
Modern programs for the development of speech. Important advantages of the "Rainbow" program Download the rainbow program in fgos Word

Educational area"Socially communication development»

Content is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions; the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; formation of positive attitudes towards various types labor and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

The formation of social relations occurs in the process of gaming, labor and communication activities, in joint and independent activity teacher with children, in cooperation with parents.

Methodical equipment:

The program "Rainbow" T. N. Doronova

Partial program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" N. Avdeeva, O. Knyazeva, R. Sterkina

Educational area "Speech development"

Includes possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write. It is implemented in direct educational activities, in the course of regime moments, in independent activities of children

The development of children in the speech direction is carried out through the implementation of the educational activities of children in the development of speech, reading fiction, literacy in the course of direct educational activities, as well as in the joint and independent activities of the teacher with children.

Methodical equipment:

- Gerbova V.V. "Learning to speak"

Grizik T.I. "We speak correctly."

Gerbova V.V. "Introducing children to fiction."

Educational area "Cognitive development"

It involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and consequences, etc.), about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world. , And aimed at achieving the goals of developing children's cognitive interests, intellectual development of children.

The development of children in the cognitive direction is carried out through the implementation of the educational activities of children in design, REMP, sensory, familiarization with the environment, patriotic education, in the course of direct educational activities, as well as in the joint and independent activities of the teacher with children.

Methodical equipment:

§ Program "Rainbow" T.N. Doronova

§ Methodical manuals for the program "Rainbow" by T.N. Doronova:

- Solovieva E.V. "Mathematics and Logic for Preschoolers", "My Mathematics"

Grizik T.I. "Know the world"

Grizik T.I. "Objects around us"

Goncharenko S.S. "I'll do it myself"

Doronova T.N. "I saddle myself"

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

It involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

The artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is carried out through the implementation of educational

activities of children in music, modeling, drawing, manual labor, applications, in the course of direct educational activities, as well as in joint and independent activities of a teacher with children.

Methodical equipment

· Program "Rainbow" by T. Doronova

· Methodical manuals for the program "Rainbow" by T.N. Doronova:

Galyant I.G. Musical development of children 2-7 years old.

T. Doronova "To preschoolers about art", "Artistic creativity of children 2-7 years old"

I.G. Gribovskaya "Folk Art and Children's Art"

The specific content of these educational areas depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the goals and objectives of the Program and is implemented in various types of activities (communication, play, cognitive research activities - as through mechanisms of child development):

· for preschool children(3 years - 8 years) - a number of activities, such as a game, including a role-playing game, a game with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive research (research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them), as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work (indoors and outdoors), construction from different material, including construction kits, modules, paper, natural and other materials, visual (drawing, modeling, appliqué), music (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of activity of the child.

In the part formed by the participants of educational relations, the Programs selected and / or developed independently by the participants in educational relations are presented, aimed at the development of children in one or more educational areas, activities and / or cultural practices (hereinafter referred to as partial educational programs), methods, forms of organization of educational work.

This part of the curriculum takes into account the educational needs, interests and motives of children, their families and teachers and is focused on:

The choice of those partial educational programs and forms of organizing work with children that best meet the needs and interests of children, as well as the capabilities of the teaching staff.


Educational activities designed taking into account the maximum - permissible volume of the weekly educational load and corresponds to five educational areas

§ Physical development

· "Health"

Physical development indoors and outdoors

o Socio-communicative development

o Speech development:

Development of speech

· Fiction

o "Cognitive development

· Construction

· Knowledge of the world

5 . Artistic and aesthetic e development:

· Drawing


The educational process in MBDOU is implemented not only in educational activities, but also in the joint activities of an adult and a child, which makes it possible to reduce the teaching load and allows for a differentiated approach to children, individual work.

A harmonious combination of individual, subgroup and frontal forms of organization of directly educational and joint activities ensures their innovativeness and integrity.

6. Targets for the development of the program:

Targets preschool education , represent the social and normative age characteristics of the possible achievements of the child at the stage of completing the level of preschool education. The specificity of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of a child’s development, a high range of options for its development, its immediacy and involuntaryness), as well as the systemic features of preschool education (the optional level of preschool education in Russian Federation, the lack of the possibility of imputing any responsibility to the child for the result) make unlawful the requirements from the child of preschool age of specific educational achievements and necessitate the determination of the results of mastering the educational program in the form of targets.

Targets are not subject to direct assessment, including in the form of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring), and are not the basis for their formal comparison with the real achievements of children.

In accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education (FSES), when implementing the Program, we assess the individual development of children. This assessment is made teacher within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the individual development of preschool children, associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning).

The results of pedagogical diagnostics (monitoring) are used exclusively to solve the following educational tasks:

1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of the characteristics of his development);

2) optimization of work with a group of children.

The development of criteria and indicators for assessing the individual development of preschool children is based on the content lines of preschool education, represented by the following areas of child development: physical, cognitive, speech, socio-communicative and artistic and aesthetic development.

The main purpose of the monitoring system is to assess the success of solving educational problems, as well as timely adjustment and optimization of the forms and methods of educational work, depending on the dynamics of children achieving the planned results of mastering the main general education program.

The main features of the monitoring system are:

Evaluation of the real achievements of the child, manifested in his daily activity and activities in the natural environment (in games, in the process of free and organized educational activities, during regime moments);

· Determining the dynamics of intermediate and final results;

· Accounting for the estimated indicators of the zone of proximal development of each child;

Continuity with both early childhood achievement monitoring and student outcome monitoring elementary school, formulated in the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education

Monitoring is carried out by preschool teachers based on observations of children, conversations and the creation of simple diagnostic situations.

The monitoring system is three-level: “quality is stable” (2 points), “quality is unstable”, that is, in fact, it is in the zone of proximal development, at the stage of formation, and manifests itself only in joint activities with an adult (1 point), “quality does not appear” (0 points).

The frequency of monitoring twice a year (in autumn and spring) for the same diagnostic indicators, which will reveal the dynamics of the development of program requirements during the year. (Monitoring tables )

The monitoring results are expressed as a percentage and objectively show:

· Successful mastering of the program by each child;

· Successful mastering of the content of the educational areas identified in the Program by the whole group of children;

If by the end of the year the child's development indicators are less than 50%, then this serves as a reason for an additional examination of the child by a psychologist or other specialist. An individual program of activities is being developed to promote the activation of the child's development process.

So, at the center of the educational model of MBDOU is the CHILD, its development at each of the age stages. Monitoring the assimilation of the educational program by pupils of preschool educational institutions act as an indicator of effectiveness

Monitoring the level of assimilation of educational areas by children middle groups according to program requirements

Educational area "Socio-communicative development" (security)

middle group

Surname of the child Under the heading “Home Safety”: According to the section “Safety in nature Under the section “Child and other people”: According to the section "Safety on the street and the road": Child total (mean)
Has elementary ideas about possible traumatic situations that are dangerous to health, ways to prevent them about the dangers of household appliances substandard products about the dangers of taking medications. 44Knows some rules of behavior in nature, tries not to trample on plants; knows that it is not necessary to tear and taste unfamiliar plants, begins to realize that other living beings may depend on his actions, acquires the very first skills in caring for plants; (score by parameter 29) He has primary ideas about poisonous plants, edible and inedible mushrooms. Has the notion that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous. Has elementary ideas about typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers and behaves adequately in such situations. Has an idea about the rules of behavior on the road in accordance with age criteria He has elementary ideas about possible traumatic situations in the yard dangerous to health, ways to prevent them. Knows traffic rules in accordance with age

Educational area "Social and communicative development" ( role-playing game)


Surname of the child 45. Score for parameter 12 Shows a desire to communicate with peers, tries to build interaction - so far with varying degrees of success. 46. ​​Score for parameter 8 Shows goodwill towards peers and adults;. Adequately responds to joyful and sad events in the nearest society 47. assessment according to parameter 16 Tries to correlate his actions with generally accepted rules, makes comments to a peer and an adult when rules are violated. 49. Assessment for parameter 13 Teams up with children for joint games, acts in accordance with the proposed rules 50. Reflects in games plots from different areas of reality (everyday, fabulous, professional, etc.) 51. Understands and uses in his speech words denoting an emotional state, ethical and aesthetic characteristics Uses buildings made of building materials in the game, substitute items in the game Has initial ideas about himself Has primary ideas about the family, society and state
Uses theatrics 23. Knows his first name (full and short), last name, gender, age 24. Is aware of his individual skills (“I can fasten buttons”, “I learned to ride a scooter”, etc.); can list a few examples of things he can’t do yet (“I can’t make soup”, “I can’t drive like daddy”) 25. Calls family members, their names, can talk about the activities of family members (professions, hobbies, etc., if the child understands this), about family holidays 26. Can name his country, the street where he lives, the capital of Russia 27. Knows some public holidays

Educational area "Social and communicative development" (Labor)

middle group

Surname of the child Self service Household work labor in nature 52. Knows what household chores adults do (buy things and groceries in the store, cook food, wash dishes, wash clothes, etc.) 53. Has ideas about some professions, can name them and talk about them, respects the work of others 54. Understands that the objects he uses are made by the labor of many adults, that they must be handled with care so that they serve for a long time, and if they are no longer needed, then they can be transferred to other people who themselves cannot acquire them Child total (mean)
Ability to dress, undress, and fold clothes independently They know how to wash themselves, keep their hands clean Independently perform the duties of those on duty in the dining room (arrange bread bins, put deep plates, napkin holders, lay out cutlery) Perform the duties of those on duty in the preparation of materials for classes They know how to maintain order in the group room, on the site of the kindergarten Know how to water plants They are happy to participate in feeding wintering birds. With pleasure they take part in caring for plants in the garden and in the flower garden Able to tidy up used work equipment

Educational area "Cognitive development" (FEMP)

middle group

sensory development Formation of elementary mathematical representations
Surname of the child 55. Able to identify and express in speech signs of similarity and difference of objects according to various characteristics 56. Able to continue a series of objects or figures with one changing feature 57. Knows how to distinguish and name all the colors of the spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet); distinguishes and names black, gray, white colors; shades of colors (light green, dark green, dark red, dark blue) 58. Can count within 10, count 10 items from a larger number. correlate the entry of numbers 1-10 with the number of objects Knows numbers within 10 knows how to find the place of an object in a row, answer the question: “Which place is on the right (left)?”, arrange numbers from 1 to 10 in order 59. Knows how to recognize and name a square, rectangle, oval, find objects in the environment that are similar in shape 60. Can directly compare objects in length, width, height arrange up to 5 objects in ascending order, express in speech the relationship between them 61. Knows how to determine the direction of movement from himself (up, down, forward, backward, right, left); shows right and left hands; names the parts of the day, establishes their sequence Correct use of cardinal and ordinal numbers Distinguishes between straight, curved, broken, closed, open lines Child total (mean)

(the world)

middle group

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening of horizons, development of cognitive research activities
Surname of the child 63. Has an idea about different modes of transport 63. Has ideas about different types of clothes, dishes, furniture, names them, can describe how they differ can name several differences between the life of the city and the countryside, talk about them; understands the difference between weekdays and holidays, knows several holidays, can name them ( New Year, birthday) 64. Distinguishes between the world of animate and inanimate nature, highlights what is done by human hands 5. Asks search questions: “Why?”, “Why?”, “How?”, “From where?” 6. Actively gets acquainted with the properties of new surrounding objects (ways of their use, possibilities, etc.); tends to experiment Knows about professions (doctor, teacher, hairdresser, librarian, driver, cook) They have an idea of ​​the qualitative properties of inanimate nature (stone, sand, soil, water, etc.) They have an idea about the quality and properties of natural materials (wood, clay, etc.) Have an understanding of domestic and wild animals and their young Have an idea about the life of animals in natural conditions Names insects in the kindergarten area Knows and distinguishes 3 shrubs, 4 - 5 trees Knows 3-4 herbaceous plants of forests, meadows, fields 3 indoor plants Knows and names wintering birds Knows seasonal changes in nature Determines the state of the weather (sunny, overcast, windy, rainy, snowy) 28. Knows how to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships (when it’s cold outside, the water in the puddle freezes, and when it’s warm, the ice melts; in the fall, birds fly away to warm lands because they have nothing to eat, a plant needs light, water, land and etc.) Participates in games - experiments with sand, snow, ice, water, soap suds, shadows, mirrors, optical glasses, sounds. 22. Uses simple ready-made schematics to solve simple problems, builds according to the scheme Child total (mean)

Educational area "Cognitive development"(construction)

middle group

FULL NAME. child Development of design activities
65. With pleasure designs various products and buildings from building parts, paper, cardboard, natural and household materials, furniture. It takes into account both the structural properties of materials (shape, stability, size, placement in space), and the purpose of the building itself; Creates variants of the same object, taking into account the design task Knowledge of the basic details of a building material, the ability to distinguish and name building details (cube, plate, bar) The ability to build buildings from large and small building materials in accordance with the size of the toys, using parts of different colors Design from paper: bend a rectangular sheet of paper in half, combining sides and corners They are glued to the main form of the part (windows to the house, doors - a pipe; wheels to the bus, back to the chair) Child development level

Educational area "Speech development" (speech development)

middle group

Surname of the child 66. Has an age-appropriate vocabulary; names objects, their qualities, properties, actions (nouns, adjectives, verbs); Correctly uses words denoting spatial relationships Agrees nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case, focuses on the ending of words Forms verb forms 67. Understands the meaning of riddles, knows how to solve riddles based on the description of objects, phenomena, their properties, actions with them 68. Has a developed speech ear, can pick up words with a certain sound, highlights the first sound in a word 69. Possesses intonation expressiveness, speaks with different intonations (narrative, interrogative, exclamatory), diction is quite clear 70. Can retell the content of short fairy tales and stories, both already familiar and read for the first time Answers simple questions about the text, can reconstruct the plot from pictures 71. Makes up short stories from a picture or personal experience Describes toys and objects using different types statements: description, narration and some components of reasoning Knows the authors of children's works (Chukovsky, Marshak, Barto, etc.)

Educational area "Speech development" (Reading fiction) middle group

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"(drawing) middle group

Surname of the child 73. With interest depicts familiar objects and phenomena (everyday, natural), Independently finds and embodies in a drawing, collage, crafts simple stories on the topics of the surrounding life, fiction, favorite cartoons 74. In created images conveys with accessible graphic, pictorial and plastic means various features of the depicted objects (shape, proportions, color, texture, characteristic details Owns various artistic techniques (adhering, applying dots, spots, rotating a glue brush tightly attached to paper) 75. Expresses his ideas, experiences, feelings, thoughts with accessible visual and expressive means; shows aesthetic emotions and feelings when perceiving works of different types of art Ability to mix colors to create shades Draws according to the idea, from nature. Knows how to draw based on the Dymkovo Khokhloma painting,

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"(sculpting, application)

middle group

They know how to roll plasticine in straight and circular motions, flatten, connect in the form of a ring, pinch the edges of the form Combines natural, waste material with layer Knows how to use the stack In modeling, he owns techniques: flattening, smoothing, indentation, retraction, lubrication, circular molding Bend, pinch the edges of a flattened shape They know how to sculpt objects from several parts ... correctly position the parts, observing proportions Know how to properly hold scissors and use them ..cut across narrow, wide strips ... a diagonal square ..make oblique cuts Can compose images of objects from separate parts Patterns of floral and geometric shapes on a strip, strip, circle, quadrangle, stick them in sequence Can cut a circle and an oval from a quadrilateral owns the way of breaking Folds a sheet of paper in half diagonally Child development level

Working with parents

Partnership with the family is built on the basis of mutual respect and voluntariness.

Purpose of interaction with family- to make parents active participants in the educational process, helping them to exercise responsibility for the upbringing and education of children

« physical development»:

Informing parents about the factors affecting the physical health of the child (calm communication, nutrition, hardening, movement).

Stimulation of the child's motor activity by joint sports games, walks.

"Social and communicative development"


Acquaintance of parents with situations that are dangerous for the health of the child (at home, in the country, on the road, in the forest, near a pond) and how to behave in them;

Involve parents in active recreation with children.

" a game ":

To interest parents in the development of children's play activities that ensure successful socialization, assimilation of gender behavior;

Accompany and support the family in the implementation of educational influences.


Learn traditions labor education in the families of pupils;

Conduct joint competitions with parents, actions for the improvement and landscaping of the territory of the kindergarten, focusing on the needs and capabilities of children and evidence-based principles and standards.

"Cognitive development":

Orient parents to the development of the child's need for knowledge, communication with adults and peers;

"Speech development":

Develop the skills of parents to communicate with the child;

Show the value of kind, warm communication with the child.

"Reading Fiction":

Show parents the value of home reading

Show the methods and techniques of familiarizing the child with fiction.

"Artistic and aesthetic development":

Support the desire of parents to develop the artistic activity of children in kindergarten and at home; - to involve parents in active forms of joint activities with children that contribute to the emergence of creative inspiration.


reveal the possibilities of music as a means of beneficial effects on the mental health of the child.

forward planning work with parents.



active form work Visual information Target Individual work Responsible
Do we understand each other Consultation - folder Help parents develop cognitive abilities in children Tips on how to help develop abilities in this activity educators
Consultation "What parents need to know about the patterns of development of children's speech" Consultation To give in-depth knowledge of the patterns of development of children's speech. Answers to parents' questions. Individual answers - recommendations. Educators.
Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials "Autumn Still Life" Announcement, craft exhibition Involve parents in the design of the exhibition, joint work; bonding between children and adults Assistance in the selection of crafts, their design. Parents, teachers, children
Photo exhibition: "Autumn Mosaic" photo exhibition Introduce best photos, help parents in registration. Help parents in the design of the exhibition, individual conversations, discussion of specific problems, case Educators, parents, children

"Rainbow" - comprehensive program upbringing, education and development of preschoolers, according to which kindergartens in Russia work. The program ensures the comprehensive development of the child, its most important components are play and physical development, the formation of the habit of healthy lifestyle life, providing mental comfort for every child.

The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For all the main activities of preschoolers, there are sets of benefits for children of various age groups and recommendations for educators.

For classes under this program, sets of manuals for preschoolers for all types of activities and methodological recommendations for educators have been created.

The main goals of the program:

  • providing the child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the preschool years;
  • ensuring the protection and strengthening of his health (both physical and mental);
  • comprehensive and timely mental development;
  • formation of an active and careful-respectful attitude to the world around;
  • familiarization with the main spheres of human culture (labor, knowledge, art, morality).

Red color - Physical Culture : in the classroom, habits are formed to protect one's health, to cleanliness, accuracy, order, cultural and hygienic skills and elements of self-control during movements, skills of correct behavior in situations that threaten life and health, and their prevention are developed;

orange color - game: the game is considered the leading activity of the work, it allows you to provide psychological comfort, create an atmosphere emotional warmth. security, remove excessive organization and neuroticism of children. It allows a feeling of sympathy and interest in a playmate to arise;

yellow color - visual activity and manual labor: - training in visual activity and artistic work occurs through the acquaintance of children with samples of folk and decorative and applied art (works by Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toy, etc.). Children are taught to draw with pencils and paints, modeling on the basis of acquaintance with folk plasticity;

green color - construction: makes it possible to develop imagination, fantasy and mentally educate the baby; children learn to build from building materials, develop constructive prerequisites, join the process of creativity in design;

blue color - musical and plastic art classes: allow you to develop aesthetic experiences, form an interest in music, develop the musical and sensory abilities of the child, the ability to move to the beat, spatial coordination;

blue color - classes for the development of speech and familiarization with others: teaching native and foreign languages ​​occurs through familiarization with works of folk art, fiction;

purple color - math: teaching mathematics takes place in an atmosphere of goodwill, support for the child, even if he made a mistake, the desire to express his opinion is encouraged; children not only learn mathematics, but master the skills of educational activities: they determine the task, the direction of the search, evaluate the results.

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by subject" Theoretical foundations of contentIand organization

preschool education"

on the topic: Program" Rainbow"

Kyzyl - 2013


"Rainbow" is a comprehensive program for the upbringing, education and development of preschoolers, according to which kindergartens in Russia work. The program ensures the comprehensive development of the child, its most important components are play and physical development, the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle, and the provision of mental comfort for each child.

The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For all the main activities of preschoolers, there are sets of benefits for children of various age groups and recommendations for educators.

For classes under this program, sets of manuals for preschoolers for all types of activities and methodological recommendations for educators have been created.

Purpose of the program- to form such personality traits as upbringing, independence, purposefulness, the ability to set a task and achieve its solution. The formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the means of education and psychological development child.

Before the educators put forward general tasks:

Ø to create an opportunity for the child to live these years joyfully and meaningfully;

Ø ensure the protection and strengthening of his health (both physical and mental);

Ø to promote comprehensive and timely mental development;

Ø to form an active and careful-respectful attitude to the world around;

Ш to attach to the main spheres of human culture (labor, knowledge, art, morality, etc.).

The program is based on the idea that each year of a child's life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. The effectiveness of the upbringing and educational process depends on how specific pedagogical work is focused on the formation of these neoplasms: goal-setting, purposefulness of children's activities (in the younger preschool age); going beyond the limits of reality and interest in the sign system (in the middle preschool age); arbitrariness of mental processes (at the senior preschool age).

The pedagogical work provided for in the program is built on the basis of theoretical positions on the leading role of activity in the mental development of the child and the formation of his personality. The creation of special conditions opens up a wide field for independent actions of children, stimulates the setting of new goals, and allows them to look for their own solutions.

Those changes in the activities of children that can be achieved at the age of 4-5 years are a natural consequence and continuation of the fundamental changes in the activities of the child, which are formed between the ages of two and three years. It is then that children develop the ability to set goals. This means that before the start of actions, the child already knows what he wants to get at the end of them - in other words, he has some kind of idea, some kind of image of the future result.

Further development of goal-setting goes along the line of appearance of chains of interconnected goals: to build a garage for a car of the appropriate size, to build a train of chairs, a sand house, etc.

Another important line in the development of activity is the child's attitude to the product of such purposeful actions. If at first the child is satisfied with any result, then later, in the fourth year of life, he has certain requirements for the quality of the expected result.

The next step in the formation of goal-setting is the ability to set new goals based on what has been achieved. The system of goals can unfold over a long period of time, weeks. This means that more general plans are fixed by the child and find their implementation. The ability to independently develop a system of goals arising from each other is an important condition for independent and creative activity.

An essential point in pedagogical work is also the creation of motivation that encourages children to master what an adult would like to form in them. At the same time, such techniques are needed that would ensure the emergence of the necessary motivation in most children. The authors of the program identify three types of motivation that can be used to encourage children to willingly learn something new that adults will pass on to them: game motivation, communication motivation, and self-interest motivation. The "Guide" gives their specific description in relation to different sections of the work.

The authors of the program called it "Rainbow" by analogy with the seven-color rainbow, since it includes seven most important activities of children and activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place:

Physical culture (the most important subject is Red color);

The game (which is the basis of the program -- Orange color);

Visual activity and manual labor (based on acquaintance with decorative folk art - yellow);

Design (development of imagination - green color);

Classes in musical and plastic arts (the formation of aesthetic experiences - blue);

Classes for the development of speech and familiarization with the outside world ( Blue colour);

Mathematics ( purple).

Those teachers who want to work under the Rainbow program, the authors urge, first of all, to understand what a child of this age is, to love him for his individuality. The developed scientific and methodological system of pedagogical creativity of the program "Rainbow" is quite laborious, it requires a high culture of labor organization. Therefore, in the guidelines for each age group is given rough planning pedagogical work for a year, the content of the work during the day is revealed: the list and duration of individual elements of the daily routine, as well as their methodological content, purpose and means.

An educational and methodological complex has been developed for the program, helping teachers to implement this program.

comprehensive program rainbow preschoolers

1. Some didactic games of the program "Rainbow"

One of the main objectives of the program is the formation of an active and careful attitude towards the world around us.

Purpose: formation of ecological culture of children

When using didactic games, the following tasks are solved:

2. Formation of ecological ideas about plants

3. Formation of ecological ideas about objects and phenomena of inanimate nature

4. Formation of an environmentally friendly attitude to natural objects

P Examples of didactic games for each educational task:

1. Formation of ecological ideas about the animal world

Games with objects

A game.Who eats what?

Target. To consolidate children's ideas about animal food.

Game progress. Children get out of the bag: carrots, cabbage, raspberries, cones, grain, oats, etc. They name it and determine which animal eats this food.

A game.What first - what then?

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the development and growth of animals.

Game progress. Children are presented with objects: an egg, a chicken, a model of a chicken; kitten, cat; puppy, dog. Children need to arrange these items in the correct order.

Board games

Game "Four pictures"

Target. To consolidate children's ideas about the environment, develop attention and observation.

Game progress. The game consists of 24 pictures depicting birds, butterflies, animals. The host shuffles the cards and distributes them to the game participants (from 3 to 6 people) equally. Each player must pick up 4 cards of the same content. The beginner of the game, having considered his cards, passes one of them to the person sitting on the left. That one, if he needs a card, keeps it for himself, and also passes any unnecessary one to a neighbor on the left, etc. After picking up the cards, each player puts them face down in front of him. When all possible sets have been picked up, the game ends. The participants in the game turn over the collected cards, lay them out four at a time so that everyone can see. The one with the most correctly matched cards wins.

word games

The game "Who lives in the house?"

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge of animals, to learn to imitate their voices.

Game progress. Children depict familiar animals sitting in houses. The teacher goes around the houses in turn, knocks on each and says: “Knock-knock-knock, who lives in this house?” Children answer: “Moo-mu-mu!”, “Be-e-e”, “Meow-meow!” etc. The teacher guesses who lives in the house.

The game "Guess who it is?"

Target. reinforce children's ideas about characteristics wild and domestic animals.

Game progress. The teacher describes the animal (its appearance, habits, habitat ...) children must guess who they are talking about.

2. Formation of ecological ideas about plants

Games with objects

The game "Children on a branch"

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach them to select them according to their belonging to one plant.

Game progress. Children examine the leaves of trees and shrubs, name them. At the suggestion of the educator: "Children, find your branches" - the guys pick up the corresponding fruit for each leaf. This game can be played with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. The children themselves can prepare the material for the game.

Game "Find what to show"

didactic task. Find an item by similarity.

Equipment. On two trays lay out the same sets of vegetables and fruits. Cover one (for the teacher) with a napkin.

Game progress. The teacher shows for a short time one of the items hidden under the napkin and removes it again, then invites the children: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it is called.” Children take turns doing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin have been named.

Board games

Game "Magic Train"

Target. Consolidate and systematize children's ideas about trees, shrubs.

Material. Two trains cut out of cardboard (each train has 4 cars with 5 windows); two sets of cards with the image of plants.

Game progress: On the table in front of the children is a "train" and cards with the image of animals. Educator. In front of you is a train and passengers. They need to be placed on the cars (in the first - bushes, in the second - flowers, etc.) so that one passenger is visible in each window. The first one to place the animals on the wagons correctly will be the winner.

Similarly, this game can be played to consolidate ideas about various groups of plants (forests, gardens, meadows, orchards).

word games

The game "Find what to tell about"

didactic task. Find items according to the listed signs.

Equipment. Vegetables and fruits are laid out along the edge of the table so that all the children can clearly see the distinctive features of the objects.

Game progress. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is, he names the shape of vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher suggests to one of the guys: “Show it on the table, and then name what I talked about.” If the child coped with the task, the teacher describes another subject, and another child performs the task. The game continues until all the children have guessed the item according to the description.

3. Formation of ecological ideas about objects and natural phenomena

Games with objects

Game "When does it happen?"

Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena.

Game progress. Children are offered leaves of different plants with different colors, cones, a herbarium of flowering plants, etc. depending on the time of year. Children need to name the time of the year when there are such leaves, branches, flowers.

Game "What is it?"

Target: clarify children's ideas about objects of inanimate nature.

Material: natural - sand, stones, earth, water, snow.

Game progress. Children are offered pictures and, depending on what is drawn on it, it is necessary to decompose accordingly natural material, answer what is it? And what is it? (Large, heavy, light, small, dry, wet, loose.) What can be done with it?

Board games

Game "When is this?"

Target. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal phenomena in nature.

Game progress. Each of the children has subject pictures depicting snowfall, rain, a sunny day, cloudy weather, hail is coming, the wind is blowing, icicles are hanging, etc. and plot pictures with images of different seasons. Children need to correctly decompose the pictures they have.

word games

Game "When does it happen?"

Target. Clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.

Game progress.

1 option. The teacher reads interspersed short texts in verse or prose about the seasons, and the children guess.

II option. The teacher calls the time of the year, and the children take turns answering what happens at this time of the year and what people do. If someone is at a loss, an adult helps with questions. Game teaching methodology. Each new game children need to be taught. The training is phased.

IN junior groups at the first stage, the teacher plays the game together with the children. In the course of the game, he announces one rule and immediately implements it, and during repeated plays he announces additional rules. At the second stage, the educator turns off from active participation in the game - he leads from the outside: he helps the children, directs the game. In the third stage, children play on their own. The teacher only observes the actions of the children.

Starting from middle group the way to learn the game is different. The teacher tells the content of the game, previously isolating 1-2 important rules. In the course of the game, he once again emphasizes these rules, shows game actions, and gives additional rules. Thus, learning the game at the first stage is a story about the content, familiarization with the rules during the game.

In the next stage, the children play on their own. The teacher watches the game, helps, corrects mistakes, resolves conflicts. When interest in the game disappears, the teacher gives a new version of it.

Formation of environmentally friendly attitude to nature

Board games

A game"Take Care of Plants"

Target. reinforce children's ideas about various ways plant care.

Material. Cards with the image of a watering can, spray gun, brush, scissors; 7-8 indoor plants.

Children sit at a table on which are cards with images of items needed for caring for plants. Children need to determine what kind of care a particular plant needs, with what tool it is performed - the children show the appropriate card. Whoever answers correctly will take care of this plant after the game.

I would like to note that the didactic games presented in the work are only a small part of the system for using didactic games as one of the means of environmental education of preschool children.

List of used literature

1. Nikolaeva S.N., Komarova I.A. Story games in the environmental education of preschoolers. M., 2003

2. Nikolaeva S.N. environmental education younger preschoolers. M., 2002

3. http://www.maaam.ru/ Program "Rainbow" / Doronova T.N. M., 2003.

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