
Moldavian wedding traditions. Amazing Moldovan Wedding Traditions: Weird but Very Cute Moldovan Wedding Traditions in English

The most fun and spectacular family ritual is the wedding of the young, where the bride and groom are the main participants, the heroes of the celebration. During fasting, weddings were not held, because it is a sin. The period of weddings is closely connected with agricultural activities, when the work in the field ends, then weddings are played.

Like other peoples, Moldovans have a belief that every guy and every girl has her own betrothed destined by fate. There are many forms of divination for a betrothed. Family consciousness is based on love and mutual understanding.
The wedding of the young includes a series of customs and rituals: pre-wedding, wedding and post-wedding. Despite the fact that Moldova is a small country, each region has its own traditions, for example: dishes, the nature of the engagement, the ritual of receiving a dowry, the number of wedding bands, etc. In the past, in the villages in the north, the wedding was celebrated for three days, in the center of Moldova, the wedding lasted a week with many customs and rituals. In the south, the bride left with a dowry to the groom after the engagement, and in the north on the wedding day.

Matchmaking. A traditional Moldavian wedding begins with matchmaking, when the groom with an older relative comes to the bride's parents to ask for her hand in marriage. There are certain forms of requests and appeals to the bride's parents. If the parents agree, the engagement follows in a week or two.

Engagement. The engagement is usually held at the bride's home. At the engagement, they discuss the nature of the wedding, propose the parents to be planted, decide how many wedding bands are needed for the guests, sometimes they agree on a dowry, etc. In the center and north of the country, only the closest relatives of the bride and groom, who are witnesses to the contract, come to the engagement. They set the wedding day, choose music, dishes, the place where the wedding will take place, decide the share of participation of guests and the contribution of parents to organizing the wedding of the young.

Answer. A few days or a week after the engagement, at the groom’s house, an “answer” is carried out (everything is finally decided). The bride's parents come to the groom with several people and with their parents, if at that time they have already been chosen and have given their consent to participate in the wedding. The decision of the young to get married is confirmed with gifts, the girl's parents give rolls, towels and drinks.

The most revered at the wedding are the bride, groom and planted parents. Being planted by parents at a wedding is a great honor. There is a beautiful custom when the parents of the bride or groom give two rolls and a towel to the future parents. Parents give these kalachs to people they want to see as planted parents at their children's wedding, thus inviting them to be planted parents, and they should consider their options and accept kalachi, which will be considered consent or refuse kalachi. In fact, it is not good to refuse to marry someone, because it is a sin to push them away from you. Young people become like children for planted parents. If the planted parents are chosen, then they can be present at the engagement and at the "answer", they have the right to express their opinion on what the wedding should be like and what gifts are needed.

During the “answer”, the wedding day and its character (large, small), wedding bands, dowry, parents’ contribution and gifts for the imprisoned parents, etc. are finally approved.

One of the most important tasks for the wedding was the preparation of the dowry. Often disputes arose during the discussion of the dowry of the bride and groom. In the center of Moldova, a girl was given as a dowry: carpets, rugs, towels, pillows, blankets, etc. In the Orhei region, until recently, girls were given a barrel of wine and a new barrel, because a lot of grapes are grown in the central part of the republic. The guys in this region were given: a place to build a house, building materials, a horse, etc. An interesting fact is that mothers everywhere prepare a blanket and a pillow for their sons, which they lay separately for their husband, in case he, God forbid, is in a quarrel with his wife. In past centuries, in wealthy families, large and expensive items were recorded on the “dowry list”.

In the central zone of Moldova, there are other pre-wedding customs: “the day of sifting flour”, “cutting out the shirt by the mother-in-law”, “washing the bride”, “shaving the groom”, etc.

"Sifting Day" is usually held on Thursday, because this day is considered good for doing housework. A boy and a girl are invited, flour and coins are poured into a sieve decorated with red ribbons, the children sift the first sieve and take the coins for work. Then the family kneads the dough and bakes kalachi for the planted parents, matchmakers, kalach for the bride and groom. Preserved in history folk traditions the custom of “cutting the shirt by the mother-in-law”, when the bridegroom’s mother and one or two other women came to the bride and cut the mother-in-law’s shirt, which the bride had to embroider before the wedding. Each custom contains elements of jokes and humor. The shirt was cut wide, with a narrow collar "so that the mother-in-law does not talk much."

Wedding invitation. Close relatives are supposed to be invited to the wedding with drinks, this should be done by parents or young people. Especially for the invitation to the wedding, the best men of honor, tied with a scarf or towel, come on horseback with a beautiful wooden flask to invite the rest of the guests.

When one of the parents is no longer alive, they follow the tradition, on the morning of the wedding day they go to the cemetery to symbolically invite them to the wedding. This gesture is associated with belief and ethical laws of respect for the memory of ancestors.

Bride's wedding. In the past, the wedding itself was celebrated on Sunday and lasted 2-3 days. According to tradition, the wedding began in the morning at the bride's house.

Bride dressing. At home with their parents, first they dress the bride for the wedding - “dressing the bride” (if the groom brought a wedding gift in the evening - a dress, veil and shoes), and if not, then they waited for the groom to come with gifts. The bride is surrounded by friends and a woman who is preparing the bride. If the gifts are brought on the wedding day, the man delivers the wedding congratulatory speech in verse to the offerings.
In the past, the bride gave the groom an embroidered national shirt and a belt as a gift, all this was offered on a kalach, thus an exchange of offerings took place.

While dressing the bride, the bridesmaids sing a song about the moment of farewell to freedom, a smile, childhood, that she is one step away from creating a family and she will yearn for her parents, brothers and sisters, etc.

While dressing the bride, friends and relatives sing to her the sad song of the bride:
“Be quiet, bride of tears, do not shed,
We'll take you to your mother
When the cancer hangs on the mountain
and the fish will sing…

Forgiveness of the bride. In the house of the bride, a “forgiveness of the bride” is held, she kneels before her parents, asks for forgiveness and blessing to get married, says goodbye to her home. Her parents bless her. "Forgiveness of the Bride" can also be held together with the groom when he comes for her.

On the same morning, the groom also conducts a ritual of “forgiveness”, when the groom asks for forgiveness from his parents and receives their blessing. For “forgiveness”, the groom’s table is set and a kalach and a handful of wheat are placed in the corners of the table as a symbol of abundance for the future. The groom kisses each kalach and takes a little grain from each handful and throws it over his shoulder, then he approaches his parents, asks for forgiveness and blessings.

Bride ransom. The groom, accompanied by music, best men tied with scarves and a friend decorated with flowers, comes to pick up the bride. In some villages, the groom and his friends first come to the planted parents, where they are seated at the table, then they all go together to redeem the bride.

First of all, at the gate, the bride and groom exchange rolls, one of the rolls is broken into pieces and all unmarried and unmarried people try to get a piece as a sign of happiness.

At the gates of the bride's house, the parents with wine and a beautifully woven roll meet the groom and his entourage. The parents raise the kalach high and the groom and his guests pass under it. The bride greets the groom by pouring water in front of him, which symbolizes fertility in all things. Then all the guests sit down at the table - the “bride's table”. When they get up from the table, everyone joins hands and goes out to the common choir, to the dance of the bride, where she and the groom dance the first dance, they are surrounded by the choir of youth. Then they take away the dowry (if they did not take it after the engagement), which also represents a ritual. In some villages, baked chicken is placed on top of the dowry chest so that the young people eat it themselves and do not share it with anyone. At the bride's house, the groom is asked to pay a ransom for the dowry and the bride. Between the groom, brothers and sisters of the bride, there is a bargaining with jokes, they put a knife at the door and demand a ransom.

After a symbolic payment, the dowry is taken away and the “dowry dance” is danced to a special song - ostropets. All the dowry (carpets, pillows, runners, etc.) is taken out by the groom's friends, lifted up and dancing with him. It is an honor to have a rich dowry, the whole village will see it when they take it from the bride and take it home to the groom. People in the village have preserved the tradition of highly appreciating the diligence and skill of girls and condemning laziness and a small dowry.

When the groom leaves the house with the bride, her mother throws wheat and sweets after them so that their life is sweet and the house is a full bowl, no matter what happens, the bride should not turn around to the house so as not to return. The ransom of the bride with a dowry is a very beautiful performance that all the villagers are waiting for to see the young people, as they, with music and with the whole wedding procession, go to the registry office to register the marriage. Often water is poured in front of the young as a symbol of fertility, and the groom scatters coins. After, wedding procession goes to the groom, but the bride's parents and her married relatives do not go with them, but gather at the bride's house and come in the afternoon.

Horses were used in the wedding cortege, on which honorary best men informed people about the wedding. The bride and groom walked, and if the groom's house was far away, then they rode in a carriage, and in winter on a sleigh. Today, the wedding procession consists of many cars decorated with flowers and ribbons.
Along with the ransom of the bride, the custom of “bride theft” is traditionally encountered, which differs in the form of the agreement between the matchmakers and the nature of the wedding.

Vulpya- (“Fox” or “Vadra”) The custom “Vulpya” is performed when the groom is from another village, and he takes the bride to him, the guys block the exit from the village with chains, stand on the barricades, preventing the bride from leaving the village and ask for payment for the bride . They put a thread in the middle of the road and ask the groom for a "vulpya" - a gift in the form of wine and money. Sometimes the groom tries to get around the main road, but all exits from the village are guarded, especially if the girl is good. They ask for “vulpya” for her, thus showing their respect for the girl.

Reception of the bride by the groom. The groom's parents are waiting for the "wedding", that is, the wedding cortege with the bride and groom. They meet the young with a kalach in their hands, treat the young with cakes, wine, nuts, jam or honey, after which they treat the planted parents and other guests. Guests walk through the gate or threshold of the house under the kalach - a sacred symbol of wealth and honor. The groom's mother takes one end of the towel and throws the towel over the young, grabs the other end so that the young are in the towel, and leads the young into the house. Appetizers are then served on the table.

Groom's wedding. With the arrival of the young and the guests, the wedding begins at the groom's house. Dancing begins, the villagers come to watch. Everyone dances until evening. The guests arrive in an organized manner one by one, the most important moment being the arrival of the planted parents. They are met on the road leading to the house, the groom with the bride and musicians go out in advance and honor the planted parents, after which they all go into the yard together. They also meet the bride's parents with her relatives. When the bride's parents and relatives arrive, the first wedding table is served with appetizers.
The wedding is played in the evening. They don’t say “hold a wedding”, but “play”, because a wedding should be fun.

Table for youth. Until recently, according to tradition, in the early evening they organized a table for young people, which began with the passage of young people with burning candles, washing their hands, shaking hands and presenting gifts to the bride and groom by rural youth, after which they sat down at the wedding table.

They got up from the table and danced the chorus, and the bride and groom were in the center of the circle. After several dances, the youth went home, and at that time invited guests came. Close relatives came during the day to see how the wedding was going and, if necessary, to help the bride. The arrival of married guests was original. Each family came with a pair of rolls covered with a beautiful towel and a decanter of wine. The wife baked kalachi, and the husband carried them. The hostess was judged by how skillfully the towel was embroidered and how well the rolls were baked.
Until midnight, everyone is celebrating and waiting for the “Masa Mare” (“Main Wedding Table”).

"Masa mare"- ("Main table") This ritual in wedding ceremony the most important, if you are invited to a wedding, you can skip some rituals and stages, but you must be present at the “masa mare”. "Masa mare" begins with the passage of the imprisoned parents and young people to the "table of the imprisoned", with burning candles that are stuck into the bride's and the groom's kalach. During the feast, everyone eats, they watch how the rituals are performed and how the candles burn, so they judge what the life of the young will be like in the future.

Washing hands- a ritual that reminds of hygiene and demonstrates the attitude of Moldovans towards it. The cleanliness of the home, the body has always been very important. The ritual of "washing hands" begins from the moment when the groom pours water on the hands of the planted parents, and the bride gives them a towel to wipe their hands, then the planted parents pour water on the hands of the young and give them a towel. After that, the “masa mare” begins under the guidance of the imprisoned parents, who are assisted by matchmakers and honorary best men.

The tying ritual ("Legetorile"). The binding ritual is a spectacle of great significance. "Legatorile" - gifts that the bride's parents give to the ordained parents and relatives of the groom. Parents, dancing with gifts in their hands, so that everyone can see them, put gifts on the table. If among other peoples the groom has to pay bride price for the bride, as if he is buying her or paying a certain amount for getting workers, the Moldovans, on the contrary, in order to maintain the social status of a good owner who respects traditions, as a symbol of kinship with the groom’s relatives, the bride’s parents had to give gifts the groom's family.

Planted parents are tied with 2-4 beautifully embroidered and lace-tied towels, which, dancing, are presented on two rolls. In addition to towels, they also give an expensive gift, usually a carpet, and children of planted parents are also given towels, but smaller ones. Relatives of the bride and best man dance with gifts. Then they tie the groom's relatives and the people of the planted parents: men with a towel, and women with scarves.

Kalachi for matchmakers or "twinning". At the end of the tying ritual, the matchmakers exchange rolls covered with decorative towels and gifts, the matchmaker is presented with a shirt, and the matchmaker is given a dress. Shirt and dress must be made from the same piece of fabric. This moment is important because they become relatives and will be called matchmakers.

Present. After that, the ritual of "gifting" begins. At the same time, the hand is given to the young through a wedding scarf to protect them from infection. First, the planted parents give gifts to the young, then the groom's parents, then the brides, then close relatives and, finally, all the other guests. Each of the guests approaches the young, shakes hands, and wishes them all the best.

Counting money - all the guests sit down at the table, and the parents and young people go to count the money, then come back and tell everyone how much the young people have collected money and thank everyone for their help. Everyone sits down at the table, and at this time everyone can make a speech. The groom's relatives dance hand in hand around the tables to keep the wedding going. Hot and cold dishes are served, the total number of which is more than 30, only cold dishes come in more than 15 types. During the “masa mare” (main table) there are breaks, after cold snacks they go out to dance, dance for 1-2 hours, then serve hot, at this time rituals related to ethics and gratitude are performed.

“They bring stuffed cabbage” - cooks with whooping and ditties bring stuffed cabbage. After that, they are paid off, in the process of a special theatrical dance, when they bring "hen for nanash (planted father)". All other dishes are served, and at the end of the feast - those that symbolically mean the completion of "masa mare" (prunes, baba, "plakie" (sweet rice porridge)), after which the ritual of "undressing and tying the bride" begins.

Women take part in undressing or tying the bride, who sing a song that the bride is now a wife, she is no longer with girls, but with women, etc.

The groom sits on a chair, a pillow is placed on his knees, on which the bride is seated. At this time, the planted mother removes the wreath and veil from her head and puts it on one of her friends, “so that she will get married soon.” They remove the flower from the groom's chest and attach it to the chest of an unmarried guy. The girl and the guy, who were given the attributes of the young, dance, and the planted mother gives gifts to the newlyweds: the bride - an apron and a scarf that she puts on her, dishes, and the groom - a shirt, etc. The rest of the women also give gifts to the young and put money for the lapel of the scarf on the head of the bride. Then the planted mother treats everyone present with wine, champagne and cake. This is also called the "sweet table" of the bride. According to tradition, the bride had to prepare a special tablecloth and 6-12 napkins for this treat.

After that, closer to the morning, "they thank the musicians." At the end wedding ceremony there is a “gift of the mother-in-law shirt”, she is put on over the clothes of the groom’s mother and jokingly instructed her to speak less.

Seeing off the imprisoned father. The planted father is escorted on the second day in the morning, with music and fun along the way. At the house of the planted father, all the guests sit down "at the table of the planted father." Thus, the wedding, which began yesterday, ends only on the second day.

Second evening after the wedding. On the second day, all relatives gather again and organize a fun comic evening, dress up and depict a wedding. For this holiday table they prepare "zamu" (chicken broth), pies, etc. On the second evening, which is called the "evening of plates", "benquet" (feast), "kale" (path), "la uncrop" (boiling water), women they bring gifts for the bride: dishes, cereals, fabrics - whoever can. In the past, woolen tows were brought in so that the young mistress had something to do while she did not have her own material.

The Moldavian wedding ritual includes a number of post-wedding customs that most people try to follow. These customs emphasize respect for the imprisoned parents, who become the second parents for the newlyweds.

In the future, the young family should visit the planted parents on all holidays, help them and consult with them on all important issues.

CHISINAU, September 16 - Sputnik, Elena Komolova. The wedding, it seems, has already ceased to be a holiday for the young, but has become a kind of strength test for the future family. A Moldovan wedding is not just a magnificent celebration with beautiful customs, a rich table and festivities, smoothly stretching for several days, to some extent this ritual has grown into an "arms race". In their competition for the title of "my wedding will be better and richer than kumetru" many couples make the same mistakes...

Not a wedding, but a relay race ...

The Moldavian wedding is known for its luxury and abundance of customs. Young people often try to fit everything in one day - shooting, painting, wedding, a trip for nanash, and a restaurant with festivities until the morning. During the day, the young simply do not have time to enjoy the holiday in their honor, have fun and chat with the guests, and by the end of the celebration, the young are squeezed like a lemon.

© Sputnik / Miroslav Rotar

Memorial Complex "Eternity"

In Moldova, the timing of wedding events is not particularly developed, and young people most often take matters into their own hands, distributing time as they see fit. As a result, there is a confusion with delays and deviations from the schedule, nerves and a spoiled mood.

Advice: it is better to start the wedding day early, and not postpone it in the hope that, having slept, it will good mood and everything can be done. As they say, the earlier the day starts, the more time for the distribution of all activities. Some stretch official events for several days.

Fathers and sons, or the struggle of generations

The views of young people, as a rule, diverge quite strongly from the proposals of their parents. Often not just disputes arise, but serious conflicts on this basis - up to the cancellation of the wedding. For example, one side believes that there should be as many guests as possible, others are sure that the wedding should be more modest - only for loved ones. Misunderstanding may appear due to rituals, in which young people begin to lose interest. In addition, in each family, these traditions may differ from each other. Contests can also be a subject of dispute.

Advice: it is better for young people to gather at a large table with their parents and the leader of the wedding and try to come to compromises about traditions, competition and the number of guests.

Wedding loan and greedy guests

In order for the wedding to be better than that of a neighbor, in our country, some resort to taking a bank loan to organize the celebration. But the question is whether the holiday will pay off. Times are still crisis ... It is worth remembering that there are simply greedy people. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to expect that by inviting more guests, you can recoup the money invested in the wedding.

Advice: start off family life better without debts, competently plan a wedding, find opportunities to save on trifles, which, in principle, can be abandoned. After all, the money saved will not be superfluous for the newlyweds.

Children's dreams and adult requests

A childhood dream - a fabulous dress and a prince on a white horse has mutated somewhat. The need of modern young ladies for a prince remains, but now the horse has not given up to them for nothing.

Now the brides are waiting under their windows for the faithful in a luxurious limousine. Yes, only in pursuit of a dream do young people forget about common sense and prudence. After all, a limousine is not only an expensive means of transportation, but also very cumbersome - you can’t drive it everywhere along the Chisinau roads and streets. Many couples do not even think about how much money they lose by ordering such a car for a day, but in fact they can ride it for a maximum of an hour and a half.

Advice: it is better to plan your expenses correctly, and if it is still impossible to refuse a limousine, then you should order it a couple of hours before arriving at the restaurant, and not in the morning. Thus, you can save a lot and effectively appear in front of the guests.

fashion is my profession

When choosing a wedding attire, you need to remember that the bride/groom will have to be in it all day - at the registry office, and in the church, and at the photo shoot, and in the restaurant, and dance, and even cut the cake. Although it is beautiful on a hairpin, it is unlikely that the bride will be able to walk the entire distance on them without batting an eyelid.

Advice: suit, dress, shoes should be comfortable. If the "victims of beauty" cannot be avoided, then it is better to get a change - a second dress, a spare shirt for the groom and spacious shoes so that you can light up on the dance floor and feel comfortable after all the official events and photo shoots.

Photo for memory

The first family photos of the young begin with the wedding, and it is better to devote some time to filming with your soulmate, and not drag the entire detachment of guests and relatives with you. After all, young people will have to take care of transport for transporting those close to the location for filming and make sure that the guests do not get bored on the spot. Moreover, selfie lovers and "advisers" will only prevent young people from focusing on each other. In addition, shooting with a large number of people takes a lot of time and you can simply be late for the next stage of your holiday.

Advice: photos with family and friends can be taken in the hall where the main celebrations will take place by organizing a beautiful photo zone. Thus, the young will have pictures with all the guests of their holiday. And for wedding photo shoot a bridesmaid will be enough, who, in which case, will help to fix the dress, veil or makeup.

The moral of this story is...

In Moldova, weddings are really treated in a special way. The holiday must not be the same for everyone. However, in their desire to make the wedding "better than the neighbour's" young people with my own hands this beautiful rite is almost turned into an "arms race".

A short Russian-Moldovan phrasebook is an indispensable tool for tourists, vacationers and travelers in Moldova.

The phrasebook lists not only elementary words and expressions (translated "yes", "no", "thank you", "good afternoon" - with pronunciation in Moldovan), but also thematic vocabulary, specially selected for tourists.

In particular, using the Russian-Moldovan phrasebook, you can briefly tell about yourself, clarify the location of the desired object in the city (train station, museum, beach, shop) and ask how to get to it. Also, the Moldavian phrasebook includes numerals; everyday expressions for communication in shops and food markets; names of fruits, vegetables, local dishes.

All words and phrases are grouped into thematic and situational blocks so that the phrasebook is easy to use.

Common expressions

Good evening! Bune Ceara!
Good morning! Bune diminea "ca!
Good afternoon Bune ziua!
Hello! Bune ziua, bune ceara, mink!
I wish you good luck, happiness! Mink!
Hello! Salut!
We greet you! Ve salutem!
Greetings! Ve salut!
Let me greet you on behalf of... Perm "tetsim se ve salut un numele...
Welcome! (with arrival!) Bine atz Venit!
Welcome! Bukuros de oa "special!
Glad (glad) to see you! Bine to you (team) gesit!
What a pleasant meeting! Che plechere!
Long time no see! Well, neam vezut de un kar de an!
Goodbye! La revedere!
All the best (all the best!) Ku bene!
Good night! Noah "pte boo" ne!
Till tomorrow! Nope!
Be healthy! Se fit senetos
Be healthy! Se fiy senetos!
I wish you good luck, happiness! Ve doresk sukche "s, fericire!
Happy to stay! Remy "nets ku bine
See you soon! Pe chickens "nd
Hope to see you soon! Sper se we don’t keep chickens "nd!
Please say hello to a friend. Transmi "tets, ve horn, salute, receive" tenului
Farewell! farewell! Adi "yo!
Happy (good) way! Drum boon!
Young woman! Dudu "e / domnishoare!
Girl! Feti "tso!
Boy! Beetsa "shule!
Young man! Tee "nere!
Dear friends! Drudge welcome!
Can I ask you...? Pot se ve horn...?
May I ask you...? Pot se ve intreb...?
Let me ask you...? Ym dats voe se ve yntreb ..?
Tell me please.. Spunecim, ve horn...
Be kind.... Fitz amabile...
Allow me please... Permitetsim (datsim voe), ve horn...
do you know each other? Ve kuno "ashtets?
Do we know each other. Don't kunoashtem.
Get acquainted! Fa "chet kunoshtintse!
What's your last name? Kare este numele dumnevoa "stra de surname?
What is your name? Kare este numele dumnevoastre?
What is your name? Kum ve numits?
My last name... Numelé meu de surname natural...
Let me introduce you... Datsim voe se ve gift...
My friend Pe arrived meu
My friend Pe nice mea
my spouse Pe soci "I mea
My wife Pe nevasta mea
my spouse Pe social meu
my husband Pe babatul meu
My son Pe fiul meu
my daughter Pe fiyka mea
my father Pe tatal mea
My sister Pe sora mea
My brother Pe fratele meu


We arrived in Moldova.. Am sucks yn moldova...
With a delegation Ku o delegation de special
To the international conference La o conference internationale
With a group of tourists Ku un group de tourism
On vacation / vacation Eun konchediu / Eun wakatse
Tell me, please, where is... a street, a hotel, a museum, a park, a theatre, an exhibition? Spunecim, ve horn, unde natural...strada, hotelul, museul, parkul, theaterul, exposition?
Is it far ... a bus stop, a taxi rank, a pharmacy, a square? Is there a departe ... station de autobus, station de taximeter, pharmacy, piazza?
How to get to...? Kum se poate ajunje la...?
How does is called? Qom se numeshte achasta?
What is this? What is often?
Excuse me, what did you say? Skuzats, Cheats spuss?
What is it about? / What is the matter? Despre che is a vorba?
What's happened? Che sa yntymplat?
Who you are? Chine syntets dumneavoastre?
Who is he/she/? Chine este dynsul / dynsa?
What do you want? Che doritsya?
What is your/his/her last name? Kare este numele dumneavoastre / al dynsului / al dynsey
What is your name? Kare este prenumele dumneavoaster?
How is your health? Kum station ku senatatea?
Where are we going tonight? Unde merjem disearé?
What time is it now? Kitty este chasul?
How are you? / How are you? Che may fachets / godfather o ducets?
My sincere congratulations! Felicitere cordiale!
Happy New Year! La mults an! or An nou felicit!
Happy Birthday! La mults an!
Congratulations on your arrival in our country / in our city! Ve felichit ... ku opportunity sosiry dumneavoastre yn tsar noastra / in yelled nostra!
I wish you happiness and health! Wa doresk mink shi senetate!
Good time! Se fie yntrun hour bun!
For your health! Eun senetatea dumneavoastre!
Cheers! Eun senetatya ta!
To the health of all those present! Eun senetatea tutulor chelor de fatse!
For our friendship! Pentru welcome noastra!
Thank you Mulcumesk!
Thank you! Mulcumesk!
Thank you/you! Ve / yts / multsumesk!
Thank you for attention! Mulcumesk Pentru Atentie!
Thank you very much! Mulcumesk frumos (ve foarte multzumesk)
Please! (response to gratitude) Ku plachere / forever pentra che!
Yes Yes
Fine! Binet!
I agree / I agree Synth de acord
With pleasure! Ku plachere!
No Well
I can't Well sweat
I don't want Well vreau
Never! Nichodate!
You are not right! Well hello drapate!
Incredible! De necrezut!
This is wrong Well, este kiar asha
Excuse me, please! Speak, ve horn!
What a pity! Che pack!
I am very sorry Regret forte mult
Please accept my apologies! Ve horn se take skuzele mele!


auto repair station Reparations auto-moto / reparat, ii auto-moto
Pharmacy Pharmacy / farmacie
Veterinary Pharmacy Farmacie veterinara`
Grocery Bekenie/ba`ca`nie
Bar bar
Gas station Peco/peco
Ticket office Casa de tickete / casa de tickete
Bistro Buffet express/bufet expres
Hospital Spital / hospital
bookstore Anticariat/anticariat
Bakery Franzelarie / franzela`rie
Buffet Buffet
Tourism Bureau Agencia de turism/agent,ie de turism
county tourism office Oficiul judecean de tourism
Guilt Vinur / vinuri
Exhibition Exposure / exposit, ie
Newspapers magazines Ziare, reviste / ziare, reviste
Haberdashery Haberdashery / galanterie (mercerie)
Deli Shop alimentar/magazin alimentar
grocery store Alimentara / alimentara
Grocery store Produse alimentare / produse alimentare
Hats Pelarium/pa`la`rii
Hotel Hotel
Women's hairdresser Coafor / coafor
Delicacy Delicatessen/delicatese
Child's world Lumea copiilor / lumea copiilor
Mirrors.glass Oglinz.dzhyamur / oglinzi. Geamuri
Toys Jucariy/juca`rii
Advance Ticket Office Agenzie de voyage / agent, ie de voiaj
Cafe bar Cafe-bar
Book Shop Libra'rie
Carpets Covoare
Leather goods Marochina'rie
Sausages Mezeluri
Commission shop Consignat, ie
Confectionery Coffee shop/cofeta`rie
canned food Canned/conserve
Candy, confectionery Bomboane, dulchur / bomboane, dulciuri
Coffee Cafe/cafea
medicinal plants Plante medicinale / plante medicinale
first aid post Paramedic / punct sanitar
Milk Lapte / lapte
Dairy Produse lactate/produse lactate(brinzeturi)
Meat Carne / carne
Currency exchange Skimb de valuta / scimb de valuta`
Shoe workshop Atelier de ynkeltseminte / atelier de inca`lt, a`minte
Vegetables. Fruits Legume. Fruit/legume. fruit
Cloth Imbrekeminte/imbra`ca`minte
Optics. Glasses Optics. Okelar / optica. Ochelari
Bus stop Station de autobuz / stat,ie de autobuz
Salon Frizerie / frizerie
Beer Bererie/bera`rie
Present. Souvenirs Kadour. Amintyr/cadouri. Amintiri
Semi-finished products Semipreparate/semipreparate
Mail. Post office Post. Oficio sent / pos, ta
bee products Produse apicole/ produse apicole
Bird Peser/pa`sa`ri
Shoe repair Chizma`rie
Repair.... Reparations/reparat,ii.....
shirts Camesh/ca`ma`s,i
Stock Deposit
Sporting goods Articole sportive / articole sportive
Inquiry Office birou de informat,ii
bags Poshete/pos,ete
Tobacco. Tobacco products Tutun. Tutunjerie/ tutun
pay phone telephone public
fabrics textiles. Stofe/textile. Stofe
Knitwear Knitwear/tricotaje
Decorations Podoabe/podoabe
Department store Store Universal
Fruits fruit
Bread Pyne/piine
Household goods Articole de menaj / articole de menaj
Art Gallery Galeriile de arte / galeriile de arta
Artistic handicrafts Artisanate / artizanat
Flowers (flower shop) Florer (florerie) / flori (flora`rie)
Watch Chasur / ceasuri
Jewelry repair shop Juvaergerie / djuvaergerie


Walking around the city Pe jos prin orash / pe jos prin oras,
Please tell me how to get to....? Spunecim, ve horn, kum se azhunje la ....?
How many minutes does it take to get to...? Eun kyte minute approximative, se poate ajundzhe pe zhos pyne la ...?
What's the best way to get through? Kum se azhunnje mai bine?
Get on trolley bus number... And go to.... Luats sau trolleybuzul numerul.... Shi merjem pyne la....
Go straight, back, left, right Merdzhets drept ynaint, ynypoy, la stynga, la drepta
It is far from here? (no. It's not far) Have a departe de haiche? (well. Well, este departe)
I really want to get acquainted with such an interesting city Doresk forte mult se kunosk un orash de interesant
I wish you success! Ve doresk succes!
Thank you, goodbye, all the best Ve multsumesk, la revedere, cubine


eggplant Vinete / vinete
Gogoshar (sweet pepper variety) Gogoshar / gogos,ari
Peas Mazere / maza "re
Zucchini Dovlecei / dovlecei
Cabbage Varze / varza"
Potato Potato / potato
Kohlrabi Gulie, guli / gulie, gulii
Onion Chape / ceapa"
Leek Praz / praz
Carrot Carrots
cucumbers Castravets / castravet, i
Pepper Ardey / ardei
Parsley Patrunzhel / pa "trunjel
Tomatoes Roshy / ros, ii
Radish Ridiki de lune / ridichi-de-luna"
green salad Lettuce verde / salata "verde
Beet Sfekle / sfecla"
Pumpkin Dovleac / dovleac
Dill Marar / ma "rar
Beans Uskate beans / fasoleuscata"
string beans Bean verde / fasole verde
Horseradish Khrean / hrean
Garlic Usturoy / usturoi


apricots Caise
Quince Gutui / gutui
oranges Portocale / portocale
watermelons Pepen Verz / pepeni verzi
Bananas Banana
Grape Poame
Cherry Vishine / vis,ine
Pears Pere / pere
melons Pepen galben / pepeni dalbeni
strawberries Fragi / fragi
Raisin Stafide / stafide
Strawberry Kepshun / ca "ps, uni
Lemon Lamy / la "mii
Raspberries Zmeure / zmeura"
nuts Nuch / nuci
Peaches Piersici / piersici
plums Prune/ prune
Currant Koakese / coaca "ze
Dates Kurmale / curmale
Apples Measure / mere

Everyday expressions

Give me please... Datsim, ve rog ... / dat, i-mi, va "rog ...
...2 kg potatoes Doue kilograme de potatoes
... half a kilo of onions About zhumetate kilogram de chape
... a bunch of green onions About legature de cape verde
... 3 kg of apples Trey kilogramme de mere
Let me know please... Kynteritsim, ve horn
...big watermelon Un Pepene Verde, Mare
...this melon Acest pepene galben
...two lemons dowe lamy
...a kilo of pears Un kilo de pere
...three kilograms of plums Trey kilograme de prune
How much to pay for everything? Kyt requires to pay pentra that one?
What is the price? Kit cost?
I like/dislike this Achasta ym crying / num crying
Where is the checkout located? Unde este kasa?
I would like to buy Ash vrea se kumper
Show me please... Aretacim, ve horn...
Please show... Fits bune, aretacim


1 Unu, unu / unu, un
2 Doi, doue / doi, doua`
3 Trey
4 Patru / patru
5 Chinch / cinci
6 Shase / s,ase
7 Apte/ s,apte
8 Opt/opt
9 Noue / noua"
10 Zece / zece
11 Unsprezece/ unsprezece
12 Doisprezece/ doisprezece
13 Treisprezece/ treisprezece
14....19 Paisprezeche ....... nouesprezeche / paisprezece ....... Noua "sprezece
20 Douezech / doua "zeci
21 Doueze shi unu / doua "zeci s, i unu
22 Doueze shi doi / doua "zeci s, i doi
30 Treyzech / treizeci
31 Treizeci shi unu / treizeci s, i unu
40.....90 Patruzech ..... Nouezech / patruzeci .... noua "zeci
100,101, 200, 300....900 O sute, o sute unu, doue sute, trey sute.....noue sute / ....o suta".....
1000, 1001, 2000, 5000, 10000 O mie, o mie unu, doue mi, chinch mi, zeche mi / ..... O mie ......
100000 About suta de mii / o suta "de mii
1000000 Un million / un million


In the comments, you can add phrases in the Moldavian language that are useful for fellow travelers - with translation into Russian.

The Moldovan wedding is very similar to the marriage of other European countries, but the ancient rites are still revered here. For example, Moldovans rarely hold celebrations when the harvest is in progress. Weddings also do not walk in the post. Traditions vary slightly depending on the region. So, in the south, the bride went to the groom's house after the engagement, and in the north only after the wedding.

How it all starts

Formation family relations starts with marriage. Matchmakers come to the bride's house and announce the young man's intention to marry the girl. When the parents of the young give an agreement, in a couple of weeks they set the day of the engagement. It is held in the bride's house, where they solve organizational issues related to the wedding celebration.

In all regions of Moldova, it is customary to invite only the closest relatives to the engagement. On this day, a modest feast is held for guests who will become witnesses at the wedding, and the amount of money needed for the wedding is also negotiated, it is distributed between both parties.

A week after the engagement, a return ceremony is held at the groom's house. Here, too, a small feast is held and the last nuances of the organization are discussed. Also on this day, the young are given gifts: often these are national bread, towels and wine. During the reciprocal engagement, the planted parents are selected from the invited guests, who will marry the newlyweds. The parents of the bride and groom give people whom they want to see in this role, rich rolls as a sign of invitation. It is considered impolite to refuse it, so the invitation is always accepted with gratitude. But the planted parents do not have the right to vote, they do not participate in organizing the wedding.

A special topic of discussion during the return ceremony was the topic of dowry. Not infrequently, a lot of controversy arose on this basis. In the central region of the country, it was customary to give palaces, carpets, towels, bed linen and other utensils. The guy was allocated a land plot for the construction of a house, materials for this, a horse and more.

Moldovan traditions of celebrating a wedding consist of several national customs. These include ritual days of “sifting flour” and “cutting out a shirt by the mother-in-law”. The first ritual is always scheduled for Thursday, as homework is honored on this day. A girl and a boy are invited to perform the ceremony. They put coins in a sieve and pour flour, the kids sift it, and take the coins for themselves as payment for their work. The dough is kneaded from this flour, and kalachi is baked for the young and their parents. The second rite involves cutting out a shirt for the groom's mother. She comes to the bride in advance along with other women and cuts out a shirt for herself, and the bride must embroider it before the wedding day. All these rituals take place in a playful and cheerful way.

How is the wedding

Previously, the wedding celebration always began on Sunday and lasted from two to three days. It begins at the bride's house, where the groom arrives in the morning. While the bride's relatives entertain the participants of the wedding train, the young woman is dressed in an outfit brought by the groom. When she is ready, she goes out to the young man and presents her gifts on a kalach - a shirt embroidered by her and a belt.

Before the marriage ceremony, several more rituals take place. First, the young ask for forgiveness from their parents and receive a blessing for the wedding. Then the ransom of the Moldovan bride takes place. It represents the arrival of the groom at the bride's house, when a symbolic dowry payment is given. All this is fun, with competitions and participation of guests. Before going to the registry office, the young people break the kalach and treat all unmarried and unmarried guests. When the wedding procession leaves the gate, the mother of the bride throws wheat and sweets after the young, so that they live in prosperity and love.

The groom's parents greet the young cordially, with prepared treats. The newlyweds cross the threshold of the house under a kalach, which is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The mother-in-law wraps a towel around the bride and groom and leads them into the house.

Next comes the turn of the wedding feast. The Moldovan wedding, music, dances are very incendiary, and the festival itself stretches for several days. In the afternoon, all the guests leave the house and go to the gate to meet the parents of the bride and the parents.

In the evening, a feast begins, at the beginning of which the planted parents and young people pass along the table, holding candles, and stick them into wedding cakes. They also perform a tying ritual, when kalym is paid to the groom, and not to the bride.

During the Moldavian wedding, relatives and imprisoned parents are treated with great respect. They are also visited after the celebration.

Traditionally, the Moldavian wedding is celebrated in autumn. This state is famous for its harvest of vegetables and fruits. And these products occupy the main place on wedding table. And, of course, Moldovan wine also takes pride of place at the festival.

Beloveds begin their preparations long before wedding celebration. First, you need to decide on the date of the wedding, it should not fall during Lent. Secondly, it is necessary to select witnesses and nahouls. Nashauls are a couple who, after the holiday, will help the young family with advice.

The beginning of preparations for the wedding begins with the presentation of the invitation to the nahauls. The groom presents a treat to the planted kalachi couple. At this time, all friends are notified about the upcoming event. But the parents of the chosen one close the entrance to the house. Matchmakers with the groom tell a parable to win the trust of the bride's parents. Now it's time to redeem the beloved. Before the action begins, a knife is stuck into the gate, if the girl consents to the marriage, then the declared witness removes the knife from the ground. With this sign, they make it clear that the groom has been chosen and let him into the house. After the ritual, the father and mother bless this marriage, and the young go to the registry office or to the church.

ceremony traditions

After the official marriage, the whole procession goes to the appointed place for the celebration. Before entering the room where the newlyweds will have a banquet, parents meet with bread and salt. Each of the spouses, having dipped the kalach in salt, eats it. This custom protects the young family from possible quarrels.

After the ceremony, all invitees go to. A festive banquet should be chic and the table is bursting with treats. Guests enter the hall in pairs and present rich gifts and flowers. The first word is given new family who thanks all those present for accepting the invitation.

All the action is accompanied by ancient national music. All attendees are required to wear traditional attire. The bride ties her head with a scarf after the wedding. At this moment, the newlyweds are wrapped in donated carpets, curtains and fabrics.

Dancing is an integral part of the wedding ceremony. Be sure to dance two national dances, the first "Hora" (a sign of the official conclusion of marriage) and the final "Dance of Masks". The celebration lasts for three days.


During the feast, the planted couple goes around friends and relatives with a wicker basket. Everyone must put money in the basket and announce the amount. In gratitude for the monetary offering to the guest, a national melody is played.

Moldovans present as gifts either a household item or an impressive amount of money. The entire donated amount is spent on home improvement or on a honeymoon trip.

The final stage of the feast is cutting the cake. The accomplished spouse independently cuts the treat into pieces. Each piece is given to the guest, by this the bride shows her concern for her relatives for the celebration.