as follows: Ich wünsch Euch…- I wish you…

Congratulatory phrases

Since at Easter in German-speaking countries, Easter eggs are hidden in the house so that children can find them immediately after waking up, respectively, many people wish a successful egg search, including adults. In many countries, the time of celebrating Easter is the period when spring begins to delight with real warmth, so many wish for warmth and sun.

Examples of congratulatory phrases:

Ich wünsche Dir erholsame und glückliche Osterfeiertage sowie viel Erfolg beim Eiersuchen! - I wish you happiness and relaxation during the Easter holidays, as well as success in finding eggs!

Wir wünschen Euch allen ein frohes und erholsames Osterfest - We wish you all a happy Easter and a holiday

Ich wünsche Dir frohe und glückliche Osterfeiertage! Genieß die freien Tage, lass Dir die warme Frühlingssonne ins Gesicht scheinen und erhol Dich gut im Kreise Deiner Familie! – I wish you joyful and happy Easter holidays! Enjoy your free days, let the warm spring sun shine on your face and have a good rest with your family!

An Ostern erwacht die Natur zu neuem Leben, alles beginnt zu blühen und zu grünen. So wünsche ich Euch viele warme Sonnenstrahlen auf der Haut und im Herzen sowie glückliche Feiertage und ein frohes Fest mit bunten Frühlingsblumen.

On Easter, nature, awakening, takes on a new life, everything begins to bloom and turn green. Therefore, I wish you (addressing more than 1 person) a lot of warm sunshine on the skin and in the heart, as well as happy and joyful holidays with bright spring flowers.

Wir wünschen Euch ein gesegnetes und frohes Osterfest! – We wish you (addressing more than 1 person) a blessed and joyful Easter!

Final phrases

At the end congratulatory letters in most cases the word "Gruß" or "Grüße" (plural) is mentioned. Its main meaning is “greeting”, however, when translated into Russian, it is often translated as “wish” (with best wishes, etc.).

Examples of phrases that are given at the end of congratulatory letters:

1. Herzliche Ostergrüße von


With cordial easter wishes(congratulations) from


2. Die allerbesten Grüße von

Natali & Tom

Best regards from

Natalie and Tom

A few verse Easter greetings:

1. Vom Guten nur das Allerbeste
das wünsch ich euch zum Osterfeste!
Moge es vor allen Dingen
Freude und Entspannung bringen.

For the Easter holidays with all my heart
I wish you only the best!
First of all, I wish you
joy and relaxation.

2. Bunte Eier, Frühlingslüfte,
Sonnenschein und Bratendüfte,
heiterer Sinn und Festtagsfrieden
sei zu Ostern euch beschieden.

Colorful eggs, spring air,
Sunlight and the aroma of roast
Clear mind and holiday peace
Let them come to you at Easter.

Easter. Short story holiday

Easter is an ancient Christian holiday that is celebrated in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There is no fixed date for the celebration of this holiday. The date is determined by the lunisolar calendar.

Ostern ist der alte christliche Feiertag und er gilt als Gedächtnisfeier der Auferstehung Jesus Christus (Jesu Christi). Es gibt kein fixes Datum fur diese Feier. Der Termin wird über einen Lunisolarkalender bestimmt.

Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. The spring full moon is the first full moon that comes after the day spring equinox. In 2014, Easter is celebrated on April 20th.

Ostern wird am ersten Sonntag nach dem ersten Frühlingsvollmond begangen. Der Frühlingsvollmond ist der erste Vollmond, der nach dem Tag der Frühlingstagundnachtgleiche eintrat. Im Jahr 2014 wird Ostern am 20. April begangen.

Easter symbols

The symbols of Easter are everything that expresses Renewal (Easter streams), Light (Easter fire), Life (Easter cakes, eggs and hares).

Oster symbol

Die Osternsymbole sind alles, was die Erneuerung (die Osterbäche), das Licht (Osterfeuer) und das Leben (Osterbrot, -eier und – hasen) ausdrückt.

Easter greeting

Starting from Easter night and the next forty days (until Easter is given away), it is customary to greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” The person who was so greeted replies: “Truly risen!”. And they kiss three times.


Angefangen von der Osternacht und innerhalb nächster 40 Tage ist es gebräuchlich, sich mit den Wörtern zu grüßen: “Christus ist auferstanden!” Der so Gegrüßte antwortet: “Er ist wahrhaftig auferstanden!”. Dabei küßt man sich dreimal.

Easter meal

During Holy Saturday and after the Paschal service in churches, they consecrate Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs and everything that is prepared for festive table for conversation. Believers give Easter eggs to each other as a symbol of the miraculous appearance of God into the world from the tomb - the Resurrection of Christ.


Am Karsamstag und nach dem Ostergottesdienst läßt man in den Kirchen das Osterbrot (Kulitsch), die Süßspeise aus Quark (Pascha), hartgekochte Eier und alles, was zum Feirtisch zubereitet ist, zu weihen. Die Ostereier schenken die Gläubigen einander als Symbol der wunderbaren Erscheinung des Herrn aus dem Grab – der Auferstehung Jesus Christus.

According to legend, Mary Magdalene gave the emperor Tiberius an egg as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. At the same time, she said: “Jesus is risen!”. However, Tiberius, who did not want to believe it, replied: "Just as a white egg cannot become red, so the dead cannot rise." However, as soon as he said those words, the white egg turned red. Although eggs are dyed in different colors, red is traditional, as the color of life and victory.

Nach der Überlieferung hat Maria Magdalena ein Ei als Symbol der Auferstehung von Christus dem römischen Kaiser Tiberius geschenkt. Dazu sagte sie: "Christus ist auferstenden!". Doch Tiberius, der das nicht glauben wollte, antwortete: “So wenig wie ein weißes Ei rot werden kann, so wenig kann ein Toter wieder auferstehen.” Doch kaum hatte er diese Worte gesprochen, verwandelte sich das weiße Ei in ein rotes Ei. Obwohl die Eier mit verschiedenen Farben bemalt werden, ist die rote Farbe traditionell als die Farbe des Lebens und des Sieges.

folk customs

In German-speaking countries, children look for painted chicken eggs and sweets hidden by a Christmas bunny. Children wake up running around the house to find them. It is also customary to decorate branches in vases or on trees in the garden with painted Easter eggs.


In deutschsprachigen Ländern suchen die Kinder bunt bemalte Hühnereier und Süßigkeiten, die vom Osterhasen versteckt wurden. Nach dem Erwachen rannen die Kinder durch das Haus, um sie zu finden. Es gibt auch den Brauch, Zweige in Vasen oder auf Bäumen im Garten mit bunt bemalten Ostereiern zu schmücken.

As a symbol of fertility and wealth, the Easter Bunny has been a symbol of Easter in Germany since the 16th century and has since spread throughout the world. In most European countries, Holy Week and the week after Easter are school and student holidays. Many European countries celebrate Easter and Easter Monday as public holidays.

Der Osterhase als Fruchtbarkeit- und Reichtumssymbol wurde zum Ostersymbol in Deutschland seit 16. Jahrhundert und breitete sich seither weltweit aus. In der Mehrheit von europäischen Ländern sind die Karwoche und die Woche nach dem Ostern die Schul- und Semesterferien.Viele europäischen Länder werden das Ostern und den Ostermontag als Nationalfeiertage begangen.

P.S. Once again, Happy Holidays everyone!

Thema: Ostern in Deutschland

Theme: Easter in Germany

Das älteste Fest aller christlichen Kirchen ist Ostern. Seine Benennung wird im Deutschen auf den Namen Ostara, einer germanischen Frühlingsgöttin, bezogen. Darum verbindet man Ostern mit dem Naturwiedererwachen. Jeden Frühling wird die Auferstehung Jesu Christi gefeiert. Das ist ein Schuckelfest, weil sein Termin jedes Jahr auf ein anderes Datum fällt. Ostern ist stets am ersten Sonntag, der nach dem ersten Frühlingsvollmond kommt, darum kann es kein festes Osterdatum geben. Diese Regel existiert seit 325. Dem Osterfest gehen die Fastenzeit und die Karwoche voraus.

Easter - oldest holiday all Christian churches. Its name in German comes from the name of Ostara, the Germanic goddess of spring. Therefore, Easter is associated with the awakening of nature. Every spring they celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is a movable holiday, since the date of its arrival falls every year on different dates. Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon, so there can be no fixed Easter date. This rule has existed since 325. Easter is preceded by fasting and Holy Week.

Easter symbols

Ostern ist mit zahlreichen Bräuchen und Symbolen verbunden. Dazu gehören auch Fensterbilder und Tischschmuck. Als Symbol des Osterfestes gilt das Ei. Von Frühzeiten symbolisierte es das Leben und die Hoffnung. Im christlichen Sinn bedeutet dieses Symbol die Auferstehung. Unter der Schale des Eies versteht man das Grab. Daraus geht ein lebendiges Wesen hervor. In einem alten Volksbrauch steht auch: Das Ei sei das Symbol der Fruchtbarkeit.

Easter is associated with numerous customs and symbols. This also includes pictures on the windows and table decorations. The symbol of Easter is the egg. Since ancient times, it has meant life and hope. In the Christian sense, this symbol means rebirth. An egg shell is understood as a grave. A living being is born from it. Old folk custom also says: the egg is a symbol of fertility.

Von den Wissenschaftlern wurde mehrmals erklärt, warum das Ei zu Osterzeit solch eine Rolle spielt. Das altdeutsche Eiergesetz, nach dem Grund-und-Bodenzins mit Eiern gezahlt wurde, ist eine der Erklärungen. Ostern war gerade der Tag für diese Zinseier. Darauf könnte der Brauch zurückgehen, Ostereier zu verschenken. Die Germanen schenkten einander zuerst Eier ungefärbt. Erst im 12.-13. Jahrhundert wurden sie bemalt.

Scientists have repeatedly explained why the Easter egg plays such a role. One of the Explanations is the old German egg law, according to which dues and land rent were paid in eggs. Easter was just the day of the egg quitrent. From this could come the custom of giving eggs for Easter. The Germans first gave each other unpainted eggs. They began to paint them only in the 12-13th century.

Als Symbol des Festes gilt neben dem Ei auch der Osterhase. Der ist aber die umstrittenste "Person", denn er bringt den Kindern allein die Eier erst seit dem 16. Jahrhundert. Früher haben das auch andere Tiere getan: in Sachsen und Holstein - der Hahn, in Thüringen und im Elsas - der Storch, in Hessen - der Fuchs, in Bayern - das Lamm, in der Schweiz - sogar der Kuckuck.

Along with the egg, the Easter Bunny is also considered a symbol of the holiday. However, he is the most controversial "person", since he began to bring eggs to children only from the 16th century. Previously, other animals also did this. In Saxony and Holstein - a rooster, in Alsace and Thuringia - a stork, in Hesse - a fox, in Bavaria - a lamb, in Switzerland - even a cuckoo.

Aber einmal stritten sich die Tiere, wer den Kindern in anderen Teilen Deutschlands Eier bringen und sie in die Nester heimlich legen darf. Man organisierte ein Rennen. Der hase hat gewonnen, weil er der schnellste unter allen Tieren gewesen ist. Der hase ist auch der fruchtbarste gewesen, darum ist er zum besten Frühlingssymbol geworden. Aus den Osterbräuchen sind also die bemalten Eier sowie der Osterhase nicht wegzudenken.

But one day the animals argued about who in other parts of Germany could bring eggs to children and secretly put them in nests. A running competition was organized. The hare won because he was the fastest of all the animals. The hare was also the most prolific, so it became the best spring symbol. Therefore, painted eggs, like the Easter Bunny, are inseparable from Easter customs.

Easter customs

Die Ostereier müssen gefärbt sein. Rote sind immer die beliebtesten. Rot als Farbe unseres Lebens, der heißen Sonne sowie des Gewitttrgottes Donar und später des Blutes, das Jesus Christus für uns alle vergossen hat, wirkt stärker als andere Farben. Viele Jahrhunderte wurden die Ostereier nur rot gefärbt, denn dieser Farbe schrieben die Menschen die Schutzkraft zu.

Easter eggs must be dyed. Reds are always my favorite. Red as the color of life itself, the hot sun and the goddess of thunder Donar, and later - the blood that Christ shed for all of us, has a stronger effect than other colors. For many centuries, Easter eggs were painted only with red paint, as people attributed protective power to this color.

Es gibt einige Berichte des 17. Jahrhunderts, dass die Ostereier vergoldet, versilbert und sogar mit prächtigen Motiven bemalt und verziert wurden. Zu dieser Zeit galt als höchste Kunst ein reimgefülltes Ei. Das Ei wurde ausgeblasen und mit einem dünnen Papierchen gefüllt. Auf diesem Papierchen wurde ein gereimter Vers geschrieben.

There are several reports from the 17th century that Easter eggs were gilded, plated with silver and even painted with beautiful scenery and decorated. At that time, an egg filled with short poems was considered the highest art. The egg was blown and filled with thin paper. A rhyming poem was written on this paper.

Heute gibt es Ostereier in verschiedenen Farben: gelb, rot, grün, blau. Doch streben alle Hausfrauen danach, Eier mit Naturfarben zu färben: mit Zwiebelschalen und Tee braun, mit Brenneselblättern grün, mit rotem Betesaft rot. Sie werden nicht nur gefärbt, sondern auch bemalt oder mit Bildern beklebt. Wenn die Eier fertig sind, werden damit die Osterzweige geschmückt.

Today, Easter eggs come in a variety of colors: yellow, red, green, blue. But all housewives tend to paint eggs with natural paints: onion peel and tea - in brown, nettle leaves - in green, beet juice - in red. They are not only painted, but also painted or pasted over with pictures. When the eggs are ready, they decorate the Easter branches.

Besonders schöne Ostereier bekommt man, wenn man sie schon gekocht für wenige Minuten in Brennenwachs legt. Danach kratzt man verschiedene Muster und Ornamente hinein und legt sie in eine Farblösung. Im vorigen Jahrhundert hat man begonnen die Ostereier zu basteln. Man machte sie aus Pappe, Holz, Porzellan, Glas. Es gibt heute Eier aus Zucker, Schokolade und ganz große mit Süßigkeiten gefüllte Ostereier aus Plastik.

Easter eggs are especially beautiful if they are already boiled and placed in hot wax for several minutes. Then various drawings and ornaments are scratched in it and put into a colored solution. In the last century, Easter eggs began to be made. They were made of cardboard, wood, porcelain, glass. Today there are sugar eggs, chocolate eggs and very large plastic Easter eggs filled with sweets.

Easter egg hunt

Besonders gern haben Ostern die Kinder. Wenn sich der kalte Winter von uns verabschiedet hat und alle Flüsse und Bäche frei vom Eise sind, zieht es uns in die Natur zum schönen Osterspaziergang hinaus. Wenn die ganze Familie am Ostermorgen aus der Kirche kommt, suchen die Kleinen Osternester. Die Freude der Kinder ist umso größer, wenn sie auf Wiesen oder im Wald "rein zufällig" Nester finden, in denen der Osterhase buntgefärbte Eier versteckt hat. Das Ostereiersuchen symbolisiert eine Begrüßung der wiedererwachenden Natur.

Dear Colleagues! It is difficult in our time for a German teacher. The German language is not very popular today. And we. German language teachers are designed to interest parents and children in the need to learn a foreign language. Extracurricular activities play a big role in this. Often, together with high school students or secondary school students, we go to elementary school and hold various events in German and about the German language. I want to bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday "Easter in German".



Extra-curricular event in German language "Ostern - Easter in Germany".

(Students of the 5th grade speak to elementary school students)


To introduce students to the tradition of celebrating Easter in Germany, to learn poems and songs for the holiday;

Develop interest in the German language;

To cultivate respect for the culture of another people.


Tape recorder, children's crafts, Easter tree, Easter eggs in nests and basket, Easter candle, hare and chicken costumes, Easter baking.

Lead 1: Guten Tag, liebe Kinder und Gaste! Heute sprechen wir über den Ostern.

2 led.: Hello dear children and guests! We have gathered here today to talk about the traditions of the German Easter holiday.

Lead 1: Man feiert Ostern in Deutschland wie in Russland, im Frühling. Das Osterfest ist reich an Traditionen und Bräuchen.

2 led.: In Germany, they celebrate Easter, just like in Russia, in the spring. This holiday is rich in traditions and customs. About the origin of this holiday will tell us ....

Student: Easter is called Ostern in German. This name comes from the word "osten" (east). Ostera is the spring goddess of the rising dawn. The sun rises in the east. Even the pagans knew this holiday. Old Easter was celebrated as a spring holiday associated with our Maslenitsa. A variety of customs are associated with it, which are alive among the people to this day.

Three students read a poem:

  1. Willkommen Ostertag!

Was soll denn das bedeuten,

Schneeglöckchen hübsch und fein?

Wir wollen nichts, wir lauten

Ja nur den Fruhling ein.

  1. Baldwird es Sonntag werden,

Und vor Gottes Altar

Steigt aus dem Stoss der Erden

Der Blumen bunte Schar.

  1. Die grünen Augenbrechen,

Dann auf in Busch und Hag,

Und alle Bluten sprechen:

Willkommen Ostertag!

1 lead: Ostern ist das älteste und höchste Fest der Christen, denn Jesus ist nach seinem Tod am Kreuz nicht im Grab geblieben, sondern ist auferstanden.

2 led.: Easter is an old and great Christian holiday, since Jesus, who died on the cross, did not remain in the grave, but resurrected.

Lead 1: Das erfüllte alle mit größten Freude. Deshalb ist Ostern seit zwei Tausend Jahren das Fest der Auferstehung.

2 led.: Everyone accepted it with great joy. Therefore, Easter has been considered the feast of the Resurrection for 2000 years.

Lead 1: Das Osterfeier gehört zur Frühlingszeit zum Monat April. Ostern ist das Fest des neuen Lebens. Jedes Jahr im Frühling beginnt alles zu blühen und das erleben wir wie ein Fest.

2 led.: The celebration falls on the spring month of April. Easter is a symbol of the rebirth of a new life. Every year in the spring everything begins to bloom and we experience it as a holiday.


Frühling lässt sein blaues Band

Wieder flattern durch die Lufte,

Süße, wohlbekannte Düfte

Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land.

Veilchen traumen schon,

Wollen balde kommen.

Horsch, von fern ein leiser Harfenton,

Frühling, ja du bist es!

Dich hab ich vernommen!

Students sing the song “Grün, grün, grün sind…“

1 leader: Zu Ostern steht im Mittelpunkt das Ei. Man bemalt die Eier und in der Kirche weihen lässt. Den Brauch, Eier zum Osternfest zu bemalen und zu farben, kennt man seit dem Mittelalter, also es etwa tausend Jahren. So kann man nicht nur einfach bemalen, sondern auch mit Stoff, Spitzer und Borten bekleben. Ostereier sind immer beliebtes Geschenk.

2 host: At Easter, the center of the celebration is Easter Egg. The eggs are decorated and illuminated in the church. For almost a thousand years, since the Middle Ages, the custom of coloring and painting eggs has been known. Easter egg - in the Christian sense - a symbol of resurrection, according to ancient custom - a symbol of fertility and the eternal return to life. However, eggs can not only be painted, but also pasted over with material on the top and sides.

1 leader: In der Nacht kommt der Osterhase. Er bringt die Ostereier in einem großen Korb auf dem Rücken, versteckt sie im Garten oder in der Wohnung und hüpft, deshalb hat ihn noch niemand gesehen.

2 host: At night, the Easter Bunny comes. He brings Easter eggs and hides them in the garden or in the apartment, so no one has ever seen him. Maybe we can see him today.

Children appear on the stage, representing a chicken and a hare.

Hare: Guten Morgen, Frau Huhn!

Jetzt gibt es was zu tun.

Zum Osterfest fur jedes Nest

Brauche ich viele Eier.


Wir Hühner wissen längst Bescheid.

Denn kommt heran die Osterzeit,

Dann muss ein jedes Huhn sich regen

Und viele große Eier legen.

Die Eier für die Osterzeit,

Die stehen schon im Stall bereit.

Hare: Ich nehme sie und fange dann

Gleich mit dem Eiermalen an,

Weil überall in Haus und Garten

Die Kinder schon auf Ostern warten.


Ich wünsch beim Malen viel Geschick!

Bring mir den leeren Korb zurück!

Four students sing a song about the Easter Bunny:

1 .Has, Has, Osterhas, wir möchten nicht mehr warten.

Der Krokus und das Tausendschön,

Vergissmein nicht und Tulpen stehn schon lang in unsrem Garten.

2. Has, Has, Osterhas, mit deinen bunten Eiern.

Der Star lugt aus dem Kasten aus,

Blühkätzchen sitzt im seinen Haus,

Wann kommst du den Fruhling feiern

3. Has, Has, Osterhas, ich wünsche mir das Beste!

Ein groses Ei, ein kleines Ei

Und ein lustiges Dudeldumbei, alles in einem Neste.

4. Has, Has, Osterhas, Has, Has, Osterhas,

Komm in unsern Garten!

Leg viel Eier in das Gras,

Laß uns nicht mehr warten!

2 host: So one of the symbols of German Easter is a hare, see how he prepares for the holiday to the delight of all children.

(1 student dressed as a hare comes with a basket of eggs, sits down in the middle of the stage and starts painting them, then hides the basket with colored eggs backstage. At this time, the second student reads a poem about this, then finds a basket with colored eggs and leaves.)

Student: Osterhäschen kommt im Lauf, hält sich bei den Hühnern auf,

Kauft dort einen Korb voll Eier, denn die sind jetzt gar nicht teuer,

Sucht die aller größten aus, trägt sie in den Wald hinaus,

Färbt sie rot und gelb und blau, und jetzt, Kindchen, schau nur, schau!

Kannst du finden hintern Busch - fort ist Häslein, husch, husch, husch!

The student reads the poem: Das Ei (comes out with a dyed egg)

Die Henne legt das Ei ins Nest.

Die Schalle ist meist weiß und fest.

Es ist oval, es ist auch rund.

Und fur die Kinder sehr gesund.

Sie blasen aus und malen an,

Dass man sie nur bewundern kann.

Und nehmen sie sich etwas Zeit,

Wird solch ein Ei zur Kostbarkeit.

1 leader: Ein Zeichen der Osterfreude ist auch Feuer, das in den Osternacht auf Bergen und Hügeln und vor Kirchen entzündet wird. Es erhellt die dunkle Nacht, es ist ein Zeichen der Hoffnung. Man holt es sich nach Hause und entflammt damit die Osterkerze.

2 host: The sign of Easter joy is the fire, which is lit on the Easter night in the mountains and on the hills, in front of the churches. It illuminates the dark night. Fire for us is a sign of hope. Fire is brought home and candles are lit from it. Often the Easter candle is lit in the church and lit during illness and in need.

student reads a poem:

Zur Osterzeit

Jetzt grünet, was nur grünen kann, die Bäum zu blühen fangen an.

So singen jetzt die Vögel all. Jetzt singt und klingt die Nachtigall.

Der Sonnenschein jetzt kommt herein und gibt der Welt ein neuen Schein.

Die ganze Welt, Herr Jesus Christ, zur Osterzeit jetzt fröhlich ist.

1 leader: Eine große Rolle spielt auch das Wasser. Wasser ist ein Symbol des Lebens, ebenso wie die Ostereier. Am Ostersonntag wird es heilkräftig. Die Leute glauben, dass dies Wasser mehrere Krankheiten behandeln kann.

2 host: Water also plays a big role. Water is a symbol of life. Considerable importance is attached to the cleansing properties of water scooped up on Easter night from a flowing source. Water must be drawn against the current and always silently. Easter water is kept sealed all year round and is believed to cure many diseases.

The student reads the poem:

Ich wünsche euch zum Osterfest, dass ihr mit Freuden seht,

Wie alles, weils der Himmel will, wahrhaftig aufersteht.

Das dunkle weicht, das Kälte schmilzt, erstarrte Wasser fließen,

Und duftend bricht die Erde auf, um wieder neu zu sprießen.

Wir alle müssen eines Tags von dieser Erde gehen.

Wir werden, wenns der Himmel will, wie Ostern auferstehn.

1 leader: Noch ein Zeichen den Osterfest ist ein Baum, ein Symbol des Lebens. Er erwacht jedes Frühjahr zum neuen Leben.

2 host: Another sign of Easter is a tree. Every spring it awakens to new life. Trees are decorated for Easter in Germany. Various sweets are hung on the Easter tree and 12 eggs are required, which means 12 months (12 apostles).

Teacher: In Germany, it is customary to congratulate relatives and friends on Easter. Do-it-yourself postcards and souvenirs are highly valued. We present to you some postcards and crafts made by the students of our 5th grade.

(postcards, flowers, bookmarks…)

Of course, it is customary to say words of love, wish health, happiness on this holiday.

Students read two short wishes:

  1. Ich wünsch gute Ostern und viel der guten Zeiten,

Ein leichtes Gemüt, ein frisches Geblüht

Und Gluck von allen Seiten.

2. Die Lieb ist groß, die Gab ist klein,

Damit sollst du zufrieden sein.

Mein Herz, das brennt wie eine Blut,

Möchte wissen, was das deine tut.

1 leader: Am Osternmorgen geht jung und alt auf Eiersuche. Die gefundenen Eier werden von den braven Kindern gegessen. Beim Suchen gibt es immer sehr viel Spaß. Es gibt einfach kein Ostern ohne das fröhliche Eiersuchen und Eierspiele.

2 host: On Easter morning, young and old go in search of eggs. Searches always bring a lot of joy. There is simply no Easter without Easter games.

Teacher: Let's also play a little, like German children do.

1 game. Children's favorite game is egg breaking. Each child in a pair is given one colored egg. One child has to break the other child's egg with the sharp side of his Easter egg. The winner then also gets the broken egg of the vanquished, or they eat it together.

2 game. Each player places an Easter egg in the spoon. Whoever comes running faster with an egg in a spoon is the winner.

Teacher: There are many more games with eggs:

- this is rolling eggs on the floor indoors, or on the street along special grooves - whoever rolls further, then the winner;

Who will quickly find more eggs in special nests, etc.

And now I invite you, dear guests, to answer a few riddle questions:

1.Ich weiß ein kleines weißes Haus, hat nichts von Fenstern, Tieren, Toren, und will der kleine Wirt heraus, so muss erst die Wand durchbohren. (Ei).

2.Wie heißt die Gottin, zu deren Ehre das Fest durchgeführt wurde?

What was the name of the goddess after whom the Easter holiday is named? (Ostera - Ostera)

3.Was symbolisiert Ostern?

What does Easter symbolize? (Jahreswechsel - change of seasons)

4.Wer bringt die Ostereier?

Who brings eggs for Easter? (der Hase - hare)

5.Was steht im Mittelpunkt zu Ostern?

What is the main symbol of Easter? (das Ei - egg)

6.Was gehort noch zum Symbol des Lebens?

What else is related to the symbol of life? (der Baum - tree)

7.Was wird am Ostersonntag heilkraftig?

What is healing for Easter? (das Wasser - water).

1 presenter : Und wissen Sie, was wird häufig in dieser Zeit gegessen? Eier, in verschiedenen Zubereitungsvarianten. Als Hauptessen bereitet man Lamm, Kartoffeln oder Klöße, Geflügel, Gemüse, Soße zu. Als Nachtisch kann man Kompotto oder Zitronencreme zubereiten. Und auch, natürlich, Ostergebäck.

2 leading : Do you know what is often eaten at Easter? Eggs in various cooking options. As the main course, lamb, potatoes, poultry, vegetables, sauces are prepared. Compotes or citrus creams are also brewed. And, of course, Easter cakes.

All guests, participants of the holiday, are treated to Easter pastries.

In our article you will find a selection of short and beautiful congratulations on Orthodox and Catholic Easter for different languages in prose, sms, poetry for relatives, friends, colleagues, classmates and loved ones.

One of the main events of the Orthodox Christian world is coming - the Bright Resurrection of Christ. On this day, the hearts of believing Christians are filled with joy and goodwill, and happy is heard everywhere: “ Christ is Risen!"and the answer to it:" Truly Risen!».

Easter Sunday ends the difficult period of purification - spiritual and physical, which all believers go through during the period of fasting. This great day symbolizes rebirth, the fulfillment of hopes for the future, gaining the intercession and patronage of Christ.

Presence at an early church service, on the bright day of Easter, is mandatory. After visiting the church and consecrating the food, a family feast is coming, where among the traditional dishes - Easter cakes and eggs, meat, dairy and fish dishes are served on the table. On this Easter day, the house of every believer is open to guests, and friends and family, along with congratulations, are given Easter and painted eggs- a symbol of life and rebirth.

Beautiful and short congratulations on the Easter holiday of friends in verse, prose, SMS

Today the good news has come to us from the cloud
"Christ is alive! Christ is Risen!
And joy entered every home.
Have you boiled the eggs hard, but have you baked Easter cakes?
And how is the mood? Great!
Then hurry to the temple soon.
And may everyone's hearts be filled on Christ's Resurrection:
Favor, patience, love, happiness to the end!

Christ is risen!
In his eyes
The sinful gloomy cold has disappeared.
And joy
Fills all hearts.
Both those who are old and those who are young.

Christ is Risen! Congratulations,
And on Easter I wish
So that you live in peace and joy,
Without grief, resentment, hatred!

Spring has knocked on the house and now
Life is illuminated by a bright fairy tale.
Christ is Risen! Congratulations!
With a great and joyful Easter!

Holy Sunday has arrived!
And gave light to the soul, warmth.
Let life be generous gifts
Full of love, happiness, joy!

May on the day of holy Sunday
The good news will enter your home!
And with happiness, joy will warm
And save from bad weather!

The cold has passed. And warm spring
Reborn in every house again.
Happy Easter! Christ's Resurrection!
Let love sing and live!

May on Christ's Sunday
The house will light up with joy
the aroma of cookies,
Laughter of adults and children!
Gather around the table
All the guests who came to the house.
Good news has come down from heaven!
Happy Easter! Christ is risen!

We have been friends with you for many years,
dear friend,
Christ is risen! I'll tell you
And here's what I want:
Let dreams come true
Let men give flowers
Let the heart bloom
And the house will be happy!

I've seen a lot with you
We are together, true friend,
We were looking for common goals
They chased everyone around.
I want to tell you today:
Christ is risen, my friend!
The Lord is among us today
And it's all thanks to Easter!

Great Lent has come to an end
And with it sadness, bad weather,
Let it happen this year
Everything you need for happiness!

The Orthodox world rejoices
Calls for light and goodness!
Christ is risen! I congratulate!
And I'm looking forward to your visit!

Easter greetings.

Congratulations, my dear friend,
Happy Easter day!
I wish you endless joy
Happy home and guests in it!
The big day has come today
Christ is risen! I say
Let by God's command,
Your family will be rich!

Holy Great Easter has come. On such a festive day, with all my heart I want to wish peace in your home and your soul. May goodness, prosperity and God's blessing be present every day in your life. Let the heart be filled with bright joy and hope for a bright future. Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen! The bright light of the great holiday gives hope, happiness and joy to all people. Let the soul be filled with light and warmth, and the house be filled with comfort, prosperity and mutual love. Easter!

My dear friend! I congratulate you on this bright, wonderful day - Great Easter. Let your house illuminate God's light, and your soul will be filled with joy, your heart with love and kindness. Christ is risen!

Buddy, dear! Christ is risen! I wish you unbridled joy, boundless love, boundless happiness. Let your house be filled with comfort, warmth and well-being, and you yourself will be shrouded in attention, care and love. Easter!

On the feast of all Orthodox– Great Easter, I want to wish peace, health and prosperity. May goodness and God's blessings be with you. Christ is risen!

Beautiful and short congratulations on Easter to parents in verse, prose, SMS

It is customary to celebrate Easter Sunday at a large and generous table, in the circle of the closest people, having previously been at a church service.

If you have to celebrate such a great holiday without relatives, you need to think in advance about congratulating your parents. Kind, sincere words in messages will be a pleasant surprise for loved ones.

Grandmother, native, happy holiday to you!
Christ is risen!
And Happy Easter to you!
We wish you happiness, joy
mental kindness,
Peace and wisdom
Health, purity.

Dad, Happy Easter
Here's what I wish for you:
Be strong and healthy
And get around problems.
And do not know big adversities
Happiness, joy to experience,
To do good deeds
Fully rewarded by God!

Happy Easter for brother.

Happy Easter my mommy
We congratulate you.
Be healthy and happy
Gentle, kind, patient.
May the Lord be full to you
And your love will repay.

I want to wish dad for Easter
Betrayal and grief to know less
May the Lord bestow happiness
Real love and luck.

Dear daddy! Happy Easter to you! On this Easter day, all people rejoice in a great divine miracle - the Resurrection of the Lord. I want to wish peace to your soul, peace and harmony in your home. Christ is Risen!

Dear daddy, I congratulate you on Easter! I wish you God's grace, health, spiritual harmony and purity. Let adversity and problems bypass your home. Christ is Risen!

My kind and loving dad! Christ is Risen! This bright day gives us hope for God's intercession and blessing. May the Lord shelter you from problems and hardships, grant joy and health, fill the house with comfort, warmth and kindness. Easter!

Mommy, Christ is Risen! With all my heart I congratulate you on the bright Easter day, which fills you with happiness, joy and God's miracle. I wish you warmth, kindness, health and unbridled joy. Happy Easter, Mommy!

Dear dear mother! Happy Easter to you! May the Lord keep and protect you from problems, hardships and sorrows, grant joy and good health. Christ is Risen!

Beautiful and short congratulations on the holiday of Easter of Christ loved ones in verse, prose, SMS

If a loved one is far away and cannot attend the Easter celebration, it would be appropriate to congratulate him on Easter by sending a congratulatory message or beautiful postcard by phone.

Easter greetings for your girlfriend.

Dear wife, dear,
I congratulate you on Easter!
And I say - Christ is Risen!
Let joy be to heaven
Your dreams come true
Expectations are justified.
May the Lord bless
Our home and those who live in it.

Christ is risen, my man!
Happy holiday has come
And I hope that the Almighty
Bestowed with goodness and joy.
May it keep you from evil
And save you from problems
So that your goals are true,
And only luck awaits you!

Husband, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Hurry to the Easter table
Where we are with our big family,
Let's sing the praise of the Lord!

Christ is risen! Beloved, Happy Easter!
Let your life be like in a fairy tale.
To be loved, respected
And they cooked, pleasured.
And may your labors, efforts,
Will bear fruit, and all desires
Will be embodied in reality.

Beloved girl, Happy Easter
I'm the first to hurry. And I wish now
Health, success and happiness without edges,
So that everything that is conceived - comes true immediately.
Let tenderness, your beauty only bloom,
And did not lose its freshness.
And greets each day with warmth,
Be happy, my dear man!

Dear Beloved Wife Happy Easter, congratulations! You are my extraordinary woman, stay the same kind, smiling, beautiful, desirable and the best wife in the world! Christ is Risen!

On this magical day, saturated with miracles, I want to congratulate you, my beloved, on Easter. I wish that this Easter day will bring you unforgettable impressions and boundless faith in our bright future. Christ is Risen!

My dear, let me congratulate you on this Easter day. I want to wish you good, happiness, peace in the soul and in our home. Christ is Risen!

My beloved, Happy Easter to you! Christ is Risen! May this Easter day bring you peace of mind, happiness and kindness.

Beautiful and short congratulations on the Easter holiday of colleagues in verse, prose, SMS

Colleagues with whom weekdays pass in labor will be sincerely happy to congratulate you on Easter. People who have worked for many years in the same team become big and friendly relatives, and in this case, a beautiful SMS or a congratulatory picture becomes mandatory.

Colleague, bright Easter has come,
And gave us hope.
I wish you could
Find success and plans implemented.
Let luck smile on you
Career growth will come immediately
There is mutual love
So that the hearth of faith does not go out.

On Easter day comes a fairy tale
And lights up every home!
And may the great Easter holiday
Keeps everyone warm.

Easter has come to us!
And illuminated everything!
Colleague, I wish you could
Find success. And all the plans were carried out.

Colleague, Easter day has come!
And happiness rises from heaven.
And let everything be fine.
All the best to you. Christ is risen!

Colleague, Happy Easter!
May all worries and deeds
You decide, like in a fairy tale!
And the house was peaceful and warm.

Easter is coming to us. Christ is risen!
And again bring us joy and goodness.
Let the table be generously laid in the house.
And everyone in his personal life, good luck to find!

Dear colleague! May the bright day of Easter of Christ illuminate your path in creating a prosperous and prosperous life. May the Lord help to create worthily and fruitfully at work, be sensitive and patient at home, and strive for peace, harmony and mutual understanding in relations with others.

A great and bright holiday has come Resurrection of the son of the Lord. Happiness to you, well-being, the mercy of God and his assistance in all matters.

Dear Colleague. Accept sincere congratulations with joyful Christian holiday- Resurrection of Christ! May happiness and joy, prosperity, peace and good health burst into your home along with Easter bells. May God's blessing be the key to peace and spiritual rebirth.

Beautiful and short congratulations on the Easter holiday of classmates in verse, prose, SMS

For each classmate on this Easter day there is a special wish. A beautiful congratulatory message sent to school friends will allow not only to preserve the traditions that our ancestors have passed down for centuries, but also to preserve faith in God and hope for the future.

Pure, Holy Sunday,
This day did not just come!
God's love, blessing,
Brought each one with you!

Here comes Easter
We were all filled with joy:
Jesus is risen today
For peace and good.
Happy holiday -
Happy Easter!
With God's wonderful miracle -
Christ is risen!

Blessed Great Day,
We are gifted by heaven.
Today all the people rejoice.
Christ is risen! He is next to us!

The sun plays with glare
Warms everyone from heaven
Congratulations on Easter!
Good luck and Christ is Risen!

On the beautiful Easter day
All the people rejoice, the street is bright!
My classmates, do not grieve your eyes!
This is the joy of God in every home came.

Christ is risen! I wish you well!
May from adversity and troubles of the earth
Heavenly angel shields
Your family and all your friends!

The bells are ringing like a school bell
But in the soul - peace and grace.
Happy Easter! Christ is risen!
Happiness and kindness - today and always.

Christ is Risen, classmate! May the Easter day light up the whole world with bright light and give hope, happiness and joy. Let the soul be filled with faith, thoughts with goodness, and the heart with love.

Congratulations on Easter, my classmate! I wish that in life there will be a lot of light, warmth, mutual understanding, success and accomplishments. Christ is risen!

How to congratulate on Catholic Easter in verse, prose, SMS?

For Catholics, Easter falls a week earlier than for Christians. The traditional greeting for the Catholic Easter celebration is: Christ is risen from the dead!"and the answer to it:" Blessed is the Resurrection of Christ!».

Easter symbols catholic easter are considered: eggs, chickens, a rabbit. traditional gifts- chocolate figurines of rabbits and chocolate eggs.

On the Catholic Easter Day,
I want to wish
So that all plans come true
And grief not to know.
Let luck please
And let them be lucky in life.

Catholic Easter - the spirit of spring:
Light weather, sunny days.
Let it be a beautiful, fabulous day,
The angel of the Lord will bring happiness.
People raise their hands to the sky
Today our Christ is Risen.

Angels sing to you from heaven
Rejoice - Christ is Risen!
I wish you peace and good
Happy Catholic Easter.

Nature comes alive under the sun
And Easter is coming.
The ringing of bells is heard from the churches,
Where in the morning it's full of people
Communion, gathered to pray,
For health and future life.
And I wish with dear soul,
Peace, happiness and love sick.

Happy Catholic Easter, I congratulate you,
I wish you joy, kindness, happiness.
Let trouble go around your house and family,
There will be faith in the heart, love in the soul.

On this joyful and bright day Catholic Easter, I would like to wish peace, prosperity and kindness. Let your home be filled with comfort, happiness and warmth. Christ is risen from the dead!

How to congratulate German on Easter in German in poetry, prose, SMS?

If your friends live in Germany, and you know German very poorly, then choose an Easter greeting or postcard from our selection.

Der Frühling hängt schon im Gesträuch und überprüft die Wetterlage.
Wir grüßen und wir wünschen euch die schönsten Ostertage.
Spring hid in the bushes and controls the meteorological situation.
We welcome you and wish you wonderful Easter days.

Herzlich will ich dich zu Ostern grüßen
und die Sonne möge strahlend lachen.
Der hase lege dir zu Fußen
lauter angenehme, hübsche Sachen.
Let the sun laugh for you
and the hare rushes to your feet
with a basket of happiness and love.
Please accept my congratulations on Easter!

Hearty Easter greetings and happy egg hunting are wished to You.

How to congratulate on Easter in English in verse, prose, SMS?

Greeting card or message on English language, sent to English-speaking friends, will give them joy and pleasant emotions.

The risen Christ is celebrated in every opened flower, in every beam of nourishing sunlight, in every humble patch of green beneath our feet. Easter blessings.
Every blossoming flower, every gentle ray of sunlight, every patch of green grass at our feet celebrates the resurrection of Christ! Blessed Easter!

He died so that we can live again. Celebrate his love this Easter Day!
He accepted death so that we could live forever. Happy Easter!

May the angels protect you…
May the sadness forget you…
May goodness surround you…
And may Jesus always bless you…
Happy Easter to you and your family!!!
May the angels protect you...
Let sadness forget you...
May goodness surround you...
May Jesus always bless you...
Happy Easter to you and your family!

May all the blessings of the world be embodied in your life by grace. Happy easter!

Answers to congratulations on Easter

You were congratulated first, and you do not know how to respond with a congratulatory message on Easter? Then use our selection of answers to congratulations.

A lot of warmth, kindness, comfort,
Easter will bring you.
Let the soul not be eaten by confusion,
From grief and trouble - the Lord will save.
And even those who do not believe in a fairy tale,
Believe in a miracle of miracles -
On Easter day, good and clear,
The Lord is truly Risen!

News came from heaven
Christ is truly Risen!
With what I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Live well and do not sin!

Today we hear: Christ is Risen!
We, faithfully believing, answer:
That He is truly Risen!
And welcome Easter!

Spring. It's time for miracles.
The brook murmurs - Christ is Risen
And happiness pours to heaven -
Indeed, Christ is Risen!

Everywhere they resound and repeat
Words: "Christ is Risen!".
Smiling at a friend today
I will say: "Truly Risen."
And Happy Easter
Let's hurry to congratulate!
With love and recognition
Meet him!

Indeed, Christ is Risen!
And on Easter Sunday
May it be a miracle of miracles
Will give peace, goodness and happiness.
Let your desires
The Lord will bring it to life.
Problems and suffering
Disperse like dust.

The day of God's salvation has come,
Christ is truly risen.
We thank him for all the suffering,
The sins he took to the cross.

VIDEO: Very tender congratulations on Easter with a beautiful song and words